» Fiction » Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗

Book online «Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗». Author Aurora Kryan

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impaled on the spear. And me? Well I was having my blood completely drained by a vampire I hadn’t seen yet.

Guess this is how it ends for me. Too bad I really wanted to be a kick butt vampire princess.

I blinked slowly as I let the fog take me down with it.

I felt as cold as ice and limp as a rag doll. The realization that there was no way I would survive this set in when I went completely numb. I think I fell to the floor or something because I felt strange and I heard a distant thud. I smiled, or maybe I just thought I did, but I wanted to smile. I never got to tell Gage I loved him too.

Here I was dead and in the end he was the first one to say it. And when I was so hopeful I could be with him too and now nothing. Nothing was going to happen between us because I was dead. My chest almost felt like it jumped and my heart beat once, then again and something pressed on my mouth giving me air. The air burned but my lungs refused to work with it.

My heart refused to beat for me. The only thing working in this corpse was my hearing, and that was bizarre enough without the sounds. I could hear growling from Gage or maybe Nero I didn’t know the difference. Then I could hear Gage yelling at me and felt my chest jump again. Was he trying to revive me? I wanted to cry.

He was so sweet trying to bring me back from the dead. Just forget me already Gage it’s hopeless.

“You better not be crying because you’re giving up and I’m not. Do you hear me! I will never give up on you!” He yelled at me.


I felt his lips press to mine as he continued the CPR. Again my lungs let the air out and refused to take more in on its own. My heart never beat again but my chest kept being compressed and air was forced into my lungs. I think he kept at it for a good five minutes before the voice.

‘Turn her already Yoru ni no ko.’ The voice must have spoken to him to and not just me this time because next thing I knew liquid was running down my dry throat. It tasted like liquid sugar and instantly I knew it was Gage’s blood.

Wait I was just drained and now he’s giving me his blood. He’s going to turn me! Don’t Gage don’t I might kill you please stop.

‘Princess do not fret I will not let you harm the one close to you. I will guide you for that is what I am here for.’ For some reason the voice soothed me. Whoever the voice belonged to was becoming more familiar to me the more blood I took in. Gages arm was ripped from me and I gasped arching my back.

An intense pain swept over my body and as fast as it had come it was gone again. I opened my eyes rolling to my side finding I was much stronger then I use to be. I could see much better, smell, and sense more. I was a vampire.

Chapter Twenty-six

I took in the scene before me as I stood. Gage was growling at Nero as he struggled against his hold. Nero was tall and old looking. His lanky body was hidden behind Gage’s muscular one. And his gray hair was a major contrast against Gage’s dark brown. They were so different and yet so similar.

“Take it easy brother I don’t want to have to kill you, just the girl.”

Gage snarled at Nero as he spoke about killing me.

Too bad I already died,

I thought sarcastically. There was a sharp debilitating shock in my back that brought me down to my knees. I clawed at the carpet as it kept burning at my back, trying to eat away at me. ‘You must make the full change princess your body can’t stay in that weal form. It will destroy its self.’

“What do I do?” I said between clenched teeth.

‘What you know you must.’ The disembodied voice responded.

I don’t know what that is. No wait I do. I must use my magic to resurrect my true body

. I stood on my feet squared my shoulders and raised my arms above my head so the backs of my hands touched. I closed my eyes concentrating on the faces I had seen before, what the common traits were in the vampire ones.

While I concentrated I heard something hit the futon knocking my laptop off. I was annoyed until it started playing music into the almost empty house once more. I listened to the Evanescence song.

“Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up)”

“Lyric!” Gage screamed.

I opened my eyes lowering my hands till they were parallel to the floor palms up. Golden flakes magically showed down on my from above my head. They changed my body, reincarnating it from new born Lyric into the fist vampires, into the blood princess’s, into Night child’s, or as she’s called in her native Japanese Yoru ni no ko. The instant I saw the arrow headed for my heart I flicked my wrist at it freezing it in mid air.

“Kitsune.” I called to my guardian.

My bow that had been lying on the floor started to glow as it hummed. Then as it burst into flames as it flew to me resting on my outstretched arm. The flames died revealing a small white demon fox with red eyes, paws, tail tip, and muzzle. ‘Princess how good to see you again.’ She said to me in that disembodied voice of hers.

“Likewise Kitsune.”

I gazed at Nero seeing my reflection in his red eyes. My brown hair had lengthened and changed color so that it now extended past my waist hanging freely like a crimson cape. My eyes were different from a normal vampire’s. Instead of pure red round iris’s they looked like red dragon eyes. My body was different too, move curved and elegant. The while silk angel sleeve top I wore was a major contras against the red bodice.

The front of legs showed in the white red trimmed skirt while the back of my legs were hidden by the trail stopping just above my heels. Red heels laced up to my knees and then on my right arm a matching red ribbon crisscrossed to my elbow where it stopped and left the ends hang. All of it was stunning and clearly made for a princess. But it’s not what intrigued me.

No the crimson dragon wings attached to my back were what caught my eye the most. My inspection of my new body was short lived when Nero decided to throw another arrow at me.

“Lyric!” Gage screamed again.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Gage was still stuck in Nero’s head lock but that didn’t stop him from trying to save me. He struggled trying to shove them off balance to no vale. So he bit Nero’s arm making his shot go for my leg and not my heart.

“Kitsune?” I asked.

‘Course.’ She responded leaping off my arm to catch the arrow. I use my speed, which was even faster than a normal vampire’s, to get behind Nero. Kitsune’s diversion worked I had made it behind them without him noticing. I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He screamed as bone popped and snapped in his arm.

The sudden pain made him release Gage and in that moment he did I threw him against a wall. Gage rushed to me embracing me in a hug. He planted kiss after kiss on me where ever he could.

“Thank god you’re alive and safe.” He mumbled against my neck.

My body pulsed at the smell of his blood and I shoved him away. He was confused at my sudden reaction till he saw me holding my throat. He smiled understandingly and showed his neck to me.

I can’t, I might, I afraid I would…

‘Look out behind you!’ I felt it at the same time Kitsune warned me. Spinning I snapped the spear in half and slammed Nero into a wall by the throat.

Gage was next to me in no time at all growling with me at Nero. He took over throwing Nero against another wall and standing over him growling.

“You’ve failed brother. Face it the princess has awakened and she will be no one’s puppet!”

Gage was ready to kill his brother then. His fangs just inches from his throat when I intervened. I placed my hand on his shoulder lightly squeezing to get his attention. His angry red eyes flickered to me then he stood up and backed away from Nero. Once freed Nero tired to escape but I wouldn’t allow it I was thirsty and he was the last vampire we had to kill before I could be free.

I jerked his head aside and bit him. He screamed reaching out to Gage for help as I began to drain him. Gage glared at his brother clearly hurt by his betrayal and then turned his back on him. I wrapped my wings around the two of us so his screams would quite faster. I drained him in no time and rested his body on the floor.

“Lyric, you feel better now?” Gage asked hesitantly.

Last Chapter, Chapter Twenty- Eight

Kitsune climbed up on my shoulders draping herself around them like a scarf. ‘You will not hurt him I promise.’ She told me. I smiled at her petting her soft fur head before I walked toward Gage. He searched my eyes for the thirst but I knew he would only find love in them. I circled my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest. I felt him relax and hold me swaying us back and forth slightly.

I turned to look up at him and he met me with a kiss. I responded by kissing back making it heat up more. I wrapped my wings around him so he was pressed to me as much as possible.

“I love you.” I mumbled against his lips.

“I love you to blood princess Lyric.” He said slightly laughing.

I broke the kiss a moment later coming up for air. My wings pulled away from him and I folded them behind my back tightly. He snaked an arm around my waist and turned me to the front door.

“It’s over I survived and I’m a vampire. That’s something I’ve always wanted to say.” I laughed.

As we exited my destroyed house Kitsune stood up growling at something. I stopped frozen where I was because of her warning. I pulled Gage back two steppes saving him from something that was whistling towards us. The object embedded in the frame of my door inches from my face. I turned searching the area quickly but I didn’t see anything.

Gage had pulled the object out and was examining it. I glanced at it and snatched it from him. It was the same silver object that killed Morgan.

“Morgan!” I called out.

My heart was

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