» Fiction » Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗

Book online «Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗». Author Aurora Kryan

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really loud as the song played on it was so appropriate for what was going down. I pulled the bow back so my hand was parallel to my face and let two arrows fly shooting down a male and female vampire as they stepped on the gray carped of the front room. It was my last arrow.

“I’m out of arrows!” I shouted at Gage.

“And no water!” Gage called to me.

Crap, “Gage come with me, mom here “I threw her an arrow I had killed my first vampire with so she could fight them off while I went for supplies, “Let’s go to the garage bathroom.” I told Gage as we made our way out.

Chapter Twenty-One

I ran out of the front room dodging vampires or hitting them with my bow. I ripped out arrows I came to them only to have to fire them at some vampires.

This is going to slow I can’t leave them unarmed for too long.

I glanced back at my parents as I fired an arrow in a vampire’s eye as it closed in on them. It was the last vampire for now. The only noise in the house was my laptop playing.

“So pardon me while I burst into flames. I've had enough of the world and its people's mindless games. So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame. Pardon me, pardon me... I'll never be the same.”

It was a good song and I bobbed my head to the beat. Gage followed close behind me as we started our water run to the nearest bathroom. I kept arrows in my quiver and two strung on my bow ready for others coming. I knew there were more than just the ones piled in the kitchen after me. A male vampire I had shot in the eye just outside the kitchen twitched when I went to walk by.

I aimed my arrows at him ready if he sprung back up. I watched as his lifeless black eyes turned red, I shivered taking a step back. When I did so they turned black again. Hum, I step forward and they turned red. I shot the vampire dead blank in the chest and his skin turned a weird blackish color and he shriveled like a raisin.

That’s so weird.

I let the arrow I had already on the bow drop down and fixed it as my main one.
Gage moved ahead of me into the bathroom shutting the door. I stood guard watching for vampires who should been coming any minute. A thought accrued to me then in the eerie silence, where are the sisters? They had stayed out of the fight thus far which I was thankful for but at some point they had to die.

Speaking of the devil Aurora shot up from the basement on my right and jumped on me using her small legs to wrap around my waist. Her claws dug into my shoulders as she shook me.

“Lyric, come now join us!” she growled at me shoving my neck to one side poised to bite, “I win.”

I felt her claw my neck drawing blood like an entrée before the main course. I reacted instantly swinging my bow and arrow so I raked it down her face. She gasped and fell off me tumbling down some stairs. She looked like she had passed out from the touch but I didn’t trust her. Taking an arrow from my quiver I poked her side lightly but for some reason it went through her. Her eyes flashed open and she gave me a side long glance.

“Gee thanks.” She said sarcastically.

She turned black and shriveled up like the other vampire. I sunk to my knees,

she’s finally dead it should be over.

My eyes flickered to the light under the door and I screamed.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Gage was running water over his shirtless body making him shrivel and turn black. Then like a horror movie he pulled his skin off and threw it in front of the door. I watched it shrivel and dye. I couldn’t move I was to horrified even when he opened the door to find me staring at his old skin. My gaze eventually flicked up to look at him only to scream like I never screamed before. In front of me Gage stood in translucent skin that showed off all the muscles, nerves, bone, and anything that would be under the skin.

When he reached out to me I screamed bloody murder again dropping everything and scurrying away from him. I scooped up eight arrows and snatched my bow taking off for my parents out of fear. I had no idea why Gage did that or if that meant he was even on my side anymore. I was just plain scared of him right now.

Again I was frozen in place when I took in the scene before me; my parents were staring at me with red eyes and blood flowing from puncture marks on their necks. Bella and Tina stood in the middle of the front room smiling wickedly.

“No!” I screamed at them.

Tears stung at my eyes as I fired my arrow at Bella, missing as she dodged. I turned on Tina next firing five rapid shots. I managed to hit her leg and take her down. She crumpled to the ground her brown hair hiding her face. One of her red eyes looked at me as it faded to brown then blackened.

I lose my parents she loses her sisters, blood for blood.

Bella roared at me as she pulled the arrow from her dead sister’s body and threw it at me.

Letting a squeak escape my lips I dodge to the right to avoid the killer shot, unfortunately my arm wasn’t so lucky. I screamed when the arrow perched my flesh sending shock waves of electricity up my arm. I couldn’t stand and I fell on the floor squirming away from the advancing vampire I had just angered. Bella was looking at my bleeding arm hungrily.

Crap I wish Gage was here…No, no I don’t not after-.

I shivered at the image of him pealing his skin off. My parents came up suddenly flanking Bella, their eyes trained on my arm too, needing to feed after being turned. I closed my eyes accepting that my parents would kill me. I would never harm them even if it meant my life for there’s. Nails buried themselves in my arm with the arrow causing me to scream out as they went deeper and deeper.

Suddenly they were gone and I heard the sound bodies hitting the floor rang out in the dead silence, even my laptop wasn’t playing music in that moment. I opened my eyes to see Gage ripping my dad’s head off. He let it drop like it was nothing, like it was nothing to me. I screamed grabbing an arrow I ran towards him ready to stab him, ready to kill him.

“How could you!”

How could he, the whole point of fighting back was to save them, just them. And he just killed them.

The tip of the arrow touched his chest and then he was pinning my arm to the wall. He pressed his body against me forcing me back against the wall. I beat his chest with my free hand. I could feel the fight drain from me with every blow. Finally I pressed my fist into his chest just glaring at it to exhausted and hurt to do any more.

“Lyric please I had to; they were going to kill you.”

“That was the point.” I said in a broken voice.

“No not for me. The point was to keep you safe.”
“What so I have to join your coven now to make them stronger? Well no. So you are going to kill me now?” I said cynically.

Looking at his face I glared. I had given him as much hate as I could in the few sentences I just said. I truly hated him right now no matter my feelings from before.

“Never, I saved you because I love you.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“You…You.” I couldn’t form the words.

“Love you. I didn’t tell you because I was hiding the truth from you. I was afraid you would hate me after you found out I was a vampire. Obviously I was wrong.”

I looked at his chest spreading my hand out over it. The way it felt, smooth and soft, reminded me of a new born. I poked his skin leaving a white dot on it when I pulled back.

“What did you do?”

“My skin?” I nodded my head at his question, “I removed it so that I’m immune to silver. Water will burn me like before but now at least silver won’t kill me.”

How does that work?

That was the most ridicules thing I heard since Silver Moon. Taking off your skin so you’re immune to silver,

Hollywood never mentioned anything about this in their movies.

I looked up to his eyes questioningly. He was watching me being cautious as he searched my eyes for resistance. I had no reason to kill him, I could see that now.

Despite what I did he was right, I was going to die and he saved me. After I let the stubbornness go I was grateful to him. He finally smiled letting my arm go so he could examine the one that had an arrow lodged in it. His pale face frowned as his hand lightly ran over the area the arrow connected with my arm. I flinched flexing my muscles so I didn’t jerk away.

His red eyes flickered to mine and while I looked at them he broke the arrow end off. I looked back down at my arm to watch what he was doing but he pulled my face up into a kiss. I started to kiss him back even as he ripped the arrow from my arm and squeezed it to stop the bleeding. He was like my own personal morphine; I was unaware of anything but him when we kissed. And I loved him.

“Listen there is a vampire who specializes in silver weapons coming. I want you to run.”

I pulled out of his grip glaring as I held my bleeding arm. There was no way I was going to leave him here to fight alone. Especially after he said he loved me. He was messed up in the head if he thought I would back down now. I still wanted revenge on every vampire who was with Aurora. I opened my mouth to tell him I was staying but I was jerked back from him. My eyes widened as cold foreign hands covered my mouth and pulled my neck over at a painful angle.

“Leave her be Nero!”

Gage snarled at the vampire holding me. Something shiny flashed by my head and I screamed under the hand holding me. Gage was hanging to my TV by a spear that was stuck through his abdomen and he wasn’t moving. I screamed his name as loud as I could with the restricting hand. And then I just plain screamed as Nero bit into my neck.

Chapter Twenty-Five

With every passing second I knew I was coming closer to death. Gage was still

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