» Fiction » The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition, G. A. Henty [ebook offline reader txt] 📗

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list of stories of enterprise and adventure is perhaps unrivalled."—The Daily News.

"The stories published by Messrs. Blackie are of the best, and the paper, print, binding, and illustrations provided are worthy of the stories."—Guardian.

"The lad who owns a complete collection of Mr. Henty's writings will have a remarkably good knowledge of the wars of the world, for all periods of history and all parts of the globe seem equally familiar to this able author."—Graphic.


"Mr. Henty is one of the best of story-tellers for young people."—Spectator.

"Surely Mr. Henty should understand boys' tastes better than any man living."—The Times.

"Among writers of stories of adventure for boys Mr. Henty stands in the very first rank."—Academy.

"Mr. Henty is one of our most successful writers of historical tales."—Scotsman.

St. Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by H. J. Draper, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"A really noble story, which adult readers will find to the full as satisfying as the boys. Lucky boys! to have such a caterer as Mr. G. A. Henty."—Black and White.

"What would boys do without Mr. Henty? Ever fresh and vigorous, his books have at once the solidity of history and the charm of romance. St. Bartholomew's Eve is in his best style, and the interest never flags. The book is all that could possibly be wished from a boy's point of view."—Journal of Education.

"A really good story.... He is a most attractive hero, always plucky and fine-spirited. Numerous hair-breadth escapes and a happy ending—what more could young people want? Boys, and girls too, are strongly advised to read the book, the best Mr. Henty has provided for them lately. The illustrator, Mr. Draper, should have his share of their gratitude."—The Bookman.


Through the Sikh War: A Tale of the Conquest of the Punjab. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Hal Hurst, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Percy is always well to the front in skirmishes and pitched battles.... His luck is as good as his pluck, and he is covered with credit and glory."—Times.

"The picture of the Punjab during its last few years of independence, the description of the battles on the Sutlej, and the portraiture generally of native character, seem admirably true.... On the whole, we have never read a more vivid and faithful narrative of military adventure in India."—The Academy.

"It is well to make boys proud of the manner in which Englishmen built up our Indian Empire, and no one knows better how to accomplish this than this author."—Daily Graphic.


Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by W. Parkinson. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Beric the Briton is the boy's book of the year."—Observer.

"We are not aware that any one has given us quite so vigorous a picture of Britain in the days of the Roman conquest. Mr. Henty has done his utmost to make an impressive picture of the haughty Roman character, with its indomitable courage, sternness, and discipline. Beric is good all through."—Spectator.


In Greek Waters: A Story of the Grecian War of Independence (1821-1827). By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by W. S. Stacey, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"There are adventures of all kinds for the hero and his friends, whose pluck and ingenuity in extricating themselves from awkward fixes are always equal to the occasion. It is an excellent story, and if the proportion of history is smaller than usual, the whole result leaves nothing to be desired."—Journal of Education.


Redskin and Cow-boy: A Tale of the Western Plains. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"It has a good plot; it abounds in action; the scenes are equally spirited and realistic, and we can only say we have read it with much pleasure from first to last. The pictures of life on a cattle ranche are most graphically painted, as are the manners of the reckless but jovial cow-boys."—Times.


The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by J. Schönberg and J. Nash, and 4 Plans. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"The Dash for Khartoum is your ideal boys' book."—Tablet.

"It is literally true that the narrative never flags a moment; for the incidents which fall to be recorded after the dash for Khartoum has been made and failed are quite as interesting as those which precede it."—Academy.


By England's Aid: The Freeing of the Netherlands (1585-1604). By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse, and 4 Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Boys know and love Mr. Henty's books of adventure, and will welcome his tale of the Freeing of the Netherlands."—Athenæum.

"The story is told with great animation, and the historical material is most effectively combined with a most excellent plot."—Saturday Review.


By Right of Conquest: Or, With Cortez in Mexico. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by W. S. Stacey, and 2 Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Mr. Henty's skill has never been more convincingly displayed than in this admirable and ingenious story."—Saturday Review.

"By Right of Conquest is the nearest approach to a perfectly successful historical tale that Mr. Henty has yet published."—Academy.


With Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil War. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne, and 6 Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"The story is a capital one and full of variety, and presents us with many picturesque scenes of Southern life. Young Wingfield, who is conscientious, spirited, and 'hard as nails,' would have been a man after the very heart of Stonewall Jackson."—Times.


By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by Maynard Brown, and 4 Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"The mission of Ned to deliver letters from William the Silent to his adherents at Brussels, the fight of the Good Venture with the Spanish man-of-war, the battle on the ice at Amsterdam, the siege of Haarlem, are all told with a vividness and skill, which are worthy of Mr. Henty at his best."—Academy.


With Clive in India: Or, The Beginnings of an Empire. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Among writers of stories of adventure for boys Mr. Henty stands in the very first rank. Those who know something about India will be the most ready to thank Mr. Henty for giving them this instructive volume to place in the hands of their children."—Academy.


The Lion of St. Mark: A Tale of Venice in the Fourteenth Century. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Every boy should read The Lion of St. Mark. Mr. Henty has never produced any story more delightful, more wholesome, or more vivacious. From first to last it will be read with keen enjoyment."—The Saturday Review.


Under Drake's Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main. By G. A. Henty. Illustrated by 12 page Pictures by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"There is not a dull chapter, nor, indeed, a dull page in the book; but the author has so carefully worked up his subject that the exciting deeds of his heroes are never incongruous or absurd."—Observer.


Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Tale of Fontenoy and Culloden. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Ronald, the hero, is very like the hero of Quentin Durward. The lad's journey across France with his faithful attendant Malcolm, and his hairbreadth escapes from the machinations of his father's enemies, make up as good a narrative of the kind as we have ever read. For freshness of treatment and variety of incident, Mr. Henty has here surpassed himself."—Spectator.


For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem. By G. A. Henty. With 10 page Illustrations by S. J. Solomon, and a Coloured Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Mr. Henty's graphic prose pictures of the hopeless Jewish resistance to Roman sway adds another leaf to his record of the famous wars of the world. The book is one of Mr. Henty's cleverest efforts."—Graphic.


True to the Old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Does justice to the pluck and determination of the British soldiers. The son of an American loyalist, who remains true to our flag, falls among the hostile redskins in that very Huron country which has been endeared to us by the exploits of Hawkeye and Chingachgook."—The Times.


The Lion of the North: A Tale of Gustavus Adolphus and the Wars of Religion. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Pictures by J. Schönberg. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"A praiseworthy attempt to interest British youth in the great deeds of the Scotch Brigade in the wars of Gustavus Adolphus. Mackay, Hepburn, and Munro live again in Mr. Henty's pages, as those deserve to live whose disciplined bands formed really the germ of the modern British army."—Athenæum.


The Young Carthaginian: A story of the Times of Hannibal. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by C. J. Staniland, r.i. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"The effect of an interesting story, well constructed and vividly told, is enhanced by the picturesque quality of the scenic background. From first to last nothing stays the interest of the narrative. It bears us along as on a stream, whose current varies in direction, but never loses its force."—Saturday Review.


With Wolfe in Canada: Or, The Winning of a Continent. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"A model of what a boys' story-book should be. Mr. Henty has a great power of infusing into the dead facts of history new life, and as no pains are spared by him to ensure accuracy in historic details, his books supply useful aids to study as well as amusement."—School Guardian.


In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Mr. Henty has broken new ground as an historical novelist. His tale of the days of Wallace and Bruce is full of stirring action, and will commend itself to boys."—Athenæum.


Through the Fray: A Story of the Luddite Riots. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by H. M. Paget. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Mr. Henty inspires a love and admiration for straightforwardness, truth, and courage. This is one of the best of the many good books Mr. Henty has produced, and deserves to be classed with his Facing Death."—Standard.


Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by H. M. Paget. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"A Westminster boy who makes his way in the world by hard work, good temper, and unfailing courage. The descriptions given of life are just what a healthy intelligent lad should delight in."—St. James's Gazette.


A Jacobite Exile: Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles XII. of Sweden. By G. A. Henty. With 8 page Illustrations by Paul Hardy, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"Mr. Henty has never produced a more truly historical romance, and scarcely ever a more piquantly-written narrative. One, at least, of his battle-pieces is full of the old 'special correspondent' fire."—The Academy.

"Incident succeeds incident, and adventure is piled upon adventure, and at the end the reader, be he boy or man, will have experienced breathless enjoyment in a romantic story that must have taught him much at its close."—Army and Navy Gazette.

"Shows Mr. Henty at his best. A Jacobite Exile is full of life, adventure, and movement, and admirably illustrated; it is in Mr. Henty's best manner, and while never losing sight of the imaginative and romantic interest, has a substantial value as a bit of historical painting."—Scotsman.


Condemned as a Nihilist: A Story of Escape from Siberia. By G. A. Henty. With 8 page Illustrations by Walter Paget. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"The best of this year's Henty. His narrative is more interesting than many of the tales with which the public is familiar, of escape from Siberia. Despite their

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