» Fiction » The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition, G. A. Henty [ebook offline reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition, G. A. Henty [ebook offline reader txt] 📗». Author G. A. Henty

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superior claim to authenticity these tales are without doubt no less fictitious than Mr. Henty's, and he beats them hollow in the matter of sensations. The escape of the hero and his faithful Tartar from the Samoyedes is quite the high-water mark of this author's achievement."—National Observer.


Orange and Green: A Tale of the Boyne and Limerick. By G. A. Henty. With 8 full-page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"An extremely spirited story, based on the struggle in Ireland, rendered memorable by the defence of 'Derry and the siege of Limerick."—Sat. Review.

"The narrative is free from the vice of prejudice, and ripples with life as vivacious as if what is being described were really passing before the eye.... Should be in the hands of every young student of Irish history."—Belfast News.


A Rough Shaking. By George Macdonald. With 12 page Illustrations by W. Parkinson. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"One of Mr. MacDonald's wonderful and charming stories."—Athenæum.

"One of the very best books for boys that has been written. It is full of material peculiarly well adapted for the young, containing in a marked degree, the elements of all that is necessary to make up a perfect boys' book."—Teachers' Aid.


At the Back of the North Wind. By George Macdonald. With 75 Illustrations by Arthur Hughes. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"In At the Back of the North Wind we stand with one foot in fairyland and one on common earth. The story is thoroughly original, full of fancy and pathos, and underlaid with earnest but not too obtrusive teaching"—The Times.


Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood. By George Macdonald. With 36 Illustrations by Arthur Hughes. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"The sympathy with boy-nature in Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood is perfect. It is a beautiful picture of childhood, teaching by its impressions and suggestions all noble things."—British Quarterly Review.


The Princess and the Goblin. By George Macdonald. With 33 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"Little of what is written for children has the lightness of touch and play of fancy which are characteristic of George MacDonald's fairy tales. Mr. Arthur Hughes's illustrations are all that illustrations should be."—Manchester Guardian.


The Princess and Curdie. By George Macdonald. With 8 page Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"There is the finest and rarest genius in this brilliant story. Upgrown people would do wisely occasionally to lay aside their newspapers and magazines to spend an hour with Curdie and the Princess."—Sheffield Independent.


The Clever Miss Follett. By J. K. H. Denny. With 12 page Illustrations by Gertrude D. Hammond. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"The story is well written; the dialogue is easy and unconstrained, and the intention and tone are all that could be desired."—The Spectator.

"The story is well constructed, and the character-drawing of the Follett family is good. Girls will like the story, for it is interesting."—The Queen.

"One of the most entertaining stories of the season, full of vigorous action and strong in character-painting. Elder girls will be charmed with it, and adults may read its pages with profit."—The Teachers' Aid.

"The story is well written; it is not goody-goody, although its moral is excellent; and it is just the book to give to girls, who will delight both in the letterpress and the twelve illustrations by Miss Hammond, who has never done better work."—Review of Reviews.


The Universe: Or The Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. A Sketch of Contrasts in Creation, and Marvels revealed and explained by Natural Science. By F. A. Pouchet, m.d. With 272 Engravings on wood, of which 55 are full-page size, and a Coloured Frontispiece. Eleventh Edition, medium 8vo, cloth elegant, gilt edges, 7s. 6d.; also morocco antique, 16s.

"We can honestly commend Professor Pouchet's book, which is admirably, as it is copiously illustrated."—The Times.

"Scarcely any book in French or in English is so likely to stimulate in the young an interest in the physical phenomena."—Fortnightly Review.


The Wreck of "The Golden Fleece:" The Story of a North Sea Fisher-boy. By Robert Leighton. With 8 page Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This story should add considerably to Mr. Leighton's high reputation. Excellent in every respect, it contains every variety of incident. The plot is very cleverly devised, and the types of the North Sea sailors are capital."—The Times.

"If Mr. Leighton writes many more boys' books of equal merit with The Wreck of the Golden Fleece, more than one hitherto popular story-teller will have to look to his laurels."—University Correspondent.

"The whole story is told simply and movingly, and will both interest and instruct all young readers. Of the illustrations, it is enough to say that they are by Mr. Frank Brangwyn, the best modern painter of sailors."—The Academy.

"It recalls the freshness and brightness of his Pilots of Pomona.... It is a capital story. The characters are marked and lifelike, and it is full of incident and adventure."—Standard.


The Pilots of Pomona: A Story of the Orkney Islands. By Robert Leighton. With 8 page Illustrations by John Leighton, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"A story which is quite as good in its way as Treasure Island, and is full of adventure of a stirring yet most natural kind. Although it is primarily a boys' book, it is a real godsend to the elderly reader who likes something fresh—something touched with the romance and magic of youth."—Glasgow Evening Times.

"His pictures of Orcadian life and nature are charming."—Saturday Review.

"Few of this season's books have given us so much pleasure. It is a charming story of home-life, and takes a place among the best books for young people."—Practical Teacher.


The Thirsty Sword: A Story of the Norse Invasion of Scotland (1262-63). By Robert Leighton. With 8 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse, and a Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This is one of the most fascinating stories for boys that it has ever been our pleasure to read. From first to last the interest never flags. Boys will worship Kenric, who is a hero in every sense of the word."—Schoolmaster.

"It gives a lively idea of the wild life of the Western Islands in those rough days, reminding one not seldom of Sir Walter Scott's Lord of the Isles. It is full of incident and sensational adventure."—The Guardian.


"Mr. Fenn stands in the foremost rank of writers in this department."—Daily News.

"No one can find his way to the hearts of lads more readily than Mr. Fenn."—Nottingham Guardian.


Quicksilver: Or, A Boy with no Skid to his Wheel. By George Manville Fenn. With 10 page Illustrations by Frank Dadd. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Quicksilver is little short of an inspiration. In it that prince of story-writers for boys—George Manville Fenn—has surpassed himself. It is an ideal book for a boy's library."—Practical Teacher.

"The story is capitally told, it abounds in graphic and well-described scenes, and it has an excellent and manly tone throughout."—The Guardian.


Dick O' the Fens: A Romance of the Great East Swamp. By G. Manville Fenn. With 12 page Illustrations by Frank Dadd. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"We conscientiously believe that boys will find it capital reading. It is full of incident and mystery, and the mystery is kept up to the last moment. It is rich in effective local colouring; and it has a historical interest."—Times.

"Deserves to be heartily and unreservedly praised as regards plot, incidents, and spirit. It is its author's masterpiece as yet."—Spectator.


Devon Boys: A Tale of the North Shore. By G. Manville Fenn. With 12 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"An admirable story, as remarkable for the individuality of its young heroes as for the excellent descriptions of coast scenery and life in North Devon. It is one of the best books we have seen this season."—Athenæum.


The Golden Magnet: A Tale of the Land of the Incas. By G. Manville Fenn. Illustrated by 12 page Pictures by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"There could be no more welcome present for a boy. There is not a dull page in the book, and many will be read with breathless interest. 'The Golden Magnet' is, of course, the same one that attracted Raleigh and the heroes of Westward Ho!"—Journal of Education.


In the King's Name: Or, The Cruise of the Kestrel. By G. Manville Fenn. Illustrated by 12 page Pictures by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"A capital boys' story, full of incident and adventure, and told in the lively style in which Mr. Fenn is such an adept."—Globe.

"The best of all Mr. Fenn's productions in this field. It has the great quality of always 'moving on,' adventure following adventure in constant succession."—Daily News.


Nat the Naturalist: A Boy's Adventures in the Eastern Seas. By G. Manville Fenn. With 8 page Pictures. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This sort of book encourages independence of character, develops resource, and teaches a boy to keep his eyes open."—Saturday Review.


Bunyip Land: The Story of a Wild Journey in New Guinea. By G. Manville Fenn. With 6 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 4s.

"Mr. Fenn deserves the thanks of everybody for Bunyip Land, and we may venture to promise that a quiet week may be reckoned on whilst the youngsters have such fascinating literature provided for their evenings' amusement."—Spectator.


Brownsmith's Boy: A Romance in a Garden. By G. Manville Fenn. With 6 page Illustrations. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"Mr. Fenn's books are among the best, if not altogether the best, of the stories for boys. Mr. Fenn is at his best in Brownsmith's Boy."—Pictorial World.


See also under heading of Blackie's 3/ Series for other Books by G. Manville Fenn.

Grettir the Outlaw: A Story of Iceland. By S. Baring-Gould. With 10 page Illustrations by M. Zeno Diemer, and a Coloured Map. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Is the boys' book of its year. That is, of course, as much as to say that it will do for men grown as well as juniors. It is told in simple, straightforward English, as all stories should be, and it has a freshness, a freedom, a sense of sun and wind and the open air, which make it irresistible."—National Observer.


Two Thousand Years Ago: Or, The Adventures of a Roman Boy. By Professor A. J. Church. With 12 page Illustrations by Adrien Marie. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 6s.

"Adventures well worth the telling. The book is extremely entertaining as well as useful, and there is a wonderful freshness in the Roman scenes and characters."—The Times.


The Seven Wise Scholars. By Ascott R. Hope. With nearly 100 Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Cloth elegant, 5s.

"As full of fun as a volume of Punch; with illustrations, more laughter-provoking than most we have seen since Leech died."—Sheffield Independent.


Stories of Old Renown: Tales of Knights and Heroes. By Ascott R. Hope. With 100 Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"A really fascinating book worthy of its telling title. There is, we venture to say, not a dull page in the book, not a story which will not bear a second reading."—Guardian.


A True Cornish Maid. By G. Norway. With 6 page Illustrations by J. Finnemore. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"There is some excellent reading.... Mrs. Norway brings before the eyes of her readers the good Cornish folk, their speech, their manners, and their ways. A True Cornish Maid deserves to be popular."—Athenæum.

"The incident is plentiful and exciting; the characters are drawn with no common skill. The contrast between the two girls—the rough, free-spoken Ph[oe]be, and the refined, retiring Honor—is excellent."—The Spectator.

"Among girls' books the success of the year has fallen, we think, to Mrs. Norway, whose True Cornish Maid is really an admirable piece of work.... The book is full of vivid and accurate local colour; it contains, too, some very clever character studies."—Review of Reviews.


Hussein the Hostage: Or, A Boy's Adventures in Persia. By G. Norway. With 8 page Illustrations by John Schönberg. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"Hussein the Hostage is full of originality and vigour. The characters are lifelike, there is plenty of stirring incident, the interest is sustained throughout, and every boy will enjoy following the fortunes of the hero."—Journal of Education.


The Loss of John Humble: What Led to It, and what Came of It. By G. Norway. With 8 page Illustrations by John Schönberg. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This story will place the author at once in the

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