» Fiction » The Dash for Khartoum: A Tale of the Nile Expedition, G. A. Henty [ebook offline reader txt] 📗

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front rank. It is full of life and adventure. He is equally at home in his descriptions of life in Sweden and in the more stirring passages of wreck and disaster, and the interest of the story is sustained without a break from first to last."—Standard. BY HARRY COLLINGWOOD.

The Pirate Island: A Story of the South Pacific. By Harry Collingwood. With 8 page Pictures by C. J. Staniland and J. R. Wells. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"A capital story of the sea; indeed in our opinion the author is superior in some respects as a marine novelist to the better known Mr. Clark Russell."—The Times.


The Congo Rovers: A Story of the Slave Squadron. By Harry Collingwood. With 8 page Illustrations by J. Schönberg. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"No better sea story has lately been written than the Congo Rovers. It is as original as any boy could desire."—Morning Post.


The Log of the "Flying Fish:" A Story of Aerial and Submarine Peril and Adventure. By Harry Collingwood. With 6 page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. New and cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"The Flying Fish actually surpasses all Jules Verne's creations; with incredible speed she flies through the air, skims over the surface of the water, and darts along the ocean bed. We strongly recommend our school-boy friends to possess themselves of her log."—Athenæum.


Westward With Columbus. By Gordon Stables, m.d., c.m. With 8 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This is quite one of the best books for boys that we have seen this autumn. It is the duty of every British and American lad to know the story of Christopher Columbus."—School Guardian.

"Our author treats his subject in a dignified, historical fashion which well becomes it, and we must place Westward with Columbus among those books that all boys ought to read."—The Spectator.

"Will be greatly in request as a school prize. The tone is healthy, the characters are lifelike, and the narrative of the great discoverer's adventures through his chequered career is replete with incidents and sensational episodes."—Church Review.


'Twixt School and College: A Tale of Self-reliance. By Gordon Stables, c.m., m.d., r.n. With 8 page Illustrations by V. Parkinson. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"One of the best of a prolific writer's books for boys, being full of practical instructions as to keeping pets, from white mice upwards, and inculcates in a way which a little recalls Miss Edgeworth's 'Frank' the virtue of self-reliance, though the local colouring of the home of the Aberdeenshire boy is a good deal more picturesque."—Athenæum.


A Fair Claimant: Being a Story for Girls. By Frances Armstrong. With 8 page Illustrations by Gertrude D. Hammond. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"The story is a great success—one of the best tales for girls that we have seen for some time."—London Quarterly.

"There is a fascination about this story.... The splendid character of the heroine, together with the happy manner in which the interest is sustained to the end, combine to make this one of the most acceptable gift-books of the season."—Church Review.

"A story at once strong and sympathetic, a quality rightly esteemed at a high value by girl readers."—The Quiver.

"As a gift-book for big girls A Fair Claimant is among the best new books of the kind. The story is interesting and natural, from first to last."—Westminster Gazette.


The Heiress of Courtleroy. By Anne Beale. With 8 page Illustrations by T. C. H. Castle. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"We can speak highly of the grace with which Miss Beale relates how the young 'Heiress of Courtleroy' had such good influence over her uncle as to win him from his intensely selfish ways."—Guardian.

"In Le Roy we have perhaps the most striking and original creation that Miss Beale has made. He interests us to the last."—Spectator.


The White Conquerors of Mexico: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec. By Kirk Munroe. With 8 page Illustrations by W. S. Stacey. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"Mr. Munroe gives most vivid pictures of the religious and civil polity of the Aztecs, and of everyday life, as he imagines it, in the streets and market-places of the magnificent capital of Montezuma."—The Times.

"There are, in truth, fine scenes in this narrative and stirring deeds; heroism and self-sacrifice as well as cunning cruelty. The story runs along the true lines of the ideal story for the young."—Educational Review.

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With the Sea Kings: A Story of the Days of Lord Nelson. By F. H. Winder. With 6 page Illustrations by W. S. Stacey. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 4s.

"A really good story, and boys will like it."—The Spectator.

"Just the book to put into a boy's hands. Every chapter contains boardings, cuttings out, fighting pirates, escapes of thrilling audacity, and captures by corsairs, sufficient to turn the quietest boy's head. The story culminates in a vigorous account of the battle of Trafalgar, as seen from the Victory. Happy boys!"—The Academy.

"Is brimming over with realistic adventure. There is 'derring-do' enough here for half a dozen volumes, and there is just that spice of history in the book which adds interest to a narrative."—Daily Chronicle.


Highways and High Seas: Cyril Harley's Adventures on both. By F. Frankfort Moore. With 8 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"This is one of the best stories Mr. Moore has written, perhaps the very best. The exciting adventures among highwaymen and privateers are sure to attract boys."—Spectator.


Under Hatches: Or, Ned Woodthorpe's Adventures. By F. Frankfort Moore. With 8 page Illustrations by A. Forestier. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"The story as a story is one that will just suit boys all the world over. The characters are well drawn and consistent; Patsy, the Irish steward, will be found especially amusing."—Schoolmaster.

Giannetta: A Girl's Story of Herself. By Rosa Mulholland. With 8 page Illustrations by Lockhart Bogle. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 5s.

"Giannetta is a true heroine—warm-hearted, self-sacrificing, and, as all good women nowadays are, largely touched with the enthusiasm of humanity. One of the most attractive gift-books of the season."—The Academy.


A Champion of the Faith: A Tale of Prince Hal and the Lollards. By J. M. Callwell. With 6 page Illustrations by Herbert J. Draper. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 4s.

"A capital specimen of a historical tale, and a well-told chapter in English life and manners in the days of Henry of Bolingbroke and his soldier-son."—The Spectator.

"Will not be less enjoyed than Mr. Henty's books. Sir John Oldcastle's pathetic story, and the history of his brave young squire will make every boy enjoy this lively story."—London Quarterly.

"The book is intensely interesting, exceedingly well written, and very well illustrated.... The character of Lord Cobham, who suffered martyrdom for the faith at the hands of his greatest friend, is beautifully drawn."—Winter's Weekly.


Meg's Friend. By Alice Corkran. With 6 page Illustrations by Robert Fowler. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"One of Miss Corkran's charming books for girls, narrated in that simple and picturesque style which marks the authoress as one of the first amongst writers for young people."—The Spectator.


Margery Merton's Girlhood. By Alice Corkran. With 6 page Pictures by Gordon Browne. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"Another book for girls we can warmly commend. There is a delightful piquancy in the experiences and trials of a young English girl who studies painting in Paris."—Saturday Review.


Down the Snow Stairs: Or, From Good-night to Good-morning. By Alice Corkran. With 60 Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, olivine edges, 3s. 6d.

"A fascinating wonder-book for children."—Athenæum.

"A gem of the first water, bearing upon every page the mark of genius. It is indeed a Little Pilgrim's Progress."—Christian Leader.

Gold, Gold, in Cariboo: A Story of Adventure in British Columbia. By Clive Phillipps-Wolley. With 6 page Illustrations by G. C. Hindley. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"It would be difficult to say too much in favour of Gold, Gold in Cariboo. We have seldom read a more exciting tale of wild mining adventure in a singularly inaccessible country. There is a capital plot, and the interest is sustained to the last page."—The Times.

"Adventure? there's enough of it here, in all conscience, and the greed for gold is taken at its true worth from beginning to end. Boys who learn from it that there are lots of things in this world worth having besides gold, and even without gold, will have imbibed a lesson 'very necessary for these times,' and will have had plenty of blood-thrilling moments."—Daily Chronicle.


Under False Colours: A Story from Two Girls' Lives. By Sarah Doudney. With 6 page Illustrations by G. G. Kilburne. New Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 4s.

"Sarah Doudney has no superior as a writer of high-toned stories—pure in style, original in conception, and with skilfully wrought-out plots; but we have seen nothing from her pen equal in dramatic energy to this book."—Christian Leader.


Three Bright Girls: A Story of Chance and Mischance. By Annie E. Armstrong. With 6 page Illustrations by W. Parkinson. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"Among many good stories for girls this is undoubtedly one of the very best. The three girls whose portraits are so admirably painted are girls of earnest, practical, and business-like mood. Ever bright and cheerful, they influence other lives, and at last they come out of their trials and difficulties with honour to themselves and benefits to all about them."—Teachers' Aid.


A Very Odd Girl: or, Life at the Gabled Farm. By Annie E. Armstrong. With 6 page Illustrations by S. T. Dadd. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"The book is one we can heartily recommend, for it is not only bright and interesting, but also pure and healthy in tone and teaching."—The Lady.

"The doings of the heroine at the Gabled Farm are amusing in the extreme, and her escapades are always bringing her into trouble. Vera is a fine character, however, and our girls will all be the better for making her acquaintance."—Teachers' Aid.


An Old-Time Yarn: Wherein is set forth divers desperate mischances which befell Anthony Ingram and his shipmates in the West Indies and Mexico with Hawkins and Drake. By Edgar Pickering. Illustrated with 6 page Pictures drawn by Alfred Pearse. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"And a very good yarn it is, with not a dull page from first to last. There is a flavour of Westward Ho! in this attractive book."—Educational Review.

"An excellent story of adventure. Especially good is the description of Mexico and of the dungeons of the Inquisition, while Don Diego Polo is a delightful mixture of bravery and humour, and his rescue of the unfortunate prisoners is told with great spirit. The book is thoroughly to be recommended."—Guardian.


Silas Verney: A Tale of the Time of Charles II. By Edgar Pickering. With 6 page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"Wonderful as the adventures of Silas are, it must be admitted that they are very naturally worked out and very plausibly presented. Altogether this is an excellent story for boys."—Saturday Review.


The Captured Cruiser: or, Two Years from Land. By C. J. Hyne. With 6 page Illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"It is altogether a capital story, well illustrated."—Saturday Review.

"The two lads and the two skippers are admirably drawn. Mr. Hyne has now secured a position in the first rank of writers of fiction for boys."—Spectator.

Afloat at Last: A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea. By John C. Hutcheson. With 6 page Illustrations by W. H. Overend. Crown 8vo, cloth elegant, 3s. 6d.

"As healthy and breezy a book as one could wish to put into the hands of a boy."—Academy.

"A tale of seafaring life told with fire and enthusiasm, full of spirited incident and well-drawn character."—Observer.


Picked Up at Sea: Or, The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek. By J. C. Hutcheson. With 6 page Pictures. Cloth extra, 3s. 6d.

"The author's

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