» Fiction » Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗

Book online «Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗». Author Crystal Chen

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clinging desperately onto the warrior’s back. My littermate seemed to snap out of a dream—or rather, a nightmare—and join in the fight. She held Darkcliff down while I batted his muzzle with sheathed claws until his tongue went rolling and his eyes turned glazed, and then fell shut. He was unconscious.

“Phew.” I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Frostfur flexed her claws and let her fur lie flat. We cautiously approached Darkcliff’s body and prodded him with our noses. “He’s knocked out.” Frostfur breathed. “We should bring him back to camp.” We lugged the warrior back the way we came, rolling him a pile of mouse bile before squeezing through the camp entrance.

“Where have you gone?” Thrushthorn demanded.

“Patrol.” I answered, “Darkcliff was in a little tussle with a SunClan patrol. They pushed him into a pile of mouse bile.” The senior warrior cast a suspicious look at me before clearing his throat. “Well, send out the patrols already.” I nodded and told Frostfur to drag Darkcliff to the medicine cat den. Then I sent out border and hunting patrols.

“Lightfoot?” Sparrowpath padded up to me, “Pepperpaw isn’t paying any attention at all when I try to teach her how to fight. Can you help?”

“Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do.” I shrugged, grateful no one was questioning me about the Darkcliff incident. I followed him to the sandy hollow and watched as he and Pepperpaw started training. The little apprentice kept casting longing glances at the medicine cat den. Finally, when the drills were done, Pepperpaw mewed quickly to her father and mentor, “I’m going to see Sorrelsky.”

“Well?” Sparrowpath meowed when she had bounded off.

“Well,” I began, “she really seems interested in the medicine cat stuff. Perhaps being a warrior isn’t the right path for her.”

The senior warrior looked hurt. “I-I guess so.” He mewed softly, “if it is her destiny, then let it be.”

I nodded and turned away. “Wait!” Sparrowpath called, “can you practice battling with me, just once? My joints have been aching and I want to get a good exercise.”

I turned back to him and pricked my ears at the prospect of a battle. “Sure!” I mewed. We got into position. He attacked without warning, faster than I could see. I rolled to the side and jumped up to the attacking position, paws ready and pelt bristling. I yowled a battle cry as the warrior was just turning around, bowling him over. I batted his muzzle with my front paws, careful to keep my claws sheathed. He yowled and pushed me off with his hind legs, but I was ready. I twisted in mid air and threw my legs out under me, sweeping him off his paws. But I wasn’t finished yet. With a screech, I pounced on the warrior and battered his belly with my hind legs, then faked to the side and aimed a teeth-rattling blow at the side of his head.

“Ah!” he gasped, struggling to remain balanced. I dashed away from his striking range and stood, panting. He staggered, eyes milky, and I could almost see stars in his eyes.

“Did I hurt you?” I meowed, alarmed.

“N-no.” he stuttered, still wavering on his paws. I waited, catching my breath, until he regained his senses.

“Wow!” Mintpaw mewed from the side. I hadn’t heard her approach. “You are good!”

“Thanks.” I meowed modestly, “but there are plenty of cats better then me.”

“I doubt it.” It was Sparrowpath’s meow. “Those blows were so—so well aimed! And that fake, Great StarClan, I didn’t have time to blink before I saw stars and my bones were rattling!”

I blushed and looked down. I heard paw steps approach. Looking up, Flamestar was looking at me with satisfaction and pleasure in his soft green gaze. “You fought well.” He meowed. I felt my heart swell with pride. “Thanks, Flamestar.” I dipped my head. Frostfur trotted over. “Darkcliff’s going to be fine.” She reported. “I heard also that Pepperpaw told Sorrelsky that she wanted to become a medicine cat apprentice!”

Sparrowpath’s eyes were pained, and I felt pity for him. Losing your apprentice was like losing a claw.

“Did Sorrelsky agree?” Flamestar meowed, stealing a glance at Sparrowpath.

“Yes.” Frostfur exchanged an anxious look with me.

“Ok, then.” The tiger tom meowed, “I shall tell the Clan about it.” We followed him to the Highrock and watched as he bounded up onto the huge boulder, his paw steps not as sure as before.

“Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting.”

Cats emerged from their dens and gathered around the Highrock. Flamestar announced, “Pepperpaw has decided to take the duty as Sorrelsky’s medicine cat apprentice!”

The Clan cheered. I glanced at Pepperpaw; her face was pink and her eyes were cast down.

“Sorrelsky, do you agree with this?”

“Yes.” Her mew was strong and determined, as well as happy. “I promise I will teach her everything a medicine cat should know, and even more if possible.”

The Clan cheered again and welcomed Pepperpaw by chanting her name: “Pepperpaw! Pepperpaw! Pepperpaw!”

I joined in and yowled as loud as I could. Swifttail and Mintpaw were shouldering their ways to the front, congratulating their littermate personally. Flamestar swept his gaze over his Clan proudly. As I watched him, a cold feeling of dread settled on me like an ominous cloud of fog. I wondered if this was the last time he would see his Clan like this.

Death of a Leader

Yowling surrounded me and screeches of pain filled all my senses; the only emotion I could feel was fear. The forest I was in looked cold and unfamiliar.

"Willowsong!" I yowled, terror clouding my vision. Blood spilled like a river and flowed toward me, faster then the wind. I squeezed my eyes shut and fled, hoping desperately for any scent other then the salty tang of blood...

Then a wispy rasp filled my ears, choking my throat, fogging my vision:

"Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled..."

"Lightfoot!" Frostfur's yowl jerked me awake. "Darkcliff! He's escaped!"

"What!" I spluttered, bolting upright. "Where is he?"

"Not here!" Frostfur wailed, "he's gone!"

"What's all this fuss about?" Sunfang grumbled, blinking awake.

"Darkcliff's gone!" I mewed, trying to make my shoulder fur lie flat.

"So...?" Swifttail yawned, his tail twitching irritably.

"So," Frostfur exclaimed, half-exasperated, "he escaped to SunClan!"

"What?" Bother Sunfang and Swifttail meowed in unison.

"You don't have proof!" Thorntail was listening to their conversation, ready to defend his friend. Frostfur's green eyes glistened. "Oh, yes, we do."

"Well?" The three warriors were staring at us expectantly. I caught a glint of scorn in Thorntail's yellow eyes.

"Well..." Frostfur began, trailing off. I could tell she was recalling the terrifying encounter with Darkcliff. "He ran during the night. We picked up his scent and followed him, found him in a maple tree."

"I climbed up, but he tried to shred our ears," I explained, chipping in. "He told us that he wanted to run to SunClan and be led by Shimmerstar and Rainfeather, not me or Flamestar."

The warrior's were speechless. Thorntail broke the silence with a disbelieving snarl, "Darkcliff will never do that! He is a loyal MoonClan warrior!" Frostfur tried to protest, but I knew it was useless to argue. "Let him be." I told her softly, clapping my tail over her muzzle. "He'll see soon enough."

Thorntail glared at me and hissed, "Mouse-brain!" before spinning around and stalking out into the clearing. Thrushthorn looked down at his paws. "I don't know." He murmured. "I'll report it to Flamestar."

"Lightfoot's the deputy, not you." Lightningstrike growled from the corner of the den. I was suprised to hear him so hostile. Thrushthorn glared at the striped warrior, but just whipped his tail around and trotted out of the den. Sunfang looked awkward and uncomfortable. "Uh-I'll be going." He stammered, quickly following his denmates. I looked at Frostfur. "Go on ahead." I sighed. "I'll go tell Flamestar." The white she-cat dipped her head and padded away. Lightningstrike gave me a friendly flick of the tail before following her out. I glanced around the den. No cats were left. I heaved another sigh and trotted out of the den. Sunlight blinded my eyes. I shut them and waited till the red glare faded before peering around the familiar camp. Cats milled around, gossiping. I puffed out my chest and padded over, pelt flat and ears pricked. The cats stopped their chatter and turned to me. Once again, I felt the hot sensation creep over my body; embarrassment and pride.

"Splashnose, Thorntail, Mintpaw, Frostfur," I meowed, "Go on dawn patrol." The cats left with out a sound.

"Gorseclaw, Kestrelwing, Thrushthorn, Swifttail, hunting patrol." They dipped their heads and padded away as well.

"Lightningstrike," I continued, "Sunfang, Nightwhisker, Dawnshine, check the southern border marks, please."

"Yes, Lightfoot." They mewed before leaving.

"That's about it," I decided. The rest of the cats parted to let me through. I trotted up to Flamestar's den and peered inside. "Flamestar?" I mewed quietly. I knew his health wasn't at the best condition now, so it was good to be soft. I gazed at his unmoving lump in the back of the den. Terror struck my heart like a blow.

"Flamestar!" I didn't wait for his usual "Come in," and raced to his side. Heart beating rapidly with panic, I pressed my ear to his fur. Please, StarClan. Let him be okay. There was a faint beating, fading each heartbeat.

"Sorrelsky! Pepperpaw!" I shrieked, growing nearly insane. "Get here now!"

Sorrelsky appeared at the entrance to his den heartbeats later. "Flamestar!" She wailed, spotting his body. The medicine cat bounded over, followed by Pepperpaw, whose eyes were wide with terror. Sorrelsky yowled something to Pepperpaw, but I couldn't hear. Don't take him!  I screamed to StarClan. Please, spare his life. I need him now! Cats were crowding around the entrance, threatening to spill in. "Move it!" I heard Sorrelsky's urgent meow as she shoved cats aside to get the herbs that Pepperpaw had brought in.

"Save him!" I was growing delrious. "I need him! I can't lead this Clan alone!"

"What's going on?"

"Is Flamestar okay?"

"StarClan, save him!"

I only picked up scraps of the MoonClan cat's alarmed meows. Grief and sorrow were weighing my heart down like the Twinstones themselves. I gripped wildly onto the stone walls of his den, the sickening smell of death overwhelming all my senses. Suddenly my vision flashed with a bright red glare. Blood filled my nose and my mouth. I choked and desperately clawed my way upward toward the surface, toward the air, toward anything that would take away that sickly tang suffocating the life out of me... StarClan! I screeched. Help me! Claws slashed my flank and my muzzle. Searing pain engulfed me. Blackness flashed so bright my eyes burned hotter then the sun. Scorching tears streamed down my face. It was too much...

Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled...

No! Not him!

Horror and shock pounded my heart like a battering hailstorm. My eyesight faded into milky darkness. The last thing I saw was Flamestar's body, lying limp and lifeless on his cold den floor.

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