» Fiction » Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗

Book online «Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗». Author Crystal Chen

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Leadership Rising

My heart still ached. My pads were sore from gripping the stone walls for so long. My vision cleared. I tried to stand, but every muscle in my body yowled with protest.

"Sit still." Sorresky's mew was gentle. "You'll heal soon." She pressed from pulp to my flank, where a wound was throbbing painfully. The healing juices soothed my body and cooled the gash.

"Thanks." My voice came out as a croak. "What happened?" The she-cat looked at me, sympathetic. "You fainted. Flamestar-" she took a breath and gazed toward the entrance to her den, listening to Pepperpaw as she sorted herbs into neat piles.

"I know." My meow cracked. "He is dead."

"It's not just that." The medicine cat sighed. I sensed grave worry pulsing from within her.

"What is it?" I asked anxiously, flashing back to the prophecy.

Sorrelsky turned to me, her leafy green eyes sharp. "Is something bothering you?" She demanded, "I'm am the medicine cat, and I intend to know everything you do!"

I started. Sorrelsky was not known for having a short temper, much less for raising her voice. I opened my jaws to apologize.

"Alright, alright," the tortise shell she-cat mewed, her tail drooping with shame. "I'm so sorry, it's just that Flamestar-well, it's been really hard-"

"I know. I understand." I meowed gently.

"Well," Sorrelsky began again, "you were tearing up the cave wall, and Thorntail wanted to stop you. He pounced and soon other's joined in, and there was a mini-riot. Mintpaw and Lightningstrike took care of it. The cats were just shocked about Flamestar's death, I guess."

I nodded thoughtfully and mewed, "How did Flamestar die?"

"I-" Sorrelsky hesitated. "I'm not sure," she admitted, "but I really don't think he died from old age. Last time I checked him, he wasn't sick either. My first guess would be that he was killed with deathberries."

"Hmm..." I twitched my ears, "who could have done that? Are you missing any deathberries from your storage?" Beware a traitor in your midst.

"No." The she-cat mewed, looking at me accusingly. "What's bothering you? I'm not blind, you know. I can see that troubled look on your face."

I snapped my face up to stare at her, startled. "Uh-I didn't know," I stuttered, a bit shaken, "Well, I had a dream..."

"A dream, you say?" Sorrelsky looked amused. "What was it about?"

"Well," I began, "there was a river of blood, and it was suffocating me," I recalled the horrifying sensation and never-ending stream. "I was choking and clawing for the surface, and suddenly a voice filled my ears,"

"Wait," Sorrelsky broke in, her eyes clouded with worry. "A river of blood? That can't be good..."

"Listen to what she voice said," I told her, "Beware a traitor in your midst...the blood of one you love will be spilled..."

Sorrelsky fell silent. I gazed at her anxiously, hoping for an answer. At last she dipped her head warily. "It is a warning from StarClan," the she-cat meowed, "We must be careful and aware for such a murder."

I shuddered. Who could this traitor be?


I shook my head to clear it. I couldn't just go around and blame random cats with no proof!

"You must go to the Starpool soon." Sorrelsky interrupted my thoughts urgently. "Before this traitor decides to make a move."

I dipped my head and struggled to my paws. "Thanks," I mewed, padded unsteadily out of the den. Again the huge amount of responsibility seemed to weigh itself on my narrow shoulders, overwhelming me and nearly making my knees buckle.

"Cats of MoonClan!" I yowled from Highrock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath Highrock for a Clan meeting." On my command, cats from dens all swarmed out and clustered under the huge pillar of stone. I gazed down onto the Clan.

My Clan.

Once the cats were situated, I sucked in a huge breath and began; "I know I am young, and that Flamestar had passed onto StarClan earlier then we all hoped. But I am the deputy and must become leader now that Flamestar is gone. I swear to uphold the warrior code and make this Clan as strong as I could. I will listen to your opinions and make wise desicions with the help of StarClan and Sorrelsky, as well as Pepperpaw. I hope to be a leader you've all hoped for, and that I will take part in helping MoonClan become the best and most powerful Clan in the whole the forest."

The Clan seemed to hold its breath. I pricked my ears, waiting for a response. All of a sudden, the whole of MoonClan exploded with deafening cheers. The chants of "Lightstar! Lightstar!" were echoing around the hollow with a thunderous roar. The camp boomed into a frenzy of joy and happiness. I pressed my ears to my head and backed into my den, perspiration forming at the corners of my eyes. I was afraid I was going to cry in front of the whole Clan! Excitement and euphoria tickled my heart like tiny feathers. I blinked away tears and stepped out again in front of my Clan.

"Thank you all." I meowed. My voice carried out clear and bold over the camp, and the cats immediately quieted down. "I thank you for supporting me. I always thought that I couldn't take this job, but now I am sure I will do my best. Tonight I shall make the trip to the Starpool!" The cats yowled approvongly. "I must also appoint a new deputy." I added. "I shall announce it next moonhigh."

MoonClan cheered. Hotness crept from the tip of my tail to the points of my ears.

"With me, when I go to recieve my nine lives, will be Frostfur, Splashnose, Thrushthorn, Swifttail, and Lightningstrike." The five warriors dipped their heads. "You may go back to your duties." I mewed.

"Wow!" Frostfur mewed, flicking me playfully on the cheek. "Clan leader already!"

"I know. It seems like only a heartbeat ago I was arguing with you and Darkcliff about who was going to be Clan leader first." I teased.

"Speaking of Darkcliff," Frostfur meowed, anxiety clouding her green eyes again. "Where is he?"

I shrugged. "Who cares. Let the mouse brain look after himself."

My littermate sighed. "It's up to you."  She meowed, nodding.

"What do you think receiving my lives will be like?" I asked her, a bit anxious.

"You'll have to wait and see."

Nine Painful Lives

"Let's go." I mewed, scanning the cluster of cats behind me before racing for the camp exit. Paw steps pounding the earth told me that they were keeping up well.

"Good luck!"

"May StarClan light your path!"

"See you soon!"

My Clanmates' farewells faded into the distance as I bounded deeper and deeper into the forest. The River sloshed and splashed up ahead. I swerved to avoid a tree and leapt over a fallen log. Holly bushes grew in clusters ahead of me, and I cleared them all with a clean jump. Soon we reached the Startree. I shivered, mesmerized as a chilly breeze ruffled the ancient branches. I waded into the cool water and breathed in the fresh scents of smooth river stone and sharp pine needles. Drying my paws off on the moss, I glanced at the patrol. Each cat had a look of admiration on their faces. I waved my tail and mewed, "I'm fine over here. You guys can take a nap if you'd like while I do this." Splashnose licked his brown, white, and black pelt. "Are you sure you don't want me to come over there and make sure you're alright?" I purred, touched by my Clanmate's concern. "No, it's okay. Really, I'll be fine." The warrior's settled down and I turned back toward the Startree.

"Show me what you wish." I whispered, leaping swiftly up onto the lowest branch and delicately plucking a single golden Starseed from the bonsai. Sprawled on the thick branch, I swallowed the cone and pressed my nose to the trunk, eyes shut tight.

"Welcome, Lightfoot." A warming breath stirred my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I jumped quickly to my paws. The sight took my breath away.

Shining spirits of cats surrounded me, murmuring congratulations. Glowing stars swirled and flashed, creating patterns and shapes. The familiar form of Willowsong took shape before my eyes in a whirl of colors and spinning lights. My vision blurred, then cleared. The magical land of stars was gone, transformed into the wispy, mysterious forests of StarClan. I gasped with delight as little kits tumbled around my paws and mewled playfully as they wrestled.

"Now come on, Birchkit, Mothkit, Dawnkit." A sleek she-cat stepped out of the crowd and ushered the kits away. I stared after them, a smile curving my lips.

"Lightfoot, you have come." Willowsong padded forward and licked my cheek gently. The StarClan cats fell silent and all turned to me. I shifted uncomfortably.

"I was Sorrelsky's mentor," she mewed, "and I have appeared to you in dreams before. I give you this life of courage and bravery for you when your Clan is in times of trouble." The former MoonClan medicine cat stepped forward and touched noses with me. A tremor rippled throughout my body, warming my heart and giving me renewed energy. "Thank you." I whispered as she backed into the crowd.

A long haired jet black tom with golden eyes stepped up. "I am Nightstar." He meowed. "I was the MoonClan leader before Flamestar. I give you this life of ambition and power when your Clan is weak, as well as in battle." The broad-shouldered tom leaned down to touch my nose with his. I jerked awkwardly in a painful spasm as it rocked my body. I gasped for air and stumbled. Nightstar caught my shoulder and nudged me back on my paws as he disappeared back into the crowd.

Next, a flame-colored she-cat padded out and mewed, "I am Firewing, a loyal and well-known MoonClan warrior. I give you this life of wisdom and understanding, so that you may make the best possible choices for your Clan." She touched my nose and I relaxed, feeling warmth seep through my veins like a smooth stream of water.

"I am Moonstar." A silvery she-cat padded out of the crowd, her stride full of authority. "I was the cat who founded MoonClan. I give you this life of peace and understanding. Your Clan will need you to settle disputes and quarrels." The beautiful she-cat leaned down and touched my nose to hers. A powerful wave of pain nearly swept me off my paws. I tottered desperately on two paws and clenched my jaws together as the pain eventually faded.

A brownish-red she-cat trotted forward. "I am Hawkfeather." She meowed, "I give you a life of love and compassion. For your newborn kits and cats that are in need, you'll need to have a tender mother's heart to lead your Clan into peace and happiness." I eagerly met her nose to mine as I recieved the life of love. I wasn't aware of the pain that followed. My claws came instinctively

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