» Fiction » Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗

Book online «Lightstar's Life, Crystal Chen [e reading malayalam books TXT] 📗». Author Crystal Chen

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sliding out, and I gripped the soil with feirceness as powerful as when Flamestar was dying.

A sleek, shiny golden tom glided forward with the ease of a soaring eagle. "Greetings, Lightfoot," he purred, "I am Goldrush, father of Echoflower and Honeymoon." 

I took a step back in surprise. Goldrush? Echoflower? My mother's father! I twitched an ear, remembering Honeymoon, the bad-tempered elder that spent most of her time yowling at apprentices to check her for ticks. "Hi, Goldrush," I mewed, studying my paws.

"Back to business." He meowed, leaning down so he was muzzle to muzzle with me."I give you this life of devotion and loyalty, so that you may always put your Clan before anything else." He brushed his nose to mine; a shiver passed through my body and a freezing sensation made my legs tremble with fear and excitement all at once. The golden warrior dipped his head and stepped back into the crowd.

"I am Snakestripe." A pale brown-and-black tom padded forward. "I was deputy of MoonClan when Nightstar was leader. I give you this life of faith and trust in your fellow Clanmates, as well as StarClan themselves. You will need loyal warriors in your Clan if you are to survive." He touched my nose and a shock of lightning struck my body. I staggered, eyes shut tight, until the pain ebbed away and I regained my balance.

A small white apprentice with dappled grey spots trotted forward. "I am Dovepaw." She mewed, "I died  when a fox attacked me while saving Hawkfeather's kits when I was Willowsong's apprentice. I give you this life of hope and strength, so that you may live long and always remember the bright side of everything you experience." She streched her neck up and gently brushed my nose to hers. Warmth soothed my soul and I couldn't help but let a pleased purr escape my throat.

Eager to recieve my last life, I peered around the clearing in search of another cat. But the StarClan cats just shuffled and shifted, and soon a little bundle of fiery sunset-colored fur tumbled at my feet."I am Skykit, Moonstar's firstborn kit who died from greencough." She squeaked, "I give you this final life of joy and happiness, so that you may live long, happy lives with all these lives you have recieved. Remember to be courageous and devoted to helping your Clan, as well as compassionate and kind to the rival Clan when nessesary. StarClan is watching over  you, and will help you when you need wisdom and understanding. Farewell, Lightstar. Good luck, and may we light your path as MoonClan's new leader."

The StarClan cats opened their jaws as one: "Lightstar! Lightstar!"

Their eyes shone with happiness as they drifted upward into the night sky, showering bits of stars on my pelt. I gazed longingly skyward, watching the fiery cats until their light faded into darkness.

"Goodbye." I whispered, tears brimming my eyes. "And thank you so much."

Sleep seemed to engulf me as my eyes drooped shut, and I sank through the forest floor, joy wrapped around me like a peaceful bed of moss.


I blinked away perspiration as I sat up groggily on the thick Startree branch. My throat clogged with tears and I spat them out, frustrated. I was Clan leader! There was no time to cry.

"Lightfoot?" Frostfur mewed from the shore, "How was it? Did you recieve your nine lives?"

"Yes," I called, stretching my sore paws and my aching spine. "It was wonderful! And by the way, it's Lightstar now."

"Great StarClan!" Splashnose exclaimed, "what was it like?"

I grinned mischieviously, "I can't tell you. Wait for your turn, if you get one." I leapt off the branch and waded into the cool water of the Starpool, shaking my pelt as I reached shore.

"Did it hurt?" Swifttail mewed eagerly, "How did it feel?"

"Stop pestering her, Swifttail," Thrushthorn scolded, flicking the young warrior across the cheek.

Lightningstrike pressed close to me, "Did it hurt?" He asked quietly.

"On some lives it did, but others it felt good." I told him.

"What did the StarClan cats look like?" Splashnose meowed from behind me.

"They looked just like us," I replied, "just a bit more shiny."

They purred with amusement, and for once I felt like I was just where I belonged.


First Ceremony

"Let all cats old enough to hunt their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" My yowl echoed through the hollow as I sat proudly on top of the den that was once Flamestar's. I had adjusted to the new den quickly. Still overwhelmed by the new responsibility, I often thought excitedly, I'm Clan leader! Finally I made it!

Cats gathered beneath the huge Highrock, and I took a deep breath and began, "I shall announce my choice of the new Clan deputy, but first I shall make a very important warrior ceremony, as well as apprentice ceremonies." I meowed, glancing at Mintpaw, Ripplekit, Dawnkit, and Rushkit, all nice and groomed. Whispergaze had kitted again about six moons ago, and her kits were ready to become apprentices.

"Mintpaw, come forth." I meowed. Frostfur was looking ready to burst with pride, but Specklemist looked already burst with pride. "I call upon StarClan to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to become a warrior in her turn. Do you swear to uphold the warrior code and serve your Clan always?"

"I do." She answered loud and clear.

"Then from this day forth you shall be known as Mintleaf, and the Clan honors your loyalty and enthusiasim, and we welcome you as an official warrior of MoonClan." Mintleaf licked my shoulder gently and backed up into the warrior crowd, head held high.

"Ripplekit, Dawnkit, and Rushkit, come forth." I mewed. The kits tumbled forward and gazed up at me, eyes shining with excitement.

"You three are six moons old, ready to become apprentices." I told them, "From this day forth, until you three have earned your warrior names, you shall be known as Rushpaw, Ripplepaw, and Dawnpaw." The new apprentices mewled in delight and bounced up and down. I gazed around at the cats and found the warriors that I wanted to mentor these apprentices.

"Sunfang, you shall mentor Ripplepaw." I mewed. The warrior padded up and touched noses to his new apprentice. "Splashnose, you shall mentor Dawnpaw." The multicolored warrior greeted his apprentice and padded into the crowd with her. "Thrushthorn, you shall mentor Rushpaw." I told him as he padded up and led Rushpaw away. I finished the ceremony and leapt back up onto Highrock in a single bound.

My Clan picked up a cheery chant; "Mintleaf! Ripplepaw! Dawnpaw! Rushpaw!" I let the cats cheer for a while, then raised my tail for silence.

"I have decided on a deputy." I meowed, "StarClan has helped me to a choice, and they have spoken." The Clan held their breath; the hollow was silent as an owl. "The new deputy shall be Frostfur."

There was an agonizing silence again. But then it was broken, to my suprise, by Thorntail, who started chanting, "Frostfur! Frostfur!"

The other cats soon joined in jubilantly, their yowls floating up to StarClan. My poor, poor littermate stood there frozen with terror and shock. I let out a low mrrow of amusement. The ceremonies were finished; my task was done. I sighed with satisfaction. But I knew, deep down, there were many more trials to come.

"Hey, Lightstar." Splashnose padded up to Highrock. "How is it? Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, thanks, Splashnose." I mewed, resting my tail over his back. "How's Dawnpaw?"

"She's fine." He replied, "she's training at the sandy hollow with Sunfang and Ripplepaw now."

I turned to the warrior. "You should train her!" I protested, "I gave you her as your apprentice because I knew you'd be capable of it." Splashnose blushed crimson and studied his paws.

"Yes, Lightstar," he meowed solemnly. Then he nuzzled my cheek affectionately and turned, trotting happily away. I twiched my whiskers, the spot tingling where he had nuzzled me. What were his feelings for me? Did I like him llike me liked me? No. I decided curtly. I have to focus on my responsibilities, not stumbling blindly after some silly emotion. I gazed down at the cats. Frostfur was at her duty, sending out patrols and whatnot. I yawned, exaustion clouding my vision.

"Good night." I mumbled to no one in particular, sinking down onto soft moss and drifting into sleepy darkness.

Lost Warrior

"No!" The anguished cry rang in my ears like a curse. I awoke with a start, sweat beading my face. Just a dream. I assured myself.

"No! Not him!" Yowling broke outside in the clearing. Panic clawed at my heart as I jumped up and raced into the hollow.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, heart pounding.

Nightflame, a fiery black and orange tabby tom, turned to me, his orange eyes wide. "It's Swifttail!" He yowled, "he's dead!"

Horror snapped at my tail as I bounded up the hollow and into the warriors den. Cats crowded the entrance, spilling into the cave. I shoudered my way through, trying to ignore the sticky, acrid scent of death.

"Let me through!" I growled as I pushed in to get to my apprentice. Tears spilled from my eyes as I gazed down at the limp form, once playful eyes glassy and lifeless. The sickening smell of blood almost clouded over the scent of death. Red liquid pooled all around the young warrior, and a gash yawned evilly at his throat. Sorrow clenched my heart, and I took deep, painful breaths before giving orders;

"Take him out into the clearing." I rasped, my meow barely audible. I wanted to scream and shriek, but I knew my Clan was counting on me, and I forced myself not to go insane like I had when Flamstar died.

Splashnose and Thrushthorn grasped the warrior's scruff and pulled him gently out of the stuffy den. Cats moaned with sadness as they followed the dead warrior. My eyes were feeling hot and burned as I stared at those dark, hollow eyes. Tear stains scorched my cheeks, but I made myself breath calmly and not cry in front all my Clanmates.

"I shall sit vigil for him." I mewed for everyone to hear. Most of the cats moved away, but few stayed to share my mourning, such as Sparrowpath, Specklemist, and Frostfur.

I lay on the cold dirt and pressed my nose into his fur, letting the tears go. Why did you have to take  him? I cried out to StarClan, Show me this traitor, so that I may tear his pelt off and shred his ears to ribbons.

An image flashed in my mind; the

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