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These are the many stories told of the mysterious Redstar,who is me. I must admit with how mysterious I am no one but my clan know's who I actualy am. Aruraclan, Marshclan, Dreadclan,and Snowclan have no idea who they are dealing with. I know my clan isn't the most liked like Starclan or Auraclan, but I intend to change that if I can.... (UNFINISHED!)
Judy has woken up with serious contemplation as to where she is. She's told it's home, but everyone around her looks different to how she remembers. Her boyfriend supposedly never existed, her best friend wont talk to her, and she has a guy following her around telling her he is her 'protector'- instated by her father. Backwards sees Judy's attempt to search for her real home, wherever that is! Many shocking secrets are revieled along the way, and it feels as though the whole world is literally