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Zillah is a bossy, childish, snobby, hot headed, sarcastic, and intelligent werewolf. She meets an paranormal bounty hunter and helps him catches the paranormal criminal and in return she gets a cut of the money. As they try to find the criminal Zillah slowly finds out she had imprinted on the bounty hunter and doesn't know how to tell him.

You are sitting at a café, it’s quiet. A late night storm howls outside and you’re glad for the mug clutched between your hands. Beside you sits a hooded person who has just paused in talking. Rather impatiently, you glare at them as they take a long sip. “Right,” they say slowly, lowering the mug. “Where was I? Oh yes.” They smile and set their drink down. “I suppose what happens next starts in early July, the summer of 2014. It began with four boys, Kami, Satra, Ren and Terone. Like