» Health & Fitness » Optimality Of I Potentiality, Santosh Jha [the false prince txt] 📗

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very tough. There have been people on earth, who attained greatness and even understood the utility of it all. They became saints and helped the masses. Still, they could not devoid themselves of the sense of self, and this made them create rifts between different persons. The evil, which all cultures portray in human beings is this sense of self, which remains attached to egoistic attitudes. Kaivalya is possible only when this sense of self withers completely. Even greats are affected by the attributes of inertia and they stop practicing when they attain greatness. This dooms them and humanity. Kaivalya needs to be practiced lifelong.

This is the state, in yogic philosophy, where jeevatma (human soul/consciousness) unites with parmatma (cosmic soul/consciousness). This is what they called yoga, the union. The different yogasanas are different ways to discipline your body and consciousness to arrive at the state of kaivalya. This is also something, the spiritual philosophy of Geeta, the chief holy book of Hinduism says. Somehow, the modern concepts of psychosynthesis and psychoenergetics also work around the similar ideas.

There is a cardinal rule to the success of every enterprise of life. At the start, every enterprise looks huge and tough. Human mind, as we discussed, is not good at seeing far ahead. Therefore, it is always advised to take small steps towards achievement of part of the enterprise and set aim for smaller goals. Your innocence and honesty is your best preparations to attain your goals. The simple idea is; it is your imagination, which makes you a winner, when you have to make any important decision in life. This imagination puts you above and aloof from the immediate milieus, culture and body-mind instincts, which often either blur your judgment or keep you in a flux. Worse, it makes you drift with it, beyond your conscious control.

You have to use your power of conscious imagination to accept your being and self as someone, not only your body, not only your mind, not only your milieus and not even the interaction between them. You have to accept it as some super consciousness, which observes each of your thought-action-behavior matrices from a position above and aloof from all the dimensions of your consciousness and being. This enables you to hold every emotion, instinct and ideas back for a while, sit over them with an objective and independent super consciousness.

As this super consciousness is a receptive mode facility, you shall be endowed with a power to observe and control all your instinctive and culturally induced thought-action-behavior of action-reaction mode. As you keep practicing to remain in this super consciousness self, you shall finally attain the kaivalya realism. Then, this super consciousness shall become your single and only consciousness.

This is the stage where, you become the conscious decider of what should ideally present yourself with your decision-matrix at any point of time in your life. This is a sure facility for personalizing your own wellness and making them independent of milieus, culture and instincts. Anything you wish to attain in life, in societal milieu, which cultural benchmarks label as worthy, you shall decisively find yourself in competition and conflict with so many others, who want the same attainment and that too exclusively. The success of the enterprise shall only partly depend on your efforts and merits as there shall always be many factors in milieu and people, which shall be equally decisive.

That is why successes in our societies are exception, not a rule. However, when you wish to attain something, which is possible only just by your simple and innocent resolve, you shall be always successful. Like your resolve to find utility and worth in intangibles like love, compassion or attach value to being in nature with trees and birds is only your own personal attainment. This enterprise is successful any number of times you do it. For example, the worth the woman in love in our story above created in a pebble, installing more value to it than a diamond, shall always remain with her as this is an intangible utility, nobody can take away from her, unlike a real diamond. The ancient philosophies tell us to align ourselves only with these intangibles as utility because; our own consciousness has worth only as intangible. Our consciousness is intangible and continuous and that is why, it shall find lasting and continuous wellness only in intangible elements. That is why, the philosophy prescribes, true and lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. Our consciousness is intangible and values the intangibles in our lives more than anything. If we align our consciousness with value, worth and utility in tangibles, there is bound to be pain, conflict and confusion as these elements are not similar and generic to the true character of our consciousness. This is the change we all need to instill in our conscious mind.

This power of imagination, our super consciousness has, is our most precious endowment but this treasure has to be protected against misuse. This is best ensured when you have innocence and honesty of character. You need to be cautious that you keep yourself in milieus, both internal and external, which are conducive to protecting and prolonging your innocence and honesty. If not, then this power of imagination shall always be involved with your ego and sense of self, which shall then lead you away from objectivity and innocence of imagination. You shall then begin to be intelligent, instead of innocence and subjective in assigning value and worth to possessions.

The kaivalya state shall be unavailable, as this sense of self shall put you in the groove of subjectivity, making you trapped in the cyclic causality of action-reaction. It is equally important that the body-mind entity remains ensconced in a conducive internal and external environment. This is crucial initially. Once you have attained the kaivalya state, you can live in any milieu, as you would then rise above all to be affected by them. Initially, you have to keep away from contemporary milieus and culture of gratification and action-reaction mode.



Understanding Causality In Detail

Everything around us, be it our little home or the colossal cosmos, has a mechanism and a process, which makes the mechanism work. As this mechanism and process works, perceptible and discernible patterns emerge, which we all can understand and accept. ‘God’ is unraveled and ‘His’ will is deciphered in the mechanism, processes and patterns around us. The wise have said it that ‘God is in details’. If we open ourselves to this consciousness, where we can understand and accept these mechanism, processes and patterns around us, we shall not need to delegate all happenings to ‘God’. Of course, still loads of probabilities shall be there for ‘God’ to handle but we can make ‘Him’ happy by picking up those for ourselves, which we can and should do.

This is the idea of ‘Causality’ for us. This causality may be simple or complex, expressed in simple structures or in complex ones. However, the core and cardinal rule of causality shall remain singular and that is – All Realism Is A Function Of Some Causalities And This Realism In Turn Structures Alteration In Causalities. This means, causalities have dialectical cyclicality.

As we are aware of causalities, many of the probabilities of happenings become replicable and doable by ourselves. There is no need to trouble ‘God’ or destiny to make it happen. With our personal inputs and with some calculated design of destiny, we can make many of these probable events and things happen the way we wish them to happen.

For example, an ocean is colossal mechanism. It has complex processes and patterns. There are trillions of living organisms and each one having its own destiny in the ocean. Each passing minute, millions of organisms are killed and another millions are born and survive. There is a pattern of this killing and surviving in the oceanic food chain. ‘God’ is not supervising all lives and each second of the lives of the trillions of organisms. We can say, ‘God’ created a mechanism of oceans, infused Oxygen into it to energize the mechanism and created a process of working of the mechanism called ocean. This mechanism evolves and patterns are created, which we all can see. Scientists have now known the working of the oceanic life cycles up to its deepest bottom. They have given us a pattern of how life works in oceans.

Now, I can enter an ocean for fishing and someday I catch a big beautiful fish. I have a sumptuous dinner and I thank ‘God’ for that. Another day at ocean, I catch a shark in my net and escape a certain death. I again thank ‘God’ for the escape, though with serious injuries. ‘God’ is not interested either in my first thank nor in my second. He created a mechanism, which has all patterns and they stand in the ocean in neutral probability. It is destiny in my hand.

If I understand the pattern well, I shall go to ocean well prepared. I shall carefully select the fishing zones and timings. I shall first gather all possible information available to gear myself up for a safe and successful catch, avoiding probabilities of accidents. The mechanism of ocean has both probabilities of a good fish and a shark in equitable proportions. If I am not prepared, I shall meet with that destiny, which the mechanism’s own set of probabilities has there.

If I am prepared well, equipped with the knowledge of the mechanism of the oceans and its multidimensional probabilities, I shall have a destiny of happenings, very much skewed in my favor. This way, I shall have the larger input in the destiny, which ‘God’s’ mechanism has in store for any person. ‘God’s’ will has to be neutral and unbiased as ‘His’ mechanism is also objective, neutral and equal for everyone.

The simple idea is; we have patterns all around us and these patterns, emerge out of the processes of working of a mechanism, which has been created. This mechanism works equitably for all of us. We need to have our personal inputs to manage our own destinies of probabilities of the mechanism’s possibilities on us. We have so many examples in our daily lives, where we see that if we are aware of the patterns (causalities), have prepared ourselves well for multiple factors and have anticipated rightly the dynamic interplay of these factors, which are there in a mechanism, we are successful in having a smooth and safe go.

For example, I am driving a car on the busy highway. Highway has its own mechanism and driving too has its own mechanism. Now, whether I meet with an accident or reach my destination safely depends very much on my own personal input – the knowledge of both mechanisms. Of course, the precarious probabilities of highway driving shall always be there. However, whatever shall be my destiny; it shall have larger inputs of my own preparedness and less of the probabilities of the mechanism of highway driving.

Driving itself is a multi-tasking skill. Those, who have better coordination of their eyes, hands and legs, shall be drivers with lesser chances of accidents. This is however only one part of successful driving. You also need to have intuitive anticipation towards possible mistakes of not only your own driving, but also of others, who shall be ahead and behind you on the highway. You have to anticipate correctly and in time, if a driver ahead you does something silly. Accident happens not only when you do a wrong, but also when others do wrong with you. You are in trouble both ways.

Moreover, on the highway, you need to know, where those accident-prone zones are and where drivers usually make errors of judgment. There may be a signboards warning you but you must have this pre-knowledge, back in your subconscious. It means; you must be very aware of the entire stretch of the highway.

We can see, how a simple

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