» Health & Fitness » Optimality Of I Potentiality, Santosh Jha [the false prince txt] 📗

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sense of ‘I Am’, sways between the seven layers of consciousnesses, defined cyclically by seven elements of personality.

Modern social sciences maintain there are seven drives or instinctive intangibles within consciousness. They are : 1. Sensation 2. Emotion/Feeling 3. Impulse/Desire 4. Imagination 5. Thought 6. Intuition & 7. Will. The sense of ‘I Am’ presides over all these seven instinctive drives. These elements themselves function within a consciousness as sub-personalities. A consciousness is defined by the elements it allows to dominate itself. The element in turn starts defining the consciousness. The personality of the ‘I’ shall be what a dominant element desires. A woman with predominance of element of imagination may be a good poetess, writer or a painter and naturally, her personality shall evolve in a way it is culturally commensurate for an artist. Suitably, she shall attract all such elements from external milieu, which aids and enhances her dominant choice of the element of imagination. Therefore, the element shall start defining her perspectives and personality. Her personality shall be the sub-conscious decider of her consciousness. Even her inner culture shall draw those elements from societal cultures, which are of the same color, which her consciousness is. That is why probably her divinity shall also draw elements from her dominant element of imagination. Her consciousness defines her perspectives and in turn, her perspectives start shaping her consciousness. Divinity is a culture within her consciousness and its elements. So, we can see how ‘causalities’ are created and define everythingness.

In India’s most revered spiritual book, Geeta, the Krishna, who is accepted as the incarnation of Vishnu, the God of nurturance and stabilization, says – ‘He who seeks me in whichever disposition, I meet him in the same facilitative consciousness’. This is the most impacting and futuristic expression of divinity ever made. This speaks of the critical idea of ‘Causality’. Vishnu, the most popular and dominant God in Hindu religious traditions accepts something, which is what modern science keeps telling people about the core idea of divinity. What Vishnu says means – ‘Divinity is the idealism of consciousnesses. It is a facility, a functional superposition of consciousness, which is the ultimate arriving for all subjective consciousnesses. Divinity is the dissolution of all dualisms and ultimate destination of all journeying consciousnesses, where all seven elements of consciousnesses merge into a singular super consciousness.’

Subjective consciousnesses of individuals are split between seven elements of consciousnesses. This dualism makes them confused and conflicted. This subjective consciousness, in its dualism and resultant conflict fails to see that divinity is nothing external to its consciousness, it is a realism within. As the ‘I Am’ feeling is conflicted and in a flux of dualism, his or her consciousness engenders the divide for him or her. He or she thinks, his or her God is some entity or function outside her faculties. The un-arrived and dualistic consciousness shall always seek divinity, his or her personal God outside her consciousness. The consciousness then unravels its own artistry of marvel and magic. It starts drawing similar elements from outside physical milieu and culture. If consciousness accepts the intangible element of divinity as outside entity, the subconscious layers of consciousnesses starts aligning with all similar and generic tangibles from the milieu and culture. You are what your perspectives are and your perspectives make what you are. Therefore, divinity when accepted as outside entity, engenders all external rituals and cultural necessities.

Arriving is all about mind training to lead the consciousness to a certain positioning or situationalism of complete reception, where all dualisms end. In all religions, the divinity tells people – ‘Stop seeing me, you shall see’, ‘stop searching me, you shall find’. Now, there are semantic conflations also in these words, apart from the dualism, which is purely a mind and consciousness positioning. One feels the dualism in the lines as it says to ‘stop’ doing something for its ‘fruition’. We must understand why there is no dualism in it.

The simple idea is, you and me cannot find or search God or love. It is there in whatever shape, color or positioning irrespective of our semantic and mental confusion about what and how God and love is. We get God and love not by finding or searching for it but by stopping doing it as, this leads us to be assimilated in God and Love, as both are in everything and everywhere. And the most important fact is that what we are searching and looking outside in the domain of mysticism and marvel is actually our own consciousness or its expressions. You actually stop the dualism and conflict, the moment you stop looking outside. At this state of your consciousness, dualism stops and non-dualism is arrived at. The divinity is identified with and the super consciousness expresses this realism in the poorly designed human words of ‘I Am God’.

Both science and ancient wisdom talk about a singular facility, which leads us to this super consciousness, where ‘I Am God’ expression becomes a realism. This intangible element is called ‘Will’. Will as an intangible element of consciousness grows like a seed in the soil of the subjective sense of ‘I Am’. The ultimate destination of this growth and personal evolution is expressed in terms of ‘I Am God’. This will is evolved in stages and each stage deals with another set of intangible. The evolution of will also goes through seven stages of personal growth. These seven stages are –








It has to be understood that ‘Will’ affects the evolution of the higher personality, not the sub-personalities. A whole range of intangibles like concentration, determination, patience, perseverance, courage, discipline, mastery, artistry, intensity, power, organization, integration, and synthesis are required for the process of evolution of the Will.

If you match these seven intangibles with the first classification of seven elements, owned by different deities, you can easily understand, how cyclical this causality of dualism is. These elements are similar. This reflects the realism that divinity is an intangible mechanism of reaching your own potential as consciousness. This sums up as why, a consciousness, when arrives at the optimality of his or her potential as a consciousness, he or she reaches and merges with the singularity and here, ‘I’ is ‘Divinity’ – this realism is – ‘I Am God’.



Understanding Specificity In Detail

Much has changed, especially in the last decade, in the domain of human wisdom of ‘self’, which expresses itself in such ways that creates all entities in life and living. Much has changed as science has now begun to understand well enough this mystery of how our brain works and creates this sense of ‘I’ or ‘Me’ or the ‘Self’. Science says, we and as our brain creates realities for us, essentially are ‘Love-Belief-Systems’.

Now, we need to understand this idea of ‘Love-Belief-Systems’. When we see and accept our life-living realism and even our own ‘self’ or sense of ‘I’ from the new millennium perspective of ‘Love-Belief-Systems’, we shall stand truly empowered. The core idea behind this hypothesis of ‘Love-Belief-Systems’ is – human brain, which engenders ‘I’ or this subjective sense of ‘Me’, ‘Mine’, ‘They’, ‘Their’, etc, works on the basis of an algorithm, which we can broadly list as ‘Beliefs’. We are essentially what we believe and feel as something ‘true and right’ for us. If I am ABC, then ABC is essentially the XYZ beliefs that it has. This algorithm of ‘beliefs’ is a complicated mechanism and it is difficult how it is created and works for us. However, what we can do here is accept it as a function of something called ‘specificity’.

Brain and its working with algorithm is an intangible mechanism. Brain does not hold tangible elements like apple, mango and strawberry. It only holds images, in terms of electro-chemical and neuro-chemical impulses. Therefore, what it accepts for its algorithm design is ‘specificity’. Specificity is the ‘intangible’ outcome or functional feel of the interaction of two or more tangible things…

Let us understand ‘specificity’ in terms of what we all can in easy way – that is LOVE. Love is also a ‘specificity’ of tangible elements, which brain accepts for its algorithmic tasking. Science says, you see a person, which is tangible, you see the physical and other tangible elements in him or her. You talk, you get to know, etc. All these elements of tangibility interact with brain’s already wired ‘Belief System’, which then creates an emotion, which is physical feedstock to your brain, in terms of tangible chemical signals. These then create a ‘Specificity’ – The Feeling of LOVE.

Love, as ‘specificity’ is not tangible or a material with any physicality. However, Love is the intangible ‘specificity’ of interaction of tangible elements, conveyed to brain with tangible system of hormones and other chemical-neural impulses.

Like love, in our life and living, our own consciousness is expressed as intangible ‘specificity’ of tangibles, which is a mechanism of what we earlier termed as ‘Love-Belief-System’. This specificity can also be understood in terms of ‘Vector-Realism’, about which we have already talked.

The process of making of consciousness, which stays with us lifelong, starts even when we are in mother’s womb. The sense of ‘self’ or to say, the question as ‘who I am’, starts to take shape when in womb, a child gets the feel of sounds and vibrations around. The unconscious mind of child starts accepting these elements of his immediate milieu as part of its homeostasis requirements. Homeostasis, in common person’s definition is a body-mind requirement of survival of the body. We have already talked about homeostasis. Science admits; a newborn child is designed to be born as a genius. It readies itself for the environment outside the womb by imbibing the signals it receives inside the womb. That is why; modern couples start the education of their kids well in the womb itself.

From the day first, the human child is instinctively loaded with one facility, which helps him or her evolve his or her ‘self’ – the subjective consciousness. This facility is instinctive inquisitiveness – the insatiable inclination to know and then imbibe it as part of what we call his ‘Love-Belief-System’. The animals also learn and survive by accepting what their mother does. This aping is primary wired algorithm of ‘Love-Belief-System’. This desire also seems to be a beautiful expression of the homeostasis mechanism of body-mind consciousness. The mind can maintain poise only when it incessantly updates information about the surrounding environment and makes prompt decisions about the utility of these information for maintaining homeostasis. Human brain, since its inception begins to write its algorithms, by accepting, loving and believing in what he or she finds suited to its survival. So, a mother majorly shapes whether a new born shall remain a non-vegetarian or a vegetarian for life. The kid simply falls in love with whatever his or her mother feeds him or her as it is his/her survival/homeostatic need.

It is here the trouble seems to start for humanity. The need to know, to survive and excel, since infant stage, exposes the nascent mind to loads of multiplicity of information in the larger environment. As subconscious mind of the child starts to accept, love and adopt most of them as ‘essential’ for his homeostasis, he or she becomes unconsciously predisposed to these information and they become part of his or her larger consciousness, which science refers to as ‘Love-Belief-System’.

When science says, ‘You are in your perspectives and your perspectives are in you’ it is essentially a reference to the mechanism of this ‘Love-Belief-System’. You are majorly what your ‘Love-Belief-System’ shapes you since infant stage, or even when in womb. That is why, science also warns – The true empowerment and maturity comes when a person ‘unlearns’ and ‘prunes’ from his ‘Love-Belief-System’, those elements, beliefs and loves, which are antithetical to social peace, harmony and personal wellness. Unlearning is always the key element of empowerment and maturity.

Even before a child grows up to become an adult, he or she already accepts thousands of beliefs. However, most of these beliefs are based on his or

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