» Health & Fitness » Optimality Of I Potentiality, Santosh Jha [the false prince txt] 📗

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her personal and subjective interpretations of experiences, inferences, assumptions, probabilities, deductions, inductions, and loads of oversimplifications, which the subconscious mind is expert at making. Most of these beliefs are very much part of the subconscious mind and continue to present themselves as potent referrals for conscious mind even years after. We all have heard people saying, an adult’s love is very much a reflection of what he or she got in childhood. We all know, a love-deficit childhood engenders an adult with troubled love life.

All these beliefs, which a child acquires, form part of the ‘self’, the subjective consciousness, about which we always keep asking question as ‘who I am’. Our subconscious mind starts building an image of ‘self’ and this process expresses itself in mystically intangible ways. We unconsciously start extending the limits of our ‘self-image’ in things and beliefs around us. It starts with we identifying with our body first, then with our mind, our family, friends, neighbors, teachers, partners, the special someone and later with our career, assets, ethnicity, nationality, gender etc. As we grow in life, we identify more with ideas and issues, fall in love with our beliefs and dogmatically refuse to test their validity and righteousness, as is common with lovers. All these are expression of our ‘self’, the consciousness.

We adopt our ‘Love-Beliefs’ in our minds and guard them very ferociously as if they were part of our ‘self’. We fight for our people and beliefs like we fight for our dear life and well-being. It is because, they are part of our self and anything against them threatens our homeostasis, making us react fiercely. This is mystical. We may think, we are fighting for the cause of our dear ones or dear beliefs but essentially, we are fighting for our own survival, which is expressed in terms of homeostasis. The mechanism of ‘Love-Belief-System’ does his for us.

We all know how people feel so strongly about their family, loved ones, ethnicity and nationality. People go to the extent of sacrificing their lives for the dear cause of family and even nation. It is very simple to understand why people do not think twice, giving up their lives for lovers and even something as vague as loss of their favorite football club. People commit suicide even when their favorite pop star falls from stairs and hurts him or her seriously.

This is no joke. These incidents somehow are very intense and as most people accept it as something seriously threatening their ‘self – their very homeostasis wellness, they feel, their very survival is threatened. The reaction can be very disproportionate and precarious. They often are in love! Now, when we have entered a new millennium of wisdom and reason, which unravel to us the mysteries of consciousness, we need to know and be guarded about how our brain system works and creates realities for us.

Scientific observation accepts that our being self-aware is a product of knowledge. Knowledge is an intangible. Experience on the one hand is a material characteristic of our organism. Knowledge on the other hand is the intangible contents (information) found in the ‘Specificity’ of physical relationships in the brain. Knowledge is at least in part supported by the same brain states that are experiential. The situation is this: If we did not have knowledge, then we would not know of our experience and if there were no experience then we would not experience our knowledge.

This leads us to a very insightful notion of ‘Specificity’. Somehow, as evolving men and women, we need to accept that every stage of human evolution is defined by a ‘milieu’ or what we may refer to as ‘ideational-time/space’. This we can safely accept as ‘Specificity’ of realism, which defines and shapes the ‘collective unconscious’, the archetypes or what we know as memes. Our subconscious then is shaped up by the memes. As subconscious rules 95% of our behavior and actions, we can see how we all are designed and defined by this notion of ‘Specificity’.

Broadly, specificity is about zeroing down, settling for exactness, pin-pointing to a singularity, or simply, deciphering the single largest ‘affector’ of a realism. We all understand how difficult this task of seeking ‘exactness’ is. We have already talked about how our brain hallucinates realism. How our past experiences stored in subconscious and collective unconscious (called memes) affect our perceptions of realism. We already know how our body-mind design is actually the primary reason making us fail in installing this exactness or specificity. But then, the beauty of science is in scaling something, which is tough and transient, yet amenable to structured interpretation.

As humans, we rely heavily on our language as communication tool to express ourselves in ‘definitive terms’. The humanly designed words, we feel are our best tools for exactness and specificity. This is biggest misnomer and the hypocrisy of primary intent. Why?

Primarily, when our own body-mind mechanism is so infested with dualistic consciousness, we seldom perceive reality as it is. How can then we design something of exactness. Naturally, our languages and words are only a very poor means of transference of our intents and perceptions. That is why it is said, most societies and cultures are infested with conflicts and confusion and majority of societal and cultural troubles are only Semantic – emanating out of difference of perceptions in meanings and intents we ascribe to wordings.

Secondly, languages we speak are for external milieus. They are at best a poor tool for societal and collective space for facilitating interactive needs. Language is okay when I talk to you. However, there is a language of our body and mind, which we do not know and has only begun to decipher. The language our cell speaks to other cell, our tissues speak to nerve cells, our sensory organs speak to our brain are all beyond our own designed words and languages. They speak chemical and electrical languages, most of us are not even aware of. It is only recently that we have begun to know how our Liver speaks to Pancreas when the blood stream speaks to it about sugar content. We simply know about something called diabetes but seldom care for ‘Exactness’, the Specificity of the mechanism. Most importantly, the ‘Genetic Expression’, which is core and critical for our survival and proliferation is a language, scientists have only just begun to fathom. These molecular languages are what we are talking about – the Specificity.

Therefore, in future, in the coming years, those, who truly wish to stand empowered and evolved, need to delve deep into this notion of specificity. The idea if specificity also helps us in improving the efficacy of our inter-personal interactions. When we understand how molecular communication or genetic expressions have to work with needle-point precision to enable us survive on daily basis. When we understand how a miniscule deviation or aberration in molecular communication or genetic expressions can kill us, or already killing us in plenty, we become aware as how poorly we express and communicate through our words and languages we have designed. We rather seldom care before speaking. We never think of and plan for the needle-point precision of ‘specificity’ (exactness) in our languages and communications. It is only very natural that we live in societies and cultures, where everyone and everything is misunderstood or un-understood, causing hell loads of chaos, confusion and conflicts…

Someone said, ‘The most rewarding feeling of life and living is the assurance that I am understood’. Probably right! Why? Because, most people have this inner realization that either they are hypocritical or unclear in their communication and expression. Therefore they are always skeptical about whether they are being understood or not. It is probably because we have not bothered to master the craft of ‘specificity’ in our life and living.

This is the language of future of humanity. A brilliant scientist, Stephen William Hawking said that future of humanity rested with molecular biology and artificial intelligence. It is the new language of specificity that would shape new human, evolved by controlled human design. If we do not master the artistry of the linguistic excellence of Specificity, we decay and dissipate. We do not survive and excel.



Understanding Homeostasis In Detail

Scientific evidences maintain that ageing is 30 percent gene function and 70 percent lifestyle choices. Homeostasis decides it all. Anthropologists say, more than 100,000 years ago when hunting and gathering were the primary economic activities, humankind was in a homeostatic equilibrium with the natural environment. We have lost it way back.

Global researches confirm that the aggregate levels of happiness and well being are not appreciably higher now than they were at the end of World War II (1945), even though per capita income has increased by several hundred percent and in all aspects of life and living, we are now many times better off and comfortable.

It is not that these are stupid data or findings of a science lab, which we are not aware of. It surely looks like we all feel it but cannot say why? We all somehow promptly confirm, something is hugely amiss around us, but when it comes to pinpointing it, we have trouble. Be it our body, mind, family system, society at large, cultures, nations or global order, we all feel, things are not the way it needs to be and there is something small or big, which we are missing, which makes us uncomfortable, missing the desired wellness.

It is not that humanity is not doing anything about all this. There are researches going on. Lots of money and intellect are being invested to know exactly what and why. However, somehow, it is not such a complicated thing that an individual, busy in his or her life and living blues cannot understand and answer. It is indeed a simple common sense, which humanity, some thousands of years back could fathom and point out.

The explanation about the idea of homeostasis is scientific and it needs expert knowledge. That is why I accept that most things about the concept of homeostasis, I have taken from what experts have said. Even most of the words in the following paragraphs, about homeostasis are that of the experts, not truly mine. I surely cannot explain it in layman’s terms as it shall not be appropriate.

Science says, homeostasis allows the body to adapt to a wide variety of environments, both internally and externally. In order for the body to maintain healthy, it needs to remain in a state of balance, homeostasis. When the body is unable to maintain homeostasis, disease often ensues. A great many factors can affect the body in such a way as to throw off homeostasis. Stress is one of these many factors. As is commonly known, stress on the body can induce both physical and psychological changes in the body.

Science says, while the body is able to adjust to natural changes within the body, and generally without (temperature changes, etc), it cannot adjust to activities which we subject ourselves to. Smoking promotes changes within the body which homeostasis has no control over. It cannot defend against the harmful effects of smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, or depriving our bodies of necessary sleep and nutrients. Poor dietary habits can take a toll on the body for which homeostasis can do nothing to recover balance.

What is important is to know that disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). Contemporary environment and lifestyle choices are doing both at the same time and that too very badly. In our fast-paced lives and peer-pressured race for unending marathon of instant-self-gratifications, we are not only depriving our bodies of the basic needs for survival but also adding hell lot of toxicity than our bodies could handle. Survival is all about homeostasis in nature as well as nurture domains. Tragically, we live in a cluttered milieu and annihilated nature as well as nurture.

Now, it

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