» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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month of December.

Now that’s a difference of almost 20,000 people on average between December 2019 and December 2020. But apparently we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic and hospitals are overwhelmed? Some of you are probably thinking, ‘Well that’s just the data for General and Acute beds, Covid is a deadly disease so what about the data for critical care beds?’ Well, we’re glad you asked…

As of 14th December 2020, 3186 critical care beds were occupied across all NHS England Hospitals with 4288 still remaining open. The data for 14th December 2019 shows that 2966 beds were occupied with 3638 beds remaining open. So that’s an increase of 220 people compared to last year, still not really justifying the crucifixion of our economy is it?

Even more concerning is the statistics for 14th December in the following years –

2018 – 2869 critical care beds occupied (-317 on 2020)

2017 – 3187 critical care beds occupied (+1 on 2020)

2016 – 3196 critical care beds occupied (+10 on 2020)

Every year is averaging around the same, close to the 3000 mark, but apparently we’re in the middle of the deadliest pandemic in over 100 years?

The full article with data and graphs can be found at:


UK's £37 BILLION Test and Trace system provided 'NO clear impact' on coronavirus, damning new report reveals.


UK 500-bed Nightingale Hospital to close without treating a single Covid-19 patient

And all of these hospitals, many of which cost millions of pounds to set up, are either closed or in the process of closing after receiving next to no patients. Meanwhile the government is still threatening the public that the NHS could be overwhelmed at any moment.



London's 4,000-bed Nightingale hospital to be SHUT after treating just 51 Covid-19 patients


34% of NHS staff say they were pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on disabled Covid patients.

A damning report released by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that thirty-four-percent of people working in health and social care were pressured into placing ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (DNACPR) orders on Covid patients who suffered from disabilities and learning difficulties, without involving the patient or their families in the decision.


Nurse Speaks about Empty Beds, and no Coronavirus Cases in Devon Hospitals UK


Which brings us to this new craze sweeping social media, especially via the TikTok app. Nurses and Doctors are creating ridiculous dance routine videos at a time when we are being told hospitals are overwhelmed and our health care system is at breaking point. Just where exactly do they find the time?


“How many people aged 15 or under have died of Covid-19? Four. The chance of dying from a lightning strike is one in 700,000. The chance of dying of Covid-19 in that age group is one in 3.5million. And we locked them all down. Even among the 15- to 44-year-olds, the death rate is very low and the vast majority of deaths have been people who had significant underlying health conditions. We locked them down as well. We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems from the disease, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable age group. If you had written a plan for making a complete bollocks of things you would have come up with this one. The only purpose of lockdown was to protect the health service from being overwhelmed, which did not happen. The end result is that lockdown was a waste of time. It cannot be continued forever. The clarion call was to clear the hospitals of patients. There was a point when my local hospital was a quarter full. Staff were wandering around with nothing to do. You hear this idea that all NHS staff have been working 20 times as hard as they have ever done. This is complete nonsense. An awful lot of people have been standing around wondering what the hell to do with themselves. A&E has never been so quiet. This initial response was understandable, but it quite rapidly became clear that it was an overreaction. The problem then was that it was essentially decided that wherever beds could be found, patients would be put in them, whether tested or not tested, positive or negative. They basically just started throwing people out into the intermediate care sector. The average age of death from Covid-19 in the UK is around 82, and most of those people have comorbidities. I said to our managers that we had to test people and could not just be throwing them into nursing homes. But that is what they did. Homes were virtually ordered to take elderly patients. We had one nursing home that ended up with 12 deaths in a week. The health service treated elderly, vulnerable people as figures on a piece of paper. The lack of any brain power being applied to this was amazing. They had one objective – to clear the hospitals – and everything else was subordinate to that. Of course, they will never say this is what happened. But that is precisely what did happen.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick -


This Nurse is absolutely fantastic - Tells it how it is (advised strong language)



















Read the following story from a Paramedic which shows you how we have been manipulated and whole countries locked down for no reason. Here is the Paramedics story:



According to the WHO, in October 2020 an estimated 750 million people - about 10% of the world's population - had been infected by SARS-CoV-2, and one million people had died of COVID-19. Those figures lead to a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.13%, which is the typical CFR exhibited by the seasonal flu.

94% of the people who died of COVID-19 had comorbidity factors. A majority of them had not one but several comorbidity factors - in particular hypertension, obesity, chronic lung disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For example, a UK patient who had advanced cancer, kidney failure and diabetes, and had tested positive within 60 days prior to his death, will have his demise automatically attributed to COVID-19. In the UK, at the very least 30% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are actually due to a comorbidity.

Starting with the hyper-inflated WHO number of COVID deaths, which is 1.7 million as of January 2021, we can presume the following numbers:

False positive deaths, patients who didn't even have COVID, represent - at the very least - 33% of the total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19. That's 700,000 out of 1.7 million.

Deaths due to comorbidities represent 30% of the total number of deaths attributed to COVID. That's 500,000 out of 1.7 million.

About 90% of the typical flu death toll was transferred to the COVID tally. That's 300,000 deaths out of 1.7 million.

That possibly leaves a Covid death total of about 200,000.

So did Covid-19 cause the number of deaths that they say it did?

What kind of pandemic induces much less total deaths than the seasonal flu?

In France, even before they tested positive for the virus, 80% of alleged COVID-19 victims had a life expectancy lower than one year due to comorbidities and advanced age. Overall, COVID-19 victims had a life expectancy of a mere 3 years and 82% of the victims were more than 70 years old. The average age for a COVID-19 death is 82, that is a few months shorter than the overall life expectancy.

In several countries, the average age of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is even higher than life expectancy. For example, in the UK, the average age for COVID-19 death is 82,6 years old while the average life expectancy is 81.2 years. In Sweden, the average age of those who have allegedly died of COVID-19 is 84 years old, two years more than the average age of death which is 82.

In summary, the typical victim of COVID-19 is an individual in his 80's who lives in a nursing home and has several comorbidities.

So why have all the young and healthy people been locked down and their lives destroyed and everyone told to hide in their homes. It only makes sense if there is another agenda at play here.

Testimony from a Truthful ER Doctor in Canada

ER Doctor - "We're Being Deceived and Manipulated". "I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19."

"Both in my regular ER and my "COVID-19 designated" ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient."

"I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19."

"My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer's money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal." – Mark Trozzi MD

My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called "pandemic", including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19.

I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen's University and The University of Ottawa.

What follows is my observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly. I do not have authority to tell you "the truth", but I will share my honest experiences, perceptions, and digests of hundreds of hours of research on the subject of covid-19.

At the onset of this "pandemic", I was cautious and hence meticulous with N95 mask use, hand washing, social isolation and distancing etc. I studied coronavirus science and was deeply involved in many emergency department drills to modify our practice in profound ways to deal with the "killer virus" we were advertised. However, various things soon made me consider that we were being deceived and manipulated.

Here are a few:

The "first wave" of the "pandemic" was absolutely the quietest time in my career. I have worked very hard and been very busy over the past twenty-five years in ER.

However, both in my regular ER and my "COVID-19 designated" ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient.


Meanwhile, when I would go to the local grocery store, the propagandized public, God bless them, would usher me to the front of the antisocial distance line, thanking me for everything I was going through as a front-line emergency doctor.

They believed that the ER's and hospitals were full of patients dying from covid, and that I must be exhausted and at risk of dying myself from exposure. I began contacting doctors and friends all over Canada and the US, and found the same pattern: empty hospitals, and propaganda saying that they were full of patients dying of covid.

Early in my studies, I investigated zinc and hydroxychloroquine, which based on sound physiology, may genuinely help those rare persons who get very sick with this cold virus. I was surprised that this treatment was simply brushed aside and dismissed by most of the medical community.

Researching the World Health Organization, of the UN, I learned that the Chinese dictatorship (PRC) had propped up a ******* communist "Dr" Tedros, as the head of the WHO; and I learned how the PRC had been involved in: the virus release; the cover-up for weeks; the disappearing and suppression of honest Chinese doctors and scientist; the spreading of the virus to the world (sparing Beijing where the PRC elite live); and dramatic abuse of the Chinese people in their well-timed lockdown, which was filmed and transmitted to the world to create the panic that herded all of us into surrendering our economies and civil rights.

I learned how Canada's chief public health officer Dr Tam, is on the oversight committee of the WHO with

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