» Health & Fitness » Covid-19 - The Lies and the Fraud, Terence Smart [great books of all time .txt] 📗

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Dr Tedros, essentially making her a ******-agent; and I listened to her often-******* dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.

At every level, hospital administration has had no apparent choice, other than to submit to the endless top-down roll out from governments, of questionable new rules, protocols, and procedures.

My honest conversations with coworkers about my research and observations, became a problem. Caught in this quandary, an important administrator who I greatly respect, told me that "my thoughts made others uncomfortable, and made it difficult to keep everyone motivated and compliant" with all the new protocols and restrictions.

Sympathetic to the sad situation, I maintained my clinical position by promising to "bite my tongue any time I thought I was going to speak about COVID-19" in the hospital. This was ultimately ethically impossible for me, and I have recently removed myself from the ER to avoid conflict.

I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends.


My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer's money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal.

My province alone has performed 50,000 PCR tests daily. Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them "vaccines", and having the military manage them. Is this reasonable for a predominantly mild and non-fatal viral illness.

I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020.

Look at this study performed in Wuhan itself,

which shows that the virus was done there by June 1, 2020 just two months after their brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it, not even the very few people with a positive PCR "test" (and they were not sick):

I noticed that after China's theatric lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual, while all our economies were frozen; they gained tremendous control over the world's marketplace. It seems a great, though evil strategy!


I perceive that many things we learned in medical school about infectious disease, have been brushed aside and replaced by constantly expanding lists of often ******* mandates by public health officials. Doctors, nurses, and teachers are especially important to the success of this COVID-19 deception, as we are leaders in society and people trust our advice.

So, it is no surprise that I have found free speech and thought have been very suppressed in our ranks. Rather than endure the punishments of dissenting, we can choose to experience the short-sighted perks like extremely quiet days in the ER, replacing our traditional hands-on work with Zoom sessions from home; and accessing a variety of new COVID-19 ******* codes.

At one point, an option existed to make more money than I normally make working in a busy ER, to just stay home and be available in case the covid swabbing nurse needed to video conference with me.

There are many positive and negative motivators being used to manipulate Canadian doctors, nurses and teachers, to inadvertently participate in this grand covid deception; but this is destroying our society. To use a Titanic metaphor: "even the luxury suites on the Titanic end up at the bottom of the ocean when she sinks". Also, much of what is being done, including the experimental viral genetic injections, seem to violate the Nuremberg code regarding medical experimentation with full informed consent by the participants. Doctors and nurses face tough decisions. My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living. Now maintaining the career I love, would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by the Nuremberg Code.

I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.

I researched and perceived how corrupt oligarchs seem to have planned this crime against humanity. This planning included Event 201 which was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019; and the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 Viral outbreak simulation planning called "Operation Lockstep".

Both these projects described how a viral outbreak would be used to bring in an authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights and freedoms. I also observed how their cohorts in big tech like Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube worked to censor and deceive us all; it's genuine propaganda.


The forced wearing of masks by most of the world's population is not unanimously supported by real science. These masks cause significant harm to our psychologic, social, dermatologic, dental and otolaryngotic health. Though I generally have great health, the masks have given me rashes and nasal symptoms whenever I have had to wear them for prolonged periods, which resolve whenever I do not wear them for a few days. What I find most disturbing is the elimination of facial expressions, and hence normal visual social interaction.

The history of past attempts at vaccines for coronaviruses, revealed some very dangerous side effects in animal models, and the efforts were abandoned. Why would we take a dangerous vaccine for a generally mild illness, to which we develop herd immunity anyways? The current roll-out of fast tracked expensive experimental "vaccines" is burying the taxpayers in endless debt to the rich and powerful villains of this story. Yet, we the people who have been imprisoned and abused in this scandal, are being manipulated into taking new strange injections, in hopes that we might regain some of our freedom. Additionally, the so called "vaccines" are not vaccines (unless we change the definition of vaccines). Rather they are injections of Corona virus genes. See the section This Is Not a Vaccine.

Recently, I have made some tough personal decisions; surrendering income and personal security, to choose an ethical and honest path forward, that may help contribute to an outcome that is true and just; and to the return of our free society and civil liberties. I believe that we are almost all victims in this, regardless of where we are on the path for the recovery of truth. – by Dr. Mark Trozzi


Mainstream propaganda medias and the criminal governments are constantly promoting FEAR and false spread on news and radio of this fake virus which is nothing more than the seasonal flu. What an atrocity against humanity. Coercing the naive fearful misinformed masses to be vaccinated unnecessarily.


11 HUGE Covid Stats Deliberately Hidden by the MSM!

All of this data is extracted from the CDC, WHO, Johns Hopkins, White House task force press conferences, and scientific studies. All direct source links are cited below the list of statistics. A printable pdf version is available at the bottom of this page for those who wish to print and distribute these facts.

90% of Covid-positive individuals are asymptomatic. This is the most significant and meaningful statistic of all. Asymptomatic Covid-positive have a spread rate of only 0.7% – less than 1%. They are NOT super spreaders. Survival rate of ages 0-69 is 99.82%. Survival rate of age 70+ is 94.6% with high comorbidities and other causes of death. Dr. Deborah Birx and state health officials confirmed that all Covid-positive individuals who die from other causes are being counted as a Covid death, including, but not limited to: car accidents, gunshot wounds, 1-week to live in hospice, drowning, dementia, and alcohol poisoning. Most people did not die “FROM” or were “KILLED BY” Covid, they died “WITH IT.” Only 6% of death certificates show Covid-19 as the only cause of death, which includes “assumed cause.” On average, there are 2.9 comorbidities to documented Covid deaths. That number increases significantly in nursing homes. The CDC is grouping pneumonia, influenza, and covid deaths together as “PIC”, while discontinuing reporting on influenza hospitalizations because “the number is too low” despite being in the middle of the flu season. 38% of all Covid-related deaths have taken place in nursing homes & long term care facilities, accounting for over 129,000 of deaths reported, in which 43% of those deaths were attributed to influenza and pneumonia, and 31% were age 85+. The masks being mandated to wear, are scientifically proven to not work against viruses, according to studies, the WHO, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, in addition to 10 months of people wearing them, showing no better rate of cases than states and countries that have not worn them, plus 85% of people who tested positive were mask wearers. The CDC also reported: “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks,” hence they do not work for Covid either. In the 2017-2018 Flu season, there were 810,000 hospitalizations, far surpassing Covid hospitalizations for the entire year. Over 61,000 people died. There were 195 pediatric deaths due to influenza, far greater than what has been reported for Covid-related pediatric deaths. No lockdowns, restrictions, social distancing, or masks were required. There has never been a sample specimen of SARS-CoV-2 isolated and purified, and the inventor of PCR and other scientists have always said that PCR should not be used for medical diagnostics – it will produce false/positives. Dr. Fauci confirmed that the cycle threshold on the tests is too high which creates false/positives. The vaccines have already shown terrible side effects, and they don’t know if it will cause infertility. Doctors all across the world have been warning about these vaccines that were rushed through in record time without long term clinical trials.


Source Links:

Dr. Birx, MSM, and health officials talking about counting people “with” Covid in death totals:


Lockdowns kill many more people than Covid-19

What kind of damage have covid restrictions done? Globally, there will be more extra deaths from other diseases being neglected than from covid itself. Many more malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis deaths. The increase in starvation deaths worldwide will also single handedly outnumber covid deaths. There will be many preventable deaths coming from things like missed cancer screenings. There have already been plenty of deaths from people being too scared to seek care because of Covid-19 and dying of a stroke or a heart attack at home.

More than 200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and other economic and social effects all caused by lockdown, a U.K government report has warned. The great majority of the deaths – 185,000 – are attributed to an extended wait for treatment.

Recent NHS performance statistics showed the number of patients admitted for routine operations has dropped 82 per cent in a year. Shocking data showed only 54,550 patients were admitted for treatment in May 2020 — a fraction of the 295,000 recorded in May 2019.

NHS figures show that 106,535 urgent cancer referrals were made by GPs in England in May 2020, 47 per cent down from 200,599 in May 2019. At the same time, 55,500 more people are now waiting to have key cancer tests in England's hospitals compared with the same point last year. Clearly there could be over 100,000 deaths from cancer over the next few years because of lockdowns and hospitals opening for Covid only patients.

Cancer screening and treatment was put on hold. Cancer Research UK estimated that 290,000 people missed cancer follow ups, indicating that around 20,000 current cancer sufferers, who could otherwise have accessed treatment, remain untreated or possibly unaware of their cancer.

At least 2.4 million people missed cancer screening appointment during the lockdown. As the NHS in the U.K warns that the backlog of planned treatments, including for life threatening and life limiting conditions, is

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