» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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of infected people. Restricting the movement and rights of healthy people is usually called fascism.) Of these five countries, Sweden can be said to be doing worse than the other four. Yet Sweden is doing better than Italy, France, the UK, Spain, Netherlands or Belgium. At the same time, it's not willfully destroying its economy, harassing its population, and taking away people's basic rights. Belarus is riding this out with ease without any restrictions whatsoever. The claims that we'd have been worse off without 'quarantine' are thus completely unsubstantiated.

Virologists and doctors all over the world have been warning us that wearing masks, aside from having little to no effect on stopping this virus, does a lot of damage. It deprives us of oxygen, which leads to all kinds of health problems, and this, ironically, actually produces some symptoms similar to those of SARS-CoV-2. The waste we exhale, including viruses, is inhaled back with a mask on. Thus our viral load increases, and our latent viruses (of which we all have plenty) get amplified and awoken. You can actually get sick from the viruses in your body that were latent but were awoken by wearing a mask. Wearing a mask also isolates you from the normal environment and thus weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to viruses of all kinds, as well as to other threats to your health. These problems also amplify one another. Low oxygen weakens your immune system. A weakened immune system gives a better chance to the latent viruses to spread and multiply, and so on. And of course, the people whom this affects the most are old people with already weakened immune systems, and especially those with respiratory problems. In other words, exactly the people we should be trying to protect the most.

The counting of COVID-19 cases and deaths has been one of the most fraudulent things ever witnessed, and all the numbers are almost completely meaningless. Tests are wildly inaccurate. Deaths are inflated by counting anyone who can even remotely be counted, including people with heart attacks who are merely suspected of having coronavirus. No test needed. Just an assumption. And since hospitals in many places get more money for covid patients than for any other patients, and since government institutions encourage doctors to write 'COVID-19' wherever possible, it is no surprise that the numbers are nowhere near accurate or meaningful. And this is all by design, as has been proved countless times and confirmed by government officials and agencies. Yet even with all the manipulation in the direction of increasing the apparent threat of SARS-CoV-2, the virus fails to appear significantly worse than the flu. It seems very likely that if reported correctly, the number of deaths 'from' covid-19 would be significantly less than those 'from' the flu.

The measures taken under the guise of 'fighting a virus' (false because they don't achieve that - they only slow down the spread) and 'saving lives' (no evidence of that happening) are in many cases so bizarre, illogical, and destructive that people really should think about how much of this can be ascribed to just incompetence before it starts strongly suggesting malicious intent. The economy is being destroyed, which means higher food prices and many other necessities, millions of lost jobs, destruction and decreased production of food, starvation, poverty, disrupted education, closure of small businesses and thus many people's livelihoods, domestic violence, increased alcoholism, suicides, and much more. The psychological damage to countless people is only beginning and will continue for years to come. This whole generation of children will be damaged by something so incredibly stupid and at the same time completely unnecessary that it's hard to fathom how this could ever have happened.

At the same time, of course, the rich are getting richer, as always, and the usual parasites are capitalizing on this crisis. Nobody's being 'saved', we're all getting harmed in many ways while politicians, bankers, and CEOs are robbing us like they always do, and yet many people, in an amazing display of loss of cognitive function, apparently, are cheering for their own demise. Everything that's wrong with our system, everything people have been protesting against for years, has been magnified many times, but many people go along with this utter madness and support it. It turns out that all you have to do to make the whole world participate in collective suicide is to repeat the same lies every day and tell people all this is to 'save lives'. It doesn't have to make any sense. No lives need to actually be saved for it to work. It seems that just saying 'saving lives' is a magical mantra that makes anything not only acceptable but highly desirable, no matter how many lives it actually destroys. People's critical thinking has been obliterated by decades of programming and conditioning, and they will happily be digging their own graves, for free.

The proposed solutions are just as fake as the reasons for a global lockdown. A vaccine for coronavirus is pretty much impossible, for many reasons. The virus mutates much faster than anybody can make a vaccine. We don't have vaccines for any other coronaviruses either, as they have been so difficult to make that success has eluded us so far. Nor do we have one for the common cold, for that matter. And this new virus is of course less known and less studied than all the 'old' ones. Any vaccine that will be announced for SARS-CoV-2 is pretty certain to do more harm than good (if you believe it can do any 'good' in the first place), and any serious testing is very unlikely to ever occur. But it will make a lot of money for people who are already rich, and you'll be paying for it. With your money, with your health, and with your freedom if vaccination becomes necessary in order to travel, buy things, and engage in other common activities.

There certainly is some resistance to all this inanity, and it's growing every day. So are attempts to stifle it. The powers that be are in a desperate overdrive with censorship of vital information and persecution of anyone who dares speak the truth about what's happening. Google (including YouTube) is on one of the largest censorship sprees in the history of mankind, and so is Fakebook. The extent of their endeavor to tell you what you're allowed to see, read, or believe, is indeed frightening. The truth, or even some people's opinions, are clearly more dangerous to them than an angry hippo.

Maybe the largest obstacle for effective resistance to this madness is that too many people have been so brainwashed that they actively support their own destruction, even if it's so clearly visible to the rest of us. As we have seen, even many alternative media have taken an illogical stance against basic human rights, dignity, freedom, and any sense of normal life, under the completely misguided idea that they're helping someone (who exactly?), so these times are indeed a spectacle to behold.

The coming months will bring remarkable changes to our society and to our lives, one way or another. The direction of these changes will greatly depend on people's ability to realize that what's happening right now is not in their interest at all, and to see just how much they've been betrayed by their governments, and that it really might be time 'to get mad'.

We'll see whether covid-19 will be followed by livid-20. If not, stupid-21 will probably kill us all -

“I'm a dental surgeon in private practice for over 30 years. I whole heartily agree with Dr. Buttar about the fallacy of wearing masks in public. Surgeons wear surgical masks in a highly disinfected and sterile controlled environment called an operating room. Surgeons wear masks so they don’t cough or sneeze into the surgical site. Surgical masks don't prevent the passage of viruses. The warning is even stated on the boxes they come in. Viruses can easily pass through N95 and FFP2 surgical masks. When these surgical masks are worn outside the sterile controlled OR and worn in public, their effectiveness diminishes. Wearing cloth masks and bandana masks in public is ludicrous. I know most people are ignorant of this fact and just do what they're told and have no medical background. But, wearing any mask in public and expecting it to stop a virus is like putting a screen door on a submarine and hoping and praying water doesn't get in. Wake up people! You're being lied to by the MSM. Fear, Panic and Ignorance is the Currency of Control! - Kelly Bridenstine – Dental Surgeon

Regardless of the comparatively low lethality of Covid19 in the general population (see above), there is still no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of masks in healthy and asymptomatic people in everyday life.

A cross-country study by the University of East Anglia came to the conclusion that a mask requirement was of no benefit and could even increase the risk of infection.

Two US professors and experts in respiratory and infection protection from the University of Illinois explain in an essay that respiratory masks have no effect in everyday life, neither as self-protection nor to protect third parties (so-called source control). The widespread use of masks didn’t prevent the outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, either.

A study from April 2020 in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine came to the conclusion that neither fabric masks nor surgical masks can prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus by coughing.

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine from May 2020 also comes to the conclusion that respiratory masks offer little or no protection in everyday life. The call for a mask requirement is described as an “irrational fear reflex”.

A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the U.S. CDC also found that respirators had no effect.

The WHO moreover declared in June that truly “asymptomatic transmission” is in fact “very rare”, as data from numerous countries showed. Some of the few confirmed cases were due to direct body contact, i.e. shaking hands or kissing.

In Austria, the mask requirement in retail and catering will be lifted again from mid-June. A mask requirement was never introduced in Sweden because it “does not offer additional protection for the population”, as the health authority explained.

Numerous politicians, media people and police officers have already been caught putting on their respirators in a crowd especially for the television cameras or taking them off immediately when they believed that they were no longer being filmed.

In some cases there were brutal police attacks because a person allegedly “did not wear her mask properly”. In other cases, people with a disability who cannot and do not have to wear a mask, are not allowed to enter department stores .

Despite this evidence, a group called “masks4all”, which was founded by a “young leader” of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos, is advocating worldwide mask requirements. Several governments and the WHO appear to be responding to this campaign.

Many critics suspect that the masks are more likely to have a psychological or political function (“muzzle” or “visible sign of obedience”) and that wearing them frequently might even lead to additional health problems.

A study from Germany empirically showed that the introduction of face masks had no effect on infection rates (see graph). Only the city of Jena appeared to experience a strong decrease in infections, but Jena simultaneously introduced very strict quarantine regulations.

Based on existing randomized controlled trials, there is no evidence that face masks work to reduce transmission by droplets and aerosol particles in viral respiratory diseases such as influenza or colds [5].

Professor Denis Rancourt has conducted an extensive review of the literature on this topic.

The type of mask most widely used by the population, paper surgical masks, does not protect against viral transmission:

“A surgical mask does not provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection against inhalation of small airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection.

Permission to wear a surgical mask made more sense when scientists initially thought that the virus (SARS-CoV-2) was spread by large droplets. But more and more research shows that the virus is spread by tiny viral particles. “

Cotton (cloth) masks worn by some people do not do any better :

“Neither surgical

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