» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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Global “Social Distancing” Directives are Scientific

It’s interesting, depending upon the country, the Coronavirus is able to “travel” different distances. For instance, in China, Denmark, and France, the “social distance” rule is 1 meter. In South Korea, it’s 1.4 meters. In Australia, Belgium, Germany and Spain, it’s 1.5 meters. In the USA it’s 6 feet (1.8 meters), while in Canada and the UK, it’s 2 meters.

Hmmm. That’s not exactly “scientific” is it?

Over long periods of time, social isolation can increase the risk of a variety of health problems, including heart disease, depression, dementia, and even death. A 2015 meta-analysis determined that chronic social isolation increases the risk of mortality by 29%.

OFFICIAL “FACT” #7: The COVID-19 “Mortality Rate” is VERY HIGH

Most people are more likely to wind up “6 feet under” due to almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.

According to Daniel Horowitz:

For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19 and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.”

Four infectious disease doctors in Canada estimate that the individual rate of death from COVID-19 for people under 65 years of age is six per million people, or 0.0006% (i.e., 1 in 166,666) which is about the same chance you have of dying in a car accident or getting struck by lightning. COVID-19 is not even as bad as the seasonal flu.

OFFICIAL “FACT” #8: Everyone Should Wear a Mask, Even Healthy People

No studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of COVID-19.

The fact is that masks are designed for surgeons or people who are already sick, not for healthy people, according to the WHO.

Plus, the “masks” many people are wearing (bandanas, handkerchiefs, crochet, and yes, even lettuce) are a joke if you think they will stop a virus which is measured in nanometers. They won’t stop a virus.

Wearing a mask is like installing a screen door in a submarine. Those who wear them might as well wear their pants backwards as well. It’s like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.

It is a “psy-op” faux security measure. And due to the COVID-19 fearmongering from the mainstream media liars, the lemmings are all wearing masks, despite the fact that on the box, it says that the mask does NOT protect you from COVID-19.

Just say “NO” to the “new normal” of wearing masks in public, and don’t let people get away with calling you “selfish” for not wearing a mask! Educate them! Read our articles on masks. Let them know the truth. For those who have ears to hear, it will resonate.

If we allow “mask shaming” to occur, then according to Dr. Joseph Mercola;

The same strategy will be used to label you a “selfish threat” to the public health if you don’t agree to be electronically tagged, tested and tracked by health officials when thousands of COVID-19 “contact tracers” fan out across America to test for COVID-19 infections. It is the same strategy that will be used when you are told you must get an antibody test and obtain an “immunity passport” before you are given back your freedom to participate in society — that is until a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine is licensed and your passport to life and liberty becomes proof you have received a COVID-19 vaccine — perhaps simultaneously delivered and tracked via a microneedle quantum dot tattoo on your skin.”

The decision to wear a mask is a highly personal one and should not be universally mandated; measures that are meant to protect the community as a whole are ineffective if they hurt individuals in that community.

So, it’s a slippery slope. Stand up for freedom, before it’s gone.

Let me explain where this is going.

In 2020 – a face mask is required

In 2021 – a vaccine is required

In 2022 – a microchip is required

Is this beyond the realm of possibility?

In summary, it’s clear that “Operation COVID-19” is not only a “scam-demic,” but also a colossal and unprecedented worldwide “psy-op.”

All the “Executive Orders” and other types of power grabs are based on lies.

We are not looking at 1 virus.

We are not looking at 1 cause.

We are not looking at 1 disease.

We are looking at multiple Coronaviruses, a group of related symptoms and diseases, with multiple causes, inadequate testing, with everything being swept under the COVID-19 “umbrella” to fuel the fake pandemic narrative.

In the words of our friend and investigative journalist, Jon Rappoport:

The stage magic trick is easy to see, once you grasp the tactics: Claim to have discovered a new virus. Say it is spreading and needs to be contained. Invent an umbrella label for the epidemic: COVID-19. Start pulling all sorts of people with all sorts of different conditions under the umbrella and say they’re all “cases.” Use a diagnostic test that will automatically turn out many verdicts of “infected.” And you have the illusion of a pandemic.”

The world did not “lock down” during centuries of epidemics of smallpox, and we didn’t stop working to prevent epidemics of diphtheria or pertussis or measles.

Societies have not closed businesses and schools to prevent TB or even the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Tomorrow, the “new normal” in America may well include the order to “show me your vaccine papers” before you can enter a store or restaurant, go to school, attend a football game, get on a plane, train or subway, obtain a driver’s license, be admitted to a hospital or nursing home, get a room at a hotel or walk on a public beach, if health policy and lawmakers do not use common sense to adopt a more balanced approach to dealing with a virus that, so far, has changed everything.”

The USA is teetering on a precipice. Are we going to continue to act like “sheeple” ruled by fear? Or are we brave men and women standing up for freedom and liberty?

By Ty & Charlene Bollinger -

Ty & Charlene Bollinger are devoted Christians, health freedom advocates, health researchers, documentary film producers, and best-selling authors

Swiss Policy Research (SPR) was founded in 2016, is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media. SPR is composed of independent academics and receives no external funding other than reader donations.

Fully referenced facts about Covid-19

Provided by experts in the field, to help readers make a realistic assessment.

The 30 points below are from the Swiss Policy Research

“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)


According to the latest immunological and serological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% and thus in the range of a strong seasonal influenza (flu).

In countries like the US, the UK, and also Sweden (without a lockdown), overall mortality since the beginning of the year is in the range of a strong influenza season; in countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland, overall mortality is in the range of a mild influenza season.

Even in global “hotspots”, the risk of death for the general population of school and working age is typically in the range of a daily car ride to work. The risk was initially overestimated because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not taken into account.

Up to 80% of all test-positive persons remain symptom-free. Even among 70-79 year olds, about 60% remain symptom-free. Over 95% of all persons develop at most moderate symptoms.

Up to 60% of all persons may already have a certain cellular background immunity to Covid-19 due to contact with previous coronaviruses (i.e. common cold viruses). The initial assumption that there was no immunity against Covid-19 was not correct.

The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years (e.g. 86 years in Sweden) and only about 4% of the deceased had no serious preconditions. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.

In many countries, up to two thirds of all extra deaths occurred in nursing homes, which do not benefit from a general lockdown. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people really died from Covid19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation.

Up to 30% of all additional deaths may have been caused not by Covid19, but by the effects of the lockdown, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by up to 60% because many patients no longer dared to go to hospital.

Even in so-called “Covid19 deaths” it is often not clear whether they died from or with coronavirus (i.e. from underlying diseases) or if they were counted as “presumed cases” and not tested at all. However, official figures usually do not reflect this distinction.

Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 turned out to be false: many of these young people either did not die from Covid19, they had already been seriously ill (e.g. from undiagnosed leukaemia), or they were in fact 109 instead of 9 years old. The claimed increase in Kawasaki disease in children also turned out to be false.

Strong increases in regional mortality can occur if there is a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick as a result of infection or panic, or if there are additional risk factors such as severe air pollution. Questionable regulations for dealing with the deceased sometimes led to additional bottlenecks in funeral or cremation services.

In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent the UK and the US, hospital overloads due to strong flu waves are not unusual. Moreover, this year up to 15% of health care workers were put into quarantine, even if they developed no symptoms.

The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, as the number of tests also increased exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to tests overall (i.e. the positive rate) remained constant at 5% to 25% or increased only slightly. In many countries, the peak of the spread was already reached well before the lockdown.

Countries without curfews and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea, Belarus or Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. Sweden was even praised by the WHO and now benefits from higher immunity compared to lockdown countries.

The fear of a shortage of ventilators was unjustified. According to lung specialists, the invasive ventilation (intubation) of Covid19 patients, which is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus, is in fact often counterproductive and damaging to the lungs.

Contrary to original assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of the virus spreading through aerosols (i.e. tiny particles floating in the air) or through smear infections (e.g. on door handles or smartphones). The main modes of transmission are direct contact and droplets produced when coughing or sneezing.

There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”.

Many clinics in Europe and the US remained strongly underutilized or almost empty during the Covid19 peak and in some cases had to send staff home. Millions of surgeries and therapies were cancelled, including many cancer screenings and organ transplants.

Several media were caught trying to dramatize the situation in hospitals, sometimes even with manipulative images and videos. In general, the unprofessional reporting of many media maximized fear and panic in the population.

The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors and can produce false positive and false negative results. Moreover, the official virus test was not clinically validated due to time pressure and may sometimes react positive to other coronaviruses.

Numerous internationally renowned experts in the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend rapid natural immunisation of the general population and protection of risk groups.

At no time was there a medical reason for the closure of schools, as the risk of disease and transmission in children is extremely low. There is also no medical reason for small classes, masks or ‘social distancing’ rules in schools.

The claim that only (severe) Covid-19 but not influenza may cause venous thrombosis and pulmonary (lung) embolism is not true, as it has been known for 50 years that severe influenza greatly increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism, too.

Several medical experts described express coronavirus vaccines as unnecessary or even dangerous. Indeed, the vaccine against the so-called swine flu of 2009, for

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