» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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towers to go up on every street corner around the world.

According to experts, doctors and researchers, radiation has the power to change our bodies on the cellular level. These changes, as supported in several studies, create a perfect environment for cancer and other ailments to take over inside our body.

Other studies link cell phone and cell tower radiation to memory loss, headaches, changes in vision and mood, sleep disorders and leukaemia. The rollout of 5G and the infrastructure to support it will only increase our risk of suffering major health issues down the road.

According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, the increase in mini-cell towers across towns and cities is only part of the concern. Dr. Moskowitz says the lower frequency millimetre waves used in 5G could cause major skin, eye, and nervous system problems.

“The deployment of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species… Because MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are predominantly absorbed by the skin, meaning their distribution is quite focused there. Since skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the nervous system,” said Dr. Moskowitz.

If you have kids, pay attention to the Wi-Fi situation at school and in their classrooms. Some studies link ADD, ADHD, memory issues, and behaviour problems with Wi-Fi routers and nearby cell towers.

Below is part of a Letter by 18 Doctors & Scientists sent to the California Governor in September 2017 warning about the dangers of 5G.

“SB 649 is on your desk awaiting your decision, and we respectfully urge a veto. This bill denies citizens and local governments the right to a voice as to where 50,000 or more new cell towers, spaced every two to ten homes, will soon be placed. Telecom will be erecting towers in the rights-of-way, and placing them on utility poles and lampposts in front of our homes, schools, places of worship and businesses. There will be no escaping the cell towers or the radiation emitted from them. There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. The 5G millimetre wave is known to heat the eyes, skin and testes, and the ubiquitous placement of these towers will expose California’s population 24/7. Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us -- the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline. Our children are not just our progeny but the future of our state and our country. Keeping them safe must be a priority. Our homes must remain our sanctuaries. We currently have the option to turn wireless off at night, or to not use it at all. With SB 649 there is no "off" switch”

Over the last few years over 20,000 5G satellites have been launched into orbit around the earth. The first two 5G test satellites were launched by SpaceX in February of 2018. Hundreds of other satellites where launched in 2019. The full set of 20,000 satellites could be put in orbit during the next two years. To put this into perspective, as of September 2017 there were 1,738 operating satellites into orbit around the Earth. This means the number of satellites will be 11 times greater than the current number.

A warning about the safety of 5G technology was sounded by Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry Division of Biochemistry and Biotechnology University of Helsinki, Finland, at an international meeting in Australia.

Dr. Leszczynski, who researches non-ionizing radiation, emphasized,

“There is a continuous talk about assuring that the 5G maintains low levels of EMF exposure. However, there is not sufficient scientific research to show what low levels assure no health effects in short- and long-term exposures (acute and chronic exposures). It seems that the telecom industry assumes that their low level exposures will not cause- never -any health effects and telecom industry forcefully imposes this scientifically unsupported assumption on others, especially governmental decision-makers. Mentioned above “realistic public exposure levels” and “low EMF levels” have no basis in scientific research on biological effects predominantly because such research has not been done.”

Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University taken from his report titled “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field(EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them,” emphasizes that: “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”

The question is, where is the government or mainstream media in all of this? Nowhere to be found. The government and media say that 5G is safe but I think they are lying.

A study published in 2019 is one of many to point out that appropriate safety testing is needed and should be required before 5G technology is rolled out.

Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

* DNA single and double strand breaks

* oxidative damage

* disruption of cell metabolism

* increased blood brain barrier permeability

* melatonin reduction

* disruption to brain glucose metabolism

* generation of stress proteins”

Why do some mainstream media outlets ridicule the idea that 5G technology may be harmful to human health when there is an abundance of peer-reviewed literature emphasizing the need for further study?

Why would they refer to such concerns being published by doctors and scientists in peer-reviewed literature as “conspiracy theories?” Why do they constantly use the ridicule factor instead of simply sharing both sides from a place of neutrality? Why is this “conspiracy theory” narrative constantly used within the mainstream instead of actually addressing the concerns that many scientists and health experts are having?

In the article below Radiofrequency/Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Engineer Explains Hard Science Behind the Propagation of 5G into the Human Body & Offers Mitigation Advice

U.S. Government Has Known About the Serious Adverse Health Effects Associated with 5G for Decades, Hid the Scientific Research Reports from the Public

Also below is the link titled - Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Every Orifice of the Head

In addition the link titled: OPERATION COVID-19: Desperate Attempt to Deploy 5G Under Cover of Bioterrorism to Activate Global Control Matrix

The voice on the video below states he is a former Vodafone senior whistleblower. But what he says is quite scary if true.

I have condensed some of what he says in the video into the article below.

“It’s difficult for people to accept. Coronavirus is not the problem. It’s questionable whether it’s even a contagion. Most people are not aware of what’s causing the symptoms. But it has nothing to do with biological warfare. Our bodies are reacting to radio spectrum radiation . . . radio frequency radiation. I’ll tell you scientifically what is happening,” he says. “I knew for a long time that 5G was dangerous. But I didn’t understand the correlation with Coronavirus. The so-called epidemic is only a cover story for the devastating effects 5G will have on the human body.” He explained: “This is a deliberate strategy to roll out 5G, which is the fifth generation of internet radio spectrum frequency. It gives us a much faster processing ability. All devices (in the world) will be connected, all on smart grid.” The reason for the haste and the deception with all this glib chatter about a global epidemic is that the technology has to be rolled out globally! “It has to be turned on all at once, in order to work! The frequency they’re using takes signals from satellites into buildings. 5G is a very high frequency, just below the classification of a weapon. It is 10 times faster than 4G.” Now here’s the really bad part, at 6:11 of the video. When it comes into contact with a human body it causes cell poisoning.” That is the disease they’re calling Coronavirus. That is the disease that is killing people. 5G is reacting adversely with human cells, causing cells to become poisoned. Cell poisoning manifesting with fluids the body is trying to dispose of . . . It is not the Coronavirus. The virus produced by cell poisoning . . . of our cells excreting toxins. Wuhan first to get 5G rollout. It started as a reaction that was toxic to cells. Because it has flu characteristics, they are using Coronavirus to try to cover it up. 5G is now in all the major densely populated cities, “Italy, Spain, London, most major cities.” 5G is the only network with the speed to handle the future. What is coming is a world run by AI and the Internet of Things. It will include a new global currency, driverless cars and all sorts of things all connected.” Once installed you cannot reverse the implementation of it. They’re all too happy to sacrifice millions of lives.” The cruise ships were 5G, that’s why all those people got sick. Hospitals have 5G where people will automatically get sick. 5G is killing people all around the world. They’re covering it up in the name of Coronavirus.” Russia has no fatalities because there is no widespread use of 5G, only for the military, he said. The new world order has commenced. Vaccines will have a catastrophic impact. “They will include a tracking device with a radio frequency chip. This will give them the ability to track you.” They want to make as many people as possible unemployed and bring in the new blockchain system. There will be mandatory vaccines. You will have to take the chip. It will completely disrupt the fabric of society. Everything will be different in a matter of months. If you control the money you control the people.” They will systematically dismantle the churches and bring in the antichrist, he said. This is the new digital Dark Age sold as progress. You think I’ve lost it? Well I’m telling you you’re about to lose it, and once you’ve lost it you can never get it back” – Vodaphone Insider.

I tried to upload this video to Youtube from this Vodaphone insider but Youtube sent me a code violation message and the video was deleted by Youtube immediately. That is very suspicious, what are they trying to hide? Maybe the man claiming to be this Vodafone insider is not actually a Vodafone insider but is just passing disinformation. We don’t know for sure, although he does sound convincing.

The video can be seen at:

It is also suspicious that 5G came to Wuhan in China just before the Coronavirus outbreak. Of course that is just a coincidence right?

By the end of 2019 China had (and mostly within the last several months leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak) installed 130,000 5G antennas throughout the country, 31 with at least 10,000 antennas installed in Wuhan alone. 32 (As a comparison, the USA only has approximately 10,000 5G antennas presently installed throughout the whole country.)

In fact, Wuhan was one of the initial 16 cities selected to trial 5G back in 2018. China Unicom will begin testing 5G network in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, and Shenyang. China Mobile will conduct external field test and set up more than a hundred 5G base stations in each of the following five cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan.

Approximately 13,000 5G base stations have been installed in Beijing. China already has a total of more than 80,000 5G macro base stations, typically cellular towers with antennas and other hardware that beam wireless signals over wide areas. China ended 2019 with about 130,000, while Bernstein Research estimates South Korea will be in second place with 75,000, followed by the U.S. with 10,000. It is estimated that of the 600,000 5G base stations expected to be rolled out worldwide next year, half will be in China. This basically means that China had suddenly turned on the 5G switch, just less than two months before the COVID-19 outbreak, suddenly blanketing many cities with this 5G wireless radiation.

I am not saying that 5G causes the Coronavirus but it could weaken the immune system which leaves the body open to be more easily invaded be a virus. That is what some scientists are also suggesting.

Telecom Italia (TIM), one of the largest communication companies in Italy, has turned on 5G services to three cities with plans to expand to other countries and cities before year-end. The three cities include Rome, Turin and Naples and testing of 5G services is also occurring in six additional cities including Matera, Bari, Milan, Bologna, Verona and Florence with the goal of having the networks turned on by the end of 2019. TIM said it plans to cover 120 cities in Italy within the next two years, representing about 22% of the population.

Iran has also recently turned on the 5G network in 2019 and Iran was one of the first

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