» Health & Fitness » The Global Elites Population Cull, Terence Smart [classic book list .txt] 📗

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V. Gordon, in The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, A. A. Letavet and Z. V. Gordon, eds., Moscow 1960, JPRS 12471, pp. 50-56).

Another clue is the frequently reported effects of the coronavirus disease on the cardiovascular system, including “arrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, and a high proportion of concomitant cardiovascular disease in infected individuals.” This was reported on March 6, 2020 in Cardiology Magazine. These are also classic effects of exposure to radio waves.

A third clue is the astonishing variation in the severity of the current pandemic, regardless of the measures taken by governments to prevent person-to-person contact. Why, for example, does Italy have 74,000 cases of coronavirus disease, and Japan only 1200? Eighty percent of the cases identified in Japan have not passed on the infection to anyone else. Tokyo, among the world’s most densely packed metropolitan areas with a population of 38 million, has almost no disease. This despite a nationwide quarantine and a shutdown of society in Italy, and few measures taken against the disease in Japan. There is no quarantine in Japan and bars, restaurants and clubs are busy and bustling. Temples are packed, and parks are filled with people viewing cherry blossoms. The subways are packed, and people are going to work, yet the disease does not spread. Japan has close contact with China, and did not even stop incoming flights from Hubei until February 1. Japan has an older population than Italy, and a higher rate of tobacco smoking.

The electrical nature of the disease would explain this too. Almost all of Japan is volcanic, and the electrical conductivity of the earth underneath Japan is higher than underneath most of Italy. Residents of Japan are therefore better grounded than residents of most of Italy, and are less affected by the radio waves around them. The volcanic regions of Italy -- Sicily and Campania -- have much lower rates of coronavirus than the rest of Italy. Patricia Ormsby, who lives in Japan, told me years ago that when she is in the United States she can feel a cell phone from a distance of 6 meters, but when she is in Japan she does not feel a cell phone until it comes within 3 meters of her. I live in Santa Fe for the same reason: I do not feel all the cell towers here because the conductivity of the earth underneath Santa Fe is so high.

Regardless of the origin or severity of the respiratory virus that is called COVID-19, the rollout of 5G is playing a large role in the current pandemic. Fear, social isolation and the shutdown of society are doing far more damage to the fabric of life than the virus ever could. It is time for society to get over its obsession with this microorganism and to turn to the emergency posed by wireless technology, on Earth and in space. - Arthur Firstenberg - The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life was originally published in hardcover by AGB Press on Earth Day in 2017. Book can be bought at

The article below is titled The WiFi Killshot by J.E. Ante

5G at 60 Ghz resonates with the oxygen molecule and gives oxygen a reverse polarity that makes it much less usable to the human body. At high concentrations of 5G usage you get suffocation of humans at street level. And at lower doses you get flu like symptoms which are the exact same symptoms as the flu with this lowered oxygen uptake by the body. But the way 5G kills is much more interesting.

Our bodies have trillions of parasitic organisms inside which feed on us and some say help us live by doing many useful functions. But when these bacteria, fungi, and parasites are subjected to any WIFI microwave radiations they are harmed and begin reproducing toxins in self defense. These organisms begin reproducing rapidly to ensure their survival. And so we get flu like symptoms from these internal parasite organisms under attack from WIFI microwave radiations reproducing rapidly and excreting toxins. This is the real illness people are getting not a bio-weapon coronavirus.

2G has ten microwave frequencies assigned to it, 3G has ten also, 4G has five frequencies with some overlaps, but 5G has 3000 microwave frequencies assigned to it by the FCC. Why so many? So 5G should really be called 297G not 5G. So with this 5G rollout in China, Korea, Italy, Iran, and cruise ships we have the greatest concentrations of 5G usage and the greatest concentrations of illness and death in the world. Our internal parasites are like canaries in a mine and are being killed off rapidly from this 5G usage. When this happens too quickly the body cannot get rid of the increased toxins and the host (you) die from toxemia. Our human cells are all tied together and form a much stronger union but our many parasitic hosts inside us are much more isolated within us and much more vulnerable to this WIFI microwave radiations. They try to survive by multiplying rapidly and making toxins to protect them from harm but it is no use and they die with 5G. And with their rapid death our bodies (at least of older and less healthy human) are overwhelmed by toxins very quickly and die from the combined effects of lowered oxygen uptake from 5G, and also from the massive overpopulation, and then die off of our internal biomass of germs and parasites, which creates overwhelming toxemia.

When the Chinese locked down the people in Wuhan they turned to their new 5G phones and internet connections and so the city was flooded with much more 5G WIFI radiations and made many more people fall sick and die. Many people even fell sick instantly at street level from oxygen deficiency which previously had no sickness. A massive cloud of 5G 60 GHz microwave radiations caused oxygen in the air to fall below critical levels for survival.

Yesterday all of Asia turned off their 5G and left on only their 3G and 4G systems to communicate so they know 5G is the real cause of the illnesses.

Yesterday all of Asia turned off their 5G and left on only their 3G and 4G systems to communicate so they know 5G is the real cause of the illnesses.

So turn off your smartphones or put them in an aluminum pouch until you need to use them to lessen radiation exposure to yourself and everyone else.

That is the real thing you must do instead of washing your hands to protect others.

And if you would heal your elderly and grandparents put them in a Faraday cage where they will not be irradiated constantly by WIFI signals that are all around us especially in hospitals. Then their sick bodies may heal themselves in time as the toxemia clears from their bodies - The WiFi Killshot by J.E. Ante

Love him or hate but author and researcher David Icke has been saying for 30 years in his books and videos exactly what is happening today. He covers everything in the 2 hour 30 minutes video below about the Coronavirus and 5G. Youtube would not allow this video by David Icke to be uploaded to their site. Why?

We just need to put things in perspective. Also could it be that the bankers knew there was going to be an economic crash and they did not want to take the blame and so they needed a scapegoat in the form of a virus pandemic. We are supposed to believe the mainstream media and what the governments says are always correct or always telling the truth about this Coronavirus. But we only need to go back to 9/11 to see that the whole story that the Western governments and the mainstream media fed us was a lie and so was the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have but didn’t. This lie was used to destroy a country or several Arab countries and kill over 4 million Arabic people and mostly civilians. The Global Elite always have a hidden agenda and it usually involves them taking more power and we the people losing more freedoms. Don’t forget watch out for the forced vaccination that will surely come in the disguise of protecting us from this deadly Covid-19 virus and the most deadly thing about this is what will actually be in this vaccine. Once that microchip is in your blood, your freedom and your children’s freedom has gone forever. Forced vaccinations, mass surveillance, stopped and searched for taking a walk on the beach or in the park, this is what Communism looks like!

“The Illuminati see humanity as "useless eaters”, squatters, weeds that need to be trimmed back. Their ideal is 100 million of "them" with "a billion of us to serve them." This is what they call "sustainable. The scamdemic is designed to advance the goals of Agenda 2030, nothing less than a government takeover of every nation on the planet. "The 17 points in the UN agenda are to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that are closely aligned with Communism." Closed parks are just a foretaste of what they have planned. Whole sections of the US have been cordoned off for their exclusive use. The Illuminati bankers have no intention of letting us return to "normal." They intend to reprise this virus to make permanent changes to the way we live. They intend to sicken us with vaccines and to brand us like cattle. They plan to introduce technological measures of surveillance and control already in use in China. Western civilization is in jeopardy. We are witnessing a Communist takeover modelled on Communist China. Clearly the World Health Organization is a Chinese Communist asset and its influence has spread like a cancer throughout the West. What should we do? The Illuminati agenda will press forward unless millions of people engage in civil disobedience. Wherever possible, we should defy the lockdown by ignoring "social distancing" and one-way aisles at supermarkets. Refusing to wear masks is a heroic act of resistance. They can't jail millions of people, and if they fine us, we will refuse to pay. We're not playing their stupid game. We need to eschew violence because that will only give them an excuse to ratchet up repression. However, if they try to enforce mandatory vaccinations, all bets are off. I believe that the Illuminati will reopen society within the next few weeks - only for a second wave and perhaps subsequent wave(s) of the Scamdemic to suddenly appear - which they will claim is causing mass casualties (hospitalizations and deaths) as a direct result. At that point - we will most likely see marital law, a dusk to dawn curfew, a complete ban on the use of cash, mass surveillance of social media, triangulation of all electronic communications, mandatory tracking apps, internal passports needed to venture within a country or perhaps city, and eventually vaccines (mandatory or coerced). Already near bankrupt businesses will reopen perhaps for a few weeks or a month - only to be totally crushed by a further wave(s). Most small and medium sized businesses today - across all sectors of the economy - will most likely no longer exist by the end of the year. Expect a second and perhaps further round of government bailouts and taxpayer wealth transfers to the elite (economic stimulus). After most of the world's population has been mandatorily or coercively vaccinated (which will most likely contain carcinogenic and/or sterility properties) and an Orwellian mass surveillance state erected - the virus will then 'magically disappear' - I would say within two years or less. A neo-feudal global economic order will likely emerge from the ruins. I am not sure how people will buy food, medicine or supplies in the future - with most jobs today being totally non-existent. I have no idea where the money will come from to fund pensions - both public and private. I fear for those who are retired with their homes paid off - but who will have no pensions or investment income to pay for property taxes, etc. I am worried for people who have young families - who may not be able to find ANY work for many years. I grieve for those relying on government handouts such as welfare and disability - if the state no longer had the resources to pay for these things. Ditto for public healthcare and other social programs. I am concerned that banks and other financial institutions are going to begin to collapse in the months ahead - and take our life saving with them. Governments cannot just print money indefinitely without commerce and taxable revenue - regardless of the economic model in place - unless they are planning Weimar Germany levels of hyperinflation” – From

“COVID-19, A Scamdemic and Staged Panic Contrived to Lock Down Planet Earth, Divide and Conquer Nations, and Enslave Humanity. “Just like the state-sponsored 9/11 false flag operation was used to create the American National Security State, COVID-1984 is being carried out to foist a Global Security Superstate

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