» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office.

This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day, an increase of nearly 40 per cent over 2015. The data includes only those crimes in which a suspect has been caught. Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report leaked to the Bild newspaper.

This figure represents an 80 per cent increase since 2014 and is equivalent to 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, in 2015 alone.

The report added: “The growing sense of lawlessness is substantiated by an October 24 YouGov poll which found that 68 per cent of Germans believe that security in the country has deteriorated during the past several years”.

“Nearly 70 per cent of respondents said they fear for their lives and property in German train stations and subways, while 63 per cent feel unsafe at large public events.”

Meanwhile a female police officer has admitted that officers are under attack and that the courts are a “joke.” In a new book, Tania Kambouri, a German police officer, said: “For weeks, months and years I have noticed that Muslims, mostly young men, do not have even a minimum level of respect for the police. “When we are out patrolling the streets, we are verbally abused by young Muslims. “There is the body language, and insults like ‘s*** cop’ when passing by. “If we make a traffic stop, the aggression increases ever further, this is overwhelmingly the case with migrants. “It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically, insult us, whatever, and there are no consequences. “Many cases are closed or offenders are released on probation or whatever”. “Yes, what is happening in the courts today is a joke.”

According to official U.K statistics 55 black people out of 1000 are arrested for crimes were as for white people it is 18 out of every 1000. But the government is trying to highlight only white crime. If we look at the Stephen Lawrence case that becomes abundantly clear. Lawrence was a Black teenager murdered by a White gang in 1993 while waiting for a bus. This crime has been given a disproportionate amount of media coverage and that is simply because the crime was committed by whites. Look at the case of 16 year old Mary-Ann Leneghan, a White girl who died after being tortured, raped and stabbed repeatedly by six black men in 2005. But how many people know about what happened to Mary-Ann Leneghan compared to how many people know about Stephen Lawrence. In fact British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced an annual “Stephen Lawrence Day” on 22nd April. Is this an attack on the British White people because St George’s Day is on 23rd April? Also look at the case of the white 15 year old Richard Everitt who was stabbed to death in London in a racially motivated attack by 15 British Bangladeshis in 1994, a year after the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993. Only one of these Bangladeshis has been brought to justice but the Metropolitan police in London have spent more than £50 million trying to bring all of Stephen Lawrence’s killers to justice. Did the Everitt murder get the same coverage as the Lawrence murder?

The mother of Stephen Lawrence, Doreen Lawrence, received and OBE in 2003 and she is now Baroness Lawrence and she helped to carry the flag at the 2012 London Olympics. Doreen Lawrence has often appeared in the media to criticize Britain for failing to live up to the high standards she demands of it as a British Jamaican. The £10 million Stephen Lawrence Centre was opened in 2008 and is the base for the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, set up by Doreen in 1998. This body, of which Doreen is a director, has become one of London’s largest training providers, not least because of the millions poured in by local and national government and corporate sponsors.

Al this attention, elevation, money and media coverage that has been bestowed on Doreen Lawrence and her son was simply because her son was killed by a white gang. The truth is if Stephen Lawrence had been killed by a black gang of youths we would not have even heard about it. Many black youths have been killed by other black youths just in London but do you ever hear about them, no, you just hear about the one killed by white youths.

The Lawrence killing was highlighted and pushed relentlessly into the public consciousness by Jews as an attack on the ‘white’ race. The driving force behind martyrdom of Stephen Lawrence was the Jew Dr Richard Stone. Dr Stone is Jewish and once served as the President of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality. Stone was the advisor to the judge in the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry and he wrote the book ‘The Hidden Stories of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry: Personal Reflections’.

According to government figures, nearly one-third of Oslo’s population are of Third World extraction.

In 2010, Oslo police announced that every single rape case in the Norwegian capital had been committed by nonwhites. According to the Norwegian national broadcaster, NRK, police figures from Oslo revealed that over the past three years, they have investigated a total of 41 cases of rape in that city. All of these assaults, reports NRK, were carried out by “non-western immigrants to Norway.”

A study by Tyra Ekhaugen of the Frisch Centre for Economic Research and the University of Oslo concluded that immigration has increased the pressure on the welfare state, because many immigrants do not join the tax-paying part of the population.

Third World immigrants are, the study showed, recipients of social security benefits at a rate ten times that of native Norwegians—destroying the liberal argument used by pro-immigration politicians in Norway that immigration was necessary to maintain the social welfare state.

More than half of all social security benefits in the city of Oslo are spent on non-Western immigrants, a portion that has grown tremendously over the years.

This then, is the real story: that Norwegians are becoming a minority in their own country, and that unless the suicidal policies of liberal governments are halted and reversed, all of Europe will be extinguished forever.

Sweden is the rape capital of the Western world. The general public is unaware of the epidemic of Swedish rapes because there has been an orchestrated effort by mainstream media and the Swedish government to cover it up. In July 2016 at Bravalla, Sweden's largest music festival, there were nearly 40 assaults, including five rapes. A week earlier at Putte i Parken (Party in the Park), a free festival in Karlstad, there were 32 similar sexual attacks where the youngest victim was just twelve years old. The number of attacks is much higher as many women do not report them and there were multiple victims in most reports.

This is a comment from a Swedish man on a Youtube channel: “I'm currently in Sweden and it's truly bad, meanwhile the controlled mainstream media does everything it can to downplay the situation, and anyone who is speaking out against it is shut down. In just a few years my hometown of Malmo has climbed up to now be ranked as the second most dangerous town in all of Europe, just after multicultural Marseilles. And just look at the rape statistics in Sweden. Since the early days of multiculturalism in the 80s rape has increased by 1500% and the per capita rates are the fourth highest in the world, just below the notorious rape nation of South Africa. 95% of all aggravated rape cases are carried out by non-Europeans. In my hometown ethnic Swedes are a minority in the age groups 0-20. Some schools and areas in my hometown is 90-95% non-Swedish. If the same would happen in a non-white nation, say an African or Asian nation: what would it be called”?

New data shows conclusively that migrants are responsible for the majority of all rape cases in Sweden. The study, written by Joakim P Jonasson and published on October 23 2017, examined all known rape cases in Sweden between 2012 and 2017.

The study’s goal was to discover whether or not the influx of some 318,000 migrants from the Middle East and Africa (2014-present) impacted rape rates as conservative observers have claimed.

Men with immigrant backgrounds commit 84 percent of all rapes in Sweden. In fact, men with Afghani, Iraqi, and Somalian backgrounds commit more rapes than do native Swedes. There are only 170,000 men from the countries above in Sweden (not including any of the 290,000 refugee men), compared to 4.5 million native Swedish men.

95.6 percent of all violent rapes were committed by men of foreign descent (this includes legal immigrants and migrants).

Likewise, 90 percent of all gang rapes are committed by men of foreign descent, many of whom were Afghani. In fact, fully one quarter of all gang rapists were Afghani immigrants.

These foreigners were invited to Sweden, and are generally housed at Swedish expense — they are financing their own destruction.

Sweden is nearing the point of no return. Even the UN has suggested that Sweden will become a third world country by 2030.

Why? Their immigration and refugee policies are completely unsustainable—the refugee crisis alone is costing Sweden 20% of its government budget. Wasteful spending like that simply can’t continue.

Sweden is not the only country which spends billion every year feeding and housing migrants. A recent study conducted by Denmark’s Ministry of Finance concluded that in 2014, immigrants and their descendants cost Danish taxpayers at net loss of 28 billion Crowns per year. The report shows conclusively that immigration has been an economic disaster for Denmark. In short: 59% of the tax surplus collected from native Danes is spent on ethnic minorities, who are a massive drain on the system. Denmark also spends inordinate sums on crime committed by immigrants—8 of the 9 ethnic groups most represented in Danish prisons are non-Western immigrant groups, specifically Islamic immigrants. In fact, non-ethnic Danes are 2-3 times more likely to commit crimes than Danes.

At the end of 2015 there were between 4.4 million and 4.7 Muslims in Germany. But according to a new study by the site the Muslim population in Germany is 7.89 million people, as of January, 2017 due to the influx of new Muslim migrants and refugees. If Germany wanted to help refugees so badly, why did they only accept 150 Ukrainian refugees during the same period, when there were 2.6 million Ukrainian refugees?

81 percent of these recent immigrants are unskilled by German standards, and that 80 percent of Germany’s Islamic population receives welfare payments from the government. Which all boils down to the facts that migrants in Germany are estimated to cost the nation some $1,241,050,000,000 over the coming decades that is $1.2 Trillion. With these statistics it is quite unbelievable how Merkel gets voted in term after term as the German leader.

Immigrants who came to live in Britain from outside Europe between 1995 and 2011 cost the public purse nearly £120 billion over 17 years a report suggests. The report analysed figures from 1995 to 2011, during most of which the Labour government was pursuing vigorously pro-immigration policies. It found that migrants from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) made a negative contribution to the public purse of £117.9 billion because they consumed more in public expenditure – including NHS costs, welfare hand-outs and education – than they contributed in taxes.

Forcing different groups together will never work, it will always be a source of conflict and tension because it is an unnatural state of the human condition. We are a tribal species as Mother Nature created us, you cannot change what is (reality) with what you would like it to be (utopia).

The spate of Islamic terrorist attacks across the West would not have been possible or at the very least less likely to occur if mass Islamic immigration had not been allowed into European nations. There will be more attacks in the future for the very same reason, yet Europeans are supposed to just accept and put up with it.

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Victor Orban has been the most consistently clear-headed European head of state throughout the crisis. He has warned that Muslims will destroy Europe’s Christian identity and that Europeans have a right to refuse to become minorities on their own continent. His determination to keep illegals out has made him a hero to his people.

Below is possibly the truest statement you will ever hear on the migration to Europe issue.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has argued that globalist-engineered wave of Islamic immigration into Europe was orchestrated by a “treasonous conspiracy.” The goal of the “internationalist fanatics” behind the plotting, he said, was to undermine the West, Christianity, culture, and the nation-state itself as part of the globalist push to create what establishment figures around the globe often describe as a “New World Order.”

Orban noted that freedom in Europe was already being crushed, and that globalist schemers in Brussels were

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