» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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(Jewish-run) global government is, collectively, all White gentile nations. Post World War II, this has been the impetus for why International Jewry has been actively working to reduce Whites to a minority in the Western World — mostly through massive third world immigration into Western nations.

The Jews and the Jewish Lobby groups in Australia were also behind the changing of Australian immigration laws to allow mass non-white immigration into Australia.

“Jewish activism was pivotal in ending the White Australia policy and initiating the mass non-White immigration that is rapidly transforming that nation. In addition, I showed how Jewish activism was instrumental in establishing multiculturalism as the ideological and legislative basis for social policy in Australia. Recently I explored the Jewish role in pushing for the enactment and extension of laws banning speech deemed contrary to their interests. Jewish intellectual movements and political activism were pivotal in driving this revolution. The national editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg proudly acknowledges this, noting that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.” Given the profound impact of Jewish ethno-politics on the Australian nation, nobody will be surprised to learn that Jewish influence also extends to the determination of Australia’s foreign policy. Former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr recently confirmed that this is indeed the case, observing that Australia’s foreign policy (particularly with regard to the Middle East) was being virtually dictated by organized Jewry”, -

We have the same outcome also in Canada. Current immigration policies will turn Vancouver into a 70 percent non-white state within two generations, and all of Canada into an 80 percent non-white country within the next 100 years, one of that country’s foremost diplomats has warned. Writing in the Vancouver Sun, former ambassador to Asia and the Middle East Martin Collacott said that current Canadian immigration policy was “replacing its population” and was a “case of wilful ignorance, greed, [and] excess political correctness.” Quoting University of London professor Eric Kaufmann, Collacott said that “almost seven out of 10 Vancouver residents will be ‘visible minorities’ [politically correct Canadian code for non-white] within two generations and 80 per cent of the Canadian population (compared to 20 per cent today) will be non-white in less than century.”

While a moderate degree of diversity can make society more vibrant it is quite a different matter when it develops to a level where it overwhelms and largely replaces the existing population, particularly when there is no good reason for allowing this to happen.

“The one thing communists fear more than anything else is a rebirth of race consciousness among the great white majority of the Christian world. The communists remember that the very instant the German people became race-conscious, they turned with deadly fury against Jewish-communism. They know the same thing could happen in this country (USA).
Therefore, all communist—and Jewish—propaganda is directed in an effort to destroy
every vestige of race consciousness among the white people. That is what red
propagandists seek to achieve with their propaganda movies and their "tolerance
campaigns”, Frank L. Britton, Author – Behind Communism

The above comment from Mr Britton was written more than 60 years ago in his book which describes how Jews were behind Communism and Marxism in the early 20th Century and they still are today, but today it is called ‘The New World Order’ or ‘Globalism’ to try and deceive the population.

White Europeans have been led to believe that Mass Immigration of third world people into their homelands was something that could not be stopped, that it was natural population movement, that it was evolution. All of these lies were concocted by Jewish academics and pushed by their useful idiot Gentile lackeys who couldn’t see that they were being played and used to advance specifically Jewish interests.

Below a YouTube video titled ‘How the Jews opened American’s borders’

There are quotes from influential Jews who boast about what they have done to the white race.

"Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." Barbara Lerner Spectre (Jewish), IBA-News, 2010.

Barbara Lerner Spectre is an academic and philosophy lecturer and the founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden.

Who is she to say that Europe will not survive unless we have hordes of migrants sweeping in from Africa and the Middle East? We have survived for a couple of thousand years without the help of the Jews. The Jews fear the white race especially in Europe because we are the only ones who won’t put up with their financial malpractices which is why European countries removed the Jews many times over the past 700 years.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the former Jewish President of France – spoke as Chairman of the European Council on December 17th, 2008 in Palaiseau before an elected circle of EU leaders about the great goal of exterminating the White race in Europe through violence if necessary, if their goal cannot be accomplished through Miscegenation alone. He stated:

“What is the goal? The goal is Miscegenation (race-mixing)! And if people are not willing to do this on their own free will, then we shall force them through governmental measures. The Challenge of Miscegenation of the various nations is the Challenge of the 21st Century. It is not a choice, it is a duty. It is mandatory”.

Sarkozy’s mother is a descendant of a Sephardic Jew from Thessaloniki (Greece) and her grandfather, Mordechai Mallah, followed Judaism and was a wealthy Jeweller from Thessaloniki.

“If you’re trying to say we have been plotting to replace the white population in America with immigrants, your absolutely right. And it doesn’t matter if you know or not. We have been at this for some time now. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing.”- Mark Potok, Jewish attorney, SPLC, 2011

“Some have said that diversity is about getting rid of white people. Well, they are right. And that’s a GOOD thing”– Emily Goldstein, Jewish Journalist, 2015

Read this racist speech against the white people by Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European [Jewish] Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952: “We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, FORBID the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our RACE will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."

“It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. In one of the first pieces of evidence of its political coming-of-age, the Jewish community has a leadership role in effecting those changes.” “The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country, we [Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible”, Earl Raab, Writer, previously Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council and an associate of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith).

It is the Jews who are supremacists, who see themselves as the chosen people on this planet. They are the ones in control so to speak and it is only the White race who have understood this and that is why over the past several hundred years the European whites have removed the Jews from nearly every country in Europe because of the control they try force on the host country. Look at the statement above from Earl Raab he is content that the Whites (or Nazi-Aryan as he calls us) will soon be a minority in their own country. Because the Jews will then be able to plunder America (they own the banks, all the media, all the big corporation’s and the government) and the Whites soon will not be able to remove them because they will be a minority and that is what the Jewish Zionists want. They want us to be a minority in our own countries, especially America and Europe and unfortunately they will soon succeed. You see someone like Hitler has to be touted as a madmen by the Jewish owned Hollywood and Media because he did remove the Jews and he wanted a white only Germany which the Jews would never allow. You cannot have a German only country or a White only country but you can have a black only country or a Jewish only country (Israel) or a Chinese only country or a Latino only country but White, no chance or you are a Supremacist. It is very strange isn’t it that it is the Jews who are the ones promoting immigration into America, Britain, Ireland and Europe. It is not Muslims promoting this immigration into White countries, it is not the Chinese either or the Indians, it is the Jews who are in leading and influential positions in White governments and they also promote it in the media which they control.

You see Western culture and Christianity were the reasons why the people had come to reject Communism. So Marxist communists came up with the idea that Western civilisation had to be conquered from within. That is where we find the promotion of multiculturism, Pornography, Feminism, Homosexuality and now we also have transgenderism and the breakdown of family values in the Western world. People are brainwashed by the mainly Jewish media with these unhealthy values to make us believe that these values are now accepted as normal when they are anything but. If you look at homosexuality and the new transgender movement, it is astonishing how social morals and laws that have been around for 10,000 years of human civilization are being overturned in a matter of 20 years. Gay marriages are now legal and the fundamental concepts of gender are being challenged (for example, California is now considering officially recognizing more than two genders; and kids as young as 5 are brainwashed to think they are of different gender. There are even laws in Canada that would jail parents if they don’t, for example, let their kid “choose” his/her own gender.) This is only happening in white western countries.

“The many “ISMs” that plague American society today, which are purposefully used to contrive wedge issues that are driven deeply into the heart of the body politic, have been manufactured by Jewish intellectuals, academics, writers, philosophers, thought leaders, social scientists and political reformers. For example, the most societally destructive of these ISMs is Cultural Marxism, a highly divisive and devastating social theory and critical philosophy painstakingly developed by the Frankfurt School which was associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. This extremely deceptive and perfidious movement was populated exclusively by Jewish intellectuals whose primary purpose was to construct a blueprint for the complete takeover of Western civilization, which they have practically done. Other repugnant philosophies, movements and ISMs originated by similar groups of Jewish intellectuals and thinkers include Multiculturalism, Feminism, Transgenderism, and Homosexuality as well as the prevailing worldwide regime of Political Correctness that’s currently destroying societies everywhere. The same groups are also the most aggressive in strategically hurling slurs and slanders of racism, sexism, homophobicism, ageism and, of course, their favorite calculated aspersion—anti-Semitism. Then there are the highly divisive political forces associated with Communism, Fascism, Bolshevism, Socialism, and Predatory Capitalism which, when they’re let loose into American society, will bring down the Republic quicker than you can say 9/11” -

“The Jews are easily the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. They openly organize, raise money and advocate for their own unique political, cultural and economic interests, often at the expense of everyone else. And yet they condemn anyone and everyone – especially White Christian peoples – for attempting to do the same exact thing. The Jewish state of “Israel” – an illegitimate, fraudulent terrorist state occupying Palestine

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