» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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and in 1997 rose to become vingtenier—the second most senior cop on the island’s volunteer force.

Although Jersey is part of the British Isles and under the Queen’s rule, it has a separate government system dating back to King John’s reign, and makes its own rules and laws.

To see this child abuse by high ranking politicians we only have to look at the case of Cathy O’Brien who is one of the more famous victims of the CIA’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control program. According to her book ‘Transformation of America’, Cathy and her 6 year old daughter were used as mind controlled sex slaves to the rich and famous most of them American top rank politicians which include former presidents George Bush senior and Junior, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and former vice president Dick Cheney. Cathy describes in her book what George Bush Snr did on a regular basis to her daughter, Kelly, as well as to other alleged victims of ‘Satanic’ ritual abuse. Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. According to the book Cathy and her daughter (from age 6) were systematically raped by the men named above and that is just a few of them.

If you don’t believe mind control is possible then you need to do some research because the CIA have even admitted it ran mind control programs such as MK Ultra, Bluebird and Artichoke.

Psychiatrist and author Colin Ross, MD (who is a psychiatrist specializing in dissociative disorders which include multiple personality disorder) states, "The major goal of the Cold War mind control programs was to create dissociative symptoms and disorders, including full multiple personality disorder. The capabilities postulated in the first Manchurian Candidate are fact, not fiction, and were created by the CIA in the 1950's under BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE mind control programs. Experiments with LSD, sensory deprivation, electro-convulsive treatment, brain electrode implants and hypnosis were designed to create amnesia, depersonalization, changes in identity and altered sates of consciousness”.

Susan Ford (pseudonym is Brice Taylor) is another MK Ultra and child sex abuse survivor who worked with Ted Gunderson to expose her previously suppressed experiences with various high profile people in government and the entertainment world. From an early age, Brice Taylor was prostituted as a mind controlled sex slave to Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and then Governor Ronald Reagan.

Brice Taylor is the highest level survivor of MK Ultra and government mind control ever to go public. In her new book, Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free, she discloses hidden mechanisms used by the nations' most ruthless Elites to control America, and reveals their intent to precipitate a global dictatorship. According to Taylor movie stars also used her and her daughter as controlled sex slaves, her book references Sylvester Stallone and Bob Hope as two of them.

Another child abuse scandal was uncovered by John DeCamp who is among the most highly decorated Vietnam veterans and a former Republican state senator in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. It was known the Franklin Cover-Up. What John W DeCamp claimed to have uncovered in his book, The Franklin Cover-up was Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, was nothing less than a Satanist-paedophiles ring, involving high-profile establishment figures, including those who controlled the government, police and media in Omaha. The allegations centred on the actions of Lawrence E. King Jr., who ran the now defunct Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha. Young adults and teenagers said that they had been child prostitutes in service of powerful business moguls and politicians and in 1982 Paul Bonacci, one of the victims claims that he and others were flown to Bohemian Grove to participate in orgies and other acts of child abuse. In July 1990, the Franklin Cover-up chief investigation Gary Cardori and his son were killed in a mysterious plane crash. He was murdered because Caradori began to follow the money behind the Franklin scandal and he discovered two things: the Franklin Credit Union was being used by the White House and CIA to launder money for the Iran-contra affair and Larry King and his associates were given a free ride to sexually traffic in and molest children. Also Caradori met with a source who handed him photographs that proved that Nebraskan children, some from the famed Boy’s Town orphanage, were being used for the sexual gratification of important political leaders in Washington, including Vice President and President George H W Bush. The FBI arrived at the Caradori plane crash site and began systematically removing the photographs, debris, and Caradori’s briefcase. Meanwhile, FBI agents in Lincoln, Nebraska entered Caradori’s office and seized his files obviously to keep this think covered up.

CIA director William Colby was a Vietnam War colleague of Nebraska State Senator John De Camp, one of major investigators of the Franklin scandal. Colby reportedly was ready to expose the CIA’s own involvement in the use of child prostitutes for the purposes of political and diplomatic blackmail. Colby died in a suspicious canoeing accident on the Chesapeake Bay on April 27, 1996. Several witnesses and an investigator of the Franklin case were murdered or died mysteriously. In 1993 a documentary detailing the Franklin cover-up called ‘The Conspiracy Of Silence’ was produced by the Discovery Channel. On the day it was set to be aired, it was cancelled. There were rumours that someone paid half a million dollars to revoke the television rights. The documentary can now be found online. If you want to know even more about the Franklin scandal a good place to start would be Nick Bryant's 2009 book The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal.

Another American who tried to uncover the child abuse within American Politics was Ted L. Gunderson. Ted Gunderson was the former head of the Los Angeles FBI office. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica in 1980. Ted Gunderson had compiled box loads of research and had assembled a number of reports which described unimaginable "operations" of treachery, sadistic savagery, degradation, abuse, and murder caused by intelligence agents of the United States government against its own citizens, especially children. Gunderson began looking more deeply into cases of satanic murder activity after becoming convinced of the innocence of a young Army medical doctor, Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who was falsely convicted in August, 1979 of the murder of his wife and two young daughters. The murders were in fact committed by a local satanic group of drug users which included five active duty military men. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that would be controlling the US government. He also disclosed that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the US there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. Ted Gunderson claims that there are 4-5 million practicing Satanists in the US and that 83 children are abducted every hour in the US (= 1,992 per day, 727,000 per year). He also claims that 50,000-60,000 people are sacrificed each year in satanic rituals in the US (150/day).

In the U.K Sylvia Woosley says in the ITV documentary ‘Exposure’ that Clement Freud (grandson of Sigmund Freud) groomed and abused her from the age of 10 until she was 19. Woosley, now in her 70s, appears in the documentary in obvious distress to allege that Freud took away her childhood. Mrs Woolsey has made a statement to the police, and her allegations against Freud will be passed to Operation Hydrant, the overarching national investigation into “non-recent” child abuse. Hydrant said in February that it had a database of 2,328 suspects, 298 of whom were dead and 91 of whom were politicians.

Another of Freud’s claimed victims, Vicky Hayes, has claimed Freud groomed her from the age of 14 and at the age of 17, he violently raped her. She said he plied her with champagne and took her virginity. Mrs Hayes gave her horrific account to a local news station, where she recalled being “paralyzed with fear” when the manipulative abuser raped her. The ITV documentary also interviewed another woman, who remained anonymous. She said Freud made advances towards her from 1971, when she was 11, and raped her when she was 18.

Clement Freud, a panellist on BBC’s Just a Minute and Liberal MP from 1973 to 1987 died in 2009 at the age of 84. Again we see another paedophile working for the BBC. How many more are they? There is also evidence to suggest that the coldblooded murder of the journalist and TV presenter Jill Dando (1999) might be linked to a VIP paedophile ring which was operating within the BBC and beyond, which Dando was in the process of exposing. In fact a hit man told Mark Williams-Thomas (an ex-Surrey Police officer who is now an investigative journalist) that he knows who shot Jill Dando but is too afraid to reveal the name as he fears it will cost him his life. However a more recent investigation into the Jill Dando murder was carried out by Richard Hall of which suggests Dando was killed because she knew (through Crimewatch) that the London nail bomber was David Copeland. This was sensitive information that MI5 did not want released so she was murdered to silence her.

Freud also shared an office with the disgraced Liberal Democrat MP (Rochdale) Cyril Smith who himself was subsequently exposed as a serial paedophile. Smith was arrested at a sex party with teenage boys but police were told to cover it up and threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act, according to an investigation. Albert Laugharne, former Chief Constable of Lancashire Police, said that in the 1970s he was asked to lie about the 29-stone Liberal politician’s alleged sexual abuse of a boy. Smith was a predatory paedophile who had used his power and influence to prey on hundreds of boys, some as young as eight, for over four decades. Cyril Smith avoided prosecution because other establishment paedophiles feared he would spill their secrets in court, a former senior police officer said. Lancashire detective Jack Tasker spent years compiling evidence on the 29-stone Liberal MP's child abuse only to have his investigation shut down and threatened with the sack himself. Mr Tasker believes there was a network of spies and obstructive forces at a local and national level to protect Smith from facing justice. Tasker described how his investigation into the child abuser Smith was closed abruptly despite having evidence from at least eight of the MP's young victims. In 2015, it emerged that Smith had been arrested in the early 1980s in relation to these offences, but a high level cover-up reportedly led to him being released within hours, the evidence destroyed and the investigating officers prevented from discussing the matter under the Official Secrets Act. Cyril Smith died aged 82 in 2010. There is one law for the rich and powerful and another law for the rest of us. Just look at the case of Sunderland footballer Adam Johnson who was jailed for 5 years for having consensual sex with a 15 year old girl. Put the Johnson case against what Cyril Smith did and ask yourself is that fair and just.

Below a picture of MP Cyril Smith.

Former Home Secretary Leon Brittan (Jewish) was another one of a number of high-profile people who attended paedophile parties in the notorious gay Elm Guest House which Cyril Smith is known to have attended. Among the shocking accusations are claims that one of Brittan's victims was a 10-year-old primary school boy. Other details that were reported include how a social worker described in testimony details seeing photos, taken in the 1970s, of Brittan dressed in kinky outfits with naked boys sitting on his lap. Police were looking into allegations made about the Conservative politician when he died aged 75 from cancer. During the time of his death, police were investigating Brittan after a woman claimed he raped her in the late 1960s. Brittan has also been slammed after files containing evidence of a Westminster paedophile ring, handed to him in 1983, went missing and were never investigated. Another credible allegation is that Leon Brittan was stopped by British Customs trying to enter Dover with indecent images of children in the late 1980s. The border guard, who is now retired, has told detectives that when he searched the MP’s car he found videotapes of children “clearly under the age

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