» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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up?’ and part one is below. The videos are also on Richard’s website

Pizzagate Child Abuse Scandal

The Pizzagate scandal is supposed to be a conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. The theory, which went viral, claimed that John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants (the Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant) in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. Knowing the information that you have read over the last several pages do you really think it is just a theory or are powerful people who can control the media and the law enforcement trying to cover it up. The pathetic mainstream media call Pizzagate, ‘fake news’ but is it? The mainstream media (BBC, CNN) are the one who give out the fake news.

John Podesta was Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff back in the 1990s, Barack Obama’s Counsellor to the President, and Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

One of the main media outlets suggesting that Pizzagate is fake news is the New York Times. But did you know that the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the New York Times is a man called Mark Thompson and he was director of the BBC when paedophile Jimmy Saville was committing his crimes while working for the BBC.

The shady Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant is owned by one James Alefantis identified as the 49th most powerful man in Washington, D.C. He is also on record for visiting the White House at least 5 times and has photos of himself with Tony Podesta and his brother John Podesta. Research suggests Alefantis is a CIA operative whose primary role was to manage what was perhaps the largest paedophile operation of its kind within the District of Columbia. It is worth noting what Alefantis name really means. “James Alefantis” = J’aime les enfants = I love children (French).

When the Pizzagate story hit the news it was The New York Times, The Washington Post and the BBC News who ran front pages stories defending James Alefantis and his Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant.

James Alefantis’s inner circle collects imagery and artwork depicting torture techniques and psychiatric conditioning employed on children. Look at the photo’s below which is artwork on the walls of the Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant. This work often contains MKULTRA-related themes such as dual personalities (two heads), the exploitation of children – often mixed with occult symbolism.

Would any normal person have such imagery in a restaurant?

Out of the 2000 of the John Podesta emails that were leaked by WikiLeaks there are 149 instances of “pizza”, 73 of hot dog, 85 of cheese, 78 of pasta, 41 of sauce, 84 of ice cream and 47 of walnut. That is not normal, he can’t really be talking about food here. Also the word ‘map’ appears over 900 times. The very bizarre thing about Pizzagate is these words often appear in very, very bizarre contexts that have nothing to do with food.

Law enforcement authorities have identified the specific terms we just mentioned – pizza, cheese, sauce, pasta, etc., as code words for child sex trafficking. Code words allow people engaging in illegal activities to have a cover story in the event that their communications are discovered.

This is what the code words are supposed to mean:

“Hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of colour “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy.

Pizza and other specific food terms appear in very suspicious, non-food-related ways in hundreds of different letters sent by Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta and others.

Here is an example from WikiLeaks of an email sent to John Podesta:

Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.


Use the codes words above to see what the email was really about and this is just 1 email from thousands that have many references to the food items named above.

It could be that Pizzagate and Pedogate could ultimately take down the global power structure. It is these disclosures surrounding each and every Pedogate — occurring in nations large and small — that will bring about the final downfall of the criminally insane cabal of psychopaths who rule the world and the fake news media outlets (BBC, CNN, etc.) that supports them.

Also supposed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from fame has stated that Pizzagate is fake. Alex Jones is just controlled opposition. He will give you some truths that you can find out on many other websites but the real serious stuff such as the crimes of Israel, the Holocaust, Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and Pedogate he will stay away from.

A damning internal memo claims the State Department called off an investigation into allegations that U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman repeatedly trawled overseas public parks in search of prostitutes, including children. Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy ordered the investigation closed shortly after it was opened, according to the memo, which was written by the State Department Inspector General's office. Gutman, who has not been charged with any crimes, said the allegations are 'baseless.' Gutman raised $775,000 for Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. The Inspector General's office was ordered to "get rid" of any evidence implicating Gutman. One investigator from the IG's office, Aurelia Fedenisn, turned whistle-blower. The FBI camped out in front of her house demanding that she sign documents stating that she had "stolen" sensitive State Department documents. Ms. Fedenisn hired attorneys Schulman & Mathias. Their offices were broken into and five computers containing evidence about Gutman, as well as evidence of drug trafficking and other criminal behaviour by State Department personnel.

Laura Silsby is the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge and in 2010 Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Silsby had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but a State Department diplomatic cable revealed that authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. On January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested with nine other American nationals attempting to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families. Hillary and Bill Clinton took an extraordinary interest in Silsby’s case from the moment she was arrested and almost immediately stepped in on her behalf. On February 7th, 2010, The Sunday Times reported that Bill Clinton had intervened to strike a deal with the Haitian government, securing the release of all co-conspirators except for Silsby. Prosecutors ultimately sought a six-month sentence in Silsby's case, reducing charges for conspiracy and child abduction to mere "arranging irregular travel." A shockingly light penalty given the circumstances of her arrest, which would likely not have been possible but for the intervention of the Clintons in Silsby's case. Not only did Silsby get help from Clinton, the attorney who represented her in court has been exposed as convicted sex trafficker. Jorge Puello Torres is wanted by El Salvador as a suspect in a human trafficking ring involving woman and children. Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. The question is was Silsby trying to kidnap children from Haiti hoping no one would notice for the purposes of paedophilia for the global elite? Why would the Clintons intervene on her behalf?

There is enough evidence to fill many books on the epidemic of child abuse by Politicians and people in powerful positions and as an example here are a few more cases.

Former Undersecretary of the Navy, 70 year old James Daniel Howard, arrested on child porn possession and reproduction charges in 2013. Howard had served as special assistant to President Ronald Reagan. He plead guilty to ten child porn counts and served only seven months in jail.

Anthony Mangione, 50 year old Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for South Florida, was arrested on “extreme child abuse”charges on 28 September 2011. He was sentenced, November 2012, to nearly six years in prison.

David Bourque, formerly the 51 year old Police Captain of Granby, Connecticut, was sentenced to ten years for child porn possession and distribution. He had more than 328,528 images and 4,000 videos on his police department computer including “sadistic and violent acts” against infants and toddlers.

Maine Assistant Attorney General, 52 year old James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison, December 2014, for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.

Gons Nachman, a 42 year old former US diplomat “admitted taping his sexual encounters with teenage girls while stationed in Brazil and the Congo” was sentenced, August 2008, to 20 years in prison.

James Cafferty, 45 year old Special Agent with the US State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, pleaded guilty, 5 January 2012, to child porn charges and was sentenced, 26 April 2012, to 7 years in federal prison. Upon his arrest he had more than 30,000 images of child sex abuse.

Donald Sachtleben, a 54 year old former FBI Agent was arrested, 14 May 2012, and charged on child pornography charges. He plead guilty to distribution and possession and was sentenced, 14 November 2013, to eight years in prison.

Keith Dietterle, a 28 year old FBI Analyst, was arrested, 23 November 2012, on child porn charges. He plead guilty to child porn possession and was sentenced, September 2013, to more than three years in prison.

Is paedophilia common in Hollywood? In 2011, Corey Feldman, (was a child actor) said, “I can tell you the Number-One problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be, paedophilia. That’s the biggest problem in this industry. I was surrounded by them when I was 14-years-old; literally surrounded. Didn’t even know it. It wasn’t until I was old enough to realize what they were, what they wanted, and what they were about, and the types of people who were around me. . . they were like vultures.”

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Feldman discusses how he was repeatedly molested by adult males in the industry, saying these men would pass many young stars 'back and forth to each other.' He also reveals that his closest friend, Corey Haim, was raped when he was just 11 by a producer, the start of a long cycle of sexual abuse that Feldman believes led to his friend's problems with drugs and alcohol later in life. Haim would struggle with drugs up until his death in 2010 at the age of 38, a death that Feldman blames on the men who abused the actor.

According to actress Lindsay Lohan the actor Heath Ledger did not die of an overdose in 2008 but was murdered to keep him quite. “It wasn’t a suicide. It wasn’t an accidental overdose. Everybody in the industry knows the truth. He was taken out. He was an example to the rest of us to stay in line”, stated Lohan. Lohan continues “They couldn’t trust him (Ledger) anymore. They knew he had a big mouth and big balls. He liked to rock the boat”. She says the “Hollywood bad boy” became a problem for “the paedophiles at the top of the Hollywood pyramid” after his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight propelled him towards superstar status. “He knew a lot of industry secrets and he wasn’t afraid of speaking out”, Lohan said.

Movie star Brad Pitt has revealed the true depths of Hollywood paedophilia in a shocking interview.

Mr. Pitt describes how the whole TV and film industry is run around a culture of grooming children for child trafficking networks that reach across the United States and beyond, into the upper reaches of the political world.

"You think Hollywood is about making movies? That's just a by-product: It's about money, and more importantly, power and control. The people who run Hollywood, also run America, and most of the world, and they don't care about movies. You've heard of the Illuminati right? The secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media - they're the ones running these paedophile rings, and they're the ones that run the world, and it all goes back to Hollywood”.

Mr. Pitt continued "Kids want to be in movies, or should I say; parents want their kids to be in movies, and they'll do anything to get them famous”.

When asked about who these "Hollywood players" are, Pitt was reluctant to name names, saying, "I'm from the land of the free and easy lawsuit", but said he was confident these high-level child abusers will soon see justice: "The media will never expose the truth as they're part of it. It's the independent media that will expose this. The internet is a wonderful thing and the free flow of information is bringing it all to the surface now. They're losing their hold over the American people,

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