» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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– they introduced a zero percent interest on deposits. Now, in many countries, it’s even a negative interest rate – that is, you deposited 100 dollars and you get 90 or 95 dollars. But at least you’re still going to get it. So, we’re already getting negative interest rates on deposits. So, that wealth has to be deflated. How will it be deflated? Again, through this artificial international … we see the economy has crashed, it’s clear, accordingly – we can’t meet your domestic demand like we did before, you need to tighten your belts.

Now is a very important moment. Note, it allegedly started in China. Even though the Chinese are now adamant and report that the coronavirus was created artificially. It has an artificial origin – it’s been proven scientifically already. Of course, in every virus, seeing that it’s the simplest kind of microorganism – as far as I remember – mutations can happen, but they’re of an accidental nature. And when you take the RNA molecule, not DNA – they have RNA – and there’s a part of the genome that’s clearly been carved out and another one inserted in its place – and this happens 3 or 4 times … It is perfectly obvious that the Chinese scientists have figured this out – it was artificially created and purposely spread, initially in Wuhan. They had 2 kinds, 2 viral strains. Okay now. And what about Italy, what happened there? How come a strain that is even more dangerous that the Chinese one suddenly appears in Italy? I think now they have a few thousand infected and around 1000 have already died. But again, 100x more people die in Italy from flu, pneumonia, scrofula and hepatitis. But we don’t talk about that. Instead, we are being served special political information propaganda, psycho-informative propaganda. Special psycho-informative operation of the world globalist mass media that is serving the behind-the-scene Zionist liberal powers that are creating this terror right now. – Interview from Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer).

Below is a link to the video.

Is 5G Dangerous to Human Health and is there a link to this Coronavirus?

Well the answer to that question is nobody knows for certain because no tests have been carried out by the telecommunications companies who are installing the 5G around the world.

Also is there any link between 5G and the Coronavirus. We should be allowed to debate this but we are not. The governments have classed it as a dangerous conspiracy theory even though thousands of scientists say that 5G poses a massive health risk.

This 5G bandwidth will allow you to download movies in a matter of seconds and is expected to support at least a 100 billion devices. That’s a whole lot of devices. In general, 5G will be up to 100 times faster than 4G.

Also because of the limits of the frequencies used, in order for users to have good reception it is estimated they will need to put a mini cell station every 2 to 8 houses. This will multiply significantly the amount of RF Radiation we will be exposed to

All cell towers emit Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation. This is what makes them dangerous. Plans to transition to the new 5G around the world is already underway. Soon every city will be fitted with this technology. Mini cell stations will be placed all throughout our neighbourhoods and cities. They will be installed on the sides or tops of buildings and on street light poles.

A recent article in the UK estimated at least 400,000 extra phone masts would be needed to bring rural Britain to be 5G compatible. That’s just the rural part of Britain. It’s estimated there could be thousands of extra small masts in every single city around the world.

According to experts, the 5G masts will be about four feet tall- not nearly the same height as needed with 4G and 3G networks. These towers will be around every corner and will make communicating with your house, car, and family a breeze. However, being that connected- with so many signals around may cause major health problems.

5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra-high frequency and ultra-high intensity. Second, since the shorter length millimetre waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (or through objects), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate many more mini cell towers must be installed. It is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every 2 to 8 houses. This will greatly increase our RF Radiation exposure.

With RF Radiation, how close the source is to our physical bodies, is more important than the power level (or wattage) of the radiation. RF Radiation dissipates with distance. In other words, a low powered exposure right next to someone is more dangerous than a more powerful exposure a long ways away. Also the longer the exposure time is, the more dangerous it is. 5G will be the worst of both worlds. We will have more sources around us, and closer to us. And they will be more powerful and continuous emissions.

There have been hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies done on RF Radiation linking it to health problems such as cancer, DNA damage (especially in foetuses within the 1st 100 days after conception), and sterility in men. And even the World Health Organization classified RF Radiation as a possible “carcinogenic”, meaning “cancer causing”, in 2011.

In Germany, researchers studied 1000 residents who lived in close proximity to two cell phone towers for about 10 years. According to the study, during the last five years of the observations, researchers discovered neighbours living within 400 meters of the cell towers were diagnosed with cancer at a rate that was three times higher than those who lived much further away.

Another frightening study in 1994, well before 3G, 4G and 5G, links significant health problems with people living in a London apartment building with a cell phone mast on the roof. In this study, the cancer rate of those living on the top floor of the apartment building- the closet to the tower, had a cancer rate of 10 times the average in England.

If that isn’t enough to convince you there is a significant link between cell phone towers and health problems consider a recent study in Italy. In March 2018, the researchers at the world-renowned Ramazzini Institute released the shocking results of a large-scale study of lab animals exposed to cell tower radiation over a lifetime.

The $25 million study carried out by the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) has shed light on the very real dangers of cell phones and other wireless devices. The NTP study focused on exposing rats to two types of radiation emitted by cell phones for a nine-hour period each day. The radiation bath began while the rats were still in utero, and was continued until the rats died a natural death. An expert review panel analysed the findings and were shocked to see that the radiation from cell phones was linked to increase in tumours of the brain and heart. Additionally, the reviewers also observed a “statistically significant” increase in damage to heart muscle.

The Ramazzini study is the first to complete a study of this scale, over a significant period of time. Together, the studies make a strong argument for more guidelines and standards to protect public health. Health experts from around the world are weighing in on the significance of the findings and urging the World Health Organization to act.

“This study raises concerns that simply living close to a cell tower will pose threats to human health. Governments need to take measures to reduce exposures from cell tower emissions. Cell towers should not be near schools, hospitals or people’s homes. Public health agencies need to educate the public on how to reduce exposure from all sources of wireless radiofrequency radiation- be it from cell towers or cell phones or Wi-Fi in schools,” said Dr. David Carpenter, former Dean of the School of Public Health and the University of Albany.

“This is particularly urgent because current plans to place small 5G cell towers about every 300 meters in every street across the country. These 5G “small cell’ antennas will result in continuous exposure to everyone living nearby and everyone walking down the street. The increased exposures will increase the risk of cancer and other diseases such as electro-hypersensitivity,” said Dr. Carpenter.

The risk is very real. As Dr. Carpenter indicated, public health is at risk with plans for more and more smaller towers to go up on every street corner around the world.

According to experts, doctors and researchers, radiation has the power to change our bodies on the cellular level. These changes, as supported in several studies, create a perfect environment for cancer and other ailments to take over inside our body.

Other studies link cell phone and cell tower radiation to memory loss, headaches, changes in vision and mood, sleep disorders and leukaemia. The rollout of 5G and the infrastructure to support it will only increase our risk of suffering major health issues down the road.

According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, the increase in mini-cell towers across towns and cities is only part of the concern. Dr. Moskowitz says the lower frequency millimetre waves used in 5G could cause major skin, eye, and nervous system problems.

“The deployment of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species… Because MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are predominantly absorbed by the skin, meaning their distribution is quite focused there. Since skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the nervous system,” said Dr. Moskowitz.

If you have kids, pay attention to the Wi-Fi situation at school and in their classrooms. Some studies link ADD, ADHD, memory issues, and behaviour problems with Wi-Fi routers and nearby cell towers.

Below is part of a Letter by 18 Doctors & Scientists sent to the California Governor in September 2017 warning about the dangers of 5G.

“SB 649 is on your desk awaiting your decision, and we respectfully urge a veto. This bill denies citizens and local governments the right to a voice as to where 50,000 or more new cell towers, spaced every two to ten homes, will soon be placed. Telecom will be erecting towers in the rights-of-way, and placing them on utility poles and lampposts in front of our homes, schools, places of worship and businesses. There will be no escaping the cell towers or the radiation emitted from them. There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. The 5G millimetre wave is known to heat the eyes, skin and testes, and the ubiquitous placement of these towers will expose California’s population 24/7. Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us -- the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline. Our children are not just our progeny but the future of our state and our country. Keeping them safe must be a priority. Our homes must remain our sanctuaries. We currently have the option to turn wireless off at night, or to not use it at all. With SB 649 there is no "off" switch”

Over the last few years over 20,000 5G satellites have been launched into orbit around the earth. The first two 5G test satellites were launched by SpaceX in February of 2018. Hundreds of other satellites where launched in 2019. The full set of 20,000 satellites could be put in orbit during the next two years. To put this into perspective, as of September 2017 there

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