» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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technocracy”. — Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer - COVID-1984: ‘A Global 9/11’ to Inaugurate a Global Security Superstate -

We just need to put things in perspective. Also could it be that the bankers knew there was going to be an economic crash and they did not want to take the blame and so they needed a scapegoat in the form of a virus pandemic. We are supposed to believe the mainstream media and what the governments says are always correct or always telling the truth about this Coronavirus. But we only need to go back to 9/11 to see that the whole story that the Western governments and the mainstream media fed us was a lie and so was the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq was supposed to have but didn’t. This lie was used to destroy a country or several Arab countries and kill over 4 million Arabic people and mostly civilians. The Global Elite always have a hidden agenda and it usually involves them taking more power and we the people losing more freedoms. Don’t forget watch out for the forced vaccination that will surely come in the disguise of protecting us from this deadly Covid-19 virus and the most deadly thing about this is what will actually be in this vaccine. Once that microchip is in your blood, your freedom and your children’s freedom has gone forever. Forced vaccinations, mass surveillance, stopped and searched for taking a walk on the beach or in the park, this is what Communism looks like!

The Event

On several websites there is a description of some incident which will result in the removal of the Illuminati from the control they have over the people of this world and that incident is called ‘the Event’. No date has been given for ‘this Event’ obviously because the Illuminati would then try to stop it.

This book and many like it has provided numerous examples which provide ample evidence for the IlluminatiFreemason actions of genocide, manipulation, murder, theft, racketeering, treason, mind control, war, genocide, poisoning of water, air and food to name a few. But their time could soon be up.

This will come as a shock to many but there are members of the world’s military and intelligence agencies that have been involved in on going interactions with ET races for over 60 years. To insure the planetary liberation process the benevolent forces of ET Races have been making plans with various elite corps of earth based military and law enforcement personnel to insure the joint action of arrest of these criminal IlluminatiFreemasons.

You should research the mountains of evidence of extra-terrestrial life and UFO’s because the do exist. Do not look for evidence in your mafia controlled mainstream media as this is controlled by the puppet masters and is designed to confuse and mislead you.

The plan of action has been to amass enough evidence to arrest these criminals. The evidence has been in hand for decades in but these criminals are in control of the world’s media and military forces as well as the financial institutions and many other key aspects of our societal structure as well. These individuals and their secret societies are deeply involved in the politics and literally control the worlds view by manipulation.

One of the main plans for the Event to be successful is to disable the central banking system, which is the root of the manipulation, and control system on planet earth. It is unfortunate but necessary that the world’s population will be somewhat disrupted by the closing of the world’s banking system but this is necessary to cripple the criminals to insure they cannot continue to wreak havoc at the time of the Event.

The National Economic Security and Reformation Act is the global prosperity program on the cusp of being announced and activated. This program is backed by deliverable precious metals well upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars (40 zeros). This money will be used to buy all corporations and banking cartels. NESARA will also zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. Few understand there is more than enough gold to back all human currency in circulation. This means each and every human being could become an instant multi-millionaire without debt of any kind–if just given the resources. NESARA is about sharing the stored gold resources of humanity for humanity instead of the select few of the Illuminati bankers.

Unbelievably NESARA was to be publicly announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00am, but the Cabal decided to blow up the World Trade Center buildings at 9:00am in order to prevent that historic moment from happening. These same Illuminati forces are to this day still fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation.

Interesting to note that the gold which was to back the new US Treasury currency was stored in the WTC Building 7 and was stolen by the Cabal during the 9/11 attack. WTC Building 7 was also the center of NESARA operations pre-9/11 and was ultimately destroyed after the theft was complete–that’s why it was made to fall without being attacked.

According to various sources the Event will start by a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened.

This will be followed by:

• The arrest of the CabalIlluminati members who have led the way and will be the most significant part of THE EVENT.

• The reset of the Financial Systems: the entire central banking system and all banks computers will be shut down and will not be able to be bought online, so all banks will close until further notice. After the banks reopen everyone will still have their money. Criminals and banksters and the big boy stock manipulators will find they have no money! These trillions of dollars will be used for good. It is planned that there will be world trusts established to insure the clothing, sheltering and feeding of the world’s homeless.

• The main media stations will be taken over by civil authorities who will remove censors and Cabal based programs and agendas.

• Disclosure – The release of secret documents and events including ET information will begin sometime after the actual event. Many of the world mysteries will be revealed / who killed Kennedy / CIA drug dealing / the true the forces behind all the world wars / ongoing depopulation agendas / HAARP/ vaccination’s / Secret space Program / Mind Control / financial crimes and many many things that will shock many people! There will most certainly be a process of denial, shock and anger over what has been going on.

• The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds and worldwide trusts for healing the planet will eventually be implemented.

• NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc. etc. Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.

• Introduction of new advanced technology and free energy which was kept hidden from humanity.

• There will be artefacts bought forward from ancient repositories revealing the truth of man’s interaction with ETs in our recent history. We will understand our cosmic heritage. Ancient sites will unearth space ships from our past and we will have physical proof of ancient technologies.

• Toxic food facilities will be retooled to provide healthy local fare their community’s populace. Genetically altered foods will be destroyed. Monsanto and other companies will be closed and those responsible will be dealt with. No more insecticides or pesticides will be allowed. The horrible treatment of animals in slaughterhouses will be outlawed and man will learn the error of his ways and the planet will eventually become vegetarian.

• There will be a host of advanced healing technologies released which have been suppressed to keep the Cabal rich and you in suffering. Eventually the present medical system will alter radically in the light of more advanced forms of treatment.

• Free energy devices will be available for your home and car and an end to fossil fuels and other toxic technologies.

Keep in mind the details that are given here are most likely not an exact description of everything that may happen. However these are the basic plans. This “event” is not intended to be an Earth type revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. The coming ‘Event’ will not be a bloody revolution. The ‘Event itself is a lawful enforcement of existing laws.

The world’s current political leadership most likely knows nothing about the intended changes at this time. Very few of the world’s major political criminals and leaders will still be in positions of influence after the Event.

Be aware, the changes that will come will be fast and powerful. Though much of the long-range plans will be implemented gradually, many things, such as the media stations will be liberated immediately.

The television will reveal the truth to the people over time, because the forces of light will control the satellites and the communication systems. The few media moguls who secretly own all of the world major media and are in charge of systematic mind control (such as, Murdoch, the Rockefellers and the Rothschild’s) will either be arrested or rendered impotent.

The media will give us an honest detailed report of what is going very soon after the arrest process begins. This will hopefully calm the populace and insure people are getting the information necessary to help them and their families.

The financial world will see changes so dramatic. Stock markets will close forever and companies will be forced to buy back their stock. Many companies and most banks will cease to exist in their current form. There will be no more credit cards. An open honest and transparent financial system backed by real gold will be the first step. The world’s taxation systems, which are another form of repression and control to oppress the peoples of the earth will be eradicated very soon after the Event. They have been used to finance our destruction.

Keep in mind the reasons for the “EVENT” will not be known by 90% of the world’s population. Nor will they have any idea what is transpiring or why. But you who is reading these words will now know what will be happening. If you think about it 90% of the world’s population live their whole life and die in this world without ever knowing that the Illuminati existed or that there was ever a plot to enslave humanity.

Even if you believe this Event is not going to happen you must agree if it did it would transform this planet in a positive way beyond anything we could imagine. I for one hope it does happen and soon.

To see more about the event see and

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this book and hopefully you will have learned something about what is and has happened in this world which is very different to what we have been told by the mainly Jewish controlled mainstream media. Leave a review of the book if possible. Thank you.

For those who say this book is hate speech my answer is this – “The truth is hate for those who hate the truth”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke - Irish statesman and philosopher

If you are interested in furthering your knowledge about this threat we face then the following website has a vast amount of information.

The words below are from the website and are written as an overview of the website:

“For someone coming across this blog for the first time, its content may appear rather shocking, outrageous, and for some, kind of “evil” in its apparent blatant “anti-Semitism“, “racism“, “sexism” and any other proscribed “isms“. But rest assured, if you spend some time reading the material

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