» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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impact on the political, social, or economic customs and traditions of the community in which they settle”, Benjamin Freedman (Jewish), 1961.

In his book, “L’antisémitisme son histoire et ses causes,” published in 1894, noted Jewish author, Bernard Lazare, stated the following with regard to these expulsions of Jews:
“If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be the therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the some way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.”

In 1877, one of Russia’s greatest novelists Fyodor Dostoyevski said the goal of Judaism was “to exterminate the rest of mankind, or make slaves of them, or exploit them.” This, of course, is the real reason for anti-Semitism. His prophecy is coming true. The West is now a proxy for Masonic Jewish central banker world domination.

“… it is not for nothing that over there the Jews are reigning everywhere over stock-exchanges; it is not for nothing that they control capital, that they are the masters of credit, and it is not for nothing – I repeat – that they are also the masters of international politics, and what is going to happen in the future is known to the Jews themselves: their reign, their complete reign is approaching!” Fyodor Dostoyevski 1877.

Jewish Media Control

“Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows. The Jews came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too” – Jew Manny Friedman July 12, 2012 "Times of Israel".

"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the line." By American Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live

Hitler has been demonised as the devil incarnate for wanting to remove the Jews and I must say demonised by the Jewish media because they control the T.V networks in America and the western world. Jews own CBS, ABC, NBC, N.Y. Times and the Washington Post in America as well as many more media outlets and so had the ability to distort the truth about Hitler, Germany and World War 2. So you are not likely to get the truth about World War 1, World War 2 and Hitler from these. You must have noticed that every WW2 movie that was ever made shows that it was the Germans and Hitler who were the evil ones. But all these movies were made by Jews. That is the reason we get to see no movies about Jewish led communism. Simply it is to keep the masses of people ignorant about who really are the evil ones.

In order for anyone to control people’s minds, one has to control the press and media. Jewish domination of the press and the public mind began with Reuters News Agency in 1865. Established by the Jew, Paul Reuter who was born Israel Beer Josaphat in Kassel, Germany. His father, Samuel Levi Josaphat, was a rabbi. In 1865, the Reuters Telegram Company was the first major news organization in the world. Almost every major news outlet in the world today subscribes to Reuters’ services, which operates in over 200 cities, in 94 countries, in about 20 languages.

In 1926 the Jew, David Sarnoff, formed NBC, the first major broadcast network in the US. In 1928 the 27 year old jewfish businessman, William S Paley, secured majority ownership of the CBS Radio Network. Paley expanded CBS into a national powerhouse with 114 affiliate stations. It is very important to remember that the four most powerful media sources, the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC, and CBS, were now all under total Jewish ownership, and control by 1930.

Jewish Daily Bulletin on July 27th, 1935, said:

“There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power and we know how to apply it.”

Jews continue to be disproportionately involved in the American media, especially the movie industry. Jews are 2% of the population of America but own or control 99% of the media companies. For example, as of this writing Jews head every major studio, a situation that has not changed in over 80 years.

When one group of people own an entire industry then something is wrong. The motives and aims of the Jews are not in alignment with the rest of the American or Christian population, they are in alignment with themselves as a people (the Jews) and Israel.

With this media control the Zionist Jews can easily control public opinion and make you believe what is not true.

Let us look at who is in charge of the main media corporations.

News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish).

Schindlers List created by the Jew Steven Spielberg is a work of fiction. In the movie the commandant Amon Goeth shooting prisoners for game is the usual complete nonsense. The movie is based on a NOVEL entitled Schindler’s Ark, written by Thomas Keneally, an Australian author of several novels, who knew nothing about the so called Holocaust. Every year the Jewish owned Hollywood has to churn out anti-German WW2 movies even now 70 years after the end of the war. As an example the 2016 movie Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, we see a house being blown up by a German bomb and the camera zooms in to a swastika which is imprinted on the bomb but again it was Germany which was bombed the most during WW2 as you will read later. In the 2017 movie Wonder Woman we see Wonder Woman going round killing many German WW1 soldiers single handed. In the movie Wonder Woman is played by the Israeli, Jewish actress Gal Gadot who actually served in the Israeli Defence League. Again it is just a Jewish fantasy movie a bit similar to ‘Inglorious Basterds’ were Allied officer Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) assembles a team of Jewish soldiers to commit violent acts of retribution against the German soldiers, including the taking of their scalps. Can you imagine a German WW2 movie being made of German soldiers going round killing Jewish soldiers? Why don’t we see a movie being made about the 1.7 million German prisoners that Eisenhower murdered or the mass expulsion of the 15 million Germans from their homes after WW2 were 3 million died or the bombing of Germany were about 1.5 million German civilians were murdered and burnt alive and 1000 cities and towns destroyed? You won’t see movies like that because the Jews own Hollywood and they have to keep brainwashing the people with anti-German hogwash even 70 years after WW2 ended.

“I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.” Joel Stein – Jewish American Journalist.

It is the same with Radio networks and Newspaper corporations(they own the Washington Post, New York Times, Boston Globe etc.) were Jews own huge swathes of these industries

The Jewish Sulzberger family owns the New York Times and 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe; twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle with circulations of more than 5 million each; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies.

The Jews Samuel Newhouse JR, and Donal Newhouse own Newhouse Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker; Parade, the Sunday newspaper supplement; American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes. The Newhouse Empire of Jewish brothers Samuel and Donald Newhouse own the nation’s largest book publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries; Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country’s largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Madmoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group.

The Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by Michael Schulhof, a Jew. Alan Levine, another Jew, heads the Sony Pictures division. Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as “the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States,” is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew.

Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman is a Canadian-born American Jew, media proprietor, magazine editor, and investor. He is the co-founder, executive chairman and former CEO of Boston Properties, one of the largest real estate investment trusts in the United States. Zuckerman is also the owner and publisher of U.S. Wikipedia and owner of NY Daily News (1993-2017), US News & World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.

Leslie Roy Moonves is an American Jewish media executive who served as the Chairman and CEO of CBS Corporation from 2003 until his resignation in

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