» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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is best counterbalanced by reading the Thomas Goodrich book, Hellstorm, which details in the goriest of detail what the Americans, Brits and Russians did to innocent German civilians AFTER World War II had ended. Pay close attention to the horrific details, because these things are about to happen in the United States and elsewhere to most of you. This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking us. Have taken us. People from Putin to Obama are still reinforcing this false stereotype. But the story didn’t happen that way. That’s just the way the Jews told that story, and because of their control of the media, that’s what most of the world now believes”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist -

“The feeling now prevailing in the United States is marked by a growing hatred of Fascism and, above all, of Chancellor Hitler and everything connected with Nazism. Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda is extremely coarse and presents Germany as black as possible -- above all religious persecution and concentration camps are exploited -- this propaganda is nevertheless extremely effective since the public here is completely ignorant and knows nothing of the situation in Europe” - Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, January 12th 1939.

Hitler was not a madman, nor a dictator out for personal gain, nor evil to the very people who put him in office. He was not gay, possess one testicle or have offensive body order, nor chew on carpets, or throw demonic possessed fits as the Jewish media would have you believe.

Adolf Hitler was dedicated to the welfare of the German state and the betterment of the German people first and Europe second. His mission was to remove the restrictions of the hated Versailles Dictate and the St. Germaine Treaty and to halt communism from spreading through Europe.

This has been the Jewish game plan all along demonise Germany, Hitler and the alleged Holocaust through their movies, Discovery and History channels and then people will be brainwashed by this nonsense. It never changes even through all these decades because they still demonise world leaders that they want to remove to this day i.e. Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad of Syria or Iranian leaders through their Jewish controlled mainstream media.

In 1972, during a private White House meeting, President Richard Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham, the nation's best-known Christian evangelist, spoke together frankly about the Jewish grip on the media. Their secretly recorded one-on-one conversation was not made public until 30 years later. During their talk, Graham said: "This stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain." The President responded by saying: "You believe that?" Graham replied: "Yes, sir." And Nixon said: "Oh, boy. So do I, I can't ever say that, but I believe it."

Even though President Nixon, supposedly the most powerful man in the world, believed that America was, as he put it, "going down the drain" unless what he regarded as the Jewish "stranglehold" on the US media is broken, he was afraid to speak publicly about this matter. As powerful as he was, President Nixon feared a power greater than his own.

“The Jews are all through the government and we have to get in those areas. The government is full of Jews. Second, most Jews are disloyal. You can’t trust them, they will turn on you” – Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

“The Jews are just very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality. They put the Jewish interest above America's interest, and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second” - Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

“The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are? They're just in it up to their necks” - Former American President Richard Nixon, the Nixon Tapes July 3rd 1971

President Nixon privately told the truth about the Jews and planned on removing the Jewish control over the U.S government and that was the real reason he was forced out of office by the Watergate scandal which was set up by the Jews to ultimately remove Nixon. The Washington Post which pushed the Watergate story was owned by the Jewish Katharine Meyer, she led her family's newspaper, The Washington Post, from 1963 to 1991. Meyer presided over the paper as it reported on the Watergate scandal, as did Jewish reporter Carl Bernstein with Bob Woodward. The Jewish Harry M. Rosenfeld was the editor in charge of local news at The Washington Post during the Watergate scandal. He oversaw the newspaper's coverage of Watergate and though Post editor-in-chief Benjamin C. Bradlee gets most of the credit, Rosenfeld worked most closely with reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on developing the Watergate story which eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

“The Jewish Cabal is out to get me”. A remark repeated by Nixon several times in private conversations. Quoted in ‘The Final Days’ by Bob Woodward.

The fact that Zionists Jews control virtually every media outlet in America is no doubt why the American people hears only one version of events in the Middle East—the pro-Jew, pro-Israeli side. This led Dr. Kevin MacDonald, professor at California State University, to write:

"In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the media are behind the pro-Israel U.S. foreign policy that is leading to war against virtually the entire Arab world."

Jewish political writer Alfred Lillienthal, in his revealing book, The Zionist Connection, stated:

"The most effective component of Jewish connection is probably that of media control. It is well known that American opinion molders have long been largely influenced by a handful of powerful newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the St. Louis-Post Dispatch (All Jewish Families)."

American Christian writer Texe Marrs further states:

“Do the Zionist Jews own Hollywood and the media? Are they using the media to mold and shape American opinion by constantly injecting Zionist propaganda and bias into news programs, movies, television shows, even children's cartoons and entertainment? The answer is so blatantly "Yes!" that you wouldn't think these questions are even worth pursuing. But recently, the untoward comments of a patriot talk show host made me stop and rethink it. Are there people out there—even in the Patriot Movement—who really are that much in the dark, who deny Jewish influence in the media? To further illustrate the breadth of Jewish media control, we note that Jewish magnate Arthur Sulzberger's media empire today includes not only the New York Times (which, in Stalin's day, systematically covered up the genocidal crimes of Jewish commissars in Communist U.S.S.R), but also the Boston Globe, the Lexington Dispatch (NC), the Gainesville Sun (FL), the Ocala Star Banner (FL), the Tuscaloosa News (AL), the Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC), and the Santa Barbara News Press (CA). Each of the newspapers Lillienthal mentioned back in 1978, in turn, owned and still owns dozens of others. So tainted is the news because of this that almost every newspaper in America endorsed President George Bush's radically pro-Israel policies in the Middle East, including Israel's savage butchery of Lebanon and Palestine. There can be no doubt. It is easy for us to document the massive dominance over the media by evil Jewish shills who are continually hostile to pure American interests while, everyday unabashedly spewing out reams of misleading Zionist propaganda. Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX—and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American, ever-growing Zionist World Empire” - Texe William Marrs, American writer and radio host, who ran two fundamentalist Christian ministries, Power of Prophecy Ministries and Bible Home Church, both based in Austin, Texas, -

The below is an excerpted article from ‘The Hidden Powers behind the Destruction of America’ on the themillenniumreport website:

“This particular tribe of moneychangers and merchants learned long ago that whoever controls the media controls the society, the nation and the world. Toward that end, the entire mainstream media (MSM) in the USA is completely controlled by Jewish money and investment. So are all the top positions of the MSM occupied by Jewish CEOs, CFOs and COOs as well as Presidents and Board Directors. Because their Khazarian Mafia masters and handlers are essentially in charge of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, they all realize that any serious transgressions against The Company (aka the C.I.A.) will occur on pain of death, or worse. Even more significantly, all the Big Tech and Big Social Media corporations are run by members of the Jewish Tribe. Almost all of the Big Social Media start-ups are commandeered by Jewish college kids who have been given stolen intellectual property, proprietary information and/or patents by attorneys or other covert agents of DARPA, the C.I.A. or DIA. The IPOs are then managed in such a way so as to guarantee immediate billionaire status to these mind-controlled puppets who are then easily kept on the CIA reservation under threat of losing everything. The notorious Mark Zuckerberg, just like Bill Gates, is just one of many Jewish fake whiz kids who was set up from the start with stolen technology to autocratically lead a major media company for his C.I.A. masters. Ditto that for Google’s Jewish founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin among several other tech founders. What needs to be said about the ironclad control that Jews have always exerted over Hollywood from the very beginning? Every major studio in Tinseltown was founded by Jewish entrepreneurs who originally hailed from Eastern or Central Europe if not Russia. Even a cursory examination of all the most successful CEOs and presidents, directors and producers, screenwriters and film editors, actors and actresses, cinematographers and directors of photography, as well as talent agents and scouts, will prove that Hollyweird is a fundamentally Jewish industry from the top down and bottom up” -

“You have to show the world pictures of the Jews committing genocide! The twenty million that the Jews killed in Eastern Europe that caused World War Two when the people “freaked out!” about Jewish Bolshevism, and the genocidal intent of the Jews behind those Trotskyite style regimes. You have to remember these Jews have been expelled from anywhere between 110 and 400 countries, depending on what level of polity you’re looking at, in terms of size. This is long overdue! The reaction to Jewish supremacy! The only reason the Jews have gotten away with what they’ve gotten away with, the last hundred plus years, it’s because of their control of broadcast media. Whether it’s television, movies, content distribution networks, now with YouTube. But with the Internet now, more people are waking up, despite all the Jews trying to censor everything. This is an exponential curve of people waking up! And whether, or not they’re “black pilled”, or “white pilled”, right now they’re still awake! And all we need is someone like me, to come along with a spark, and you see in the polls. According to my estimates, a third of California’s woke to the Jews! At least!”, - Patrick Little, a 33-year-old married White, a USMC veteran of Afghanistan, and running for US Senate in California. He’s been censored off from social media after trying to start a discussion about the Jewish supremacist control of many critical institutions of the United States and its government.

“Announcements by American film companies that they intend to produce anti-Nazi - that is anti-German - films, can but induce us to produce anti-Semitic films in Germany . . . We believe that if the Jewish international campaign of hatred by press and propaganda could be checked, good understanding could very quickly be established between the peoples. It is only such elements that hope steadfastly for war." – Adolf Hitler - Reichstag, 30th January, 1939.

“The Jews have controlled the mass media for over 100 years now, but the Internet has changed that. Millions of people are reading the truth for the first time in 100 years. Many are finding out about the Jewish control of the media, their ownership of the Federal Reserve, their murder of 60 million Christians under Communism, the phony Holocaust, the Jewish domination of the slave trade, etc. The list goes on and on. Most Gentiles have been brainwashed by the Jew-media since the day they were born and it's hard for them to read the truth for the first time. They're firmly part of the MATRIX, but many are deciding to take the red pill. Many Gentiles will believe the lies until the day they die because the truth is too painful for them. They don't want to feel like they've been living a lie all these years so they'll take the blue pill and stay in the MATRIX” – YouTuber comment on The Video ‘Europa – the Last Battle Part 1’

“Newspaper control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of

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