» History » Why we hate you?, Assous.M [inspirational novels .txt] 📗

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be executed under occupation, saying the motivation was political and reflects on the sectarian divide between Sunnis and Shia.
Al Jazeera correspondent Hoda Abd al-Hamid said Baghdad had started to come back to life on Monday, but that traditional New Year's celebrations had not gone ahead.

She said mourning tents had been put up in Tikrit and people were demonstrating near the village where Saddam was buried in a family plot next to his two sons.)

In New York, the Reverend Jesse Jackson said on Monday that the execution would not make the US safer and would only increase the violence in Iraq.
"Killing him intensifies the violence, reduces our moral authority in the world," said Jackson, who has travelled to the Middle East on peace missions.

"Today we are not more secure. We're less secure. We've missed a moment to appeal to those in Iraq to break the cycle of violence."

The deposed Iraqi president was hanged on Saturday, three years after being captured. He was buried on Sunday.

Jackson, who spoke after preaching at the Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, said Osama bin Laden, not Saddam, was behind the September 11, 2001, attacks.

"Saddam Hussein didn't hit us. Bin Laden hit us," he said. "Iraq didn't hit us. The Taliban hit us."

Jackson said the US was complicit in the trial and execution of Saddam by the Iraqis "because we held him in our custody, and the government in Iraq today is a government subsidised by the US".

In Morocco exactly in Casablanca January 8th, 2007 there was a great march to condemn Saddam execution (
Thousand people on Sunday took to the streets in Casablanca to condemn the execution of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.
Organized by the Democratic Confederation of Labor (CDT), the demonstration denounced this "assassination" and decried American occupation of Iraq and the situation decline in this country.
In Algeria a woman 35 years had suicide just after hanging Saddam Hussein; her family said that the poor woman was shocked about the pictures which showed the tragedy. in the same time many posters about Saddam were offered by the newspaper Echo-chorouk.
Brandishing Saddam Hussein photos, the demonstrators condemned "American terrorism that disdains international law".
In India a 15-year-old girl from eastern India hanged herself in response to the execution of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, police and family members said today. Read this extract from forum

"She said they had hanged a patriot,'' the girl's father, Man Mohan Karmakar, said from the town of Kharda.

"We didn't take her seriously when she told us that she wanted to feel the pain Saddam did during the execution.''

He said his daughter, called Moon Moon, and had become extremely depressed after watching Saddam's execution on television.

"She kept watching the scene over and again and didn't take food on Saturday and Sunday to protest against the hanging,'' he said.

Police superintendent Pravin Kumar confirmed the suicide, saying the girl had strung herself up from a ceiling fan and was found dead early on Wednesday.

The communist-ruled state of West Bengal has condemned Saturday's execution of Saddam, with thousands of people taking to the streets.
In Tunisia: TUNIS (AP) - Hundreds of demonstrators have denounced Friday afternoon in Tunis, the execution of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, calling it "unfair" the trial that led to the gallows during a rally at the initiative of the Tunisian General Union of Labor (TGUL).
"By our soul, our blood, we sacrifice for you Saddam," chanted the demonstrators whose meeting was supervised by a safety device.

Mohamed Ali meeting place, the headquarters of the union which was drawn up a giant portrait of the "martyr Saddam", less than 1,000 trade unionists, members of associations and lawyers led by Ben Moussa Bâtonnier Abdessattar resumed slogans hostile to Washington as well as in Tehran.

"You lived a hero, you died a hero", "no imperialist interests in Arab land", "honor to the martyrs, glory to the resistance, shame the valets (Arabic)," proclaimed banners around the building TGUL.

The President of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LDHR), Mokhtar Trifi, calling it "killing" the execution of Saddam Hussein. However, the meeting was marked by an altercation between Mr. Trifi and Tunisian lawyer for Saddam Hussein, Ahmed Seddik Me, which criticized the LTDH "not having published any release since the arrest of the former Iraqi president.

Tunisia after hanging Saddam

In recent days, other pro-Saddam demonstrations have been held in Tunis at the invitation of the opposition, the Bar and the union of education. AP

This execution had led to this picture

child with Gun
In fact this child needs a nice toy.
So …………Why?

In fact, I don’t think that American people had read this news before because of preoccupation with daily life. Jacob.G.Homberger said :( All their lives, Americans had been taught that foreign policy was for federal “experts” and, thus, they had chosen not to concern themselves with what their federal officials were doing to people abroad. Innocently believing that federal overseas personnel, including the CIA and the military, had been helping foreigners for decades; Americans had no reason to doubt the official U.S. pronouncement immediately after 9/11: “We are innocent. The terrorists hate us for our freedom and values. That’s why they have attacked us.”)
So American people are not interested in U.S foreign policy, and they trust on their experts politicians.

Manifestation just after Saddam’s execution

These are not the only reasons which make Arabs and Muslims people, the sadly reason the support for the Arab regimes hated by their people.
This is an article was written by Khalid Amayreh, October 2001 (The U.S. has been, and continues to be, the sponsors, the sponsors and the justification for the misery of my people in the last sixty years.

The USA are the authors of 60 years of suffering, death, loss, occupation, oppression, deprivation of shelter and bullying.

The USA is the usurpers of the right of my people human rights, democracy, civil liberties, development and a dignified life.
The U.S. accomplices and financiers of the occupation, segregation, repression, terror, and theft of land by the Israelis.

The USA are the protectors, defenders, the engine and guarantors of despotism, dictatorship, dynastic fiefdoms of, and autocracies and theocracies, oligarchies, and monarchies brutal Muslim world.

The U.S. is the bad power that refuses to release my person from foreign occupation of Nazi type who kills our children and steal our land.

The USA is the tyrant, the global dictatorship that deprives hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims of their right to freely elect their government and leaders because U.S fears of big business benefits of democracy in the Muslim world.

The U.S. treat us, my people and me as the "children of a God of second class.»

In fact, in the final analysis, the USA, I am only alternative:

Either accepts docilely enslavement and oppression ever, or I become an Osama bin Laden. Honestly, there is no third way, and if any, show us.

I am not exaggerating at all. Everyone knows that politics and U.S. behaviour in the Muslim world encourage extremism and moderation is fail.
In fact, I dare say that the first leads inevitably to the second in a direct cause and effect.

So, please the U.S., do not make me an Osama bin Laden.

I do not want to be. I hate to kill innocent people, because in our religion, to kill an innocent human being is tantamount to killing the entire human race.

I know that the "hatred" is not a good thing. I try really not to allow my hatred of the U.S. government and its murderous policy to move from its static to its dynamic form.

However, others who may even hate the USA more than me will not be able to keep as much cold-blooded, return their grievances, and remain "wise."

Static but hatred is ultimately a frozen anger, waiting the moment to explode.
It has already exploded in the face of USA.

I know that hatred can be indiscriminate and deadly. But I also know that oppression, as the Quran clearly states, is worse than murder.

Therefore, I try; even I try to make my hatred of the USA also reasonable, as constructive, as humane as possible. And it is not because the U.S. should be treated humanely.

Extermination of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians do not deserve any respect.

They are despicable mass murderers of the same species as Hitler.

My goal and my people shall be free, free from Israeli oppression and occupation commissioned and funded by the US.

I want to be freed from the Jewish occupation, apartheid and racism Jewish Jew.

I want to be freed from a life of roadblocks, checkpoints, detention camps, closed military zones, of "targeted assassinations" of confiscated land, demolition of houses and, yes, daily massacres.

I also want to be free from hatred, even hatred toward the USA. But I know too well that I can not be relieved of the effect as I would not be freed from the cause and the cause is the greed, rapacity and hegemony U.S...

All we want is to be left in peace and live a normal life by exercising our rights and freedoms given by God. Like other human beings.
Is it too much to ask?

Please USA; do not make me an Osama Ben Laden.)
Israelians ask this question: why Arabs and Muslims hate U.S and Israel too.
To understand why an article in the "Das Bild 'in German and translated by Claude Lesselbaum.

(They burn the flag of Israel and the United States. They cry: "Death to Jews! USA Death to the devil.
The Israeli air raids against Hamas in Gaza push extremist Muslims in the streets, around the globe. Tens of thousands of them violently manifested in the Arab and Islamic capitals.

Where does this hatred of Jews and their state?

One reason is that Israel is quite different from all its neighbours - it is a democracy, only in the region. This is an open country in the world, happy living, modern, successful, women have equal rights. This creates envy. Especially among those who have nothing.
The journalist Michel Friedman: "It is indeed a war by proxy. Israel is the Middle East forward position, the symbol of Western values hated by the Arabs and Islamists: Freedom, Democracy, the consideration for the dignity of man - but also the Instruction. The dominant class of Arab and Islam would keep his youth in poverty and ignorance, because it is more accessible to violence.)

Article published on 30 October 2008 on the Internet by "Das Bild," in German and translated by Claude Lesselbaum

Here is an other article was written by a Saudi photographer Reem Al-Faisal on Arab news Thursday 26 May 2005 (17 Rabi` al-Thani 1426 (A few weeks ago an American I met at a friends house asked a much repeated query, “Why do you the Muslims hate the Americans?” To which I answered in the same way as all the preceding instances in which this question was posed to me: “We don’t hate the Americans, we might disagree with
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