» History » Why we hate you?, Assous.M [inspirational novels .txt] 📗

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By: Assous Mohamed

"Children are dying, but no one makes a move.
Houses are demolished, but no one makes a move.
Holy places are desecrated, but no one makes a move....
I am fed up with life in the world of mortals.
Find me a hole near you. For a life of dignity is in those holes."
Arabic poem

Jacob.G.Hormberger said: « After 9/11 many Americans had no idea why there was so much anger and rage in the Middle East, especially against the United States ».
But unfortunately Jacob.G.Hormberger didn’t study and analyse all the reasons that created this hatred and resentment and therefore he didn’t give readers the full truth about this thorny issue.
I try in this sample study, helping Hoberger to uncover the truth of this hatred as I was born in Arabic country and lived among the Arabs and Muslims since my birth 1967.
The sense of Arab and Islamic peoples to America has undergone two stages,
The first stage before the first war word 1945 when all Arab and Islamic countries were under the authority of the French and the British colonialism in particular, in these times , all oppressed peoples were proud about America and love it, especially in the era of Woodrow Wilson(1928-1924) the 28th president of united states.
Both Wilson and United states were loved because of the fourteen points in January 8, 1918 , the main point and principle was self-dermination.So America was the hope of these oppressed peoples to achieve independence.
In this period United States were hope, light and candle in the time where France and Britain were both colonial.
In short, the American Revolution 1776, successive U.S governments, U.S presidents have been the focus of admiration and love of the oppressed peoples, especially the Arab and Islamic peoples, because U.S used to represent freedom and democracy.
United states were in Arab and Muslim peoples justice, science ,civilization but unfortunately all that is finished after 1945, and the nice and wonderful image was dead , here is the second stage ,stage of hatred.
So why? What are the real reasons which caused death of the beautiful image and led to the birth of this ugly image?

Since my childhood and I hear words Anti-American, in streets, cafes and schools I listened to the sentences that: America is against us, we are with Soviet Union and Soviet Union is with us.
It was really strange for me so I wanted to understand better, why U.S is against us, and why Soviet Union is with us? But far from cold war I have understood when I was child that U.S is bad too bad.
After the Second World War Harry Truman (1884-1972) the 33rd president of U.S had decided to support Israeli statehood.


Truman wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them [the Jews] by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams of these oppressed people. This promise, I felt, should be kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized governments should be kept."
Truman didn’t think about Palestinians fate or feelings of Arabs and Muslims.
This event was indeed the beginning of hatred.
After several massacres committed by Jews against Palestinians since 1948, U.S didn’t intervene and didn’t condemn, which led to the growing of hatred against U.S. the biggest and the worst massacre and carnage was in sabra and shatila September ,16th 1982 .

Massacre of Sabra and Shatila 1982

.who died in this carnage was children, elders, and many isolated from any gun. The leader of this massacre was Ariel Sharon. After this painful event U.S didn’t say any thing, indeed U.S ever reproached Jews governments about their illegal actions.

Palestinian child killed by Israel

Palestinians killed by Israel

Here you are a sadly image about a Palestinian mother between her hands her little kid injured or killed we don’t know exactly by Israeli army

Arabic and Muslim world have hated U.S because it’s positions and policy.
Arabs and Muslims worldwide believe that Israel control U.S policy , Hassan El-Najjar wrote in ,March 5,2007 an article about How Israel Lobby Controls US Policies: The Arab Bank Case (This is a classical example of how the Israeli lobby controls US policies. In 1967, Israel launched a war of aggression in which it occupied parts of Syria, Egypt, and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.
The Israeli occupation government has adopted policies to evict Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza or to force them to surrender to the slavery of its occupation.

The Israeli occupation government has labelled Palestinians who resisted its illegal occupation as "terrorists." Even charities providing aid to the needy Palestinians have been labelled as "terrorist" too.
Supporters of Israel in the US government have adopted the same Israeli terminology in referring to the Palestinian individuals or groups who are victims of the Israeli occupation.
The US Congress never condemned the Israeli government as a terrorist entity for killing and injuring Palestinian civilians, destroying their homes, stealing their lands, and building illegal settlements in the occupied territories. At the same time, it passed many laws describing Palestinian groups as "terrorists." It even passed legislation to prevent the executive branch from dealing with the pro-US Palestinian Authority.
The US Justice Department has been very active in closing down US charities which used to help needy Palestinians. Almost all of them have been closed during the present Bush administration. At the same time, aid to Israel continues despite Israeli daily violations of international law and daily violations of Palestinian human rights.
The case of suing the Arab Bank for facilitating aid from Arab charities to needy Palestinians is a clear example of the tight Israeli control over the US government to do the Israeli bidding. The objective is to help Israelis continue their subjugation of the Palestinian people as long as possible.
It is a policy that ultimately serves the continuation of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
It punishes anyone who tries to help needy Palestinians, whose only fault is to desire to be free of Israeli bondage.) This is relation between U.S and Israel in Arabs eyes.
In fact, in Arabs and Muslims eyes supporting Israel is supporting terrorism, read this article: Israel's terrorism against whoever speaks of rights
Egypt-Palestine, Politics, 4/23/2002
("The Israelis do not settle for the terrorism they practise against the Palestinians, but they also practise intellectual and moral terrorism against whoever speaks of rights," said Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher.

In statements Sunday prior to his departure to Valencia, Spain, to lead Egypt's delegation to the European-Mediterranean ministerial conference, due to kick off Monday, Maher said "Israel alleges it withdrew from certain places but we find it back there the next day."

"Even if its withdraws, we find it bent on staying in the environs of Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat's complex and the Church of Nativity, which is totally rejected," said Maher.

"We have seen how Israel lashed out at UN representative Terje-Roed Larsen when he visited the Jenin refugee camp and mentioned clearly what he had seen for himself, that the Israeli public prosecutor called for expelling him from Israel," added Maher.

Maher expressed hope that a fact-finding commission formed by the Security Council would come to the region to express its opinion over this situation created by Israel and its aggression on the Palestinian people.

On the possibility that Israel's membership of the Euro Mediterranean Forum would be suspended, he said "Israel's presence-even if it is something loathsome due to the crimes it perpetrated-offers a good chance to expose its practices against humanity, legitimacy and law."

"Some Arab brothers viewed that it would be proper not to attend and we respect their decisions, but the majority viewed it was essential to go anywhere to defend our cause and to take the fig leaf off Israel's manoeuvres and crimes," he said.

On whether Maher would meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres on the sidelines of the Valencia conference, Maher said "frankly, I don't want to meet him but if he asks to meet me, I'm ready for it.

However, he will not be pleased with what he is going to hear from me."

On reports that Israel was considering storming Arafat's headquarters and expelling him from the occupied Palestinian territories, Maher expressed belief that the Israelis-despite their foolishness-would not embark on such act which would lead to serious consequences.). After this travel between Arabs news we can discover why U.S is hated.

In addition, U.S uses Security Council, International monetary fund and world trade organization as instruments to persecute people.
Execution of Saddam Hussein still until now the biggest question: Why U.S has chosen November 30th, 2006, date of Eid –Aladha (Religious festival for Muslims), Arabs peoples have named this day of execution (the black day).
Choose this day was considered as challenge to all Arabs and Islamic peoples. In fact, President George. W.Bush was able to choose an other day for the execution of Saddam Hussein. This event add more and more hatred against U.S.
Take a look on these news in UPDATED ON:
18:01 MECCA TIME, 15:01 GMT
(Most newspapers in the Arab world have reflected gloomily over the execution of Saddam Hussein, with some predicting that the repercussions will add to the deteriorating situation in Iraq.
The papers considered the timing of the execution, which fell on Eid al-Adha that marked the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, offensive to Sunnis as Shia celebrated the occasion one day later.
The Dubai-based English language daily Gulf News said in an editorial on Monday: "Recent events in Iraq confirm that after three years of occupation by the American-led forces, the issue has become far more problematical and almost insoluble.
"The truth is, the US - or more precisely a stubborn Bush - has got itself into a situation in which it sees no honourable way out.
"Some would argue, therefore, if it cannot be done honourably (thereby justifying the deaths and injuries of all those young American lives) then it must be done anyway, as long as the US gets out.
"There are pundits who claim the inevitable civil war is only being delayed by a US presence, so if it is inevitable, then let the inevitable happen."
Qatari Arabic dailies Al-Watan and Al-Sharq said the "unwise and undue" timing of Saddam's execution could further deepen the factional fracture which all concerned parties were keen to avert.
The papers said it was not easy for the Iraqis to forget the politicised execution of Saddam, screened worldwide, but urged warring rivals "to resort to tolerance and reconciliation to end sectarian violence".
The Lebanese Arabic daily Al-Safir said that Saddam was the first Arab president to

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