» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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had now fallen under Jewish control. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation.

In September 1933, Adolf Hitler removed every single Jew from positions of influence in the mass media: from the fields of literature, art, music, journalism, the cinema, and popular entertainment in general. The influence that the Jews had exerted on the German psyche was to be regarded henceforth, rightly or wrongly, as destructive and had brought moral anarchy and sexual decadence to the German people.

Of course the Jews did not like this and they used their influence in America and Britain to declare war against Germany and then to try and force a ban on German goods being bought abroad. The poisoning of public opinion against Germany was then achieved through the Jewish control of the media in America and Britain. This is why WW2 was started so that the powerful Jews could get revenge on Hitler and Germany for being removed from their control of Germany. At that time Jews controlled both the American and British governments as you will see later.

Still, by 1939, prior to September 1st, the 700,000 Jews in Germany were worth $8 billion Marks as opposed to $200 billion Marks that represented the wealth of nearly 80,000,000 Germans! As mentioned, Jews also owned nearly 60% of Berlin. Remember to keep in mind that although population numbers changed, the Jews still only represented less than 3% of the entire population.

Looking at it from the above paragraphs you can see that Hitler and the NSDAP party’s anti-Jewish stance can be easily more understood.

The NSDAP party saw themselves as defenders of the traditional, Christian, German values and they wanted to root out the filth that was coming out of Jewish run theatres and cinemas with its pornography, homosexuality and prostitution.

A quote from Hitler “Since we are National Socialists, we cannot permit an alien race to impose itself upon our working people as their leaders”

Hitler’s response to the removal of the Jews from positions of power within Germany, “What does the world know of the misery of intellectual German youth during the last fifteen years?” Hitler asked. “On completion of their studies, they have for years had to accept the fate of beggars. There were no Jews in that vast army of unemployed, whereas a hundred thousand German academicians died on the streets or committed suicide. Shall I allow thousands of Germans to be destroyed so that all Jews may continue working undisturbed, to live and grow fat while millions of Germans may be driven to despair and Bolshevism by hunger? Should the German youth be sacrificed to these foreigners? No, never”.

"I fear the Jewish banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos that the earth should become their inheritance." (Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck, 1815 - 1898)

"What I oppose most is the international Jewish money power that is met in every war. That is what I oppose - a power that has no country and that can order the young men of all countries out to death." - Henry Ford, 1920

“The German nation does not wish its interests to be determined by any foreign nation. France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent any settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land. It is our will to educate our own nationals for these leading positions. We have hundreds of thousands of very intelligent children of peasants and of the working classes. We shall have them educated and we wish that one day they, and not the representatives of an alien race, may hold the leading positions in the State together with the educated classes. Above all, German culture, as its name alone shows, is German and not Jewish, and therefore its management and care will be entrusted to members of our own nation." – Adolf Hitler, Reichstag, 30th January 1939.

“It was astonishing how much National Socialism had achieved in the cultural sphere - in books, newspapers, lectures, in art, the theatre, and the film Consider this fact alone: our entire German educational system, including the Press, the theatre, films, literature, &c., is today conducted and controlled exclusively by our German fellow-countrymen. How often were we told in the past that the removal of Jews from these institutions must lead to their collapse or their sterilisation! And what has actually happened? In all these spheres we are experiencing a vast flowering of cultural and artistic life. Our films are better than ever before. The productions in our leading theatres stand in lonely pre-eminence over those of the whole world. Our Press has become a mighty instrument in the service of our people's self-preservation. German science pursues its successful activity, while in architecture mighty evidences of our creative purpose will in the future bear witness to the achievements of this new age. There has been effected an unexampled immunisation of the German people against all the disintegrating tendencies from which another world is forced to suffer." – Adolf Hitler- Reichstag, 30th January 1937.

The Jews now have total control of the United States of America (2017), which is exactly the control they had in Germany before Hitler came to power.

Former U.S. Congressman James Traficant (1941-2014) said this about the Jewish control of America:

“Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [Zionist Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison. [...] They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defence manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.”

The Jews then use this power in America to pull off atrocities like 9/11 and to lead America to illegal wars such as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Jews hope Iran will be next. All so that Israel can be the dominant force in the Middle East. The Jews don’t care how many Arabs die in these wars (millions) as long as they maintain their control. But if a few Jews die in Israel then they will let the world know about it in their Jewish controlled media.

Germany Before Hitler Took Charge

Germany’s unemployment rate in the mid 1920’s was 30% which was even higher than America’s during its great depression which stood at 24%. Germany’s depression was much worse than America’s was. German Parents helplessly watched their children starve to death, people lost their homes because of the Jewish hyperinflation and shanty towns sprung up all round Germany. Around 17,000 German farms had to be given up to the Jewish bankers. People made soup out of potatoes and even grass and roamed the streets looking for food. A third of the country, some 20 million were facing starvation. About 250,000 Germans committed suicide out of despair. These problems were all caused by the Versailles Treaty which was placed on Germany by Britain, America and France. Also Germany had 25 regional states such as Bavaria, Saxony and Prussia which were always squabbling between each other instead of pulling in the same direction for the betterment of the German people and nation. On top of all this the Communist Party was trying its hardest to take over the country.

In 1928, 650,000 Germans were unemployed and by 1929 that figure went up to 3 million because Jewish trade unionists were forcing wages up which the businesses could not afford so they had to make workers redundant. By 1933 unemployment was at 6 million.

These were some of the conditions that prevailed in Germany when Hitler and the NSDAP party came to power.

“The Germans of the Weimar period were in a horrible situation: out of work—declining purchasing power of their currency—starved— humiliated—robbed of land and dominated by Jews to much the same extent as we now see in America. The Germans of that period were virtually all Christians with strong family values and a Christian work ethic. This is the case in America today. However, with the media occupied by Jews—the courts controlled by Jews—and finance under the reign of Jews—all Christian expression is either stifled or ridiculed, and all opportunities for an expression of a White Christian work ethic has been shipped overseas by Jewish investment bankers. There were no ‘unemployed Jews’ in the midst of mass unemployment since Jews would not get their hands ‘dirty’ to do honest hard work. The Jews led privileged lives of luxury while the average German struggled to keep his family fed. The Jewish statistician, Alfred Marcus, estimated the average Jewish income for 1930 as three times the average income of the rest of the population. Sound familiar?” - Joe Cortina, a special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander.

Germany after Hitler Took Charge

When Hitler came to power Germany was bankrupt and massively in debt. German elections were held in 1932 and the NSDAP party won 230 seats in the Reichstag. It was now the largest political body. In March 1933 and to protect Germany from communism President Paul Von Hindenburg makes Hitler Chancellor of Germany. Hitler has limited powers and the Communist Trade Union leaders move quickly to destabilize Hitler, calling for massive strikes.

President Paul Von Hindenburg died on August 2nd 1934 at the age of 86. On 19th August Hitler asked the German people if the Chancellor and President offices could be merged into one. 90% voted yes. From then on Hitler was the supreme leader and the people’s ‘Fuhrer’. Hitler asked for 4 years to turnaround the German economy which was on its knees.

Hitler knew that if Germany was to have any sort of economic recovery the 25 states of Germany would need to be broken and moulded into one central power and this is exactly what he did. Hitler set up commissioners in each of these 25 states, answerable only to him. The next sensible decision would be to remove the Communists who were dead set on taken over Germany and turning it into a Bolshevik paradise. That is exactly what Hitler did. He had the SA and SS round up thousands of communists and lock them up in Dachau near Munich. Now as 80% of the communists just happen to be Jews he had to lock up mostly Jews. Then German theatres and cinemas showing such things as homosexuality and pornography were closed down. These types of places were run by Jews as stated in the Jewish Influence in Germany section (also a good book which goes into great detail about this is Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany by Eckart Verlag). Hitler arrested the leaders of the trade unions who were causing all the strikes to happen and these leaders again just happen to be Jewish. Of course the international Jewish press slandered Hitler for arresting Jews but he was arresting enemies of the German people and communists who just happened to be Jews. If these trouble makers were Australian or American he would of placed them in Dachau but they weren’t they were Jewish.

The German Labour Front was created and Dr. Robert Ley was put in charge. Wages, working conditions and work contracts were all regulated and members of the Labour front grew to 20 million. Ley used the money confiscated from the trade unions to fund the ‘Strength Through Joy’ program. This program provided two cruise liners which would take hundreds of thousands of German’s on cruises to such places as Spain and the Norwegian fjords. The Strength Through Joy Program also subsidized the development of an affordable car, the Volkswagen Beetle. This mass production of the Beetle was built on the same procedures that Henry Ford used. In fact Henry Ford was an admirer of Hitler. 360,000 German people bought one of these cars in advance of its production. This was all done to bring middle-class leisure activities available to the masses.

"Thus with the new People's Car the motorcar will cease to be the distinguishing mark of a class of society possessing higher incomes, it will more and more become the general means of transport for the whole German people." – Adolf Hitler, Motor Exhibition,

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