» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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then something is wrong. The motives and aims of the Jews are not in alignment with the rest of the American or British population, they are in alignment with themselves as a people (the Jews) and Israel.

With this media control the Zionist Jews can easily control public opinion and make you believe what is not true. With this media control they can make you believe that it was the Arabs who were responsible for the events of 9/11 when it was in fact the Jewish Zionists who were responsible. They can also control and influence our children with the endless violence and sex we see in cartoons these days. Also we always get an upside down version of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the Jewish media twisting all the news to make Israel seem the victims when the real truth is the Palestinians are the real victims. But that is what you get when the Jews own the media, lies.

You can clearly see that T.V channels and newspapers are controlled by these Jewish Zionists because they will only give the official untrue version of events about 9/11. Not one TV channel (BBC, Sky, CNN, ABC etc.) or newspaper will investigate the Jewish connection in the official 9/11 story and there are many. So what you are being fed on your TV’s is not the truth, it is propaganda for the Jewish Zionist cause. In fact they will only show you documentaries again and again to try and convince people that Bin Laden was responsible. For instance the 10 episode production ‘The Looming Tower’ which is about the threat of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda is full of in accuracies. It covers the FBI investigations of John O’Neill but it does not tell you he was fired from his investigation into the U.S.S Cole bombing in Yemen because he suspected Israeli involvement. By the way the producers of this documentary Dan Futterman and Craig Zisk are both Jews. What a surprise.

The lies promoted by CNN (and other mainstream news outlets) have resulted in the death of millions in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Thousands of Americans who lost loved ones in The Iraq War have a case to make against the network most responsible for cheerleading the launch of that war with lies and discredited propaganda. Independent media dismantled the lies that were presented as the pretexts to the invasion of Iraq. The same lies aggressively promoted by Bush, Hillary Clinton, and the Jewish owned media such as CNN and The New York Times and the Washington Post and that resulted in the death of a millions of people and global chaos. By contrast, how many people have died as a result of alternative media reports? The answer is zero.

“The narrative we have been given about 9/11 is false. But for 15 years now that narrative has been protected by the media in a most unusual way. We supposedly live in a democratic country in the Unites States but all the media is owned by 6 corporations and they are all lock step in unison supporting the official 9/11 false narrative and that false narrative has been used to take us into a war, a global war on terror which is an Israeli construct. All the people who are involved in the cover-up are themselves supporters of the state of Israel at the highest level or they are Israelis themselves. The media and the government are in unison blocking 9/11 truth from coming out to the public. That gives us an understanding of how serious the situation is in America, it’s obvious that the government and the media in America are controlled by the same ones who carried out 9/11. That’s a pretty serious state of affairs”, - Christopher Bollyn – American author (Solving 9/11), journalist, researcher.

“The control of the opinion-moulding media is nearly monolithic. All of the controlled media — television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, motion pictures speak with a single voice, each reinforcing the other. Despite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the great mass of people which might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media masters”. - By Serbian Defence League, Exposing Zionism.

“Newspaper control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it”, Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company, author ‘The International Jew-the World’s Foremost Problem’, 1920.

“As long as we do not have the press of the whole world in our hands, everything you may do is vain. We must control or influence the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the people”, Baron Moses Montefiore, Jewish Banker 1784 – 1885

“The Jews have controlled the mass media for over 100 years now, but the Internet has changed that. Millions of people are reading the truth for the first time in 100 years. Many are finding out about the Jewish control of the media, their ownership of the Federal Reserve, their murder of 60 million Christians under Communism, the phony Holocaust, the Jewish domination of the slave trade, etc. The list goes on and on. Most Gentiles have been brainwashed by the Jew-media since the day they were born and it's hard for them to read the truth for the first time. They're firmly part of the MATRIX, but many are deciding to take the red pill. Many Gentiles will believe the lies until the day they die because the truth is too painful for them. They don't want to feel like they've been living a lie all these years so they'll take the blue pill and stay in the MATRIX” – YouTuber comment.

“Jews control vast areas of wealth in America. Estimates range all the way up to 70%. Whatever the figure, it is huge and immensely out of proportion to their 2% of the population in American society. Today, in 1999, the U.S.A. is totally dominated by Jews. Virtually every newspaper or magazine is owned by Jews. Their self-serving propaganda constantly fills the TV screen. The Federal government is totally under Jewish control. US military forces are the pawn of Israel. The banks, the markets are theirs. They systematically denigrate our Founding Fathers and our heritage and our Constitution”. – Writer, Erne Hume.

“If we refuse to talk realistically about the Jewish control of the mass media, we may as well give up on trying to do anything about the negative effects this Jewish media control is having on our society. Let me give you a specific example of refusal to face a Politically Incorrect truth. Steven Spielberg made a film called Saving Private Ryan. They say that the film is good because it is so realistic, because it gives such an honest portrayal of the Second World War. And of course, the film does show the blood-and-guts aspect of the war a bit more starkly than other films have. But honest it is not. It propagates the same lies about the Second World War that every film -- and I mean every film -- made by the Jewish film industry in Hollywood for over 70 years has propagated. And the reviewers, regardless of what else they say about these films, all repeat these same basic lies. But the real point of my example of Hollywood hate-propaganda about Germany before and during the Second World War is that the Jews, with their control of so much of the mass media today, are able to sway the attitudes of the whole country to suit themselves. They are able to persuade us to give precedence to their interests and concerns instead of ours. They are able to change the course of history to their advantage and to our disadvantage by changing the way the American masses see the world. They were able to do that in the 1930s and 1940s, even before television. Today, with television, they are even more able to change American attitudes and opinions to gain advantages for themselves. And today there are plenty of other examples of the Jews' misuse of their media power to manipulate the opinions and attitudes of our people to our disadvantage. There is the current prospect of another war in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein and Iraq are being held up as a threat to America, a threat to the world, just as Germany was represented as a threat to the world before the Second World War, when in fact Iraq is a threat only to the Jews' plans for the Middle East, and Germany was a threat only to the Jews' plans for controlling Europe. But the prospect of another war is very real, and it will remain real as long as the Jews retain their control of the media and of U.S. government policy. That's not the way it should be. Our people's patriotism shouldn't be abused like that. Our mass media shouldn't be used to manipulate our people to our disadvantage. Of course, most people being what they are, they will be manipulated one way or another. Most people will believe what they're told to believe by their television. Which means that it is essential that the people who control the mass media, the people who decide what the masses should be told -- these must be our people (American Christians), people with our interests not people with an entirely different agenda of their own. The mass media could be a powerful force for good, a powerful force for enlightening and uplifting and guiding our people rather than for exploiting them”, - Media Myths by Dr. William Pierce - August 15, 1998

“You have to show the world pictures of the Jews committing genocide! The twenty million that the Jews killed in Eastern Europe that caused World War Two when the people “freaked out!” about Jewish Bolshevism, and the genocidal intent of the Jews behind those Trotskyite style regimes. You have to remember these Jews have been expelled from anywhere between 110 and 400 countries, depending on what level of polity you’re looking at, in terms of size. This is long overdue! The reaction to Jewish supremacy! The only reason the Jews have gotten away with what they’ve gotten away with, the last hundred plus years, it’s because of their control of broadcast media. Whether it’s television, movies, content distribution networks, now with YouTube. But with the Internet now, more people are waking up, despite all the Jews trying to censor everything. This is an exponential curve of people waking up! And whether, or not they’re “black pilled”, or “white pilled”, right now they’re still awake! And all we need is someone like me, to come along with a spark, and you see in the polls. According to my estimates, a third of California’s woke to the Jews! At least!”, - Patrick Little, a 33-year-old married White, a USMC veteran of Afghanistan, and running for US Senate in California. He’s been censored off from social media after trying to start a discussion about the Jewish supremacist control of many critical institutions of the United States and its government.

“Controlling the World's source of news, Jews can always prepare the minds of the people for their next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and the way in which the mind of whole nations is moulded for a purpose. When the powerful Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed then comes the ready cry of persecution and it echoes through the world press. The real cause of the persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of the Jews) are never given publicity”. Henry Ford, 1921 – ‘The International Jew, the World’s foremost Problem’.

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of masses. If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Malcolm X.

Below an essay by John Kaminski titled the toxic media.

“Despite the lies about history taught in U.S. schools, the real history is much more disturbing. The troubled birth of Israel looms large in the motivation for both World Wars, as the creation of Federal Reserve began a money drain from the bank accounts of every American that continues today with a deficit that can ever be repaid.

Throughout the 20th century, actual history has been created by false accounts of historical events. The histories we learned in school were based on these false media reports. The so-called Greatest Generation unwittingly executed the greatest hoax of all time that led to 60 million deaths.

Jews retain control of Germany to this day. After bleeding it dry with billions

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