» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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in so-called Holocaust reparations, the Jews rewarded Germany for its obedience to political correctness by enabling a million Africans to invade their helpless nation, and rape their women at their leisure.

The Communist Merkel did this to her own country, which illustrates how leaders bought by Jews treat the country they are supposed to lead and inspire. The terrible triumvirate of Clinton-Bush-Obama did much the same to the United States.

More importantly we learn how Jewish bankers set white countries against each other. Their objective — other than their usual habit of draining countries financially and then loaning them money at impossible rates, further turning the screws of people’s agony — is the extermination of the white race, humanity’s alpha race that prevents Jews from occupying (and by now solidifying) their slyly commandeered top dog position.

To accomplish this, the Jews have perpetrated the two greatest scams in humanity’s history: through public relations genius, they have elevated themselves to the world’s greatest victims when in fact they have been, at least since Rothschild’s ascension, the world’s greatest criminals.

FDR proved this when he rejected all of Hitler’s peace proposals, and later both Saddam and Gadhafi, both of whom volunteered to leave their countries quietly, got the same Satanic doses from the Bush-Clinton-Obama crime family.

The famous Jewish claim of 6 million dead stands refuted by the 1981 International Red Cross report of fewer than 300,000, making the tens of billions awarded to Holocaust surviving relatives the greatest robbery of all time.

Just imagine: the world’s foremost liars in charge of the world’s communications apparatus. And worse than that, they constantly entice us to kill our brothers and sisters, from slasher movies and pop music to nations at war.

The Germans, Russians, British and Americans are racial brothers and the Jews have conspired to get us to kill each other for hundreds of years. What people will never realize is that the extermination process is most probably already complete, given the Jews’ surreptitious insertions of poisons into our food supply.

Which makes it all the more a pity that you often believe what they say on TV, because it’s much safer to realize everything they say about the world, all this time, has been a lie.

They taught us that the Germans and Japanese were barbarians and we should bomb them, they taught us evil Muslims blew up the Twin Towers, and said there was no radioactive poison to worry about before all those cancer clusters popped up.

Long ago they told us that the Federal Reserve would provide stability to the American dollar. Our national debt is now approaching $22 trillion, and most Americans are mired in poverty.

After a few years of the Great Depression FDR stole everybody’s gold and then sold it back to us at almost twice the price. Roosevelt is remembered for putting everyone to work on a government program, which is the way it’s done under Communism.

To those no longer under the spell of toxic media, they also know that FDR was the one person who made World War II happen. Just about everything we heard about Hitler were and still are Jewish lies.

Newspapers and government, one and the same, the surest sign of a totalitarian dictatorship. We trusted them and they lied to us.

Because we failed to challenge the lies we read in the newspapers or saw on TV, we lost our country to those who don’t mind killing large numbers of people to get what they want, even if their victims are their own fellow citizens. September 11th proved that.

And each staged government shooting project keeps proving it over and over again”, - John Kaminsky

You will have no reason to doubt their lies, as you will have no other information to go on because they control all television channels, newspapers and news channels.

You will have no chance to learn the truth, the reality, what is really going on.

You won’t ever question what you are told. You will just accept it as the truth.

Having control of these media entities and organizations they are easily able to manipulate and control the perception of human beings when it comes to international conflict, terrorism and immigration.

George Bush at the Booker Elementary School

On the morning of 9/11 the American President George Bush was in Florida visiting Booker Elementary School. Emma E. Booker Elementary School is an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida, which opened in the fall of 1989. It is named for Emma E. Booker, an African-American educator who founded Sarasota County's first black school.

In my opinion George Bush was sent to this school purposely to keep him away from the events of 9/11 so that he would not foul anything up. Did he know there was going to be some kind of strike against America that morning? I would say yes, he definitely did not look surprised when he was told in the classroom.

The first plane supposedly strikes the first WTC (North Tower) at 8.46

As Bush arrives at the Booker Elementary School, he is whisked into a holding room and updated on the situation via telephone by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. Why doesn't Bush cancel his completely meaningless visit at the elementary school at this point? What could be more important?

It is an established fact that Bush arrived at the school at 8.55.

At 9:06 a.m. on September 11, 2001 Andrew Card (White House Chief of Staff) supposedly whispered

"A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack" into President Bush's ear.

Bush does not looked shocked at this point and the Bush reads a story to 18 Booker Elementary School second-graders about a girl's pet goat for 20 minutes. Why didn't he excuse himself from these children right away, and immediately address this national emergency?

There is no question that the President was in a position to know what the FAA (The Federal Aviation Administration of the USA) knew, as long as either the Secret Service asked, or the FAA voluntarily passed on the info. Cheney admits the Secret Service had open lines to the FAA, therefore Bush should have known about the alleged hijackings and events in New York before he reached Booker Elementary.

CIA Director Tenet knew America was under attack just after 8:50 a.m., so why didn't he contact Bush's entourage with this news? By not doing so he was putting the president in danger as Bush's visit to Booker Elementary School on 9/11 was well publicized.

President Bush has stated on two occasions that he saw the first plane hit WTC North Tower

Occasion 1:

President Bush Holds Town Hall Meeting – (CNN, Aired December 4, 2001)

QUESTION: One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country, and another thing is that how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?

Bush replied:

“Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."

Occasion 2:

President Holds Town Hall Forum on Economy in California – (, January 5, 2002)

"I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on..."

There is a problem with the above statements. There was no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't be. Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until AFTER the second plane had hit World Trade Center 2. So he was lying or was fed the wrong script.

This is confirmed by Booker Elementary School Principal Gwen Rigell in this Propaganda Matrix posting:

“I had the opportunity to talk with Principal Gwen Rigell of Booker Elementary school for about twenty minutes. ... I asked her if in fact the President had been watching the events of 9-11 unfold on TV before he went into that classroom and she told me "Absolutely not". There was no TV in the corridor or anywhere near that classroom”.

It must also be remembered that even after Andrew Card informed Bush of the second impact, by his own admission Bush knew America was being attacked, but he continued listening to the reading skills of a classroom full of children.

The Booker Elementary video shows the Secret Service did not rush in to remove the President to a secure location, or at least to the safety of the armored Presidential Limousine. That's their job. That's what they do in the case of a real surprise attack with many unknowns. They don't do anything else.

But the Secret Service did nothing. The Secret Service should be in that video, but they are not. It is clear from their inaction that they knew for a fact that the president was not a target that day. The only way they could know that is that the Secret Service and the White House knew ahead of time what the targets were for the 9-11 aircraft!

If 9/11 was a surprise attack then Bush should have been immediately evacuated from the school, but he wasn't. He and his staff felt so secure there that they stayed until just after 09:30.

Another unbelievable fact is that the kids in the class read the words, "Kite, hit, steel, plane, must". Obviously the word are quite unbelievable in regards to what was happening at the time. Plane’s hitting the steel framed Twin Towers and we have the kids calling out planes must hit steel. Coincidence I don’t think so. The timing is interesting, they say those words and seconds later Bush is informed by Andrew Card of the 9/11 attacks. It was all setup. I'm sure the plotters of 9/11 had the school lessons planned for that day as well and the words they would say.

If you find it still unbelievable then have a listen yourself in the video below.

Minutes after 9/11 Israel blames the Muslims

I believe the organisation behind 9/11 was Israel and Mossad with the help of the American intelligence Agencies and the controlled AmericanJewish media. Minutes after 9/11 Jewish leaders blamed Osama Bin Laden and the Muslims.

On the morning of the September 11 attacks, just after the Twin Towers had collapsed, Ehud Barak (former Prime Minister of Israel) appeared on the U.K’s BBC news where he gave a story to the

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