» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Logic alone would tell you that there would be many hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis in the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks. 2 million Jewish people live in New York. The international Jewish involvement in banking and finance is legendary. Two of the richest firms in New York are Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon Brothers; and both firms have offices in the Twin Towers. New York is the center of worldwide Jewish financial power and the World Trade Center is at its epicenter. There were an estimated 199 dead from Columbia and 428 from the Philippines. One would expect the Israeli death toll to be catastrophic.

Either September 11 had to be a big Israeli holiday, or a number of Israeli citizens had some advance warning of the impending attack. The fact is that no Israeli or Jewish holiday falls on September 11.

Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, "dual" Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud and money laundering.

Alexander, was allowed to flee the United States after he and two other former Comverse executives were charged with securities, mail and wire fraud by U.S. prosecutors in Brooklyn, New York. A warrant was issued for his arrest. In the year 2000 Alexander reportedly earned some $102.5 million, with $93 million coming from the "exercise of options." Most of Alexander's money was made through the fraudulent "exercise of options."

Avner Ronen, the "founder" of Odigo, was Vice President of Business Development of Comverse Technology in October 2005. Shortly after 9-11, Odigo was completely taken over by Comverse Technology, which had been part owner of Odigo since early 2000.

On Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings.

How can the Israeli’s have knowledge of an impending attack unless they were behind the planning of it?

NORAD Exercises on 9/11

On the very morning of 9/11/01, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defence agencies, including one "live fly" exercise using REAL planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony. Indeed, a former Los Angeles police department investigator, whose newsletter is read by 45 members of congress, both the house and senate intelligence committees, and professors at more than 40 universities around the world, claims that he obtained an on-the-record confirmation from NORAD that on 9/11, NORAD and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were conducting a joint, live-fly, hijack exercise which involved government-operated aircraft POSING AS HIJACKED AIRLINERS.

In May 2001 four months prior to 9/11, George W. Bush placed Dick Cheney directly in charge of managing all training exercises throughout the entire federal government and all military agencies.

Vice President Cheney was apparently in charge of ALL of the war games and coordinated the government's "response" to the attacks.

Operation Northern Vigilance: This was planned months in advance of 9/11. It insured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters assigned to the North East Air Defense Sector (NEADS) had been reassigned to duties in Alaska and Canada to participate in a simulated attack out of Russia, thus reducing the number of fighters available to NEADS on 9/11. General Norton Schwartz was in command.

Operation Vigilant Guardian: The exercise simulated hijacked planes in the North East Air Defense sector (NEADS). This exercise was only applied to the North East Air Defense Sector. It commenced on the morning of 9/11. Lt. Col Dawn Deskins was the NORAD airborne control and warning officer. At 8:40 am she took a call from Boston Center (air traffic control center) advising her of a hijacked airliner. Her first words were, as quoted by Newhouse News Service were: “It must be part of the exercise.”

Operation Vigilant Warrior: This drill was conducted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff involving at least one real commercial airliner in the air intended to simulate exactly the kind of emergency perpetrated on 9/11. One of the components of the drill included “false blips” which were simulated radar imprints placed on all FAA radar screens in the North East area and only in the North East area!

On the morning of 9/11, FAA Director Jane Garvey said that as many as 11 hijackings were seemingly evident. No one could determine which were the real hijackings, what was simulated and which were deemed “live-fly” exercises.

Remember that for the real attacks to have succeeded, it was necessary that actions be taken in the middle of the war games and the actual attacks which would thwart the normal military response. Fighter jets were also sent far off-course over the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the attacks (testimony of Senator Mark Dayton), so as to neutralize their ability to intercept the alleged hijacked airliners. Could Osama Bin Laden and his cave band of followers have exercised this degree of control over the U.S military? Obviously not. But the guys in charge at the Pentagon could misdirect the U.S Military’s response to any hijacked planes and who was in charge at the Pentagon at the time, none other than Zionist Jews Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and Dov Zakheim. All dual AmericanIsraeli citizens and loyal to Israel and it’s policies.

At exactly the same time as the 7/7 London bombings were taking place a terror drill was also taking place and the scenario of this drill was that 3 terrorists detonating bombs at the exact same train stations were they actually happened and this is according to Peter Power, CEO of Visor Consultants, a management training organisation whose company was in charge of the drill. So the statistics of a terror drill happening at 3 train stations and then bombs actually going off at the same three train stations are 14 Billion to one.

It seems obvious to assume that terror drills happening at the same time as the real events were in place to camouflage the government agencies (Mossad, CIA, FBI, MI5, and MI6) who were the real criminals guilty of these events.

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), gives several interviews in which he says Osama bin Laden is not responsible for 9/11, and that he believes the attacks were perpetrated by the Israeli overseas intelligence service, Mossad, and renegade elements within the US Air Force. Hamid Gul points to the failure of the US Air Force to halt the 9/11 attacks. He tells Newsweek: “F-16s don’t scramble in time, though they had 18 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Centre.… A flight to Los Angeles turns to Washington and is in the air for 45 minutes, and the world’s most sophisticated air defence doesn’t go into action.” [Newsweek, 9/14/2001] In an interview with United Press International editor at large Arnaud de Borchgrave, he says: “The attacks against the Twin Towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF—friend or foe identification—challenge.” He adds: “In Pakistan, if there is no response to IFF, jets are instantly scrambled and the aircraft is shot down with no further questions asked. This was clearly an inside job.”

Calling the 9/11 commission as a cover-up, Hamid Gul said: “I think the American people have been made fool of. I have my sympathies with them. I like Americans. I like America. I appreciate them. I have gone there several times.” Hamid Gul was banned from entering both Britain and the US.

Mr Hamid Gul said this 3 days after 9/11, so he was very wise and has proven to be correct.

Why was there no air force jets scrambled, at least to stop the supposed aircraft smashing into the Pentagon? It was standard practice to scramble F16 jets when unrecognised or out of control airplanes were flying around the skies of the USA. As an example let us note the following story.

An executive jet carrying the US golfer, Payne Stewart, and four others, crashed in to the South Dakota hills in October, 1999 after apparently flying out of control for 1,500 miles at 45,000 ft. above the southern states of America. Air force F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the private plane as it flew north-west, but were unable to detect any sign of life behind the aircraft windows which had frosted over, suggesting the cabin may have suffered a sudden loss of air pressure. After cruising north-west for about four hours across the breadth of the country apparently on autopilot, with the F16’s close by, the Learjet seems to have run out of fuel and plunged into a swampy part of north-eastern South Dakota.

Planes that lose contact with control towers are usually intercepted by fighter jets inside of ten minutes, as the incident with the Payne Stewart’s plane in 1999 so clearly demonstrated. Yet on 9/11, the jetliners that struck New York were allowed to proceed unmolested for more than a half-hour, and the plane that supposedly crashed into the Pentagon was not intercepted for more than an hour and forty minutes after it was widely known that four planes had been hijacked.

So the question is why was there no F16 jets scrambled to intercept the plane that supposedly crashed into the Pentagon which was hit nearly one hour after the first Tower was hit?

The reason could be below.

In the 1980’s a company called Inslaw produced some software called PROMIS. At first this software was used to track criminals by the justice department in America. This PROMIS software then ended up in Israel.

The PROMIS software at the Department of Justice was stolen by an Israeli gentlemen who identified himself as Joseph Ben-Orr. According to retired Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe, the name of Dr. Ben-Orr was an alias of Israeli spymaster Rafi Eitan. Rafael Etian was the chief of the Israeli defense forces anti-terrorism intelligence unit.

This Israel Intelligence unit then created a back door in this PROMIS software which was one of the most complex pieces of software ever developed. Basically if you are unaware a backdoor in software means that the person or people who created this backdoor then could secretly hack into any computer that had this software program installed.

Ptech produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every computer system of the U.S. government and its military agencies by September 11, 2001. This included the White House, Treasury Dept. (Secret Service), Air Force, FAA, CIA, NORAD, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Dept. of Energy, IRS, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and more,

Overriding FAA (The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States) systems would be the most effective way to ensure the 9/11 attacks were successful. This means the air traffic controller’s computer screens could be compromised. The backdoor in this PROMIS software could take an FAA computer screen, for example, and display fake planes in the air traffic patterns and make a real plane’s radar blips disappear. This is probably why NORAD could not direct any F16 fighter Jets to the correct locations because they were being fed misleading information by the PROMIS software which we know was in the hands of Israel and its spies.

Ptech’s manager of marketing and information systems at the time of 9/11 was the Jewish Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. Guardium has been funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and Stage-One, all Mossad funding outfits.

Controlling this Ptech software was how Israel and the Zionist Jews disabled NORAD and the American air defence systems and that is why no jets were scrambled effectively on 9/11.

This is an example of how the numerous exercises on 9/11 caused the confusion at NORAD enabling three of the four drones to reach

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