» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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already been pronounced dead.

Twin Towers Collapse by Plane, Explosives or something else?

If you dropped a bowling ball from the top of one of the twin towers it would take the ball about 10 seconds to hit the ground. The Twin Towers collapsed in about 10 seconds, how is that possible. Go onto Youtube and check, it took 10 seconds. The bowling ball would be falling at free fall speed which means it had no resistance. The Towers did have resistance, floor after floor after floor and tons of steel columns but yet it fell at free fall speed. That is physically impossible unless the Twin Towers collapsed because of a controlled demolition or by some other devious means but definitely not by aeroplanes and a fire.

Nano-thermite explosives were gathered from the WTC debris shortly after the towers fell on 9/11.  Brigham Young University Physics Professor, Dr. Steven Jones, discovered the explosives and joined an international team of nine scientists for further analysis.  Through extensive laboratory testing, the scientists concluded that the samples were Nano Thermitic explosives. Nano Thermite is only used by the military and not someone sitting in a cave in Afghanistan (Bin Laden). Besides if the Towers were brought down by explosion then that rules out the fairy story of 19 Arab hijackers and it was the Jews who had control of the Twin Towers and not the Arabs.

In the Youtube video below Professor Steve Jones shows us evidence that Nano-Thermite was used to bring down the twin Towers.

That the WTC Towers were brought down by explosives becomes even more clearer by watching this video clip.

Many fireman at the Twin Towers heard explosions going off before the World Trade Centre towers collapsed which is entirely consistent with a controlled demolition. Of the South Tower, firefighter Richard Banaciski said: “There was just an explosion. It seemed like on television when they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way round like a belt . . . all those explosions”.

Colleague Kenneth Rogers heard them, too. He said: “There was an explosion in the South Tower. Floor after floor after floor. One floor under another after another . . . I figured it was a bomb because it looked like a synchronized kind of thing”.

Assistant New York Fire Commissioner on 9/11 Stephen Gregory said: “I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before Number Two came down, that I saw low-level flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him… I saw a flash-flash-flash, and then it looked like the building came down. … No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how they blow up a building, when it falls down? That’s what I thought I saw.”

“It was like a professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop’.” - Paramedic Daniel Rivera.

In the video below Marlene Cruz testifies that she heard explosives going off long before the towers collapsed and she was in the basement of one of the towers about 1000ft below impact. She was one of the first causalities.

Again in another video below it becomes even more conclusive that explosives were used to bring down the twin Towers as well as WT7 even though WT7 didn’t even get hit be a Plane.

According to Senior Editor Gordon Duff from the original and only 9/11 investigation ran from September 11, 2001 to 2003 when a preliminary report was issued to the White House. From there, the Department of Energy Preliminary Report on Events of 9/11 was, according to confirmed sources, sent to congressional leaders, the Pentagon, the Supreme Court and security agency personnel only at the highest levels.

Here is what the report stated:

9/11 was the result of nuclear weapons planted by Israel intelligence groups operating throughout the New York area, many as “art students”

Weapons were placed under the twin towers in moving vans parked in specific places selected for reasons the DOE did not know. Later, the DOE learned that the devices were planted under the freon tanks in the twin towers, something they learned when they read the works of Dmitri Khalezov, a former Soviet nuclear anti-proliferation investigator.

A grand jury investigation, headquartered in Houston, had identified witnesses, issued gag orders and was holding all physical evidence including the radio jammers used to block New York’s emergency frequencies.

The Fort Lee attack, an attempt to destroy the George Washington Bridge, had a side benefit, it was going to take down all communications for the stock markets.

NYPD blocked attacks to destroy the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, isolating Manhattan. Mossad agents were arrested on these bridges in vans packed with explosives.

Those arrested on 9/11, over 80 of them Israeli intelligence operatives, were released to Bernie Kerik, Rudy Guiliani’s police commissioner or to Israeli operatives using FBI identification. They were later flown out of the country under the guise of being members of the Bin Laden family.

The weapons used on 9/11 were flown into the US through the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, hidden either in diplomatic cargo or on a private plane able to evade customs. They should have been picked up on VELA satellites tasked to identify nuclear cargoes but no such report was made for unknown reasons. The weapons were loaded onto moving vans and driven into Manhattan (Urban Moving Systems).

The DOE report believed Building 7 to have been destroyed with more than one very small nuclear weapon. No information on type or placement was in the report.

Building 7 was described as having a structure with a strengthened subway station at its heart and a series of underground tunnels linking it to the other towers. These tunnels may have been used, the report stated, in planting weapons and moving personnel and equipment.

The destruction of the World Trade Center was managed through the use of MRR (minimum residual radiation) weapons that would have only irradiated a small area of Manhattan and that radiation would have subsided in 72 hours.

The use of fire hoses at the site due to the extreme temperatures of nuclear demolition, however, would have exposed first responders to lethal doses of radiation which would lead to cancers such as multiple myeloma.

Below is one of the debriefing notes for the real 9/11 investigation as provided by Senior Editor Gordon Duff from and has been proven through validation from many of Duff’s contacts including FBI investigators who have come forward and top scientists at nuclear labs.

“According to a retired FXX agent specializing in Israeli counter intel. The type of nuclear devices used on 9/11 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells that were covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 and 1998 from the U.S surplus stock piles in the BushClinton era. Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandi was able to identify the chemicalradiation footprint or fingerprints of the warheads based on samples taken after 9/11 of the fallout at ground zero. All plutonium based warheads have a chemical fingerprint that can identify the type of design and where the PU was made and how old it is. This was the 9/11 blackmail on Bush 1 and 2. The illegal transfer of surplus U.S nuclear weapons to the Israelis and why the continued cover up. Only a 2 kiloton device was needed to drop the buildings, it will produce a fireball 150 to 200 feet in diameter at over 4000 degrees. Just large enough to melt the I beams of the central core of the building and drop them in place”.

Only the top 12 floors were damaged in the north tower and the other 92 floors were undamaged but we are led to believe by the NIST report that the weak damaged 12 floors could bring down the undamaged strong 92 floors. I don’t think so somehow.

The resistance provided by floor 89 must be removed before floor 90 can fall freely; and so forth all the way down, floor after floor. Only by means of controlled demolition, where explosives are used to remove resistance floor by floor can such free fall take place.

In a lecture at Stanford University on April 9, 2002, World Trade Center structural engineer Leslie Robertson stated: “There was a little river of steel, flowing. Many first responders and demolition workers saw the same thing: You’d get down below and you’d see molten steel running down the channel rails. Like you’re in a foundry, like lava…like a volcano.”

In the ruins of the WTC there are many sources confirming that molten metal was present. The April 1, 2002 WASTE AGE describes New York Sanitation Department workers moving “everything from molten steel beams to human remains.” A September 11, 2002 report in Government Computer News ( quotes Greg Fuchek, vice-president of sales for LinksPoint Inc as stating: “In the first few weeks, sometimes when a worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be dripping molten steel.” A June 29, 2002 messenger-inquirer ( recounts the experiences of Bronx firefighter “Toolie” O’Toole, who stated that some of the beams lifted from deep within the catacombs of Ground Zero by cranes were “dripping from molten steel.”

A publication by the National Environmental Health Association ( quotes Ron Burger, a public health advisor at the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who arrived at Ground Zero on the evening of September 12. Burger stated: “Feeling the heat, seeing the molten steel, the layers upon layers of ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt. St. Helen’s and the thousands who fled that disaster.” An article in The Newsletter of the Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU News, page 3) describing a speaking appearance by Leslie Robertson, a structural engineer responsible for the design of the World Trade Center, contains this passage: “As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and the molten steel was still running.”

Thermite burns at a temperature of 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. This is well above the 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit melting point of iron or steel. It can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter.

The last fire in the debris piles wasn’t extinguished until December 19, 2001, more than three months after 9/11. Jet fuel and office fires can’t burn hot enough to do that or to melt core steel columns to molten steel.

Frank DeMartini, former construction manager of the World Trade Center, stated, “I believe that each of the Twin Towers probably could sustain multiple impacts by airliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting of your screen door and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing it. It really does nothing to the screen netting.”

The American Institute of Architects organization’s most prestigious honor is the designation of “Fellow,” which is awarded to members who’ve made contributions of national significance to the profession. Only about 2% of AIA members are Fellows and Daniel B. Barnum is one of them. Here’s what he has to say about the Twin Towers: “I have known from Day One that the buildings were imploded and that they could not and would not have collapsed from the damage caused by the airplanes that ran into them.

American Institute of Architects member, Andrew Wolff said: “The free-fall collapse of the fire protected steel-frame structure of World Trade Center 7 could not have been caused by the limited structural damage and office fires which were observed prior to collapse”.

Dimitri A. Khalezov is a Russian National and former citizen of the Soviet Union. He is a former commissioned officer of the so-called “military unit 46179”, otherwise known as “the Special Control Service” of the 12th Chief Directorate of the Defense Ministry of the USSR. The Special Control Service, also known as the Soviet atomic (later “nuclear”) intelligence was a secret military unit responsible for the detection of nuclear explosions.

After September the 11th Khalezov undertook some extensive 9/11 research and proved that the Twin Towers as well as its building 7 were demolished by three underground thermo-nuclear explosions – which earned the very name “ground zero” to the

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