» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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demolition site.

Personally I find it hard to believe that people still believe that two aeroplanes hitting buildings could cause them to collapse within 1 hour when most of the experts and evidence says it is impossible. But the governments and the controlled mainstream media have done a very good job in brainwashing people.

“The demolition of the Twin Towers was not caused by the impact of airplanes damaging the skyscrapers. The buildings never would have fallen but for explosives in the basement that caused the towers to drop straight down into their own footprints. Find out who planted those explosives and you discover the guilty party. It wasn’t Saudis, and it wasn’t Osama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. So when you hear this current engineered debate about Saudis threatening the United States with financial penalties, it’s just hot air to continue to deflect everyone’s focus from Israel and the Jewish control of the American government and its lapdog media. But all the false flag murders and deliberately scripted terror events explicitly designed to dupe citizens into trusting a pathological government run by a foreign power cannot begin to be solved without an authentic reckoning of the crimes of 9/11, in which the president and his Jewish entourage deliberately murdered 3,000 people in New York City. They have been lying about it ever since”, - John Kaminski, American writer and journalist.

Twin Towers Turn to Dust

If a 110 storey building collapsed you would expect to see all the floors stacked up on top of each other at the bottom and each floor was about three feet thick. Yet no intact floors were found by the Ground Zero workers.

Below a picture of a 4 storey building that had collapsed because of an earthquake. Notice the floors stacked on top of each other. The Twin Towers had 110 floors and not 4.

The two towers had hundreds of offices which had thousands of toilets, sinks, desks, chairs, computers, printers, cabinets etc. New York firefighter Joe Casaliggi said “You have two 110-story office buildings. You don’t find a desk. You don’t find a chair. You don’t find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad and it was about two inches wide”. The entire buildings and its steel columns had turned to powder or dust. How is that physically possible? How can a Plane and fire turn steel to dust, well it can’t can it. The fuel from an aeroplane burns at a maximum of 1600 degrees and to melt steel the temperature would have to be 2500 degrees.

NY Governor George Pataki described it: “The concrete was pulverized, all of Lower Manhattan, not just this site, from river to river, there was dust, powder and the concrete was just pulverized. And it was finely pulverized, much of it like talcum powder”.

There were about 2750 victims in the Twin Towers but only 300 whole bodies were found. Not only were the buildings turned to dust but so, apparently, were most of the victims. More than eleven hundred of them remain completely unaccounted for.

Ninety thousand tons of concrete, steel and thousands of tons of office furniture, fixtures and equipment are missing from the debris pile at the base of each building. What sort of force could have destroyed all that? One thing is obvious it was definitely not fire or aeroplanes. Also how can the collapse of the towers burn and destroy cars which are several stories away from the towers. It's not possible. Some form of unknown (unknown to the public) energy weapon was used to destroy the towers. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) invented technology like this. I would still suggest that some explosives were used to create the cartoon like cut-outs were the planes were supposed to have entered the buildings as well as weakening the structures and then this energy weapon may have been used to turn everything to dust.

To find an answer you should look at Dr Judy Woods book 'Where did the towers go'? She discusses how directed-energy weapons where involved in destroying the towers. Dr Judy Wood shows evidence of this in the videos below and in her book.

Another thing worth noting is how can dust burn cars and cause cars to set on fire when they are several stories away from the Towers.

If you think directed energy beam weapons don’t exist then you are mistaken. Directed energy refers to weapons that emit focused energy in the form of lasers, microwaves, electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, sound or particle beams. The military has been working on such weapons for decades.

Mary J. Miller, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for Research and Technology, told the House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities 'I believe we're very close,' when asked how close the Army is to developing offensive and defensive directed-energy weapons.

“I believe we'll have a directed energy pod we can put on a fighter plane very soon”, Air Force General Hawk Carlisle has claimed at the Air Force Association Air & Space conference in a presentation on what he called Fifth-Generation Warfare.

Directed-energy weapons pods could be affixed to aircraft to destroy or disable incoming missiles, drones, and even enemy aircraft at a much lower 'cost per shot' than missiles or even guns, Air Force General Hawk Carlisle suggested.

The front runner for the Air Force system is believed to be called the High-Energy Liquid Laser Area Defence System (HELLADS), and will create a laser small enough to be mounted on a plane, and is expected to be ready for use by 2020.

Paul Shattuck is director and chief engineer for Directed Energy Systems at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. He’s been with Lockheed since 1974, with a focus area of the development of beam control technologies for High Power Laser Directed Energy Systems.

Shattuck states “We have also demonstrated air applications for laser weapon systems with our Department Of Defence customers. We developed the beam control system for the Missile Defence Agency’s airborne laser that shot down a boosting ballistic missile in 2010. That system used a megawatt-class chemical laser, but it was a strategic mission in which the target was in front of the aircraft. Air-based laser weapon systems can offer flexibility and precision for self-defence against aircraft, missiles and weapons on the ground. They also have offensive potential, including precision ground attack against defended targets or swarms of attack boats”.

If the possibility of directed energy beam weapons is just coming into the public sphere now then the deep state or secret intelligent agencies have had this capability for a long time.

In the world of the truth-seekers there is a difference of opinion about how the Twin Towers collapsed. Was it by nano-thermite explosives or was it the energy weapon as mentioned by Dr. Judy Wood. I believe the important question should be who did it and why? If you don’t find out who did it they will do it again and again in atrocities such as the Spain train bombings 2004, London 7/7 bombings, Sandy Hook, Belgium, Paris etc.

Few of us are aware that more than 75,000 have registered for the World Trade Centre Health Program and that about half of those have contracted a wide range of diseases, from asthma to pulmonary disease, from gastric reflux to psychological ailments like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of the summer of 2016, more than 1,100 individuals who had inhaled the WTC dust had died from 9/11-related diseases. Public health physician Jonathan Weisbuch, who founded Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth and is a current member of the 9/11 Consensus Panel says “iron microspheres that have been identified by a team of scientists in the Ground Zero dust had to have been created by the use of thermite or nano-thermite in the controlled demolition of the towers — and possibly led to the symptoms found in many victims of 9/11-related illnesses”.

While the U.S. government and the corporate-controlled mainstream media would have us believe that the deaths and illnesses from Ground Zero are the result of the impact of two Boeing 767 airliners on and resulting fires in the Twin Towers, the abundance of forensic evidence compiled by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and other researchers demonstrates that the official version of events cannot be true. (As we know, WTC 7, which fell in the late afternoon of 9/11, was not hit by an airplane.) This physical evidence clearly shows that the three World Trade Center towers were deliberately demolished using explosives that had to have been planted in the buildings prior to that day. In fact it takes at least a week to wire a building the size of the Twin Towers for demolition. Hmm, let me see did Arabs have ownership and control security in the Twin Towers or was it Jews, now that’s a puzzler.

Other Buildings on Fire didn’t Collapse

No high rise building has ever collapsed because of fires, fact. The One New York Plaza in lower Manhattan caught fire after an explosion in 1970 and it burned for six hours but it did not collapse. Eight floors of the Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia burnt for 18 hours in 1991 but it did not collapse. Don’t forget that World Trade Centre Tower 2 burnt for 56 minutes before collapsing.

The Grenfell Tower fire in London was a major fire at a 24-storey 220-foot (70 m) block of flats on June 14 2017. The tower was on fire for 24 hours but did not collapse. Look at the extreme fire in the Grenfell tower and then look at the comparatively small fire at the Twin Towers.

Below the Grenfell Tower on fire

Below the Twin Towers on fire.

Below the Grenfell Tower still standing 2 days later.

The Grenfell tower did not collapse after burning for 24 hours but the first twin Tower collapsed after some of the upper floors burnt for 56 minutes. Not possible.

On the night of February 12, 2005, a fire started in the Windsor building in Madrid, Spain, a 32-story tower framed in steel-reinforced concrete (photo below). At its peak, the fire, which burned for almost a day, completely engulfed the upper ten stories of the building.

The Windsor building (above left) burnt for 20 hours but did not collapse. In comparison look at the fires in the Twin Towers (above right). Below the Windsor Building after the fire, still standing.

The most recent example of a spectacular skyscraper fire was the burning of the Hotel Mandarin Oriental (below) starting on February 9, 2009. The nearly completed 520-foot-tall skyscraper in Beijing, China caught fire and was engulfed within 20 minutes, and burned for at least 3 hours. Despite the fact that the fire extended across all of the floors for a period of time and burned out of control for hours, no large portion of the structure collapsed.

Below the Hotel Mandarin in Beijing still standing after the raging fire was extinguished.

How come the raging fires in the Grenfell Tower, Windsor Building and the Hotel Mandarin did not melt the steel iBeams causing them to collapse but the relatively small fires in the Twin Towers did melt the iBeams causing them to collapse, according to the official story. Because the official story is a lie. Fires could not have caused the collapse of the Twin Towers, only explosives could.

But you will probably say ah yes but they

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