» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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Were the Planes Real?

To convince the public that Planes crashed into the World Trade Centre Towers sophisticated technology was used, technology that the general public didn’t even know existed. Let’s look at some anomalies with the alleged second Plane that hit the Tower. If you analyse the videos on Youtube of the second Plane that hit the tower then you can see some of the videos were faked. If you watch the video below you can see that part of the left wing of the aeroplane disappears behind the building in the background when the wing should appear in front of the building in the background and as the Plane passes a giant crane which is in the foreground, part of the Plane appears in front of the crane and then a few metres along the Plane then appears behind the crane. As you can see these are physical impossibilities which suggest either these two videos were faked or the Planes themselves are not physically real. But the video below was aired again and again on television screens around the world as proof of a Plane hitting the second Tower.

You can see in the photo below the wing going behind the building when it should appear in front but if you watch the video you can see it better.

This photo shows the Plane going in front of the crane and then behind the crane, again not possible.

The photo below shows that the Plane is supposed to have sliced through all the box metal steel columns and then come out the other side of the Tower.

The wings of aeroplanes are very flimsy and cannot cut through three foot thick steel columns. It’s not possible. When the second Plane hit the Tower it would not have went into the Tower like a knife into a block of cheese. Part of the nose of the Aluminium Plane might have entered the Tower but the rest of the Plane would of crumpled up and fell to the floor.

The photo below shows the underneath of a real Boeing 767 on the left and on the right it shows the under the carriage of the Plane that hit the second WTC which was supposed to be a Boeing 767. They don’t even look remotely the same. The Plane that supposedly hit the second Tower looks like a military or drone aircraft. Again this is just another example of another lie in the official story.

The best analysis of what might have hit the Twin Towers is provided by Richard Hall from His videos cover anomalies with the Plane that hit the second Tower as well as Radar analysis of this Plane and information about Dr. Judy Woods book 'Where did the towers go'. His videos are on Youtube and on his website. This is my link to his video.

Another good video which shows anomalies with the second plane that hits the tower is:

Remote Controlled Planes?

It is highly possible that the two planes that hit the towers were remote-controlled drones, converted to look like commercial jets and then guided into their targets by Israeli Mossad operatives.

If you aren't already aware, both the U.S. and Israeli governments have the capability to take control of commercial airliners by remote, and either fly them off course and land them, or crash them wherever and whenever they wish.

Norad has been able to fly planes remotely for many decades:

NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) had at its disposal a number of U.S. Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program known as SAGE. These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention needed being to fuel and re-arm them.

As Wikipedia explains:

“The Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) was an automated control system for tracking and intercepting enemy bomber aircraft used by NORAD from the late 1950s into the 1980s. In later versions, the system could automatically direct aircraft to an interception by sending instructions directly to the aircraft’s autopilot”.

NASA and the FAA flew a plane by remote control in 1984:

In 1984 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) teamed-up in a unique flight experiment called the Controlled Impact Demonstration (CID), to test the impact of a Boeing 720 aircraft using standard fuel with an additive designed to suppress fire.

“On the morning of December 1, 1984, a remotely controlled Boeing 720 transport took off from Edwards Air Force Base (Edwards, California), made a left-hand departure and climbed to an altitude of 2300 feet. It then began a descent-to-landing to a specially prepared runway on the east side of Rogers Dry Lake. Final approach was along the roughly 3.8-degree glide slope”.

Take a look at the article below about the Global Hawk remote controlled aircraft.

“A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean. The American high-altitude Global Hawk spy plane made flew cross the ocean to Australia, defense officials confirmed. The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737, flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia State. The 8600 mile (13840 km) flight, at an altitude of almost 12.5 miles (20 km), took 22 hours and set a world record for the furthest a robotic aircraft has flown between two points. The Global Hawk flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images. "The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway," said Rod Smith, the Australian Global Hawk manager.

The full article above can be found at:

Below a YouTube video titled ‘Inside 9/11 - Who Controlled the Planes’:

Bedek is an Israeli company that specializes in converting aircraft. Its website states it handles ‘heavy maintenance, modifications, upgrades, and conversions all types of commercial and military aircraft’.

Zionist, Israeli citizen and Council on Foreign Relations member Dov Zakheim was the controller of the Pentagons finances from May 2001 to March 2004. On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over 2 Trillion dollars in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." Jew Zakheim was also chief executive at System Planning Corporation which is based in Arlington, Virginia, it is a defence contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. So Zakheim’s company made remote control systems for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles. I believe Zakheim could be one of the major planners of the events of 9/11.

The bulge in the middle underneath the plane that hit the second tower has been identified by Pilotsfor911truth as an AWACS flight controller which is the same technology that Zakheim’s company manufactures.

The American movie The Lone Gunmen (May 2001) showed how this remote technology could work. In this movie they hacked into the remote guidance system of the plane and steered it away from a tall building before it crashed. Guess what the tall building was in the movie? Yes your right the World Trade Centre.

A German documentary alleges Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Egyptian military officials whose plane EgyptAir F990 crashed 2 years prior to 911. It executed a strange manoeuvre near the coast then sank into the Atlantic killing more than 200 people including over 30 Egyptian military officials. It is believed that the Israelis used their remote control technology on this plane to crash it into the Atlantic as a dress rehearsal for 9/11 when they would use this technology again.

Did the Plane Crash in Shanksville?

Could the Plane that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania have been flying by Remote Control?

Below a picture of the hole in the ground were we are told a 757 airliner crashed near Shanksville. Where is the wreckage of the plane, where are the passengers, the seats, the luggage?

According to the official story, the hijacked Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. The crash we are told was because of the struggle between the hijackers and passengers.

However, numerous individuals who spent time at the supposed crash site have described seeing almost nothing resembling wreckage from a plane there.

"I was looking for anything that said tail, wing, plane, metal. There was nothing." Photographer Scott Spangler

"This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise." Somerset County Coroner Wallace Miller.

William Baker, of the Somerset County Emergency Management Agency, recalled: "When they said it was a 757, I looked out across the debris field. I said, 'There is no way there is a 757 scattered here.'" Baker said, "The biggest piece of debris I saw would have probably fit in my pocket."

Jon Meyer, the first reporter on the scene, said he was "able to get right up to the edge of the crater" where Flight 93 supposedly hit the ground. However, he described: "All I saw was a crater filled with small, charred plane parts. Nothing that would even tell you that it was the plane. ... There were no suitcases, no recognizable plane parts and no body parts."

A possibility that needs to be considered, therefore, is that Flight 93 did not crash in this field near Shanksville. The relatively small amount of wreckage that was seen there could have been planted as part of a sophisticated attempt at faking the scene of a plane crash. The intention of the perpetrators was to deceive the public into believing that Flight 93 did indeed crash at this site.

Some debris was found around Indian Lake, about three miles from the main crash scene. Carol Delasko, who worked at Indian Lake Marina, said that moments after the crash apparently occurred, she saw a cloud of debris, several hundred feet across, above the lake. "It just looked like confetti raining down all over the air above the lake”. More debris from the plane was found in New Baltimore, some 8 miles away from the crash.

It is obvious that the government’s story that a plane crashed into the ground in Shanksville is a lie. The only way you would get debris scattered miles from each other is if the Plane blew up in mid-air possibly from an air-to-air missile.

Laura Temyer, who lives several miles north of the crash site, was hanging clothes outside that morning when she heard an airplane pass overhead. “I heard like a boom and the engine sounded funny,” she told a newspaper. “I heard

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