» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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should have been gouged by the engines dragging on the ground.

Let’s listen to the testimony of an eyewitness who was in the part of the Pentagon that got attacked and lived to tell about it. April Gallup worked on the West Side of the Pentagon. She said:

“I thought it was a bomb. I was buried in the rubble and my first thought was for my son. I crawled around until I found his stroller. It was crumpled all into a ball and I was then very afraid. But then I heard his voice and managed to locate him. Outside they were treating people on the grassy lawn. But all the ambulances had left, so a man, who was near the scene stepped up, put us in his private car, and drove us to the hospital. The Images are burned into my brain”.

Mrs. Gallup escaped out of the exact impact of where supposedly Flight 77 hit and came out onto the lawn.

April Gallup was then visited in hospital by men in suits who basically told her to stick to the plane hit the Pentagon story and to take money. Hmm sounds very suspicious.

Gallup continued:

“They never identified themselves or even said which agency they worked for. But I know they were not newsmen because I learned that the Pentagon had told news reporters not to cover survivors’ stories or they would not get more stories out of there. The men who visited all said they couldn’t tell me what to say; they only wanted to make suggestions. But then they told me what to do, which was take the money (Victim Compensation Fund) and shut up. They also kept insisting that a plane hit the building. But I was there and I never saw a plane or even debris from a plane. I figure the plane story is there to brainwash people”.

Mrs. Gallup states, “I hadn’t seen any evidence of metal, airplane seats, no luggage, nothing that would give me the indication that it was a plane that hit the building. I didn’t have any jet fuel over my body. There was nothing on the inside that would give me any indication that there was a plane on that particular day that hit the building. No one else saw in that area where I was, located saw any parts of any planes or luggage or baggage, or anything of that nature”.

CNN’s correspondent Bob Franken who was at the Pentagon stated, “from my close up inspection there’s no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon” … “the only pieces left that you can see or small enough that you can pick up in your hand’ …“There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage”

Another eyewitness Don Perkal stated, “A bomb had gone off. I could smell the cordite. I knew explosives had been set off somewhere”.

Below is a photo taken shortly after the apparent crash of Flight 77? Notice there are no signs of debris from a crashed airliner. Notice the perfect condition of the lawn. If a Boeing 757 had hit the Pentagon at almost ground level it would have left gouge marks in the grass for sure, but there are none.

“The government story that they handed us about 9/11 is total BS plain and simple. There was absolutely no possibility that flight 77 could have descended 7,000 ft. in 2 minutes, all the while performing a steep 280 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s first floor wall without touching the lawn”, - Captain Russ Wittenberg, U.S Airforce retired commercial pilot, flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years.

There was no evidence of any wing marks on the building where a 757 measures 126 “10’ from wing to wing. Nor any indications in the upper floors where the tail, which stood 44 feet 6 inches from the ground would have made an impact.

The official story stated that American Flight 77 maintained this trajectory of flying 20 feet above the ground for 3280 feet before hitting the Pentagon, traveling at 530 mph hour. The official report also stated Flight 77 took out five lampposts before hitting the Pentagon. It did this without its wings falling off, ripping off, tumbling out of control, or bursting into flames? This act not only defies the law of aerodynamics but Newton’s third law as well. The wings of many planes have been damaged by a flock of birds in flight. Now, imagine a plane hitting five lamposts and still being able to crash without exploding due to the fuel inside the wings, without tumbling out of control, and still being able to penetrate two thick walls of the Pentagon. This official story would be a great work of fiction, it’s just not reality.

Fred Fox is a former U.S. Navy and a 33-Year commercial pilot for American Airlines. He stated that not even a seasoned American test pilot could have flown a T-category aircraft like the 757 would have flown into the first floor of the Pentagon because of something called, “Ground Effect.” Ground Effect, is the accumulation of pocket of compressed gas beneath the fuselage, which meant that the plane could not even get lower than 60ft to 80ft to the ground, traveling at that speed.

“I challenge any pilot, any pilot anywhere: give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile. Can’t do. It’s aerodynamically impossible.” – Nila Sagadevan, pilot and aeronautical engineer.

So who was this super pilot who supposedly flew the 757 Aircraft into the Pentagon? None other than Hani Hanjour who was a poor pilot according to the flight school employees.

Hani Hanjour, who supposedly flew the airliner that crashed into the Pentagon, was reported to the aviation agency in February 2001 after instructors at his flight school in Phoenix had found his piloting skills so shoddy and his grasp of English so inadequate that they questioned whether his pilot's license was genuine. Records show a Hani Hanjour obtained a license in 1999 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Previous and sometimes contradictory reports said he failed in 1996 and 1997 to obtain a license at other schools. 'The staff thought he was a very nice guy, but they didn't think his English was up to level,'' said Marilyn Ladner, a vice president at the Pan Am International Flight Academy, which operated the center in Phoenix. Ms. Ladner said the Phoenix staff never suspected that Mr. Hanjour was a hijacker but feared that his skills were so weak that he could pose a safety hazard if he flew a commercial airliner. A former employee of the school said that the staff initially made good-faith efforts to help Mr. Hanjour and that he received individual instruction for a few days. But he was a poor student. Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered him a very bad pilot.

''I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon,'' the former employee said. ''He could not fly at all.''

Below a photo of the Pentagon exit hole. This is the ground-level exit hole on the far exterior wall of the Pentagon's inner ring, some 310 feet away from the impact. It looks like a hole that a missile would make.

“I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast – it sounded nothing like an airplane.” Lon Rains – Editor for Space News (Pentagon eyewitness)

A former CIA agent (John O’Neill) who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole (Yemen 2000) was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine about 900 miles away and I would suggest that the Pentagon was hit by a similar cruise missile.

If a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, where is the plane?

If a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, why haven’t they released clear video evidence?

If a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, why didn’t the wings damage the building?

Watch the video below, which shows a missile striking the Pentagon.

The video below was shot from a hotel. It was confiscated by the FBI but then released because of a lawsuit. It shows an explosion at the Pentagon but no plane.

Major General Stubblebine said that after investigation – including measuring the impact site with the size of the jet – it couldn’t have been a plane that hit the Pentagon. He concluded it was a missile that smashed into the Pentagon, citing “evidence” that the remnants of a turbine from a rocket were left in the impact zone. He said in the same interview that images that allegedly back up his incredible claims were swiftly removed from the internet and replaced with doctored pictures. Stubblebine supported the idea that the Twin Towers were brought down in a controlled demolition. Albert Newton Stubblebine was commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984.

“Washington, D.C. is THE most restricted airspace in the world and there are several United States Air Force Bases in the immediate vicinity that enforce the restrictions. There is NO WAY any sort of aircraft could invade the D.C. airspace and actually hit the Pentagon, which is the command center of the U.S. military deployed worldwide. Any incoming “bogey” would be spotted on radar, armed supersonic fighter jets would be scrambled in minutes and that “bogey” would be shot down before being allowed to remain on a course headed for the Nation’s Capital. All of the fighters nationwide should have been airborne, we were already under attack and everybody knew it! The WTC Twin Towers had both been hit! And what was up with the hidden surface to air missile installations that exist in the D.C. area? How did a “bogey” get through them? There was something very fishy about all this!” - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

It is also interesting to note that most of the people killed at the Pentagon were budget analysts and accountants who were investigating the 2.3 trillion dollars that had gone missing from the Pentagon funds according to Secretary of Defence at the time of 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld who said this the day before 9/11. The missile that hit the Pentagon actually hit the room were the analysts were investigating the missing billions and killed over 20 of these analysts. Who managed these Pentagon funds at the time, no other than Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim. Were these missing funds used for the whole 9/11 operation by the Zionist Jews?

The 9/11 Calls: Real or Faked

In the absence of surviving passengers on the flights, this “corroborating evidence”, against the supposed Arab hijackers was based on passengers’ cell and air phone conversations with their loved ones on the ground.

Research by Professor David Ray Griffin sharply questions the authenticity of the calls allegedly made on board the flights. Also Scientist A.K. Dewdney lists several ways that a person’s voice can be mimicked or transformed to the point of fooling people close to the one impersonated. He also describes a telephone facility headquartered in Israel that could have eavesdropped on calls made before 9/11. Professor Griffin details the strong probability that none of the cell phone calls were on the flights and notes the official change of story as to which calls were done by air phones. Air phone calls can be made during a flight at most altitudes, whereas studies have shown cell phones to be highly unreliable, at best, even at low altitudes with the technology available in 2001.

Expert opinion within the wireless telecom industry casts serious doubt on “the findings” of the 9/11 Commission. According to Alexa Graf, a spokesman of AT&T, commenting in the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks:

“It was almost a fluke that the [9/11] calls reached their destinations… From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good, and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a certain altitude”

The following is from Professor David Ray Griffin’s

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