» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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incoming Israeli diplomatic pouches and shipments; driving by and flying over synagogues and Israeli embassies and Mossad safe-houses with high tech gamma ray and helium-3 neutron detectors; and using ultra high-tech custom-tuned and -focused satellites to search for any stored nuclear pits, as well as working hard to recover all stolen nuclear pits by the Israelis anywhere in the world outside of Israel.

This super-elite team was alerted by Michael Shrimpton’s phone call to MI-6 notifying them that an Israeli “City Buster” was planted near the Olympic stadium. This call wrongly has landed him in jail. The City Buster was recovered by the “Nuclear Snake-eaters”, who entered England and recovered and disarmed a large city buster. Sadly MI-6, wanted this nuke detonated in order to gain more power for the Khazarian Mafia in England — their home base inside the City of London Financial District — since it has been losing power fast.

A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM, and apparently represents where they originally came from.

The secret team of super-elite “Nuclear Snake-eaters” is ready to be deployed to Israel anytime, should the nation collapse after most European corporations divest from Israel, and the US cuts off all aid, in order to comply with American law. It is illegal to give aid to a nation that has nukes, and which has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. Israel has nukes detectable from satellite-based Helium-3 sensors and has never admitted it, nor has it signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. We must all demand that our Congress and Administration obey the law and immediately cut off all aid monetary and military aid to Israel, and arrest all Israeli espionage front directors of AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the “Joint” in NYC, and the ADL, etc.

It is unknown but suspected that a significant number of these stolen nukes have been already recovered. It has been reported by insiders that a very solemn message was communicated to Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudists, as well as all top members of Israeli espionage fronts in America, like AIPAC, JINSA, the Defence Policy Board, the ADL and the like.

What was this serious warning? If insider reports are accurate, these folks were told that if there is one more Israeli based false-flag attack, those who ordered it or were involved will be hunted down under American National Security and eliminated, and the Israeli defence structures associated with such will be turned to dust”.

Zionist Jews in Position for the Cover-Up

Immediately following the September 11 attacks, the Zionist Jewish network was in control of all the key positions to cover up the truth about 9/11. They made sure that any evidence pointing to Israeli involvement was covered up. If the Arabs were behind the events of 9/11 would the Jews who are all in key positions have covered it up for the Arabs, well the answer is no they wouldn’t have. But they would cover the evidence up to hide Zionist Jew and Israeli involvement.

Let’s look at some of the major plotters of the events of 9/11 and the cover up. This should put to bed the ‘the Arabs did it’ theory once and for all.

Alvin K. Hellerstein was a Zionist Jew and a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. His cases included three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkerton's airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer.

Stephen Cauffman (Jew) was the leader of the NIST investigations which in total amount to a systematic cover-up of the WTC 7 collapse.

Louis Eisenberg –Zionist Jew - Became chairman of the New York Port Authority in 1995. Eisenberg then oversaw negotiations just 2 months before 9/11 to lease the Twin Towers to two more Zionist Jews.

Larry Silverstein – Zionist Jew – Bought a 99 year lease on the Twin Towers 2 months before 9/11 and then insured them against Terrorism and collected about $4 billion after 9/11 from the insurance. He is a dedicated Zionist whose rabid support for Israel is not a secret. In his life, he has been involved with numerous Jewish supremacist organizations.

Frank Lowy – Zionist Jew – Bought the lease for the Twin Towers with Silverstein. He was part of the Jewish terrorist group known as Haganah which slaughtered Palestinians and stole their land in the late 1940’s

Jerome Hauer – Zionist Jew - Managing Director with Kroll Associates, a well-established security firm serving clients in the military and the US government. Kroll Associates were in charge of security at both World Trade Centres on the day of 9/11. The first plane to hit the WTC (North Tower) hit the computer room of Jewish-owned Kroll Associates (Managing Director Jerome M. Hauer)

The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001(given the job by Jerome Hauer), was former FBI counter-terror specialist John P. O'Neill. O'Neill, considered the world's leading expert on Osama bin Laden, was forced to resign his post as Deputy Director of the FBI because he was getting to close to the truth about the U.S.S Cole bombing in 2000. O’Neill believed the Cole bombing was not done by Al Qaeda and that the Cole was hit by a cruise missile. John O'Neill started his new job at the WTC on September 10, 2001, the day before he was killed there. Because if they were going to blame Bin Laden for 9/11 then O’Neill would probably have known it was a lie so that is why he was placed in the Towers to silence him.

Maurice Greenberg – Zionist Jew - Co-owner of Kroll Associates. Greenberg was involved with the Chinese trade in the 1980s were he worked with Henry Kissinger (Zionist Jew and former National Security Advisor to Richard Nixon). Greenberg was also close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. Greenberg was deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1996 and director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995).

Dov Zakheim - Zionist Jew. Zakheim was chief executive at System Planning Corporation which is based in Arlington, Virginia, it is a defence contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. So Zakheim’s company made remote control systems for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles. Zakheim was also a Council on Foreign Relations member and controlled the finances in the Pentagon on 9/11. Co-author of PNAC paper “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” which calls for a “Pearl Harbor-like event” to justify American (read Israeli) imperial ambitions. Zakheim served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon during his watch. Some $2.3 trillion.

Ezra Hare and Menachem Atzmon – Zionist Jews - both owned ICTS and this Jewish company was in charge of security at the three 9/11 airports were the supposed hijackers boarded the Planes. ICTS was also in charge of security at the Belgium airport during the alleged terrorist incident of 2015.

Dominick Suter - Zionist Jew - Owner of the Mossad front company Urban Moving System's and a Van with Urban Moving System's logo on the side was caught on 9/11 at George Washington Bridge with explosives inside and being driven by Israeli men. Suter fled to Israel soon after and the Israeli’s were freed by Michael Chertoff.

Alan D. Ratner’s - Zionist Jew - Owner of Metals Management , the company in charge of removing all the Twin Towers debris. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of 9/11 crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton, Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton.

Michael Mukasey - Zionist Jew - Federal judge in New York; presided over Larry Silverstein’s insurance claims. Also oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI.

Michael Chertoff – Zionist Jew - Assistant Attorney General on 9-11; freed over 100 Israeli spies in the US after 9-11 including the 5 Dancing Israelis who were there to document the event.; promoted to head Homeland Security; “dual citizen” of US and Israel and the son of a Mossad agent.

Philip Zelikow - Zionist Jew - Led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission. Personally wrote the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction. The report did not even mention the collapse of building 7 at free fall speed. So here we have a Jew loyal to Israel in charge of the official report about 9/11 in which he says Arabs did it. Hmm, don’t think so somehow.

Rupert Murdoch – (Jewish) Key player in Zionist-controlled corporate media which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to individuals who privatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon.

Ehud Barak (Prime Minister of Israel) appeared on the U.K’s BBC news on the night of 9/11 where he gave a story to the public. The main part of this story was that Osama bin Laden and the Muslims were responsible for the attacks and that a “global war on terror,” against Muslim countries led by the United States, must be launched.

Paul Wolfowitz – Zionist Jew - Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scandal.

Donald Rumsfeld - former Secretary of War and PNAC member. Was at the Pentagon on 9-11; once slipped up and said “when that missile hit the Pentagon”.

Richard Perle – Zionist Jew - former assistant Secretary of War, chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; “dual citizen” of US and Israel.

George Tenet – Zionist Jew - Director of the CIA on 9-11 and part of the cover up; was awarded the “Medal of Freedom” by Bush for his fine work on 9-11; reported to be “dual citizen” of US and Israel.

Douglas Feith - Zionist Jew - Effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member.

Kenneth Feinberg - (Zionist Jew) set up the victim’s compensation fund and he managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take money in exchange for dropping demands of a legal investigation of 9/11.

Benjamin Chertoff - Jewish cousin of Michael Chertoff) wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics claiming to debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Eliot Abrams – Jewish - Key National Security Council Advisor. Associated with criminal Zionist / Pro-Israel think-tanks: AEI, PNAC, CSP, and JINSA. Closely associated with other criminal Jews Perle, Feith, Wolfowtiz, and Bill Kristol. Convicted of lying to congress in the Iran/Contra Affair but was later given a pardon by Bush.

Ari Fleischer – Jewish - White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; Lied that Iraq had WMD to the press; “dual citizen” of US and Israel.

David Frum – Jewish Zionist – Wrote George Bush’s speeches on 9/11 and came up with the phrase ‘axis of evil’. Part of Frum’s speech for Bush in response to 9/11 included: ‘We will make no distinction between those who committed these acts and those who harbor them. Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated. Any country that does not support Washington will be treated as an enemy. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists”.

“Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff and Judge Alvin Hellerstein are obviously central players in the 9/11 conspiracy because they were in positions of power that allowed them to facilitate the criminal cover-up. Their actions in these official positions, in which they were paid by federal funds, were essential to concealing the truth about what happened on 9/11. Chertoff and Hellerstein are also both dedicated Zionists with primary family members who worked with or for Israeli intelligence. Chertoff oversaw the non-investigation of 9/11, the release of Israeli terror suspects, and the destruction of evidence from the crime scenes. Hellerstein then obstructed justice for the relatives, excused the Israeli defendants (ICTS), and prevented a trial from taking place. If Osama bin Laden and 19 Arabs were

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