» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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truly responsible for the 9/11 atrocity, why did dedicated supporters of Israel go to such lengths, and violate federal law, to prevent the truth of 9/11 from coming out? The actions of Chertoff, Hellerstein, and Silverstein all support the thesis that 9/11 was an Israeli-engineered false-flag operation designed to be blamed on Muslims in order to kick-start the War on Terror, an Israeli stratagem to bring the U.S. military into the Middle East to wage war against Israel's enemies”, - Christopher Bollyn, Author - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World.

“Israelis, American Jews and cooperative non-Jewish traitors, up to and including the President and especially the Vice-President of the United States, perpetrated the horrors of 9/11 upon the people of the United States” – Chuck Maultsby, American Author – ‘Who Should Go Down in History’.

At this point, any critically thinking human being should be asking themselves; ‘Was every element involved in planning, execution, and cover up of the events of 9/11 in Jewish/Israeli/Zionist hands? The simple answer is YES. Every player involved in the planning, execution, the (none) investigation, and cover up of 9/11 were avid Zionists and/or dual national Israelis, both outside of and within the US Government.

The Jews were 2% of the population and yet they are able to place themselves in so many places of authority within the American government. Of course this is nothing new as the Jews managed to do the same thing in Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s until Hitler came along an scattered them all but Germany and its people had to pay dearly for that.

I also believe that Zionist Jews control the American Intelligence agencies such as the FBI and CIA. The Anti-Defamation League’s own website states that they trained more than 10,500 law enforcement officers from all over America in 2010 alone and FBI recruits are forced to go through a mandatory tour of the holocaust memorial museum in Washington were they are brainwashed about the alleged holocaust. FBI agents are then conditioned to hate the enemies of Israel, i.e. Muslims. This is why the FBI and the CIA were involved in the 9/11 cover-up to blame the Muslims protect their friends in Israel. This is nothing more than the ‘Israelification’ of the American Government and law enforcement.

Many times in the past Israel has carried out terrorist atrocities and then planted evidence to blame it onto the Muslims. We need only think of the ‘Lavon Affair’, the German Disco bombing and the King David Hotel bombing. So it is naïve to think that they wouldn’t do it again.

So let’s summarise and have a look at Israel’s and the American Jews connection to 9/11.

Jewish Zionists controlled the American Government on 9/11.

Jewish media corporations placed many 9/11 warnings into movies and cartoons years before 9/11.

Jewish Zionists controlled the security at the 9/11 airports,

Jewish Zionists owned the Twin Towers and controlled security at the Twin Towers.

Jewish Zionists own and control the media, which gave us the fake 9/11 story.

Jewish company quickly removed the Twin Towers debris to China.

Five Israeli Mossad agents were caught documenting the event.

Israeli agents arrested on 9/11 with explosives in white van on Washington Bridge.

Several times after 9/11 Israeli Mossad agents posing as art students were arrested in America.

Jews Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith in charge at Pentagon on 9/11

Jews owned the Mossad front company Urban Moving Systems implicated in the 9/11 plot

Jews owned the Zim shipping company that vacated the Twin Towers days before 9/11

Jews owned the Odigo messaging company that gave an early warning to Jews before 9/11

Jews created the PNAC organisation that created a document a year before 9/11 which said many Arab countries must be destroyed

Because of 9/11 Iraq, Libya and Syria (and possibly Iran) have been destroyed, all enemies of Israel.

Jewish Zionists Control America

Zionist Jews had total control of the American government under George Bush. Over 50 Zionist Jews (Neocons) were part of Bush’s administration during and after 9/11.

Among them were: Richard Perle - Foreign policy advisor, Henry Kissinger - Foreign Policy Advisor, Paul Wolfowitz - Deputy Secretary of Defense, Richard Haass - Director of Policy Planning, James Schlesinger - Foreign Policy Advisor, Eliot Cohen - Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, Steve Goldsmith - Senior Advisor to the President, Michael Chertoff - Head of the Justice Department, Douglas Feith - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michael Mukasey - Attorney General. Most of these Jews had dual AmericanIsraeli citizenship and they served the best interests of Israel and not America.

All of these Jewish Zionist Neocons were also members of the many Jewish Zionist lobby groups in America such as AIPAC, JINSA, and PINAC etc. In fact there is over 40 Jewish Lobby groups in America. The main aim of these Zionists was Israeli control of the Middle East and that would start with a phony war on terror with a non-existent Muslim terrorists and the destruction of Israel’s enemy’s in the Middle East. That would start with war with Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein then the destruction of Libya and the removal of Gaddafi and then the destruction of Syria and the removal of President Assad. In this process these bloodthirsty Zionist’s have cost the lives of over 2 million Muslims including thousands and thousands of innocent children and over 8000 young American men. Once they are out of the way the next target would be Iran. These Zionist’s would then persuade, coerce, lie, set up false flags in Iran’s name to get America to attack Iran. All these wars for Israel would not be fought by Israeli soldiers they would and will be fought by Christian American and British soldiers. Nothing really changes does it because these same Jewish Zionist’s coerced America and Britain to destroy their nemesis Hitler and Germany during World War 2?

Colin Powell in his book Soldier states “’the JINSA crowd’ is in control of the Pentagon. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs pushed us into Iraq and they are doing the same to get us into Iran”. Colin Powell was a four star General and also served as National Security Advisor (1987–1989) and as Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command.

“A group of U.S. senators who have just returned from Israel have confirmed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is preparing for a major regional war. The American soldiers and airmen who are now based in Israel are the sacrificial lambs that will guarantee U.S. entry into a war that Israel intends to start, make no mistake about that statement”, - Philip Giraldi - former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer.

“One hoped that the neoconservatives would have disappeared after George W. Bush left office and the Iraq War they worked so hard to engineer proved to be a disaster. All those dead, nothing accomplished except the establishment of Iran as the main player in Iraq. But they are still around and still pushing for a war with Iran, which they want even more than the last one. Everywhere you look there’s Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle, John Bolton, John Podhoretz, Douglas Feith, Danielle Pletka, The Washington Post editorial page, Frank Gaffney, Charles Krauthammer, Max Boot, The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Pipes, New Republic, Liz Cheney and a host of others who, undaunted by the Iraq debacle, are gung-ho about taking out Iran. (Then there is AIPAC, which is the war party’s headquarters.) Check out the Commentary website, and you’ll see one piece after another urging the United States to allow Israel to attack Iran. At the most, there are 200 neocons. They are not all Jewish although many are, and that number includes the leadership of AIPAC, the American Jewish Committee. What distinguishes neocons from normal people is their relentless dedication to what they perceive (incorrectly) as Israel’s best interests, their contempt for Muslims, and their reckless desire to involve America in wars that have little, or nothing, to do with US interests”, - MJ Rosenberg Worked for U.S Democratic Senators and House members for 20 years

"We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests, not the interests of the Jews." .The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." Osama Bin Laden

Just as a side note in Hitler’s last testament from April 1945 part of what he said is this “It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.

The two statements above seem similar to me even though they are about 53 years apart.

The United States of America have been took over by a foreign entity and that foreign entity is Israel. This has not just happened it has been happening slowly over many decades and now America should be called the United States of Israel.

Former U.S. Congressman James Traficant says:

“Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They [Zionist
Jews] control both members of the House, and the Senate. They have us involved in
wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body
bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get
targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison. [...]
They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our
domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defence manipulated President
Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely, definitely to try to get
Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of
Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control
much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of
the Congress. They own the Congress.”

James Traficant’s statement above is 100% correct. The Israel lobby will target anyone in a position of power who tries to uncover the Jewish control of America. Traficant was a true hero because he was one of the few congressman brave enough to speak out about this Jewish control. James Traficant was sent to prison in 2002 on false corruption charges. You should read Target Traficant by Michael Collins Piper to get the inside story of how the Justice Department, Israel lobby and mass media conspired to set up and take down Ohio’s outspoken Congressman James Traficant. It tells the story about how one of the best men ever to serve in the U.S congress was railroaded into prison and it just shows who really runs America (Zionist Jews) and how they target anyone who stands in their way. If you read it you’ll soon realize that the Traficant case represents one of the most outrageous and thoroughly illegal hit-and-run operations ever orchestrated in our America. Piper’s book demonstrates, beyond any doubt, that Traficant was absolutely innocent of all of the charges on which he was convicted. It was the Jewish Zionist Michael Chertoff who directed the crusade to get Jim Traficant. Chertoff was one of the architects of 9/11 and at the time head of Homeland Security.

“I did a live interview satellite with Bryant Gumbel, and I said, “When they put this innocent man [John Demjanjuk] to death, they’re going to lose $15 billion to $20 billion every year they get from the American taxpayers. And Bryant Gumbel says, “What are you talking about? They only get $3 billion.” And I said, “Bryant, that’s only the foreign aid bill. Look at all of the other trade compacts, economic assistance, and military assistance.” I am saying this to you right now — Israel gets approximately $15 billion a year from the American taxpayers. That $15 billion is $30,000 for every man, woman and child. And people in my district are losing their pension benefits”, the late congressman James Traficant.

The Jewish Neocons and Israel push the American government so that Israel receives billions in aid from America then these Jewish Zionists kill 3000 Americans in the Twin Towers. Jewish Zionists in America and Israel use America for its conquest of the Middle East or is it the world.

The reason that the American government ignores

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