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its annual convention Congressman and Senators appear and pledge their loyalty, not to the U.S.A but to Israel and their policies.

Every President (except JFK) is controlled by AIPAC right up to Obama. AIPAC is controlled by Rothschild Zionists or the Illuminati, same thing. If you thought President Donald Trump would be different with regards to his support of AIPAC and Israel you would be wrong.

“We love Israel, we will fight for Israel 100 percent, When I am President treating Israel like a 2nd class citizen will end on day one” Donal Trump in a speech before AIPAC.

Is giving them $3 billion per year and destroying their enemies (Iraq, Libya, Syria) treating them as second class citizens, I think he is a bit confused on that issue.

Trump is beholding to the Jewish Zionists because he borrowed $4 billion from several Jewish banks in the late 1980s following the U.S. stock market crash of 1987. As the real estate market slumped, Trump ran out of cash according to Alan Pomerantz, a lawyer whose team led negotiations between Trump and 72 banks to restructure Trump's loans.

In fact you could say Trump is owned by the Jews such as Sheldon Adelson, a Jewish billionaire worth a reported $32 billion and was the largest donor to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign with a total of $25 million and Adelson’s wife also gave $20 million. Jews don’t pay that for nothing and he will be expected to dance to the Jewish Israeli tune and his words above give evidence to that. Trump’s wife is Jewish and his son in law Jared Kushner is also Jewish. Kushner is the senior advisor to President Trump and he also owns a newspaper, the New York Observer.

3 Jewish billionaire families dominate financing of the USA Republican party:

- Jewish casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson & his wife Miriam

- Billionaire brothers Charles & David Koch

- Jewish hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer & his daughter Rebekah

Like all his predecessors, Trump is completely submissive to Israeli-directed ‘lobbies’ (like AIPAC and the ADL), which operate on behalf of a foreign power, in violation of the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. Trump chose his Orthodox Zionist son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a callow real estate investor and prominent supporter for war against Iran, as his chief foreign policy adviser.

Just to show how close and related all of these people are, Trump and Jared Kushner are close friends with Larry Silverstein, the man who purchased the Twin Towers 6 weeks before 9/11.

Below a picture of Silverstein and Jared Kushner.

Silverstein, a fellow real-estate mogul and developer in New York like Trump and Kushner, is now a chief suspect in most 9/11 truth theories, having profited from the 9/11 attack to the tune of $4.5 billion. AIPAC’s Michael Glassner served as a senior advisor to Lewis Eisenberg, the then-Chairman of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey and a prominent Republican Jewish leader. So Glassner helped in transferring the Twin Towers into Silverstein’s hands just before 9/11. Michael Glassner was Donald Trump’s top political planner, playing a major role in the presidential campaign and he also ran George W. Bush’s general election campaign in Iowa, fundraising for Bush’s ’04 re-election effort. Also the New York Port Authority commissioner at the time of 9/11 was none other than Charles Kushner, the father of Jared Kushner who is obviously Trump’s advisor and close friends with Benjamin Netanyahu.

Below a picture of President Trump with Israel Prime Minster Netanyahu and Jared Kushner.

Silverstein was such good friends with Netanyahu that, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz he would speak with him on the phone every Sunday.

So the crooks who pulled off 9/11 are still in charge and still pulling the strings of Trump and all those around him. So the truth about 9/11 will never come out until the Jewish Zionist grip on the American Politicians and the media is broken up but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. It would seem that an AmericanJewish mafia subservient to Israel, controls America and they have done for a long time.

You can see that Trump is trying to derail the 9/11 truth movement which points the finger at Israel by the comments he makes. In a Rolling Stones magazine article Trump states that he had watched “thousands and thousands” of Muslims on rooftops in New Jersey, “cheering as that building was coming down”. Trump’s statement is absolute nonsense and a lie because he is just trying to deflect the attention away from his Jewish masters, I am pretty certain that it was 5 Israeli Mossad agents who cheered, clapped, photographed and videoed the twin towers as they exploded and collapsed.

“There’s now every reason to believe that Donald Trump was literally installed in the White House by the Mossad. Trump and Netanyahu are so close that the treason the Left accuses Trump of regarding collaboration with Russia is really true about his collusion with Israel. After all, who doesn’t know that Trump bombed Syria for Israel — TWICE — based on transparent lies and false flag chemical attacks carried by Israel. (See this link Trump Bombed Syria for Israel: Everything points to the great likelihood that Israel has so much dirt on Trump from his many years of dubious dealings in the New York City real estate market, and especially regarding the Atlantic City and Las Vegas gambling casinos, that they own him lock, stock and barrel. Perhaps the major reason why Trump was installed in the White House by Israel was to first withdraw the United States from the Nuclear Deal so that the stage could be set to wage full-scale war against Iran for the sake of advancing the Greater Israel project. Trump was installed by his Neocon Zionist handlers to wage war … against any target Israel chooses (e.g. Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc.)”, - From the article titled ‘Trump is a total fraud’ on the State of the Nation website -

Check out the links below about Mossad controlling President Trump.

Donald Trump controlled by Mossad part 1.

Donald Trump controlled by Mossad part 2

Donald Trump controlled by Mossad part 3

The New York Times has published a detailed press investigation on the methods used by pro-Israeli lobbies to influence presidential elections in the US. The study revealed that pro-Israeli institutions have allocated $4.25m to be spent buying the minds and votes of Senate and Congress members.

The Jews and Israel buy the loyalty of U.S. Senators and Congressmen through PAC’s the Pro-Israel Political Action Committees. AIPAC does not give campaign contributions itself but instead uses a campaign finance network consisting of around thirty PAC’s. Only four of these PACs have names that indicate their true agenda, such as ‘Allies for Israel’ or ‘World Alliance for Israel.’ The rest have innocuous names like ‘National Action Committee’ or ‘Heartland PAC.’ Constituents usually don’t realize their candidates are receiving money from PACs that advance the interests of a foreign government which is Israel.

A powerful pro-Israel force has carved out an influential place in American campaigns in the form of super PAC megadonor Sheldon Adelson. Adelson doled out a whopping $92.8 million to Republican super PACs in 2012. Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is the 21st richest man in the world, with a fortune of over $30 billion as estimated in 2016 by Forbes. He is the largest contributor to GOP candidates and their PACs and contributed the most to Trumps election campaign.

Top U.S. Political recipients for loyalty to Israel and Jewish interests in 2017-18:

Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) Senate $387,463

Brown, Sherrod (D-OH) Senate $284,116

Mandel, Josh (R-OH) $218,210

Cardin, Ben (D-MD) Senate $197,700

Schneider, Brad (D-IL) House $185,431

“Thanks to a 2010 US Supreme Court decision, Super PACs-linked to Israel spend enormous sums to elect or destroy candidates – depending on the candidate’s political work on behalf of Israel. The Zionist Power Configuration (Jewish Zionists) has purchased the alliance of US Congress and Senators on a massive scale. Of 435 members of the US House of Representatives, 219 have received payments from the ZPC in exchange for their votes on behalf of the state of Israel. Corruption is even more rampant among the 100 US Senators, 94 of whom have accepted pro-Israel PAC and Super PAC money for their loyalty to Israel. The ZPC showers money on both Republicans and Democrats, thus securing incredible (in this era of Congressional deadlock), near unanimous (‘bipartisan’) votes in favor of the ‘Jewish State’, including its war crimes, like the bombing of Gaza and Lebanon as well as the annual $3 billion dollar plus US tax-payer tribute to Tel Aviv. At least 50 US Senators have each collected between $100 thousand and $1 million in ZPC money over the past decades. In exchange, they have voted for over $100 billion in tribute payments to Israel … in addition to other ‘services and payments’. The members of the US Congress are cheaper: 25 legislators have received between $238,000 and $50,000, while the rest got peanuts. Regardless of the amount, the net result is the same: Congressional member pick up their script from their Zionist mentors in the PACs, Super PACs and AIPAC and back all of Israel’s wars in the Middle East and promote US aggression on behalf of Israel. The most outspoken and influential legislators get the biggest chunk of Zionist pay: Senator Mark Kirk tops the ‘pigs at the trough’ list with $925,000 in ZPC payoffs, followed by John McCain with $771,000”, - James Petras is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, from his book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

This is not something new as the Jews bought the loyalty of both Roosevelt and Churchill to destroy Hitler and Germany during WW2 and they have been controlling every President since the days of Woodrow Wilson over 100 years ago.

"No one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval. Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man. The naive politicians in Washington are gullible. Most of them are not too bright so the powerful Jewish lobbyists influenced this practice years ago and there is no one strong enough to stop it. Some of the money is even returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda efforts, much of it through the B'nai B'rith and the Conference of Jewish Organizations and the World Jewish Congress. The Jewish Agency is a funding arm, a sort of body of B'nai B'rith officials. There is nothing wrong with sending American dollars to Israel tax-free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music!” - Harold Wallace Rosenthal- Zionist Jew – from the ‘Rosenthal Interview’, 1976

The statement above from Jewish Zionist Harold Rosenthal was only a small part of a lengthy interview he gave to conservative Christian editor Walter White Jr. in a single day in July of 1976 in which he explained the control the Jews have in America and the world. Rosenthal was murdered at the EL Al terminal of the Istanbul airport on August 11, 1976 on his way to Israel (2 weeks after the interview), in what Walter White describes as a Mossad arranged hijacking blamed on the PLO, designed to take out Rosenthal for revealing too much about Jewish power.

"Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man”. Jewish Zionist Harald Rosenthal

The above statement is entirely correct. In released FBI archives Abraham Feinberg (Jewish) gave President Truman a two-million dollar bribe to recognize the State of Israel. President Truman issued a declaration recognizing Israel as a new nation in the Middle East on May 14 1948. President Roosevelt’s government (1933-1945) was full of Jews. Out of the 70 people in Roosevelts administration 52 of them were Jews, all advising him to destroy Germany. Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Samuel Rosenman, Felix Frankfurter, Benjamin Cohen, David Niles, Anna Rosenberg, Sidney Hillman, and David Dubinsky (all Jewish) were among his closest advisors in politics and government and they made sure he would destroy Germany. Rabbi Stephen Wise, the pre-eminent spokesman for American Zionism, was a personal friend of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.

President Trump’s irresponsible pandering to Israel and its American-Jewish agents has caused deep unease among the Generals in his cabinet, as well as among active duty and retired US military officers, who are sceptical about Tel Aviv’s push for open-ended US wars in the Middle East.

Before Trump was voted in for President there was hope that he might be the one who would reveal the truth about 9/11 and Israel’s hand and the Jewish Neocons hand in the events of 9/11 but that will never happen while Trump is in charge. The truth will never, ever come out about 9/11 as long as American Presidents are bought and paid for by the Jews and as long as the Jews have a stranglehold on the media. All this nonsense about

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