» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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of this swindle. These are the ones who get caught. There must be thousands of Jews who have swindled money illegally from Germany because of the Holocaust.

The Patriot Act

The USA Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) was signed into law on October 26, 2001.

The law was submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration on September 24th, just 13 days after the attack on the Twin Towers. Two of the Senators who attempted to slow down the bill being introduced were Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. They were then targeted with letters containing weaponized anthrax delivered to their offices on October 9. Russ Feingold was the only member of the Senate to vote against it.

The American government already had the Patriot Act prepared well before the events of 9/11. Because they knew the events of 9/11 were going to happen, because they helped plan and carry out the events. The Act changed 15 existing laws and had 360 pages and would have took months to prepare at least.

“The Patriot Act was written many, many years before 9/11” Ron Paul, American author, physician, and former congressman.

Here is a brief summary of the American Freedoms being taken away by the Patriot Act:

Freedom of Association: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.

Freedom of Information: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.

Freedom of Speech: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to terror investigations.

Right to Legal Representation: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to US citizens accused of crimes.

Freedom from Unreasonable Searches: Government may search and seize papers and effects owned by citizens without probable cause to assist terror investigations.

Right to a Speedy and Public Trial: Government may jail anyone indefinitely without a trial, including US citizens.

Right to Liberty: Anyone may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

This takes away most of the freedoms that are in the original U.S constitution. I guess it makes sense, take away the freedoms of 350 million people just in case one or two of them may be terrorists. How can it be right that you can arrest or jail anyone without a trial or evidence? How is that going to stop terrorism? The Patriot Act was made law so the Jewish Zionists could take away the freedoms and rights of the American people.

Jews Control the 9/11 Truth Movement

To make sure that the 9/11 truth movements do not point to the Jews or Israel as the guilty party the Jews themselves take control of these movements.

Several of the key figures in the 9/11 truth movement are known disinformation agents who are intentionally or unintentionally working for Israel to further cover up the truth about who was really behind 9/11.

One of these disinformation agents is Alex Jones of fame. Jones is one of the most prominent figure in the so called 9/11 truth movement. Jones has produced many Jewish certified disinformation films such as: Terrorstorm, Endgame, and 9/11 road to Tyranny. These Jones videos claim that the Jews or Israel had nothing to do with the events of 9/11. The majority of his sponsors on his websites are Jews and Jones shares the same lawyer as Holly Bronfman Lev, the younger sister of Edgar Bronfman Jr, one of the most prominent Jewish families in the world.

One of the most watched 9/11 truth videos on Youtube was one called Loose Change. The Loose Change Films which are blatant Jewish propaganda don’t mention Israel, Mossad, or the Jews even once in any of the three films.

The Loose Change videos were made by Jason Bermas in conjunction with the Jewish Dylan Avery, were associated and promoted by a Jewess named Deborah Simon, who married into the billionaire Jewish Simon family of Minneapolis. The head of the family, Mel Simon, has had regular business dealings with Jews Larry Silverstein, and Frank Lowy, the two criminal WTC landlords who benefited tremendously from 9/11. Jason Bermas is the pathetic pet protégé of Alex Jones and was even given his own show by Alex Jones on GCN.

One of the most publicized figures in the 9/11 truth movement has been Luke Rudkowski and his organization We Are Change. Rudkowski is Jewish and was one of the key figures that distracted the world with the lies that Israel had nothing to do with the 9/11 events. Rudkowski even bans people from his website that dare suggest that Israel did 9/11.

Again another website who claims it is trying to find out the truth about 9/11 is Although the website claims we have been lied to about 9/11 they never once mention any Jewish or Israeli involvement which is absurd. The media coordinator for the 9/ website is none other than the Jewish Mike Berger who cleverly steers people away from looking at the clear IsraeliMossad involvement in 9/11. Berger was the guest on the Alex Jones show when Alex stated that Israel could not have carried out the attacks and Berger has also been on CNN which is Jewish owned 100%. Another one in the so called truth movement was John Gold who is Jewish and he was a member of the advisory board on and another Jews did not do it website

Another one trying to cover up the role of the JewsMossad in 9/11 is the Jewish Dave Von Kleist. Kleist produced the 9/11 movie called ‘In Plane Sight’, which promotes the theory that President George Bush and his cronies are responsible for the attacks. He does not seem to mention that about 50 of the government’s administration working under Bush were Jewish Neocons or any IsraeliMossad involvement.

So as you can see the Jews not only own the major media studios that never mention the Israeli involvement in 9/11 but they are also are in charge of the 9/11 truth movement which steers people away from looking at the JewishIsraeliMossad involvement which you have seen in this book.

If you want to see a real truthful 9/11 video then watch ‘911 Missing Links Israeli Mossad Involvement’ on Youtube or you can watch it on because sometimes Youtube which is owned by Jews removes this video.

Important People say the Jewish Zionists did it!

If you still have any doubt that Israel, Mossad and the Jewish Neocons in America were not behind the events of 9/11 then read these quotes from some very important people who know a great deal about intelligence agencies and world affairs.

“Approximately five years after 9/11, San Francisco architect Richard Gage noticed that the three WTC buildings did not fall down in any way consistent with the official explanation. He formed Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which currently has about 3,000 members. This group includes high-rise architects and structural engineers who actually are experienced in the construction of skyscrapers. In other words, they are people who know what they are talking about. These 3,000 experts have said that the official explanation of the collapse of three skyscrapers stands in contradiction to known laws of physics, architecture, and structural engineering In other words, the official explanation is totally impossible. Only an uneducated and ignorant public can believe the official 9/11 story. The U.S. population fits this description. 9/11 was the manufactured excuse for the Jewish Neoconservatives 16 years of war crimes against millions of Muslims peoples, remnants of which now seek refuge in Europe. Neoconservatives are a tiny number of people. No more than a dozen are of any consequence. Yet they have used America to murder millions. And now they are fomenting war with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. The world would never survive such a war.”, - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts- Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and was associate editor and columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He has been a professor of economics in six universities, and is the author of numerous books.

“All the intelligence services in America and Europe know the September 11th attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world in order to blame the Arab countries, and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan”, - Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy between 1985 and 1992, said this in 2007 to the newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“In my opinion 9/11 was the product of the neoconservatives, almost all of whom are Jewish, Dick Cheney, and Israel. Its purpose was to provide “the new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives said was necessary to launch their wars of conquest in the Middle East. I don’t know how far back it was planned, but Silverstein was obviously part of it and he had not had the WTC for very long before 9/11”, - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts- Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan.

“Israel's Mossad, and Western intelligence agencies were the key planners of the deadly attacks that killed some 3,000 Americans. How many Saudis were arrested or detained on 9/11? None, how many Mossad agents were arrested or detained on 9/11 by local law enforcement who had no knowledge of participation in this crime? Dozens! The Israeli spy agency Mossad is trying to cover its tracks as the real perpetrator of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks by hyping a congressional report that may implicate Saudi Arabia. Let's discuss the psychology of those people mesmerized by the mainstream media into believing their constant stream of lies. Let's discuss the psychology behind the perpetrators...the psychopathologies. Let's discuss how much empathy, guilt, and remorse one must innately lack to plan and execute an operation like 9/11 and then use their controlled media to falsely blame the crime on fanatical Muslims. If people keep their frightened or unconcerned heads in the ground much longer then we are going to see more 9/11s at home while in some parts of the world like Syria and Gaza, 9/11 is something that could occur at any time of the day or night”, - Walt Peretto, American author and socio-political psychologist.

Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader stated: “They say that the World Trade Center building were brought down by carefully placed explosives, not by planes. They say that all three buildings had to have been wired with explosive charges long before September the 11th and this is something that

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