» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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the world by blaming it on the Muslims then they can easily plan and carry out something smaller like the Charlie Hebdo Paris or 7/7 London and Belgium. Their next plan will probably be to carry out an atrocity like detonating a small nuclear bomb in an American city and blaming it on Iran so it can then go and attack Iran.

Looking at the bigger picture the events of 9/11 and the attack on Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were sanctioned by the group known as the secret cabal, Illuminati, Khazarian mafia who are the owners of the International Banking and the Federal Reserve Banking Monopoly.  They used the intelligence agencies Mossad, CIA, FBI, and MI6 to plan and carry out the events of 9/11. They control the highest levels of the American government.  They sanctioned 9/11, as a catalyst for their larger criminal agenda, which they call the "New World Order". As former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga stated ‘All the world’s intelligence agencies know Israeli Mossad were the main culprits’. If I know the information in this book don’t you think that Britain’s MI5 and MI6 know this information as well? Of course they do and their silence on the matter says that they are in league with the 9/11 plotters. Every war that Israel and America take part in, Britain supports them. Just look at Blair and Iraq, Cameron and Libya and Syria and Theresa May and Syria and Yemen and you can bet your bottom dollar that Britain will follow Israel and America to an illegal war with Iran.

These Jewish Khazarian Neocons want to dismantle the American Constitutional Republic.  They did this with the enactment of the Patriot Act in the weeks after 9/11 as well as the creation of The Department of Homeland Security which is in the control of Zionist Jew Michael Chertoff and Israel. Because of the Patriot Act the American people can now be arrested and sent to prison without even a trial, there freedoms have gone. The insidious agenda of these "Banking Oligarch's" is to replace the American Republic with an "Authoritarian Global Government", under the cloak of the United Nations, which they created, and will continue to control.

Don’t forget people in America your AmericanIsraeli government took away your freedoms with the Patriot Act and the DHS and not Osama Bin Laden. If America does not act the people of America could suffer the same fate as the Russian Christians when the Jewish Bolsheviks took control of Russia and murdered at least 40 million of them nearly 100 years ago. Maybe that’s why they want to take away your guns so you can’t defend yourselves.

In 2015 the Russian political website Pravda reported Putin is on the verge of releasing “authoritative evidence” which proves “beyond any doubt” that the White House was directly involved in the 9/11 atrocity. Let’s hope he does. Maybe that’s why the western governments and media are trying to demonise Putin so when he releases this information no one will believe him.

Lessons of history are not learned when history is hidden and distorted with outright lies. A lesson of history that Americans–and indeed the world–must study immediately is the relationship of criminal Jews in promulgating communism, the Bolshevik revolution and the events of 9/11. If you don’t learn by your history you’re more likely to repeat it and if you have been lied to you most certainly will repeat it. If the whole world knows that American Jews and Israel were behind the events of 9/11 partly to convince the world to destroy Iraq for Israel then they won’t be hoodwinked by Israel into starting a war with Iran for Israel or any other war for Israel and then those guilty of the 9/11 crime can be brought to justice. But will enough people in the Western world wake up in time before they get hoodwinked by Israel into another war for them, this time against Iran.

So there we have it the Jewish Zionists in America and Israel with the help of American Intelligence agencies murdered 3000 Americans who were blown to bits so that they could coerce the American government to start this fake war on terror. They then concocted another lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so that they could destroy Iraq and Afghanistan in which 2.5 million Muslims were slaughtered which 500,000 of them were children and a country totally destroyed. In an interview with the Jewish secretary of state Madeleine Albright, T.V presenter Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq said ‘We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And is the price worth it’? The Jewish U.S Secretary of State Madeleine Albright replied ‘the price–we think is worth it’. There is no more twisted reply than that and what if it was 500,000 Jewish children who had perished?

Then the Jewish controlled media in America, Britain and the West brainwashed the masses of people with the story that it was the Muslims that did it. The American Government gives Israel $3 Billion per year and this is how they repay America by killing Americans. So these Jewish Zionists and the American Government are not only savage killers but massive liars. Don’t forget I am not talking about all Jews here, just a very small percentage of powerful Jewish Zionists who seem to have an iron grip around the government and media in America and to a lesser extent Great Britain.

“The War on Terror and 9/11 are like two sides of a counterfeit coin. If the American public had a good understanding of the false-flag deception of 9/11, then the fraudulent nature of the War on Terror would be equally clear and resistance to the war would involve increasing numbers of concerned citizens. However, because the two things are joined at the hip, if a person is confused about the origin and nature of the 9/11 atrocity he is bound to be equally confused about the so-called War on Terror. For fifteen and a half years, the U.S. government and controlled media have pushed an utterly false narrative, a fabrication blaming Osama bin Laden and his band of "Islamic terrorists" for the destruction and huge loss of life on 9/11, without ever actually proving their case. Based on this unproven narrative, which has been parroted by the media without question, President George W. Bush and his cabinet decided to wage war against Afghanistan on 9/11. Presidents Obama and Trump have continued to support this false narrative – and the war it brought us. Although evidence proving the falseness of the government and media story about 9/11 was readily apparent, by ignoring the evidence the pro-war government and controlled media juggernaut rolled over the facts and those who used them to challenge to government's war policy in the Middle East. Had the so-called mainstream media functioned properly and simply reported the salient facts and observations that contradicted the official myth, such as the evidence of explosions and the presence of tons of molten metal in the Twin Towers and the dust thereof, and discussed what they meant, the public would have been in a much better position to understand that they were being bamboozled and that 9/11 was a false-flag terror operation designed to be blamed on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida in order to start the long-planned War on Terror”, - Christopher Bollyn, author ‘The war on terror- the plot to rule the Middle East and Solving 9/11,

Too see even more Zionist JewIsrael involvement in 9/11 see the link below.

If you want more research into Israel’s involvement in 9/11 then I would suggest the following books. Videos and links.

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World by Christopher Bollyn (

The following piece about Christopher Bollyn is from Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

“Christopher is an investigative journalist who meticulously exposes a myriad of conspiracies, methods, networks, persons and players who are responsible for not only 9/11, but also for the evisceration of America. He pulls no punches. If you read nothing else, read both books! BTW...On January 11th, 2014... American 9/11 TRUTH author Christopher Bollyn flew from his home-in-exile away from home (Sweden) to London to be interviewed on Ken O’Keefe’s "The Middle East Show "on The People’s Choice radio network. Bollyn was detained at Heathrow Airport, questioned about his intended activities and summarily deported back to Sweden. This is a clear indication that the U.K. is further under the Zionist jackboot than even the U.S.A. But this is understandable if you realize that the Rothschild banking empire is based in London. A suspicious oddity is that the electric power to the building that houses The People’s Choice radio network went out the very day that the Bollyn interview was to be broadcast anything that requires electric power, such as the internet or media outlets can easily be turned off. So, this incident is a mere glimpse of the fact that Christopher Bollyn is always telling the truth regarding 9/11 and the Jewish/Israeli Cabal that is causing so much global mayhem. If he wasn’t telling the truth then why would any legitimate government be afraid of him speaking in public...? Why should anyone fear the r anting of a deranged conspiracy nutcase if indeed a. nutcase is all they are...? The truth is that corrupt governments controlled by Zionists fear the truth being exposed because it would eventually topple their corrupt governments.”

The book Masters of Deception by Zander Fuerza

Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries by Brandon Martinez

Who Should Go Down in History by Charles W. Maultsby -

9/11: Made in Israel by Victor Thorn (died suspiciously in 2016 by gunshot)

Missing Links Video (Israel’s Connection to 9/11) – but also on,

Also seek out Ken O’Keefe’s videos on Youtube were he clearly show’s you Israel’s involvement in false flag terror and the atrocities they create in the Middle East.

Adam Green on

It is also worth looking at Rebekah Roth’s Youtube videos and books about Israel involvement in 9/11.

Also Jake Morphonios YouTube channel:

The Murder of Iraq Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly

We have seen with the murder of Jean De Menezes in London just after 7/7 that nobody will get in the way of uncovering the war on terror or stopping the war in Iraq. Anyone who is a threat to these plans will be eliminated by the Deep States intelligence agencies. Dr. David Kelly was one of those threats.

Dr David Kelly was a British scientist, who worked as a weapons inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM). He was renowned for his expertise in his field; over the course of his career, he developed an intricate understanding of Iraq’s weapons programmes. Thus, the government and secret services regularly sought his advice.

Kelly was a senior member of a United Nations inspection team in Iraq, Kelly's mission was to discover whether Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction - and to determine whether America and Britain would go to war.

Kelly came to public attention in July 2003 when an unauthorised discussion he had off the record with BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan about the British government's dossier on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was cited by Gilligan and led to a major controversy. Kelly's name became known to the media as Gilligan's source and he was called to appear on 15 July before a parliamentary Foreign Affairs Select Committee investigating the issues Gilligan had reported. Kelly was questioned aggressively about his actions. He was found dead two days later. Despite leaving no note for his wife or his beloved daughter, who was due to get married three months later, the government's Hutton Inquiry into his death concluded in 2004 that Kelly committed suicide. On the morning of his death Kelly had also booked a return ticket to Iraq in connection with his work.

After repeated calls for a full inquest into Kelly's death, the Labour government instead decided that official papers about the affair should be

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