» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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eye. But now Israel says Iran is lying about their nuclear research and forces the world to impose sanctions on Iran. Yet Israel resists any attempts by international bodies to inspect its own nuclear facilities and Israel is one of the few countries who has nuclear weapons who refuses to sign up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

An agreement between Iran and China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and Germany was finally signed in 2015 and it appears that Iran will continue its nuclear program for peaceful purposes, which it has always stated was its intent. This agreement was welcomed throughout most of the world, with the most notable exceptions being Israel who have always throughout history suspects that someone wants to annihilate them. President Obama might well have signed this nuclear treaty with Iran against Israel’s wishes but I would not trust Donald Trump to keep this treaty as he is very Pro-Israel and would jump at the chance to start a war with Iran.

But Israel is an apartheid nation, committing ongoing genocide against the Palestinians and the U.S is the only country to have used Nuclear weapons which killed over 200,000 people, so who are they to decide who or who should not have nuclear weapons.

Israel has such a grip on the American government and Congress that you can bet that Israel will try its hardest with propaganda and lies to demonise Iran and its leaders and then they will try and start a war against Iran with America’s help of course because Israel cannot defeat Iran on its own. Israel will have to use American and British Christian soldiers to defeat Iran as it did in Iraq.

Martin Van Creveld is a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and he says “We [Israel] possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force”.

Israel wants total control of the Middle East and it doesn’t care how many human beings will have to die to get it.

Israel’s Samson Option

“Israel's secret weapons of mass destruction are a real threat to peace and security in the world. Israel is a kind of outlaw entity when it comes to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, because Israel does not even admit to this day that it has nuclear weapons. Iran is going along with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), while the Iranians do not have any nuclear weapons, but Israel does have hundreds of atomic bombs and denies the issue." -- Editor in Chief of the American Herald Tribune daily Anthony James Hall

According to Hall, Tel Aviv follows up the Samson Option, which says Israel plans to annihilate entire nations and regions if it loses a war. Maybe they have threatened America with this Samson option if they reveal to the world that they were the perpetrators of 9/11.

If the existence of Israel is ever threatened and that could mean just sharing their country with the Palestinians, the official policy of the state of Israel is the Samson Option which is a nuclear policy to take down the rest of the world with it.

One of the most dramatic stories in the Old Testament is that of Samson, who in the Philistine temple of Dagon, destroyed both his enemies and himself by pulling down the temple pillars and the roof: “Judges 16:30”.

According to two books, Seymour Hersh, “The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy”, (Random House, 1991) and Avner Cohen, “Israel and the Bomb”, (Columbia University Press, 1998) the Samson option of nuclear blackmail has already been used. During the Yom Kippur war in 1973 when the Arabs looked like overwhelming Israeli forces Prime Minister Golda Meir ordered 13 nuclear weapons to the readied for attack. President Nixon was warned that these weapons would be used if the United States failed to airlift supplies, which it promptly did.

The Samson option has been described by leading Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld as follows: "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets by our air force”.

Let me quote Israeli General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother". I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the 30th strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capacity to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under". (Quoted in David Hirst, “The Gun and the Olive Branch” (2003), at "Samson Option", at

“Abandonment of proportionality is the essence of the so-called Sampson option in all its variants. A Samson option is made possible by the fact that even if Israel has been obliterated, it can be sure that it's dolphin-class nuclear missile submarines cruising the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Persian Gulf, at depths impervious to detection, can carry out a genocidal-scaled retaliation virtually anywhere in the world", - Ron Rosenbaum, “How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III”.

It is a fact Germany has given Israel 4 Dolphin-class nuclear missile submarines for free. It has given them free because of the guilt that Germany has been made to feel by the Jews about the Holocaust, which did not even happen. Germany is so under the thumb of Jewish Zionists. The cost to Germany of these 4 nuclear submarines is about $3 billion which is nothing compared to the $89 Billion the Jews have extorted from Germany because of the so called Holocaust. Israel has three Dolphin-class submarines, acquired from Germany, currently in use. A fourth was handed over in 2012, and is undergoing a testing period before it will be added to active duty. A fifth submarine is due to be delivered in 2018, and the contract for a sixth was recently signed. All have been fully or partially funded by the German government. The submarines, according to Der Spiegel, are equipped with Israeli-designed Popeye missiles, which can carry a warhead of up to 200 kilograms. The nuclear warheads are produced at Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor which JFK tried to stop.

The German magazine Der Spiegel published a 12-page expose on the issue, headlined “Secret Operation Samson: How Germany arms nuclear Israel,” in 2012.

It was these Israeli Popeye cruise missiles that slammed into the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000 (but blamed on Al Qaeda) and also slammed into the Pentagon on 9/11 (also blamed on Al Qaeda).

As already mentioned earlier the former FBI agent, John O’Neill who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. Ambassador Bodine (Jewish) with the help of Jewish U.S Secretary of Defence Madeleine Albright threw John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen because their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile.

Below former FBI Agent John O’Neill

As I said previously John O’Neill was given a Job in security by the Jewish owner Larry Silverstein in the Twin Towers on 9/11. The Jewish Zionists knew that the Twin Towers would be destroyed and that’s why they placed O’Neill in there so he would die because he knew too much.

The Jewish Mainstream Media lied repeatedly to the US public that it was some Arab fishermen jihadists in a leaky boat, loaded with 700 pounds of explosives that hit the USS Cole, when it was actually an Israeli cruise missile. Like Jews always do they lie and then use the media which they control to give the public the lie and then wars are started because of these lies. Again we have the Jews just like on the U.S.S Liberty killing Americans and blaming it on Arabs. America is supposed to be Israel’s ally but the Jews will kill anyone who gets in their way. The madness is that America gives Israel $3 Billion every year for its military budget but according to the late congressman Jim Traficant Israel gets $15 billion per year from other trade deals from the USA and then they use that money to kill Americans on the USS Cole and in the Twin Towers on 9/11. America needs to wake up, the world needs wake up to these Jewish transgressions.

With Israel now having 5 or 6 of these German made Popeye class cruise missile Submarines they could be planning another false flag attack against an American target, have it blamed on Iran, and get their American slaves doing all the fighting and dying in the ensuing war.

As you can see it is the most outrageous decision that has ever been made by Germany which Israel then uses to threaten the world like International gangsters, aka the Khazarian Mafia as mentioned earlier.

“Germany’s national security council approved the sale of three more nuclear-capable submarines to Israel for a combined price of some $1.3 billion, in a deal marred by controversy surrounding corruption allegations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli Navy currently maintains a fleet of five state-of-the-art German underwater vessels of the Dolphin Class, which can be equipped with nuclear warheads, with a sixth due for delivery this year”, - (2017).

Several Israelis were arrested on suspicion of offences including bribery and money laundering around the deal to buy the Dolphin submarines from German industrial giant ThyssenKrupp. The corruption investigation, which is still ongoing (2017), involves officials from the Israeli security establishment, as well as people working locally for ThyssenKrupp.

According to The Times of Israel an opinion piece on the right-wing Israel National News Site has called for the nuclear destruction of Iran and Germany. (The Times of Israel, March 11, 2015) The opinion piece is by one Chen Ben-Flihahu who says Iran is a threat to Israel "If an enemy rises up to destroy you, rise earlier to destroy him: twenty, thirty nuclear bombs will do to assure the job gets done". Why destroy Germany which is now a staunch ally of Israel? Purely for revenge for the Holocaust, thus reversing the Final Solution: “twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, and Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for 1000 years", the Jewish Ben-Flihahu stated.

It is absolute madness. The Germans building nuclear submarines for the Jews for free who can then turn around and point the submarines at Germany. What would Hitler say to that I wonder? How can a tiny warmongering country with a population of 7 million be allowed to have so many new nuclear weapons? Any other country that has nuclear weapons has a population of at least 60 million. Israel with a population of about 7 million has more nuclear submarines than the UK or France who have 3 each but both have a population of about 60 million. Israel gets nuclear weapons because of Jewish power around the world especially in America and they silenced JFK in 1963 who was trying to stop them acquiring Nuclear weapons. Israel also refuses to allow anyone to inspect their nuclear weapons but they insist Iran is a threat to the world and they insisted Iraq had nuclear weapons, which is all just a lie because they don’t want anyone to be able to resist Jewish hegemony in the Middle East. That is the only threat the whole world faces, not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Libya, not Iran or any other nation, but Israel, the gangster bully boys.

"In the end, it's very simple," says Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak. "Germany is helping to

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