» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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their US slaves their marching orders already to have Iran destroyed. These psychos are hell bent on seeing the Iranian nation totally destroyed while the US bares the entire burden for that attack.... Thousands of American soldiers, both men and women, are slated to die very soon for the glory of the psychotic state of Israel only..... I do hope that the American military does get the message that they are only the cannon fodder for Jewish interests!” –

“It is apparent that apartheid Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and their American collaborators deep inside the seventeen intelligence agencies of the United States are responsible for the bombing of the tankers in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Along with the President, the two Mafia chiefs are determined on regime change all over the World. To support a war with Iran or Venezuela, Misters Bolton and Pompeo use all duperies and deceptions they can without the aid of Satan! I do not profess to be competent in establishing that there exists no God. Equally, I cannot determine that Satan is a fantasy. However, there exists ample proofs that Misters Bolton and Pompeo, along the foreign policy establishment in Washington DC are certified carnations of Satan! Individuals who promise to flatten, for example, Iran and slaughter 83 million peaceful people are worse than Satan! Americans must not wait for miracles to prevent wars. The critical question is why there is a need for a war with Iran. Can the U.S. mention a single Iranian provocation, with verified proof, as grounds for bombing Iran before starting it? It has been challenging for the U.S. to provide a piece of solid evidence. Whatever has been presented thus far is suspicious”, - Akbar Montaser, Professor Emeritus, The George Washington University

“Washington’s use of fake news and false flag attacks to launch military attacks goes back a long way. In the 21st century we have had a concentrated dose—Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Iranian nukes, Russian invasions, Maduro starving his own people, the endless lies about Gaddafi. Washington has grown accustomed to attacking countries on false pretenses and getting away with it. Therefore, there is nothing to discourage the Israel Lobby and its Washington puppets from continuing to set-up Iran for an attack. If Israel succeeds in having its Washington puppet attack Iran, Israel and its neoconservative agents will not welcome failure of their objective. They will fight against failure with more dangerous moves. I can easily imagine the fanatics having Trump “save face” by destroying the world and issuing some kind of ultimatums to Russia and China or resorting to the use of nuclear weapons against Iran. The insouciant American—indeed, Western—people are kept unaware by design. It is the function of the presstitutes to control the explanations given to the people. The US Congress is bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby, as are most important politicians in the UK and Europe. What I am telling you is that it is very easy for fanatics to produce Armageddon”, - Paul Craig Roberts - Chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan -

If you want to know more about America and Israel’s plan for war with Iran, or I should say the Jewish Zionists plan because they control the American Government then have a look at Jake Morphonios’s Blackstone Intelligence Network Youtube Channel which has excellent information. A good video of Jake’s is but his videos sometimes get deleted by the Jewish Youtube. Jake also has a website at


“Today, Israel is a formidable settler-colonialist state, unwilling to transform or compromise, and eager to crush by whatever means necessary any resistance to its control and rule in historical Palestine. Beginning with the ethnic cleansing of 80 percent of Palestine in 1948, and Israel’s occupation of the remaining 20 percent of the land in 1967, Palestinians in Israel are now enclaved in mega-prisons, bantustans, and besieged cantons, and singled out through discriminatory policies. Meanwhile, millions of Palestinian refugees around the world have no way to return home, and time has only weakened, if not annihilated, all internal challenges to this ideological infrastructure. Even as I write, the Israeli settler state continues to further colonize and uproot the indigenous people of Palestine”, - Israeli, Jewish Historian Ilan Pappe from his book ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’.

Once upon a time there was a place called Palestine, a land of milk & honey written about in a book called The Bible. This ended in 1948 when David Ben-Gurion (with Britain’s help) declared the creation of the State of Israel. Palestine was then flooded with Jews from Europe, later USA and other countries. These immigrants kicked the Palestinians out of their homes, off their farms and out of Palestine. Now the Palestinians are imprisoned in The Gaza Strip, a foul strip of desert between Israel & Egypt, or have been forced out to the west of The River Jordan. However even that is not enough for the Israelis, they keep expanding into the West Bank territory and creating settlements there and every couple of years the Israelis have a turkey shoot, except it's not turkeys they're shooting its defenceless Palestinian women and children mostly.

“Suppose three million Mexicans came into Texas and drove the six million Texans into the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico. Suppose these Mexicans who slipped in where armed -- the Texans were disarmed -- and one night they drove them all out of Texas and declared themselves the Republic of the Alamo. What would the United States say? Would we say it's aggression for these Texans to try to get their homes back from the Mexican thieves? Suppose the Negroes in Alabama were secretly armed by the Soviets and overnight they rose up and drove all the whites into the swamps of Mississippi and Georgia and Florida. . . drove them out completely, and declared themselves the Republic of Ham, or the Republic of something-or-other. Would we call it aggression if these people, the whites of Alabama, tried to go back to their homes? Would we. . . what would we think if the soviet Union said, "No, those Negroes now occupy them! Leave them there!", or "No, those Mexicans are in Texas. They declared themselves a sovereign state. Leave them there. You have plenty of room in Utah and Nevada. Settle somewhere else". Would we call it aggression if the Alabama whites or the Texans wanted to go back to their homes? So now, you've got to write to President Kennedy and say, "We do not consider it aggression in the sense that you use the word, if these people want to return to their homes as the United Nations -- fifteen times in the last twelve years -- called upon the Zionists in occupation of Palestine to allow the Arab Palestinians to return to their former homes and farms", Benjamin Freedman, 1961.

Let’s look at the map below and see how 1.5 million Palestinians have been squeezed into a small bit of land. Now Adolf Hitler did far less than this in trying to recover land from Poland which had been stolen from Germany after World War 1. World War 2 was started because of this. Yet no one has come to the aid of the Palestinians were Genocide has been carried out against them by Israel. Since 1948 750,000 Palestinians have been forced from their lands and homes by Israel were they had lived for 1200 years and many of them slaughtered and raped along the way. The western leaders in America, Britain and France etc. don’t even condemn this because they are the puppets of Rothschild and the Israeli Zionists. If any other country in the world did this to a neighbouring country it would not be allowed but Israel is allowed to get away with it, why? Saddam Hussein went into Kuwait in 1990 and immediately America sent in its troops to remove him, is Jews going into Palestine and stealing it any different, no it is not.

Prime Minister David Ben Gurion earlier said after Israel brutally expelled the Palestinians from their homes and land in the 1948 war establishing the state of Israel: "We have come and we have stolen their country....We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return”.

Before anyone starts saying well ‘the Jews lived there 2,000 years ago they are just reclaiming their homeland’. That is nonsense.

The extended kingdoms of David and Solomon, on which the Zionists base their territorial demands, endured for only about 73 years. Then it fell apart. Even if we allow independence to the entire life of the ancient Jewish kingdoms, from David’s conquest of Canaan in 1000 B.C. to the wiping out of Judah in 586 B.C., we arrive at only a 414 year Jewish rule.

Zionists claim that Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for thousands of years. But the video below by Jake Morphonios of ‘the Black Intelligence Network’, a YouTube channel, shows you that it has only been the capital of the Jews for 200 years out of the last 3000 years.

Does that mean Germany can go in and reclaim Prussia from Poland and Russia because it was theirs 70 years ago or can Argentine go and reclaim the Falklands because it was theirs 200 years ago? No that is nonsense. People really need to do some research because 80% of the Jews in this world do not have their roots in the Middle East. 80% of the Jews in this world are descended from the Khazarian Empire and are known as Ashkenazi Jews. In the 7th century King Bulan of Khazar converted the empire from a form of Pagan worship to Judaism. The Khazarian Empire encompassed Georgia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary now known as The Pale of Settlement.

Eran Elhaik (Jewish) has a doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston and he produced a research article titled “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” in the online journal Genome Biology and Evolution.

Elhaik says he has proved that Ashkenazi Jews’ roots lie in the Caucasus — a region at the border of Europe and Asia that lies between the Black and Caspian seas — not in the Middle East. They are descendants, he argues, of the Khazars, a Turkic people who lived in one of the largest medieval states in Eurasia and then migrated to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Jewish Professor Shlomo Sand of Tel Aviv University published “The Invention of the Jewish People” in 2008 in which he says “The Jews living elsewhere are mainly the descendants of converted peoples. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews in Eastern Europe) are mainly descendants of Khazars”

You should also read the book by Gilad Atzmon titled ‘The Wandering Who: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics’ which states clearly that the Jews of today are descended from Khazar and not from Palestine. The Hebrews of the bible are the Palestinians who converted to Islam about 700 A.D. Bear in mind that both Shlomo Sand and Gilad Atzmon are Jewish.

"The large majority of Jews after World War II in the world, were of Eastern origin-and thus
perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga; not from the Canaan but from the Caucausus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race. Genetically, they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term anti-Semitic would be void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both killers and victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated”, - Jewish historian/writer Arthur Koestler from his book ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’.

In 1951 retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer, Col. John Beaty, published a scholarly 265-page book

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