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of the 2 million Gazans survive on humanitarian aid packages of sugar, rice, milk and cooking oil.

Nearly all of Gaza's inhabitants are prevented from leaving, caged within what author and intellectual Noam Chomsky describes as "the world's largest open-air prison," and what former Israeli National Security Council head Giora Eiland called "a huge concentration camp."

Palestinians are forced to live in two areas - West Bank & Gaza. It's almost impossible to go from one to another. Israel controls the borders.

Gaza (below) is the largest open air prison in the world. It's surrounded by giant fences/walls.

Gaza is a "constant humanitarian emergency," according to the UN Secretary General. The UN has predicted that "Gaza will become unliveable by 2020." That is what Israel wants, a land that is so unliveable that the Palestinians (for the good of their health) will be moved on as refugees to another country, maybe Iraq or Syria. That would then give Israel the whole of the land that once belonged to the Palestinians.

Life in the West Bank is miserable because the Israeli military are right there every day and everywhere. Every day, Palestinian children and adults have to go through all kinds of checkpoints and searches and harassment.

Palestinians are literally under a military occupation. There are hundreds of Israeli-controlled checkpoints in Palestine. Every checkpoint may take an hour or more to go through. Imagine going to work or college and spending 2-3 hours every day in frustrating and dehumanizing checkpoints!

There are no basic rights for Palestinians under Israeli occupation. It's a totalitarian nightmare. Even boys and girls in Palestine are treated like adult terrorists.

The apartheid nature of the state of Israel is unmistakable. Can you identify below which road is for Israelis and which one is for Palestinians?

Israel keeps expanding, stealing Palestinian land and building new towns. The Jewish colonizers come into an area, destroy Palestinian homes and kick people out. While the Palestinians cannot retaliate, the settlers can beat up or even shoot at the Palestinians. Jewish Settlers are rarely prosecuted even when they commit heinous crimes.

Israel puts Palestinians in an open prison and then:

- controls all the resources of the people inside

- deprives them of basic liberty and freedom

- bombs them once in a while, even using chemical weapons like white phosphorus

- and then shoots them to death if they protest.

- If they dare to do anything to defend themselves, they are called terrorists.

Israel doesn't want peace. It does not want Palestinians to have their own country because then they would not be able to steal anymore land from the Palestinians. So Israel’s solution is to keep the fight going on. Do you see? If you have an enemy, you can keep killing them and grabbing land/resources from them, which will be "totally justified". And thus the tragedy continues.

“The killing and wounding of yet more unarmed Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces in Gaza is an outrage,” U.K Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said, pointing out that over two thirds of those living in the Gaza Strip are “stateless refugees” reliant on humanitarian assistance who “have a right to protest against their appalling conditions and the continuing blockade and occupation of Palestinian land, and in support of their right to return to their homes and their right to self-determination.”

Corbyn’s support of Palestinian rights is the reason that the Jewish Lobby groups in the U.K try to demonize him in the media as an anti-Semite. You see the Jews can’t have a Prime Minister of Great Britain who does not support the Israel slaughter of the Palestinians. Tony Blair supported this slaughter, David Cameron did, Gordon Brown did and current Prime Minster Theresa May does and that is why they ended up as Prime Minister because the Jews heavily funded their campaigns.

Investigative journalist John Pilger first made the film 'Palestine Is Still the Issue' in 1977. It told how almost a million Palestinians had been forced off their land in 1948, and again in 1967.

Pilger at the start of the film, says:

"If we are to speak of the great injustice here, nothing has changed. What has changed is that the Palestinians have fought back. Stateless and humiliated for so long, they have risen up against Israel's huge military regime, although they themselves have no army, no tanks, no American planes and gunships or missiles. Some have committed desperate acts of terror, like suicide bombing. But, for Palestinians, the overriding, routine terror, day after day, has been the ruthless control of almost every aspect of their lives, as if they live in an open prison. This film is about the Palestinians and a group of courageous Israelis united in the oldest human struggle, to be free."

Pilger concludes. "The truth is that Israelis will never have peace until they recognise that Palestinians have the same right to the same peace and the same independence that they enjoy,' he said.

The occupation of Palestine should end now. Then, the solution is clear: two countries, Israel and Palestine.

Here is another example to show that Israel is the real terrorist organisation.

In 1994, on the day of the Jewish hate-festival of Purim, an orthodox Jew named Baruch Goldstein walked into a crowded mosque in Hebron, West Bank, with an automatic assault rifle, locked the door behind him and opened fire. As they were kneeling in prayer, Goldstein shot his victims in the back with his army assault rifle until he was finally subdued and killed by survivors. When the murderous rampage was finished, 29 Palestinian Muslims had succumbed to Goldstein’s bullets; 125 others were seriously wounded. Israeli soldiers, possibly possessing foreknowledge of the attack quickly amassed outside the mosque and shot dead a number of Palestinians fleeing Goldstein’s onslaught. Rioting ensued shortly thereafter, and another 19 Palestinians were murdered by Israeli soldiers within 48 hours. Astonishingly, the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein is hailed as a hero by many Jews in Israel and abroad to this very day. 

Below is some of the history of Israel’s blood-stained six-decade reign of terror against Palestinians. It is funny how they call themselves the Israel Defence Force (IDF), who are they defending themselves against women and children?

Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the Israel Defence Force killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s (later was Prime Minister) infamous Unit 101 killed about 70 villagers. Under the command of Ariel Sharon, Israeli squads attacked the unarmed Arab village of Qibya in the demilitarized one. Where they blew up 42 houses and killed more than sixty residents who were trapped inside. The details were so gruesome that the U.S. joined in a U.N. condemnation of the Israeli action, and for the first and only time, suspended aid to Israel in reprisal. Yet shockingly Sharon would become Prime Minster. What other country would have a killer of innocent civilians as Prime Minster?

Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

The Six-Day War, June 5 – 11, 1967 – IDF forces pre-emptively and without cause attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan; they massacred as many as 2000 helpless or captured Egyptian soldiers; killed about 340 Syrian villagers in the Golan Heights and displaced more than 300,000 Palestinians who fled to the Jordan River’s east bank along with others to Lebanon, Egypt and Syria;

Rafah Refugee Camp, June 1967 – the IDF killed 23 Palestinians and buried them in a mass grave;

February 21, 1973, the IDF shot down Libya Airlines Flight 114 killing 106 passengers, including one American;

Hebron, February 25, 1994 – Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 praying Palestinians;

The 1982 Lebanon invasion and occupation; 18,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were killed, including 3000 massacred in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps;

The summer 2006 33-day (Second) Lebanon War – the Israel army inflicted mass terror attacks and destruction throughout the country; around 1300 were killed; many more were wounded; one million (or one-fourth of the population) were displaced; and most vital infrastructure was destroyed to bring the country to a halt;

Many thousands of Palestinians were killed, injured, imprisoned, and tortured; since 1967, over 700,000 have been incarcerated; the great majority are tortured; many are held uncharged in administrative detention; anywhere from 10 – 12,000 Palestinians or more remain in prison at all times.

Palestinians have endured all of the above and far more for over 70 years, 41 under occupation:

Don’t forget the U.S.A gives Israel 3 Billion dollars each year to carry out these atrocities and Britain, Canada, France and many other western nations allow this to happen.  If the English were doing this to the people in Scotland or Wales would it be allowed? The answer is no, it would not be allowed.

In 2013 Cynthia McKinney had joined with a group of human rights activists who tried to deliver medical supplies to the people of Gaza but the Israeli Military stopped them. While in international waters, an Israeli Defence Forces warship rammed the pleasure boat and totally destroyed the boat. Neither the medical supplies nor the volunteers reached Gaza. Six months later they tried to deliver the supplies again but this time they were stopped by the Israel Defence Force and Mrs McKinney was thrown in prison for 7 days just for trying to help people who had just been bombed by Israel.

Mrs McKinney describes what she witnessed after another Israeli bombing:

“Another stop on my tour of the effects of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead was a neighbourhood school, not nearly as big and grand as the American School. There, I could see the path of one missile that blew a hole clear through several walls of the school. There were markings on the chalkboard, including the Star of David. I saw several cans of peanuts on the floor. It is written in Hebrew. The Israeli soldiers blew up the school and then sat down in its ruins and enjoyed peanuts and drew religious and political markings on the chalkboard”.

Israel also gets the latest and most advanced US arms and technology, unrestricted US market access for its products and services, free entry of its immigrants, unconditional support for its aggressive wars and colonization of the Palestinians and South Lebanese, and guaranteed US vetoes in the Security Council against all UN resolutions unfavourable to its interests. It's also able to get prominent Washington officials and the dominant corporate-run and funded media to label all criticism of Israel anti-semitic and freely uses this ruse whenever it serves its purpose.

Professor James Petras is Emeritus of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York and his book is titled The Power of Israel in the United States. It documents the enormous influence of the Jewish Lobby on US policy in the Middle East. Petras calls the Palestinian genocide "Israel's Final Solution" or the "Palestinian Holocaust," and it's focal point is in Gaza which even unoccupied is the world's largest open-air prison for its 1.45 million people in the most densely populated space of its size in the world. Today the Strip and the West Bank are Israeli-directed killing fields targeting Palestinian civilians helpless to stop it beyond their courageous acts of desperation with crude weapons and their bodies against tanks, F-16s, helicopter gunships, and illegal and immoral terror weapons like white phosphorus bombs and shells, cluster bombs that never stop killing and maiming, and experimental new weapons that don't have publicly-known names yet.

We are repeatedly told that the Palestinians are terrorists while Israel is simply defending itself despite the reality that the overwhelming majority of those killed and displaced are Palestinians. We never hear US, Canadian, British political leaders (except George Galloway) or the mainstream media accuse Israel of perpetrating state terrorism. It just shows that these Politicians are bought and paid for by the Jewish organisations ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and the JDL and AIPAC in America.

Eighty per cent of the Tories (UK) are members of the pro-Israeli lobby, Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI), and a similar percentage of Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have vowed their allegiance to Israel through their respective Jewish lobby groups. The Jews are clearly a vital source of funding for British politicians.

No other lobbying organisation – and certainly not one that acts in the interests of a foreign country – carries as much weight at Westminster. Every year, it takes a significant number of parliamentarians to Israel. The Conservative Friends of Israel plays an important role in financing both the Tories nationally, and MPs at the local level. There is no such organisation as the Conservative Friends of Palestinians.

In June 2009, six months after the Israeli Cast Lead operation against Gaza in which hundreds of Palestinian civilians were bombed by Israel (sounds familiar?), David Cameron addressed the very grand annual lunch of the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) at the Dorchester. David Cameron’s speech made no reference to Gaza whatsoever in fact Cameron went out of his way to praise Israel because it ‘strives to protect innocent life". What a joke these people are. These people are under so much control

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