» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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USA. Perhaps Gaza should be re-named Auschwitz. The Jews complain so much about how badly they were supposedly treated by Germany in the concentration camps during WW2 and yet look how they treat the Palestinians which is much, much worse.

In 2014 Israel launched Operation Protective Edge. One of Israel’s reasons for this attack against the Palestinians was the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers, which it blamed on Hamas. However one week before two Palestinian youths were killed by the Israeli military. The killing of the three Israeli teenagers received huge publicity in the media (well it would wouldn’t it, the western media is owned by the Jews) but the deaths of the Palestinian youths who died received no media coverage. This is how the people of the western world are brainwashed by the Jews just as they were during World War 2. During this attack against the Palestinians some 2,205 Palestinians, including 577 children, and 70 Israelis (64 of whom were soldiers) were killed. 260 of the deaths were women, and 101 were elderly people. The number of wounded was 10,850, of whom 3,300 were children. During the seven week attack by the IDF in the Gaza Strip, 89 entire families were killed by Israeli bombardments.

Over 18,000 of their homes were destroyed; some 470,000 were displaced; and large areas of Gaza were essentially razed to the ground. Four Palestinian children were killed by Israeli military shelling at a harbor and nearby beach of Gaza City, July 16, 2014. Four children; Ahed Bakr, 10, Zakaria Bakr, 10, Mohd Bakr, 11, and Ismail Bakr, 9.; were killed during the attack.

The terrible murder of three Israeli youths has given the Israelis an excuse to continue their slaughter of Palestinians. They have neither produced nor cited evidence that Hamas was involved. (Israel now admits they weren't killed by Hamas.)

Following this, Israelis seized a Palestinian youth and killed him by burning him alive. A court determined that Ben David and the two minors snatched Mohammed Abu Khdeir off an east Jerusalem sidewalk in July 2014 and burned him alive in a forest west of the city.

In the aftermath of Protective Edge, a commission appointed by the UN Human Rights Council examined the available facts (Israel refused to cooperate) and found in many cases that war crimes were committed by Israel.

Let’s look at one of the brave Israeli leaders speak hiding behind his desk. Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai said, “We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages, destroying all the infrastructure including roads and water”.

The Killing Fields of Gaza - 2018

Israel's military committed a new massacre against Palestinian civilians between March and May 2018 as they were peacefully commemorating Palestinian Land Day. Tens of thousands took part in Great March of Return rallies to demand their right of return to lands from which Palestinians were ethnically cleansed, and to protest Israel's decade-long blockade of Gaza. The US is fine with "rebels" like Al-Qaeda "protesting" in Syria, but when genuinely unarmed Palestinians protest the occupiers who violently expelled them from their homes and land, they are "inciting violence” and are shot down.

Israeli soldiers wounded more than 2,700 Palestinian protesters and killed dozens more with rifle fire. There is nothing more cowardly than a soldier sitting on a hill with a sniper rifle shooting down to kill unarmed civilians. If the Jews actually fought a real army they would get the shock of their lives, you know someone who can actually fight back.

Since March 30 2018, at least 112 Palestinians have been killed 14 of them Children. A staggering 12,271 have been wounded, including 3,598 by live ammunition -- more injuries than during Israel's entire 51-day military campaign in Gaza in 2014. At least 24 had their limbs amputated. The Israeli casualties? Zero. "That's called a massacre," wrote Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, "There's no other word for it."

The majority of those killed were between the age of 16 and 28.

Name one other country in the world who could get away with this slaughter of innocent people, there is none.

It is now sadly a fact that more children than Palestinian fighters are being killed in the offensive on Gaza by the state of Israel. This in itself should be shocking until you see the numbers. 28 per cent killed are five years and under, 92 per cent are sixteen and under with 8 per cent aged 17 and 18 – but still classed as minors. More babies aged under 24 months die than those aged over 16 years.

Then there are the incarcerations. The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories records them. It shows that in the ten years from 2008 to 2018 – a staggering 2,370 children have been sent to Israeli prisons. At the end of January 2019, 209 Palestinian children were held in Israeli prisons as security detainees and prisoners.

"Evoking memories of the South African apartheid regime's massacre of peaceful protesters in Sharpeville in 1960, Israel's military committed a new massacre against Palestinian civilians as they were peacefully commemorating Palestinian Land Day," - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC).

But Israel and the Jewish media in America lies by trying to portray victims of its violence as hardcore Hamas militants who had organized a violent invasion across the boundary which quite obviously is the opposite of what happened.

According to reports in the Israeli media, Israel Defence Force (IDF) rules of engagement allow live fire to be used against anyone approaching the fence. When Israel slaughters peaceful Palestinian protesters the Western World says nothing but when civilians die in Syria the USA and Britain drops bombs on Syria.

"The nature of these injuries shows that Israeli soldiers are using high-velocity military weapons designed to cause maximum harm to Palestinian protesters that do not pose imminent threat to them," Amnesty said. These are "deliberate attempts to kill and maim."

Palestinians have been shot while kneeling for prayer. They have been shot in the back. Children have been targeted and killed. Journalists, clearly marked as such, have been shot, killed and maimed. Thousands have been injured, and some have had to amputate their limbs to survive their injuries.

No evidence has been presented showing that Palestinians have posed a threat to the Israeli snipers pulling the triggers. The Israeli soldiers are positioned hundreds of yards away, perched behind a hill, wearing full battle gear. They are comfortably shooting at the Palestinians through sniper scopes, from a safe distance from which they are in no danger.

In most situations in Gaza, the protesters are far away - perhaps 200-500 yards - from the Israeli soldiers, and are just throwing stuff in an open piece of land. Look at the picture below where the protesters were shot to death. There are no Israelis or even any Israeli buildings or roads as far as the eye can see. Just one massive hill were the Israeli soldiers are perched shooting down on to the Palestinians like ducks in a pond.

One unarmed 19-year-old was killed by sniper fire after being shot from behind. He was running away from the direction of the fence, with his back turned to the snipers. Others were shot at distances of hundreds of yards from the fence.

Of course the response from the JewishIsrael controlled USA is normal.

"We do believe the Israelis have the right to defend themselves," new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said of the protests. "And we're fully supportive of that." Mike Pompeo is totally 100% owned and controlled by Zionist Jews. He is trying his hardest to start a war for the Jews against Iran.

First, the Israelis are not defending themselves. Second, don’t the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves? Imagine the blank stares you would receive from liars like Pompeo in response to the question: "In what circumstances is it justified for a Palestinian to kill an Israeli in self-defence, or even put up a fight?"

The USA blocked a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for an investigation into the recent Palestinian killings. Out of 14 countries the U.S was the only one that blocked the resolution. No surprise coming from the Jewish controlled American government because it blocks every resolution when the U.N wants to investigate Israel killing Palestinians, even when Israel killed 500 children during its attack on the Palestinians in 2014 during ‘Operation Protective Edge’.

Let's recognize this hypocrisy. If a similar situation had occurred in Iran, the US government and the media would cry crocodile tears and turn it into a spectacle. When 20 violent protesters were killed in Libya the US and EU passed UN resolutions to bomb Libya. In Syria, as soon as some Al Qaeda protesters died, Obama said, "Assad must go!" and imposed sanctions and then flooded the country with mercenaries to remove Assad. Then the supposed chemical weapons attack by Assad on Syrians, were Trump said Assad must go for killing ‘these beautiful children’. But somehow Israel killing 112 Palestinian civilians, 14 of them Children is not to be condemned by America, but applauded.

Imagine what the response would be from Israel and America if Hamas assembled snipers on the border with Israel and shot and killed unarmed Israeli protesters or even just shot back at the Israeli soldiers. There would be an outcry of epic proportions from Israel, America and the Jewish media it would be held up as proof that Palestinians are terrorists but Israeli military's killing of Palestinian protesters isn't considered terrorism and this insane double standard is because Israel and the Jews in America that prop it up sees Palestinians as not human beings.

“If you want to understand what the “special relationship” between Israel and the United States really means consider the fact that Israeli Army snipers shot dead seventeen unarmed and largely peaceful Gazan demonstrators on Good Friday without a squeak coming out of the White House or State Department. Some of the protesters were shot in the back while running away, while another 1,000 Palestinians were wounded, an estimated 750 by gunfire, the remainder injured by rubber bullets and tear gas. The offense committed by the Gazan protesters that has earned them a death sentence was coming too close to the Israeli containment fence that has turned the Gaza strip into the world’s largest outdoor prison. President Donald Trump’s chief Middle East negotiator David Greenblatt described the protest as “a hostile march on the Israel-Gaza border…inciting violence against Israel.” And Nikki Haley at the U.N. has also used the U.S. veto to block any independent inquiry into the violence, demonstrating once again that the White House team is little more than Israel’s echo chamber. America’s enabling of the brutal reality that is today’s Israel makes it fully complicit in the war crimes carried out against the helpless and hapless Palestinian people. Since June 8, 1967, when the Israelis massacred the crew of the U.S.S. Liberty, Israel has realized it could do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, wherever it wants, any time it wants, to anybody… including American servicemen, and the U.S. would do nothing. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not be receiving 29 standing ovations from Congress. He should be rotting in jail. Israel’s shoot-to-kill policy and dehumanization of the Palestinian people is nothing to be proud of. That the United States is giving this band of racist war criminals billions of dollars every year is a travesty. Gazans are demonstrating in part because they are starving. They have no clean drinking water because Israel has destroyed the purification plants as part of a deliberate policy to make life in the Strip so miserable that everyone will leave or die in place. And even leaving is problematical as Israel controls the border and will not let Palestinians enter or depart. It also controls the Mediterranean Sea access to Gaza. Fisherman go out a short distance from the shore to bring in a meager catch. If they go any farther they are shot dead by the Israeli Navy”, - Philip Giraldi - former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer.

Britain also has a special relationship with Israel that is little recognised in the mainstream media but unmissable in light of the killings in Gaza. With more than 110 protesters dead, Britain is in effect defending Israeli actions. The British government has not, as far as I have seen, actually condemned Israel for the killings. Rather, it has simply “urged Israel to show restraint” while recognising its “right to secure itself” and also blaming Hamas for the violence.

The UK is "complicit in the violence" committed by Israel against Palestinians by not halting its arms sales to Tel Aviv. According to Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) U.K defence contractors made at least £221 million ($294 million) last year from deals with Tel Aviv, a significant increase compared to £86 million ($114 million) in 2016.

Israel controls the land, air and sea surrounding Gaza, as well as its electricity and water. It subjects Gaza to a suffocating blockade, leading to shortages of basic necessities. Ninety-seven percent of its water is contaminated and undrinkable. Only four hours of electricity are available per day for the Palestinians. Seventy percent

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