» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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kept secret for an unprecedented 70 years. Why keep it hidden if they have nothing to hide?

Kelly was supposed to have killed himself by overdosing on painkillers and cutting his own wrists even though there was little blood found at the scene. Dr. Kelly worked with U.S. military interpreter Mai Pederson for 5 years and she said in an interview with the daily mail (UK) that “Kelly could not have killed himself by hacking into his wrist - because he could only move his arm with difficulty due to an old injury”. 'He couldn't even cut a steak,' says Pederson. She also rubbished claims he had taken 29 Co-Proxamol painkiller pills before cutting his wrists, saying he struggled to swallow pills. For Kelly suffered from 'unexplained dysphagia' - a syndrome that can make it almost impossible to swallow pills, while food and other substances are ingested without a problem. This has been confirmed by other friends. Pederson recalls offering him a pill for a headache which he refused, saying he couldn't swallow any pills and explaining he'd had the problem for years.

In 2010, a number of medical doctors went public disputing Dr. Kelly’s supposed suicide. They said that cutting the small ulnar artery would not have caused enough blood loss to kill Kelly. The blood evidence at the scene also didn’t add up. Only a very small amount of blood was found near his body and on his trousers. For blood loss to have killed him, he would’ve had to lose much more blood than this. The Hutton Inquiry added that an overdose of co-proxamol may have contributed to Kelly’s death. But the doctors who disputed the Inquiry’s findings argued that the amount of co-proxamol in Kelly’s body was not enough to have constituted a fatal dose.

Basically Kelly said that British government's dossier on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq had a lot of ‘spin’ added to it or was ‘sexed up’, basically it was a lie. They can’t let a former weapons inspector in Iraq get away with saying that so before he lets anymore information out he had to be silenced.

Alex Jones ( had an interview with Michael Shrimpton, a UK national security lawyer and he said Dr Kelly had been murdered by a team of assassins and the charade of an apparent suicide was then played out to cover this up. Shrimpton went on to explain that his source from within the intelligence community knew David Kelly personally, and did not believe that he had committed suicide. After making their own enquiries, says Shrimpton, this source determined that Dr Kelly had not committed suicide, but rather had been assassinated.

The incision in Kelly's wrist was probably to conceal the injection of both Dextroprypoxythene, the active ingredient in Co-Proxamol, and Succinylcholine, a muscle relaxant, rather than as evidence of his bleeding to death, as highlighted by a group of six doctors in letters published in the British press. Shrimpton further agreed with the doctors by pointing out that Kelly only had one Co-Proxamol tablet in his body and that this was not sufficient to kill him.

According to Shrimpton, Kelly was murdered because he had been talking to the press and there was a fear of what else he might discuss with journalists. Furthermore, Kelly was due to return to Iraq and may have learned fresh information on that trip which Whitehall could not afford to trust him with.

Also in 2010, Boris Karpichkov, a former KGB agent, revealed that a MI5-linked intelligence officer told him that Kelly had been “exterminated” and his death made to look like a suicide.

It’s been rumoured that Dr. Kelly’s computers, seized by intelligence officers during his Foreign Affairs Select Committee questioning, contained a very sensitive book that Kelly had written. A book revealing lots of government-incriminating information about Kelly’s experiences with UK intelligence agencies. It’s alleged that his death was orchestrated to stop this book from coming out.

The Middle East

“It's Jews, who control our lives and shape our minds with their evil spirit, who want us to believe that some bizarre people wearing odd looking clothes while living in caves in Afghanistan are our enemies. It is these masters of deceits and liars, the Jews, who are our enemies who control all aspects of our lives by controlling our media, our government, our justice system, our left-wing Marxist organizations, our education curriculums, history books as well as our traitorous politicians up to and particularly including the President of the United States”, - Charles Maultsby, American Researcher, Author of ‘Who Should Go Down in History’,

Immediately after the events of 9/11 and only because of the events of 9/11 wars were started in the Middle East. Wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria which all just happen to be enemies of Israel and not America and Britain. But it would be American and British soldiers who would die in these wars and not Israeli soldiers. The Jews always get Christian soldiers to fight their enemies to destroy their enemies or perceived enemies. In fact the Israel leadership or the Jewish Neocons in America have never give one cent to these wars in the Middle East and no Israel soldiers took part in these wars. These wars for Israel have cost the American taxpayer over $6 trillion. But it is the Jews who pushed for these wars to happen. As mentioned earlier the PNAC founders were Zionist Jews William Kristol and Robert Kagan and their main aim was to destroy Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iran and that is exactly what Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barack said on the night of 9/11 on U.K news programme Newsnight, which was that America needs to start wars against these countries in the Middle East.

George Bush famously said that Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and North Korea were the axis of evil but the military of America, NATO and Britain have destroyed Libya, Iraq and provided funding and arms to the rebels to destroy Syria. Three countries destroyed with a death toll of over 2 million human beings, so who really is the axis of evil?

Now, despite the nearly 2 million civilian casualties in the Iraq War that we rarely hear about, for big companies, however, the War in Iraq was a lucrative cash cow for over 25 multinational oil, construction, agriculture, equity and banking corporations.

Take for example Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton, which gained $17.2 billion in Iraq war-related revenue from 2003-2006.

But the often censored part of the Western wars in the Middle East is the human cost. Since 1990 it’s been estimated that up to 8 million Muslims have died due to direct and indirect military operations in just Iraq and Afghanistan.

Now take a second to think about that: 8 million innocent people. We’re not talking about terror groups, but civilians. This report was released by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors based in D.C., Physicians for Social Responsibility.

“The neo-conservatives are a very close ally with Israel. In fact, most of them are Zionists. Some of them are duo-citizens and in my opinion, this is why the American unilateralism began in the Middle-East. Because it’s been directed at the countries that supply Hezbollah, the militia in Lebanon, that twice defeated the Israeli army from occupying southern Lebanon. Israel wants the water recourses in southern Lebanon and tried to take control over it twice and was twice fought back. So who supplies Hezbollah? Iraq, Syria and Iran. This is why we have so much pressure in the United States from Israel to continue the war on Assad and to start a war with Iran. Because if Iran and Assad are not supplying Hezbollah, then there is nothing to stop Israel from expanding in southern Lebanon. It is obvious if you just look at the media. So much of the attack on Iran is Israeli inspired and it’s the Israelis that wants to use the American forces to put Iran in the same chaos that Iraq is in, which they hoped Syria would be in if it hadn’t been for Russia intervening. So that is a situation that is difficult for the president because the Israeli lobbyist are very powerful, there has been numerous books written about it, there have been numerous congressmen and senators who have said “we lost because we opposed something Israel wanted”. In fact, if Israel wants something, it usually gets voted unanimously. It is very rare that even two members of the entire Congress will oppose something in Israel’s favour”, - Paul Craig Roberts – Former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in interview with Herland Report TV -

“Since the end of World War II, Israel has bombed, invaded and occupied more countries in the Middle East and Africa than previous colonial power, except the US. The list of Israel’s victims includes: Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Sudan and Yemen. If we include countries where Israel has launched quasi-clandestine terrorist attacks and assassinations, the list would be greatly expanded to include a dozen countries in Europe and Asia – including the US through its Zionist terror network. Israel’s projection of military power, its capacity for waging offensive wars at will, is matched by its near-total impunity. Despite their repeated violations of international law, including war crimes, Israel has never been censored at an international tribunal or subjected to economic sanctions because the US government uses its position to veto UN Security Council resolutions and pressure its NATO-EU allies”, - James Petras, from the book’ The Power of Israel in the United States’.

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002.

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons

Israel possesses a sizable nuclear arsenal but no one really knows how big that arsenal is. In 2008, President Jimmy Carter said that Israel probably has a minimum of 150 weapons in stock ready to use if the direst circumstances warrant it.  Six years later, the former President revised that estimate and put the figure in the 300 range, which based on Carter’s calculations would mean that Israel doubled its arsenal from the 2008-2014 time-period. The truth is Israel wants to control the Middle East and it can only do that if it is the only country in the Middle East which has Nuclear weapons and that’s why it puts pressure on other countries to stop Iran from having a nuclear arsenal. Again this is just lies because Iran only wants to have a cheaper form of energy, nuclear energy.

How is a terrorist state like Israel allowed to have Nuclear weapons anyway? In the 1950s and early 1960s, the Israeli Government repeatedly lied to the U.S and its Allies about requests for information on possible weapons development. Israel said its nuclear research plant at Dimona was a ‘metallurgic research installation’ which was a lie. Foreign minister Shimon Peres assured President John F. Kennedy in a 1963 meeting in the Oval Office that Israel would “not introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East. Israel lied about its Nuclear weapons program and the U.S and Britain turned a blind

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