» History » The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror, Terence Smart [best fiction novels to read .TXT] 📗

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two more booms, and then I didn’t hear anything.” “I think the plane was shot down,” Temyer says, who’s twice told her story to the FBI. She adds that people she knows in state law enforcement agree that the plane was shot down and that decompression sucked objects from the aircraft, explaining why there was such a widely scattered debris field.

Further evidence that Flight 93 was shot down was provided by an apparent slip-up by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in an interview with Brigadier General James Marks aired on December 24, 2004.

“I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon”

The Israeli controlled Promis software had been installed on all the key FAA (civilian air control) and NORAD (military air control) systems, enabling behind the scenes operatives to control what was on each of their radars - making real planes disappear and fake planes appear, confusing everyone involved.

Flight Termination Software (FTS) and equipment had been installed on all the planes involved, enabling behind the scenes operatives to totally take control of the planes, and to totally cut off the pilots from all communication, even with the attendants in the cabin, and from all control of their aircraft. The FTS software was sold as a means to land a hijacked passenger plane safely, regardless of what the hijackers did, short of blowing the plane up in the air. But it was also the ultimate hijacking tool, in the right (wrong) hands.

Maybe Flight 93 was being remotely guided to strike the White House or another significant target in Washington and maybe the pilot had managed to gain control of the Plane and was trying to land it but of course that couldn’t be allowed to happen because he and the passengers would be able to tell the truth about what happened and then the whole 9/11 fairy story would be dead in the water. So the decision was taken by the 9/11 planners to shoot it out of the sky before it did land. Of course we will never really know the truth until the people within the AmericanIsraeli Government are brought to justice.

“I believe flight 93 was shot down over Shanksville and not for the reasons given to save Washington. This reason I think Dick Cheney ordered the shootdown was because of ‘let’s roll’. One of those passengers Donald Green was a pilot and if those guys got into that cockpit and beat up the hijackers and took control of the plane and contacted air traffic control and made a rough landing and then the police and FBI arrive and it turns out that those hijackers were Israeli operatives, the entire 9/11 narrative would have been destroyed and it would have meant no war in Afghanistan and no war in Iraq, AIPAC and Israel would have lost its special relationship with America. Flight 93 was shot down to save the whole 9/11 scheme”, - James Perloff (Half Jewish, US researcher, author),

Were the Planes Holograms?

John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, has given his expert evidence that it would have been physically impossible for Boeing 767s, like Flights AA11 and UA175 to have hit the Twin Towers on 9/11, particularly when flown by inexperienced pilots. John Lear should know because the retired airline captain and former CIA pilot has over 19,000 hours of flight time and has flown over 100 different types of planes during his 40 years of flying.

That’s why he believes that holograms were used on 9/11 and explosives were used to create the effect of the explosions.

Lear states “No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors” he stated in the affidavit.

“Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons: in the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun ‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on centre”.

“The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground”.

“The engines when impacting the steel columns would have maintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building”.

“No Boeing 767 could attain a speed of 540 mph at 1000 feet above sea level”.

“No significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine could have penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of it falling to the ground”.

The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.

9/11 activist, Morgan Reynolds, author and chief economist in the Bush administration (2001-2002), helps explain why a jet plane could not be swallowed up by a steel tower. The fuselage of an airplane is relatively fragile and is not built to penetrate a tall steel building. "With only minor hyperbole," he writes, a plane's fuselage is essentially "a hollow aluminium tube." Compared to the weight of the building -- half a million tons-vs the weight of the plane - 140 tons - "the plane, of course, would be crushed.

This suggests a physical impossibility since a building struck by a passenger jet would not hit the building and remain undamaged. A real airplane couldn't have sliced through a building with a reinforced concrete flooring, with 47 steel support beams. A jet's wing can't slice through a steel building like a hot knife through butter.

A plane flying into a WTC tower should break up, shatter and scatter pieces everywhere.

The USA Airforce itself claimed that they had this holographic technology in the 1990’s and they called it the airborne holographic projector. Here is a brief description of, “The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary”.

The holographic projector stated capabilities were Precision projection of 3-D visual images into a selected area, Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management. Provides deception and cloaking against optical sensors.

Stephen Gregory was a witness on the ground when the supposedly second Plane hit the Tower and he stated:

 “I never actually saw the plane, but l heard it. You could hear it coming in and then we heard the explosion and you could hear the roar of the plane coming in. At first I didn't realize it was a plane. I thought it was like the roar of fire, like something had just incinerated, like a gas tank or an oil tank. It sounded like a tremendous roar and then you heard boom and then there was a big fire, a lot of fire, a big fireball. I never actually saw a plane hit the building. I never saw that. I saw it on television, but I never saw it while I was standing there”.

“No physical airliners actually flew into either twin towers. Both "planes" were holographic events. It's not possible for an aluminum framed airplane to slice into a steel and concrete building as if it were a hot knife slicing through butter and not slow down by even one microsecond. The laws of physics don't work that way. A missile flew into the Pentagon, and not a passenger airliner. Foremost architects of this attack include Israeli political leaders, the Rockefellers, Zionists, the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, traitors within the military, the Pentagon, the Executive branch of the US government, and many other complicit groups, including the Zionist-controlled media, the FBI and NORAD. Their treachery resulted in the murder of at least 3,000 innocent people. The purpose was to create a pretext for attacking Iraq and other Arab countries in the Middle East and to launch the Patriot Act, which in turn created the megalith Gestapo-like Dept. of Homeland Security and other fascist, police state enslavement and control agencies. ALL acts of "terrorism" worldwide are staged events orchestrated principally by the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, British Intelligence, and their well-paid stooges in the military and intelligence services of other countries”, - Ken Adachi -

No Plane hit the Pentagon

How could a commercial plane enter the Pentagon’s “no-fly zone” without being seen or not shot down by the Pentagons own surface to air missiles?

Also why wasn’t this so called plane intercepted by F16’s before it reached what was probably the best-defended building in the world?

As Dr. David Ray Griffin and others have pointed out, military jet interceptions of wayward passenger jets is a routine occurrence. In the year before 9/11, from September 2000 through June 2001, there were 67 such interceptions by military Jets but there were none on 9/11/01. Why?

About 80 CCTV videos from buildings and businesses around the Pentagon were taken away by the FBI. So if a plane did hit the Pentagon then these videos would show that so why doesn't the government show this proof?  The American government says it is a conspiracy theory to suggest no plane hit the Pentagon but they cannot show us proof that a plane did hit the pentagon so we must assume that they are involved in a cover up. The reason the videos were confiscated was because they would show that no Plane hit the Pentagon.

The American government claims the fire in the Pentagon was so hot that the virtually indestructible titanium engines were melted, enormous metal wings incinerated, detachable vertical tail fins swallowed whole, seats and luggage consumed, every inch of metal framing obliterated, landing gear gone, a whole enormous Boeing 757 essentially vaporized into molten rubble and dust. Yet they were able to extract DNA of 184 individual human beings from the wreckage. What nonsense.

The hole in the Pentagon was 65ft yet the wingspan of a 737 was double that at 124 ft. So physically it was not possible. Watch the Youtube videos to see for yourself.

Look at the photos below, You can see the small fire in the centre of the Pentagon but either side of the fire the building is still intact and it would not be intact if a 757 had flew into it. On the inner wall of the Pentagon there is an exit hole were we are told the nose of the plane hit. But how is that possible when there is no entry hole where the plane allegedly entered as the photos show.

Below hours later that part of the centre of the building collapsed.

There is NOT ONE piece of wreckage that has been positively tied to Flight 77. The engines, virtually indestructible, were not recovered. There were no bodies, no seats, and no pieces of luggage. There were a couple of pieces of fuselage but they were big enough that one person could pick them up. There’s no proof it came from that plane. There was no damage to the grass, which

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