» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

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been organising themselves for an invasion of Germany. So here we have these two countries declaring war on Germany and then massing a huge army in France ready to fight and Britain’s navy had already set up a blockade of German ports. Why? Germany had not declared war on these two countries and Hitler had already offered the peace negotiations which were turned down. Hitler had only sent his army into Norway and Denmark to prevent Britain from stopping the iron ore from reaching Germany and Hitler would only send troops into France because there is an army up to 1,500,000 massed ready to attack Germany.

The reason nothing happened in the ‘phony war’ phase between October 1939 and April 1940 was because as far as Hitler was concerned he had achieved everything he set out to do with regards to the removal of the Versailles Treaty aberrations. He had re-united the Sudetenland Germans with Germany, took back the Rhineland from France and re-claimed Danzig and the Polish Corridor from Poland who were forced by Britain not to negotiate with Germany. But the International financiers (mainly Jewish Banker’s) or Global Elite would not let Hitler get away with running his own banks so they pressed Britain and France to try and stop Hitler.

Hitler could sit and wait for the inevitable attack or he could act quickly and seize the initiative. The German military leaders could not attack France directly across the border because of the Maginot Line. The Maginot Line was a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations that France constructed on the French side of its borders with Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg during the 1930s. The only way round would be to go through Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

First the German Luftwaffe destroyed large number of Allied planes on the ground in France and Belgium and then German Paratroopers were dropped into critical points of France’s defence. The next part of the Blitzkrieg was for the German army to advance through the Netherlands and Belgium which was the obvious route. But unknown to the Allies the Germans sent a large force through the Ardennes forest in Luxembourg. The Germans then emerged from the forest and moved there army between the British and French armies. The French army was trapped between two German army’s and the British Force was pushed backed to the port of Dunkirk.

The British forces had their back to the sea and the German forces were advancing. The only option was for the British to evacuate the 340,000 soldiers from Dunkirk by ships. However the only reason they escaped back to Britain was because Hitler let them. The German army forced the British in to Dunkirk so don’t you think that the German Panzers could not have massacred or took all the British and French soldiers prisoners on the beach if they wanted. The only reason they escaped was because Hitler gave the order for the German Panzers to stop there advancement. Hitler still had hopes that a peaceful settlement could be negotiated with the Allies. In a book called ‘The Other Side of the Hill’ by B. Liddell Hart it goes into great detail about WW2 from the point of view of the German Generals. One German General called General von Blumentritt took part in the War in France and gives his view of why Hitler told the Panzers to stop any attack at Dunkirk.

Blumentritt said “He (Hitler) then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He remarked, with a shrug of the shoulders, that the creation of its Empire had been achieved by means that were often harsh, but ‘where there is planing, there are shavings flying’. He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s position on the Continent. The return of Germany’s colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in difficulties anywhere.”

According to Pulitzer Prize winning Louis Kilzer author of ‘Churchill’s Deception’ Hitler was trying to convince the English to make peace. In exchange, he was ready to retreat from Western Europe and from much of Poland. Hitler did not want to fight Britain or France, he wanted to stop Communism spreading through Europe which meant stopping Stalin and Russia.

Warmonger Churchill then gave his “We shall fight on the beaches” speech and hailed it as a miracle of deliverance. In reality Hitler let the British escape from Dunkirk. If Chamberlain was forced to resign because of the Norway loss why wasn’t Churchill forced to resign because of the DunkirkFrench loss which was ten times worse?

After the defeat of France Hitler again made a further peace offer to Britain but this was rejected by warmonger Churchill who wanted war at all costs and his speeches bear this out.

The peace terms Hitler offered were:
1. The British Empire retains all its colonies and delegations
2. Germany’s continental supremacy won’t be questioned
3. All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are open to discussion
4. Poland. A Polish state must exist
5. Czechoslovakia must belong to Germany
6. All European states occupied by Germany would see their sovereignty restored. Germany’s occupation of these states was result of military threats against Germany.

Dr. Friedrich Stieve’s book ‘What the World Rejected’ reveals Hitler’s numerous and generous peace offers, all of which were ignored by the Allies.

Part of Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag July 19th 1940

“Neither in this world nor the next can Mr Churchill and Mr Reynaud answer for the suffering they have caused by their counsels and decrees to millions of people. All this, as I said once before, need never have happened, for in October I asked nothing from either France or Britain but peace. But the men behind the armaments industries wanted to go on with the war at all costs and now they have got it. I am too much of a soldier myself not to understand the misery caused by such a development. From Britain I hear now only one single cry, the cry not of the people but of the politicians that the war must go on. I do not know whether these politicians already have a correct idea of what the continuation of this struggle will be like. They do, it is true, declare they will carry on the war and that even if Britain should perish they will carry on from Canada”

“It never has been my intention to wage wars, but rather to build up a State with a new social order and the finest possible standard of culture. Every year that this war drags on is keeping me away from this work. Only a few days ago Mr Churchill reiterated his declaration that he wants war. Some six weeks ago he began to wage war in a field where he apparently considers himself particularly strong—namely, air raids on civilian population, although under the pretence that the raids are directed against so called military objectives. Since the bombardment of Freiburg these objectives are open towns, market places and villages, burning houses, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and whatever else may come their way. Until now I have hardly had any reprisals”

“In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favours, but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I can see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim”

Hitler even dropped leaflets over London called Last Appeal to Reason. Churchill responded to this by dropping bombs on German cities.

Again just like after the war with Poland Hitler offers peace terms. This proves that Hitler wanted peace and the Secret Elite controlling events in Britain did not. Because the Secret Elite wanted the destruction of Germany just like they did before World War 1.

Hitler even sent Rudolph Hess on a secret mission to Britain to broker a peace deal with British Elitists. There was a group of pro-German elitists in Britain who were favourable to agreeing peace with Germany. These were the Duke of Windsor who use to be King Edward VII, MP Lady Astor and the Duke of Hamilton as well as a few others. Hitler and Rudolph Hess had been in contact with these people and Hitler suggested that Hess should fly into Britain to present peace negotiations to these British elitists who could then present it to Churchill and his government. Although Churchill claimed that it was part of a plot to oust him from power so that a peace deal with Hitler could be negotiated. Rudolph Hess then parachuted into Scotland in May 1941 and landed several miles from the Duke of Hamilton’s estate. He was arrested by a member of the Home Guard. Army officers then questioned Hess who said he had a message for the Duke of Hamilton. Hess met with the Duke and passed this message on and the Duke then spoke with Churchill about his conversation with Hess. Hess was then sent to prison by Churchill’s orders and was not allowed to speak to anyone. Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against peace at the Nuremberg Trials after the war although he had not done anything wrong or killed anyone. Hess was only allowed to see his son once and was not allowed to touch him. For the 40 years that he was locked up in Spandau prison in Berlin Hess was never allowed to speak to anyone or write anything down. This was done so that he could not tell the truth to the world about his peace mission. When Hess was due to be released it was found that he had hanged himself with an electrical cord in Spandau jail on August 17, 1987, at the age of 93. Although Doctor Hugh Thomas who was treating Hess claims he received information from a SAS member that two assassins had been ordered on behalf of the British Government to kill Hess in order that he should not be released and free to expose secrets concerning the plot to overthrow the Churchill government.

“On the orders of the international bankers, the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Edward Wood Halifax, strongly advised the Polish government not to negotiate. This is how and why World War II was started and disposes of the canard of German culpability. From 1939 onwards, although Germany made at least 28 known attempts at peace without conditions, they were all refused. The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for the people of Europe and indeed the world. In Europe this enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the Rothschild controlled European Central Bank on 1 June 1998 and the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999” - From Stephen Mitford Goodson Author of A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind

Hitler wanted to Transfer the Jews

Hitler’s final solution was not to gas the Jews but to move them out of Germany. Hitler wanted to remove the Jewish influence on German life and to help with this he had an agreement with the Zionist Jewish leaders to transfer the Jews from Germany to Palestine. This was called the Haavara Agreement and lasted from 1933 until it had to stop because of the war in 1942.

The Jews were identified by the Third Reich as a racially-alien group engaged in political, social and moral subversion of Germany. The founder of communism Karl Marx was a Jew, Hitler knew the leaders of the Bolshevik revolution where millions died where Jews, the majority of the post WW1 communist leaders in Germany where Jews such as Rosa Luxemburg, the vast majority of the media and banking in Germany where Jews and where responsible for the financial swindles in the 1920’s that ruined many a German. Because of the above mentioned the Jews have been removed from nearly every European country over the past 2000 years. This was even mentioned in the English Magna Carta of 1215. It was for these reasons that Hitler wanted the Jews removed from Germany.

A regulated agreement was set up between leading Jewish Zionists and Nazi leaders for the transfer of Jews from Germany to Palestine. The accounts of Jews fleeing Germany in secret by night across some border are just lies and propaganda. The Zionist leaders realised to make Palestine their own they needed Jewish people to emigrate their and the German leaders did not want the majority of the Jews

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