» History » The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History, Terence Smart [fox in socks read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch. Mr Bazata also suggested that when Patton began to recover from his injuries, US officials turned a blind eye as agents of the NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, poisoned the general. The driver of the truck was whisked away to London before he could be questioned and no autopsy was performed on Patton's body.

The German People Suffer

“Churchill said to the Germans in January, 1945, "We Allies are no monsters. This, at least, I can say, on behalf of the United Nations, to Germany ... Peace, though based on unconditional surrender, will bring to Germany and Japan immense and immediate alleviation of suffering and agony”. “Those Allies who were "no monsters" literally raped more European women than had ever before been raped in the history of the world. They put Germany on a starvation-level diet. Under direct orders from Dwight Eisenhower, they killed more than a million German POWs. They looted 12 million people of their homes, goods, food, and even clothes and drove them from their homelands. They took one-fourth of their farmland, they took their ships and their factories and their farm implements and then told them to live by farming. They abused and starved to death more German babies than there ever were Jews in Germany. They raped and debauched hundreds of thousands of German, Austrian, and Hungarian girls and women from eight to eighty. They brought to their death five times as many Germans in one year of peace as died during five years of war. Yes, yes, of course, these men of the United Nations, these men of the New World Order are no monsters”. Dr. Austin J. App, professor and scholar.

When Germany surrendered in May 1945 terrible and inhuman repercussions were brought about onto the German people mostly of which were women the elderly and children. 15 million Germans were kicked out of their homelands in East Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia, East Brandenburg, Sudetenland, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia. In the German Sudetenland 3 million Germans were forced out of their homes with only their clothes on their back. They had lived there for thousands of years. It was not their fault that there was a World War. Czech’s carried out many atrocities against these German’s, many were hung up by their feet, many were shot in the streets, women and children were thrown from bridges and up to 200,000 Sudeten Germans were brutally killed in this way by the Czech’s. In fact there leader Edward Benes made the rape, theft or even murder of a German adult or child legal under Czech law.

At the Yalta conference after the war a Polish minister was in talks about incorporating some of German territory into Poland and Churchill said “Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them: they will cease to exist". In fact Stalin sent 4 million Germans after the war to the Soviet Gulags were they would never return.

According to a diplomatic report from Bucharest, 520,000 Romanian citizens of German ancestry were rounded up like slaves and deported to Soviet Russia. Many of them committed suicide rather than go to the Gulags.

The genocide of the ethnic German population of Yugoslavia at the end of World War II has been suppressed or ignored. At the beginning of World War II about 540,000 German’s lived within Yugoslavia. But when this became a communist country after the war the Germans were brutally murdered and all were forced out of their homeland and into Germany.

In his comprehensive and dispassionate work Deutscher Exodus (Seewald Verlag), Gerhard Ziemer writes:

"According to a very painstaking calculation of the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, the German civilian population lost 2,280,000 members to flight, expulsion and deportation. These people were shot or beaten to death or died of hunger and exhaustion in the labor camps of the deportation process in the East. The number of victims of the expulsion never impacted on public awareness in the East or West. Even in Germany only a small minority is aware of it. It has not become a topic for journalism and the mass media like the victims of Fascism and the persecution of the Jews have

Bertrand Russell who wrote in The Times for October 19, 1945:
"In eastern Europe now mass deportations are being carried out by our allies on an unprecedented scale, and an apparently deliberate attempt is being made to exterminate many millions of Germans, not by gas, but by depriving them of their homes and of food, leaving them to die by slow and agonizing starvation. This is not done as an act of war, but as a part of a deliberate policy of "peace."

The 15 million Germans ejected from their homes were forced to walk into the heartland of Germany and during this trek 3 million of them died from assaults, beatings, rapes, murder and starvation. 1000 German cities and towns had been reduced to rubble by the Allied bombings so millions of German people already had no homes to live in and now 12 million more people were heading to Germany to look for somewhere to live. Many millions would starve because Germany’s entire infrastructure, ports and railroads was obliterated by Allied bombing. They could not build anything because they had no factories to provide the resources and equipment to do so.

A worse fate still awaited younger, stronger Germans. At the start of 1945, Soviet authorities began picking up workers to help rebuild the war-ravaged Soviet Union. The aim was to use German slave labour in Soviet mines, on construction sites, farms and in timber forests. More than 700,000 German men and women, who spent weeks on trains taking them to labour camps, in some cases beyond the Ural Mountains. The conditions both during the transports and in the camps were so terrible that approximately 270,000 of these Germans died.

The Allies had done a population census in Germany in 1950 and according to their figures they expected to find 73,940,891 Germans but the census only counted 68,230,796 Germans. There was a shortage of 5,710,095 people, according to the official Allied figures. So 5.7 million Germans (mostly woman, Children and the elderly) died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies after the war. Add that 5.7 million to the 1.7 million prisoners Eisenhower deliberately starved to death and the at least 3 million died of the 12 to 15 million that were kicked out of their home in eastern Germany and the 1.5 million German civilians murdered by Allied bombing and we have a total of about 11.9 million Germans who were needlessly killed and most after the war had ended. Out of that 11.9 million it is believed at least 3 million of the deaths were children. But all we hear about is the alleged deaths of European Jews in a Holocaust which did not happen in education, books and movies and hundreds of holocaust memorials throughout the western world paying homage to these Jews (bringing in millions of dollars for the Jews), the Jews who caused Germany’s destruction in the first place in both world wars. Add the 11.9 million to the 5.5 million German military deaths and we have a total of at least 17.4 million Germans who died during WW2 but we never hear about the German deaths in education, documentaries, movies and books all we hear about are the Jewish suffering and deaths and that is simply because the Jews own the media.

In comparison Britain keeps reminded its population of British suffering in WW2 with its 40,000 deaths during the blitz and 330,000 military deaths but stand that up against the 17 million German deaths.

As such, these population "transfers", as they were referred to at the time, represented the most significant episodes of ethnic cleansing undertaken by any European nation during or after the Second World War. Germany was also made geographically smaller by moving the Polish borders west and stealing German territory and giving it to Poland, as they did after WW1. This German loss included the cities of Breslau, Koslin and Leignitz as well as all of East Prussia. Germany lost all the territory that Hitler had claimed back as well even more of German lands which had been part of Germany for a thousand years.

According to the International Red Cross 680,000 former German soldiers were sent as slaves to work in France to help rebuild cities and towns which had been bombed by the Allies. Even though President Roosevelt had promised that "the German people are not going to be enslaved, because the United Nations do not traffic in human slavery”. Also Great Britain, according to the International Red Cross, had 460,000 German slaves working for her. The British government hired out the German men for £10 per day to any employer and thus the government earned over £150 million. Thousands of German men were sent all over Europe to work as slaves. Two years after the War had ended Allies still had German prisoners.

This breaks the rules of the International Red Cross and the Geneva Convention. The German soldiers were not convicts they were just fighting for their country just like the American or British soldiers. Allied prisoners of war did not receive this type of brutality in the German prisoner of war camps. The American Red Cross in 1945 reported that 99% of the American prisoners of war in Germany have survived and are on their way home.

"I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the 'American Jews' around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right." - Attorney General, Sir. Hartley Shawcross, March, 16th, 1984.

The Jewish owned media regard George Lincoln Rockwell as the ‘American Hitler’, well they would wouldn’t they, but what he says below is absolutely true. Rockwell had a successful naval career, both on active duty and in the Naval Reserve. A veteran of World War II, he was a naval aviator and served a follow-on tour during the Korean War.

"When I got back from fighting World War II, I truly believed all the propaganda that I had helped the "good guys" fight the world's last war, the war to see that there was no more tyranny and "aggression." I remembered that the world declared War, in effect, on Germany, for marching into Prussia and Silesia, ex-German states which had become Poland. And it was, I was told, to get these people out from under the tyrants that I risked my life, and saw thousands die. But then I watched our "leaders" giving all these countries I was supposed to be fighting to "free" - to Soviet Russia. I thought I had "saved" Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, etc. - Then I couldn't help noticing that we had NOT stopped tyranny in these countries, - instead, it seemed to me, by fighting in WWII, I had helped turn most of the world over to the Soviet Union and Communism. All the Countries I went to save - who had them after WWII - and who has them NOW? I began to notice, for the first time, that there was something most peculiar about this fight for "freedom" they got me and millions like me into. Whenever any Country was in the hands of Anti-Communists, we were told they were "tyrants and oppressors" and we had to fight to get them out at all costs - as we did, Germany, Italy and Japan. But when a Country was in the hands of Communists -we helped them, and I heard nothing about "tyranny." In fact, reviewing my career in World War II - I came to the conclusion that I am a Soviet War Veteran. I fought to turn over the major portion of the earth's surface to the Soviets. This, in turn, led me to become politically aware, for the first time. I began to notice what might be behind the things I read in the papers and saw at the movies, etc."

I learned that Hitler not only did not want to conquer the world, or any other nation, but only to get back the parts of Germany hacked off by the Versailles treaty."

"He openly said he wanted back the parts of Germany given to Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. The only places he ever "attacked" were once parts of Germany, such as Prussia and Austria, stolen by Versailles, just as if we lost Florida and Texas, you would certainly "attack" these states until they were again American."

"Perhaps even more shocking, I discovered, long after the war, just how arrogant the

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